As the config files integer are now of type `QVariant::LongLong` instead
of `QVariant::Int`, requirements relying on this type were not parsed
This patch fixes this, and adds an option to the python conversion to
take into account `QVariant::LongLong` types.
Signed-off-by: Arnaud Ferraris <>
Currently, a number of configuration parsing-related functions and
classes use only `int` type for dealing with integers. Should the user
need a bigger integer value, this would result in an erroneous value
being used (`0`), as the correct value would overflow the 32-bits type.
In order to prevent these overflow, this patch replaces `int` with
`qint64` in the following functions & classes :
* CalamaresUtils::yamlScalarToVariant()
* CalamaresUtils::getInteger
* NamedSuffix
* PartitionSize
This way, sizes or other integer values greater than 2^31 (for signed
types) can be used.
Signed-off-by: Arnaud Ferraris <>
- stop compiler warnings with some judicious casting;
that's what you get when a container indexed by int
stored those indexes as quintptr.
- apply coding style
- do static initialization more carefully
- float -> qreal (double) because that's what the Qt API expects,
to reduce type-conversion warnings
- apply current coding style
- calamares_automoc() sets AUTOMOC, but also adds some flags
to avoid compilation warnings from the generated MOC code.
- drop weird hard-coded include paths
- Although milliseconds::count() is long long, we pass it to
a Qt interface that only takes int; let's assume we have
only a 32-bit count, since a timeout of 4 billion milliseconds
is roughly 46 days, which we'll just call "no timeout".
- Drop the round-trip of forming a JSON document from a QVariant,
then parsing the document into JSON objects and building a
model out of that. View the Variant directly.
- This is a fairly specialized class, for use only in the
whole-application where it ties in with the module system.
Move it to the application directory and slim down the UI library.
- Include it from the new location.
- Add UIC to Calamares (the application) because there's now
a designer-based widget in it.