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A tool providing access to documentation and support for new Manjaro users.

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Why a new Manjaro Welcome Screen ?

Manjaro-hello is widely inspired by manjaro-welcome. Manjaro-welcome has several defects, some of which are inherited from the technologies used:

  • It is based on Gtk3 but because of the use of the old Python binding of Webkit, it is blocked on gtk2.
  • The old old Python binding of Webkit has many serious security holes.
  • Content of the app is displayed with web technologies. This makes the soft slower and complicates its evolution.
  • Can't know if each link will be open in an external browser or in app.

For all this reasons, we have chosen to build a new software from scratch but keeping the original structure.

Currently, manjaro-hello has all the major features of manjaro-welcome plus a translation system.

  • Interface is translated using gettext and po files. (po/)
  • Pages are translated using differents files. (data/pages)

What goals ?

The goal of the project is to build a powerful welcome screen who welcome the new user and help him to discover our favorite distribution :).


Manjaro-hello is build with Python, Gtk3 and Glade.


  • Make more translations to distribute it in all the world.

Let's make a wonderful software !