2.7 KiB
2.7 KiB
1 | @search,,24,6,150,20,2,left,top,auto,#000000 0,<i>Type to search</i> |
2 | ^sep() |
3 | Terminal,exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator,utilities-terminal |
4 | WWW Browser,exo-open --launch WebBrowser,firefox |
5 | File Manager,exo-open --launch FileManager,system-file-manager |
6 | Add/Remove software,pamac-manager,pamac |
7 | ^sep() |
8 | Applications,^checkout(lx-apps),applications-other |
9 | ^sep() |
10 | Screenshot,mb-jgtools screenshot,emblem-photos |
11 | ^sep() |
12 | Settings,^checkout(settings),applications-utilities |
13 | ^sep() |
14 | Exit,mb-jgtools mblogout,system-shutdown |
15 | ^tag(settings) |
16 | Mabox Control Center,mcc,distributor-logo-mabox |
17 | ^sep(Desktop) |
18 | Look and Feel,lxappearance,preferences-desktop-theme |
19 | Wallpaper,nitrogen,nitrogen |
20 | Notifications,xfce4-notifyd-config,xfce4-notifyd |
21 | Conkies,^pipe(jgmenu_run ob --cmd=mabox-conky-pipemenu),desktop-effects |
22 | Tint2 panels,^pipe(jgmenu_run ob --cmd=mabox-tint2-pipemenu),tint2conf |
23 | Composer,^pipe(jgmenu_run ob --cmd=mabox-compositor),compton |
24 | Menu,^checkout(menu),menu-editor |
25 | ^sep(Settings) |
26 | Preferred applications,exo-preferred-applications,preferences-desktop-default-applications |
27 | Power Manager,xfce4-power-manager-settings,xfce4-power-manager-settings |
28 | Login Manager settings,lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings-pkexec,lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings |
29 | ^sep(Openbox) |
30 | Openbox Configuration Manager,obconf,obconf |
31 | Autostart,^checkout(autostart),geany |
32 | RC - configuration file,geany ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml,geany |
33 | Reconfigure Openbox,openbox --reconfigure,openbox |
34 | ^sep(Mabox Themes) |
35 | Theme manager,mb-obthemes,preferences-desktop-theme |
36 | ^sep(Help) |
37 | User Guide (online),^checkout(userguide),distributor-logo-mabox |
38 | MaboxForum,exo-open --launch WebBrowser https://forum.maboxlinux.org/,distributor-logo-mabox |
39 | ^tag(menu) |
40 | Edit Schema,geany ~/.config/jgmenu/prepend.csv,geany |
41 | Edit Settings,geany ~/.config/mabox/mabox.conf,geany |
42 | Menu Font Size,^checkout(size) |
43 | Sync jgmenu with OB theme,obtheme2jgmenu,system-reboot |
44 | ^tag(userguide) |
45 | . /usr/share/mb-jgtools/userguide.csv |
46 | ^tag(size) |
47 | <small><small>tiny</small></small>,cat /usr/share/mb-jgtools/tiny > ~/.config/mabox/jgmenusize.conf && mb-jgtools main |
48 | <small>small</small>,cat /usr/share/mb-jgtools/small > ~/.config/mabox/jgmenusize.conf && mb-jgtools main |
49 | normal,cat /usr/share/mb-jgtools/normal > ~/.config/mabox/jgmenusize.conf && mb-jgtools main |
50 | <big>big</big>,cat /usr/share/mb-jgtools/big > ~/.config/mabox/jgmenusize.conf && mb-jgtools main |
51 | <big><big>huge</big></big>,cat /usr/share/mb-jgtools/huge > ~/.config/mabox/jgmenusize.conf && mb-jgtools main |
52 | ^tag(autostart) |
53 | Choose apps/services (GUI Editor),yautostart |
54 | Edit autostart file (advanced),geany ~/.config/openbox/autostart,geany |
55 | ^tag(lx-apps) |