#!/usr/bin/env python3 import gettext import gi import json import locale import os import subprocess import sys import webbrowser gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") from gi.repository import Gtk, GdkPixbuf class ManjaroHello(): def __init__(self): # App vars self.app = "manjaro-hello" # Path vars if os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == self.app: self.data_path = "/usr/share/" + self.app + "/data/" self.locale_path = "/usr/share/locale/" self.ui_path = "/usr/share/" + self.app + "/ui/" self.desktop_path = "/usr/share/applications/" + self.app + ".desktop" if os.path.isfile("/usr/share/icons/manjaro/green/64x64.png"): self.logo_path = "/usr/share/icons/manjaro/green/64x64.png" else: self.logo_path = "/usr/share/" + self.app + "/data/img/manjaro.png" else: self.data_path = "data/" self.locale_path = "locale/" self.ui_path = "ui/" self.desktop_path = os.getcwd() + "/" + self.app + ".desktop" self.logo_path = "data/img/manjaro.png" self.config_path = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.config/" self.preferences_path = self.config_path + self.app + ".json" self.urls_path = self.data_path + "urls.json" self.autostart_path = self.config_path + "autostart/" + self.app + ".desktop" # Load preferences self.preferences = self.get_preferences() # Load system infos self.infos = get_infos() # Load data files self.urls = read_json(self.urls_path) # Init window self.builder = Gtk.Builder() self.builder.add_from_file(self.ui_path + "manjaro-hello.glade") self.builder.connect_signals(self) self.window = self.builder.get_object("window") # Load logos logo = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_scale(self.logo_path, 64, 64, False) self.window.set_icon_from_file(self.logo_path) self.builder.get_object("manjaroicon").set_from_pixbuf(logo) self.builder.get_object("aboutdialog").set_logo(logo) # Init translation self.locales = ("de", "en", "fr", "pl") # supported locales self.default_locale = "en" self.sys_locale = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0] self.default_texts = {} self.preferences["locale"] = self.get_best_locale() # Make translation gettext.bindtextdomain(self.app, self.locale_path) gettext.textdomain(self.app) self.builder.get_object("languages").set_active_id(self.preferences["locale"]) # Set window subtitle subtitle = self.infos["arch"] if self.infos["codename"] and self.infos["release"]: subtitle = self.infos["codename"] + " " + self.infos["release"] + " " + subtitle self.builder.get_object("headerbar").props.subtitle = subtitle # Load images for img in ("google+", "facebook", "twitter", "reddit"): self.builder.get_object(img).set_from_file(self.data_path + "img/" + img + ".png") for btn in ("wiki", "forums", "chat", "mailling", "build", "donate"): img = Gtk.Image.new_from_file(self.data_path + "img/external-link.png") img.set_margin_left(2) self.builder.get_object(btn).set_image_position(Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT) self.builder.get_object(btn).set_always_show_image(True) self.builder.get_object(btn).set_image(img) # Set autostart switcher state self.autostart = os.path.isfile(self.autostart_path) self.builder.get_object("autostart").set_active(self.autostart) # Live systems if self.infos["live"] and os.path.isfile("/usr/bin/calamares"): self.builder.get_object("installlabel").set_visible(True) self.builder.get_object("install").set_visible(True) self.window.show() def get_best_locale(self): """Choose best locale, based on user's preferences. :return: locale to use :rtype: str """ if self.preferences["locale"] in self.locales: return self.preferences["locale"] else: # If user's locale is supported if self.sys_locale in self.locales: return self.sys_locale # If two first letters of user's locale is supported (ex: en_US -> en) elif self.sys_locale[:2] in self.locales: return self.sys_locale[:2] else: return self.default_locale def set_locale(self, locale): """Set locale of ui and pages. :param locale: locale to use :type locale: str """ try: tr = gettext.translation(self.app, self.locale_path, [locale], fallback=True) tr.install() except OSError: print("WARNING: No translation file for '{}' locale".format(locale)) return # Dirty code to fix an issue with gettext that can't translate strings from glade files # Redfining all translatables strings # TODO: Find a better solution elts = { "welcometitle": "label", "welcomelabel": "label", "firstcategory": "label", "secondcategory": "label", "thirdcategory": "label", "readme": "label", "release": "label", "wiki": "label", "involved": "label", "forums": "label", "chat": "label", "mailling": "label", "build": "label", "donate": "label", "installlabel": "label", "install": "label", "autostartlabel": "label", "aboutdialog": "comments" } for elt in elts: if elt not in self.default_texts: self.default_texts[elt] = getattr(self.builder.get_object(elt), "get_" + elts[elt])() getattr(self.builder.get_object(elt), "set_" + elts[elt])(_(self.default_texts[elt])) # Load pages for page in ("readme", "release", "involved"): self.builder.get_object(page + "label").set_markup(self.get_page(page)) def set_autostart(self, autostart): """Set state of autostart. :param autostart: wanted autostart state :type autostart: bool """ try: if autostart and not os.path.isfile(self.autostart_path): os.symlink(self.desktop_path, self.autostart_path) elif not autostart and os.path.isfile(self.autostart_path): os.unlink(self.autostart_path) # Specific to i3 i3_config = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.i3/config" if os.path.isfile(i3_config): i3_autostart = "exec --no-startup-id manjaro-hello" with open(i3_config, "r+") as f: content = f.read() f.seek(0) if autostart: f.write(content.replace("#" + i3_autostart, i3_autostart)) else: f.write(content.replace(i3_autostart, "#" + i3_autostart)) f.truncate() except OSError as e: print(e) self.autostart = autostart def save_preferences(self): """Save preferences in config file.""" try: with open(self.preferences_path, "w") as f: json.dump(self.preferences, f) except OSError as e: print(e) def get_preferences(self): """Read preferences from config file.""" preferences = read_json(self.preferences_path) if not preferences: preferences = {"locale": None} return preferences def get_page(self, name): """Read page according to language. :param name: name of page (filename) :type name: str :return: text to load :rtype: str """ filename = self.data_path + "pages/{}/{}".format(self.preferences["locale"], name) if not os.path.isfile(filename): filename = self.data_path + "pages/{}/{}".format(self.default_locale, name) try: with open(filename, "r") as f: return f.read() except OSError: return _("Can't load page.") # Handlers def on_languages_changed(self, combobox): """Event for selected language.""" self.preferences["locale"] = combobox.get_active_id() self.set_locale(self.preferences["locale"]) def on_action_clicked(self, action, _=None): """Event for differents actions.""" name = action.get_name() if name == "install": subprocess.call(["sudo", "-E", "calamares"]) elif name == "autostart": autostart = True if action.get_active() else False self.set_autostart(autostart) elif name == "about": dialog = self.builder.get_object("aboutdialog") dialog.set_transient_for(self.window) dialog.run() dialog.hide() def on_btn_clicked(self, btn): """Event for clicked button.""" name = btn.get_name() + "page" self.builder.get_object("stack").set_visible_child(self.builder.get_object(name)) def on_link_clicked(self, link, _=None): """Event for clicked link.""" webbrowser.open_new_tab(self.urls[link.get_name()]) def on_delete_window(self, *args): """Event to quit app.""" self.save_preferences() Gtk.main_quit(*args) def get_infos(): """Get informations about user's system. :return: informations about user's system :rtype: dict """ lsb = get_lsb_infos() infos = {} infos["codename"] = lsb.get("CODENAME", None) infos["release"] = lsb.get("RELEASE", None) infos["arch"] = "64-bits" if sys.maxsize > 2**32 else "32-bits" infos["live"] = os.path.exists("/bootmnt/manjaro") or os.path.exists("/run/miso/bootmnt/manjaro") return infos def get_lsb_infos(): """Read informations from the lsb-release file. :return: args from lsb-release file :rtype: dict """ lsb = {} try: with open("/etc/lsb-release") as f: for line in f: if "=" in line: var, arg = line.rstrip().split("=") if var.startswith("DISTRIB_"): var = var[8:] if arg.startswith("\"") and arg.endswith("\""): arg = arg[1:-1] if arg: lsb[var] = arg except OSError as e: print(e) return lsb def read_json(path): try: with open(path, "r") as f: return json.load(f) except OSError: return None if __name__ == "__main__": ManjaroHello() Gtk.main()