2024-08-22 14:38:16 +02:00

34 lines
1.5 KiB

### Your own commands in left sidepanel (ctrl + win + Left Arrow) - BOTTOM
# Syntax
# Commands:
# Label,command,icon (optional)
# ^sep() # separator - line
# ^sep(NAME) # separator
# Comment out line to disable
^sep(Your own commands)
<small> Edit own commands</small>,xdg-open ~/.config/mabox/places-append.csv
<big></big> <b>FSearch</b> - <i>file search</i> <span bgcolor="#333333" color="#d3d3d3"> <small> + /</small> </span>,fsearch
<big>露</big> <b>PyRadio</b> - <i>Internet Radio Player</i> <span bgcolor="#333333" color="#d3d3d3"> <small> + r</small> </span>,terminator --icon=/usr/share/icons/pyradio.png --geometry=564x440-20-20 -x pyradio -lt
<big>爛</big> <b>btop</b> - <i>Resource monitor</i> <span bgcolor="#333333" color="#d3d3d3"> <small> + h</small> </span>,^term(btop)
<big></big> System Info (inxi),terminator -T 'inxi system info (Q to close)' -x bash -c "inxi -Fazy -c2 | less -R"
<b> Weather</b> forecast,terminator -T "Weather forecast" --geometry=1030x740 -e "curl ; read"
#<b>Terminator</b> <i>(advanced demo)</i>,terminator -m -j ~/.config/terminator/2-3-grid.json
 Colorize...,^pipe(randomizer l)
<b></b> Random <b>Wallpaper</b>,nitrogen --random /usr/share/backgrounds --set-scaled --save;mb-jgtools places
<b></b> Select <b>Wallpaper</b>,pcmanwp
#Logout Dialog
⏻ Exit... <span bgcolor="#333333" color="#d3d3d3"> <small> + x</small> </span>,mb-jgtools mblogout,system-shutdown
# or all logout options
#. ~/.config/mabox/exit.csv