<big>Thanks for your support</big>

Manjaro Linux receives a great deal of support from its community of users and we would like to thank each and every contributor for participating. We are growing at a steady pace and our distribution is getting better every day thanks to you.

It is very easy to make a difference. Depending on your skill set, your availability you can help Manjaro in one or more of the following ways:

<big>Support and Promotion</big>

<b>Spreading the word</b>

If you like Manjaro, let people know. Write a review and publish it on distrowatch.com. Talk about it with your friends and the people around you.

<b>Joining the Community</b>

Manjaro isn't just an operating system, it's also a dynamic community of people who enjoy, gather, and interact with a free and open project. Whether it's by helping others sort through issues, by making them feel welcome, or simply by meeting and talking to other Manjaro users, we recommend you join the community and participate in making Manjaro better.

<b>Helping others</b>

If you have some spare time and you're willing to help other users with technical problems, you should seriously consider reading the forums and/or joining the IRC channel and helping other Manjaro users solve the problems you know how to fix.

<big>Project contributions</big>

<b>Bug reports</b>

If you've noticed something that doesn't work properly while using Manjaro, let us know. The problem you have discovered is likely to affect others as well; The sooner we know about it, the sooner we're able to fix it.

<b>New ideas</b>

The vast majority of improvements included in each release come from the community. If there's something that you think is missing or that could be done better, please tell us. Whether it's the inclusion of a missing hardware driver, or a software application that should be part of a stock installation, or if you have any other ideas on how to make Manjaro better, we're always interested in hearing them.


If you are talented in graphic design and willing to contribute to the project, please send us your creations and artwork. Whether it's a simple wallpaper, an icon set, a splash screen, or even a new logo, we're always interested to hear from you about new artwork.


Most of our development is done in QT, C++, Python, HTML5/CSS and BASH. We also use Git for version control and PKGBUILDs for packaging. If you're comfortable with these technologies, don't hesitate to have a look at the code. If you think you can improve our applications or write new ones don't hesitate to suggest patches or to fork our git repositories.