Compare commits
No commits in common. "master" and "fhdk-master-patch-98229" have entirely different histories.
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ En tredje måde at få hjælp på er ved at sende spørgsmål via e-mail til en
- <a href="">Manjaro Forum</a> - Officiel Manjaro Forum (engelsk).
- <a href="">Manjaro Tyskland</a> - Officiel, support til vores tyske fællesskab.
- <a href="">Manjaro Wiki</a> - Officiel wiki til Manjaro.
- <a href="|?#manjaro">IRC Chat</a> - Livesnak og hjælp af brugere, til brugere.
- <a href="">IRC Chat</a> - Livesnak og hjælp af brugere, til brugere.
- <a href="">Arch Wiki</a> - Officiel wiki til Arch.
- <a href="">AUR-repository</a> - Ekstra software som ikke findes i de almindelige repositories. Bygges fra kildekode.
@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
<big>Manjaro 20.1</big>
Vi er glade for at offentliggøre en ny stabil udgivelse af Manjaro Linux, Mikah.
Vi er glade for at offentliggøre en ny stabil udgivelse af Manjaro Linux, Kyria.
Xfce-udgaven er fortsat vores stolthed og har fået den opmærksomhed, den fortjener. Få kan hævde at tilbyde en sådan poleret, integreret og førende Xfce-oplevelse. Med denne udgivelse følger Xfce 4.14 og fokus har været at at finpudse brugeroplevelsen med desktop og windows manager. Det gennemgående tema er Matcha. Den nye funktion Display-profiler giver dig mulighed for at gemme en eller flere profiler til din foretrukne skærmkonfiguration. For at gøre det lidt lettere har vi implementeret automatisk anvendelse af profiler, når nye skærme er tilsluttet.
Vores KDE-udgave giver det kraftfulde Plasma 5.19-skrivebordsmiljø et unikt udseende og præg, som vi er designet specifikt til denne version. Det komplette sæt af Breath2-temaer inkluderer lyse og mørke versioner, animerede vinduer, Konsole-profiler, Yakuake-temaer og mange flere små detaljer. Vi har givet tekst programmet Kate nogle ekstra farveskemaer og tilbyder Plasma-Simplemenu som et alternativ til den traditionelle Kickoff-Launcher. Med et bredt udvalg af de nyeste KDE-Apps 20.08 og andre applikationer stræber Manjaro-KDE at være et alsidigt og elegant miljø klar til alle dine daglige behov.
Vores KDE-udgave giver det kraftfulde Plasma 5.17-skrivebordsmiljø et unikt udseende og præg, som vi er designet specifikt til denne version. Det komplette sæt af Breath2-temaer inkluderer lyse og mørke versioner, animerede vinduer, Konsole-profiler, Yakuake-temaer og mange flere små detaljer. Vi har givet tekst programmet Kate nogle ekstra farveskemaer og tilbyder Plasma-Simplemenu som et alternativ til den traditionelle Kickoff-Launcher. Med et bredt udvalg af de nyeste KDE-Apps 19.12.2 og andre applikationer stræber Manjaro-KDE at være et alsidigt og elegant miljø klar til alle dine daglige behov.
Med vores Gnome-udgave baseret på 3.36-serien er der visuelle opdateringer til en række applikationer og grænseflader, især login- og oplåsningsgrænseflader. GNOME shell extensions administreres nu ved hjælp af en ny app *Extensions*, der håndterer opdatering, konfiguration og fjernelse eller deaktivering af udvidelser. En knap *Forstyr ikke* blev føjet til underretnings popover. Når det er aktiveret, er meddelelser skjult, indtil knappen bliver slået fra. Som standard ændrer vores eget dynamiske tapet sit farvetema hele dagen. Derudover er GDM opdateret og vi forbedret vores Gnome-Layout-switcher. Vi opdaterede vores liste over forudinstallerede pakker, zsh er den nye standardskal, og applikationer sorteres nu i mapper i en ren appskuffe.
Med vores Gnome-udgave baseret på 3.34-serien inkluderer vi en visuel opdatering til mange applikationer og selve skrivebordet. Indstillingerne for baggrundsvalg er også redesign, hvilket gjorde det lettere at vælge brugerdefinerede baggrunde. Som standard tilføjede vi vores eget dynamiske baggrund, der ændres gennem dagen. GNOME 3.34 introducerer også brugerdefinerede mapper i applikationsoversigten: Træk blot et programikon oven på en anden for at oprette en mappe. Mapper fjernes automatisk igen, når alle ikoner er trukket ud af dem. Med et enklere desktoplayout får vi mere stabilitet. Vores nye Gnome-Layout-switcher giver dig mulighed for nemt at ændre dit desktoplayout med forudindstillede layouts, der efterligner populære operativsystemer. Tilgængelige layout er: Manjaro, Vanilla Gnome, Mate/Gnome2, Traditional/Windows, Moderne/MacOs, Unity/Ubuntu Theme. Vi skifter også automatisk mellem mørkt og lyst tema, når nattelys aktiveres. Et nyt tema til login-skærmen og tilføjelsen af Feral's Gamemode afslutter vores Gnome-udgave.
Pamac 9.5 series received a few updates. In this round we optimized internal check dep algorithm for smarter performance, enhanced the alpm error handling, optimized internal search algorithm for better regex support and applied database performance improvements. We also now build AUR packages and install as much as possible of them in a single run.
Kernel 5.4 LTS bruges til denne udgivelse, såsom de seneste tilgængelige drivere til dato. I forhold til den sidste version af installationsmediet er vores værktøjer blevet forbedret og poleret.
Manjaro Architect understøtter nu ZFS-installation ved at levere de nødvendige kernemoduler.
Pamac 9.3-serien er opdateret. Med en mere robust og pålidelig transaktionsbackend skulle vores opdateringsproces være meget bedre nu. Vi forbedrede også pakkesortering efter relevans i vores GTK-UI. I udviklingen af vores pakkehåndtering har vi som standard aktiveret snap- og flatpak-support. Du kan nu installere snaps eller flatpaks meget nemt med vores nye værktøj Bauh og gøre brug af et meget større udvalg af nyeste Linux-applikationer.
Kernel 5.8 bruges til denne udgivelse, såsom de seneste tilgængelige drivere til dato. I forhold til den sidste version af installationsmediet er vores værktøjer blevet forbedret og finpudset.
Vi håber, du nyder denne udgivelse og fortæl os, hvad du synes om Mikah.
Vi håber, du nyder denne udgivelse og fortæl os, hvad du synes om Kyria.
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
<big>Danke für ihre Unterstützung</big>
Manjaro Linux bekommt eine Menge Unterstützung von seiner Benutzer-Gemeinschaft, und wir wollen jedem einzelnen Beitragenden fürs mitmachen danken. Wir wachsen in gleichmäßigem Tempo und unsere Distribution wird dank ihnen jeden Tag besser.
Es ist sehr leicht etwas zu bewegen. Abhängig von ihren Fähigkeiten, ihrer Verfügbarkeit können Sie Manjaro in einem oder mehreren Wegen helfen:
<big>Unterstützung und Werbung</big>
<b>Die Nachricht verbreiten</b>
Wenn Sie Manjaro mögen, lassen Sie es andere wissen. Schreiben Sie eine Rezension und veröffentlichen sie auf Reden Sie darüber mit ihren Freunden und den Leuten die Sie treffen.
<b>Der Gemeinschaft beitreten</b>
Manjaro ist nicht nur ein Betriebssystem, es ist auch eine dynamische Gemeinschaft von Benutzern die ein freies und offenes Projekt genießen, sich dafür versammeln und zusammenwirken. Sei es, indem Sie anderen helfen, Probleme zu lösen, indem Sie ihnen das Gefühl geben, willkommen zu sein, oder einfach indem Sie andere Manjaro-Benutzer treffen und sich mit ihnen unterhalten - wir empfehlen Ihnen, der Gemeinschaft beizutreten und daran mitzuwirken, Manjaro besser zu machen.
<b>Anderen helfen</b>
Wenn Sie etwas Freizeit haben und bereit sind, anderen Benutzern bei technischen Problemen zu helfen, sollten Sie ernsthaft in Erwägung ziehen, die Foren zu lesen und/oder dem IRC-Channel beizutreten und anderen Manjaro-Benutzern bei der Lösung der Probleme zu helfen, die Sie zu beheben wissen.
<big>Beiträge zum Projekt</big>
Wenn Sie etwas bemerkt haben, das bei der Benutzung von Manjaro nicht richtig funktioniert, lassen Sie es uns wissen. Das Problem, das Sie entdeckt haben, wird wahrscheinlich auch andere betreffen; je früher wir davon wissen, desto schneller können wir es beheben.
<b>Neue Ideen</b>
Die überwiegende Mehrheit der Verbesserungen, die in jedem Release enthalten sind, kommen aus der Community. Wenn es etwas gibt, von dem Sie glauben, dass es fehlt oder besser gemacht werden könnte, sagen Sie es uns bitte. Ob es sich um die Aufnahme eines fehlenden Hardware-Treibers handelt, oder um eine Software-Anwendung, die Teil einer Standard-Installation sein sollte, oder ob Sie andere Ideen haben, wie man Manjaro besser machen kann, wir sind immer daran interessiert, sie zu hören.
Wenn Sie im Grafikdesign talentiert sind und bereit sind, zum Projekt beizutragen, senden Sie uns bitte Ihre Kreationen und Kunstwerke. Ob es ein einfaches Hintergrundbild, ein Icon-Set, ein Splash-Screen oder sogar ein neues Logo ist, wir sind immer daran interessiert, von Ihnen über neue Kunstwerke zu hören.
Der Großteil unserer Entwicklung wird in QT, C++, Python, HTML5/CSS und BASH durchgeführt. Wir verwenden auch Git für die Versionskontrolle und PKGBUILDs für die Paketierung. Wenn Sie mit diesen Technologien vertraut sind, zögern Sie nicht, einen Blick auf den Code zu werfen. Wenn Sie denken, Sie können unsere Anwendungen verbessern oder neue schreiben, zögern Sie nicht, Patches vorzuschlagen oder unsere Git-Repositories zu forken.
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
<big>Handhabung der Hardware</big>
Manjaro unterstützt nicht nur die Verwendung mehrerer Kernel (wählbar in den erweiterten Optionen auf dem Boot-Bildschirm), sondern bietet auch Zugriff auf die allerneuesten Bleeding-Edge-Kernel. Dies kann durch die Verwendung des Kernelmoduls im grafischen Einstellungsmanager von Manjaro oder über die Kommandozeile mit dem MHWD-kernel (Manjaro Hardware Detection) Befehl erfolgen.
Diese Manjaro-Tools aktualisieren automatisch einen neu installierten Kernel zusammen mit allen Modulen, die derzeit mit Ihrem bestehenden Kernel verwendet werden. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel von Kernel 3.18 auf 4.1 aktualisieren würden, würde mhwd-kernel automatisch die Kernel 4.1-Builds und alle Module, die mit Kernel 3.18 verwendet wurden, mit einbeziehen. Was sagt man dazu!
Sie können Ihre Hardware über das Hardware-Erkennungsmodul im Einstellungsmanager oder alternativ mit der MHWD-Kommandozeilen-Applikation konfigurieren. Mit diesen Tools können Sie z.B. grafische Treiber installieren, freie und proprietäre.
<big>Hilfe holen</big>
Obwohl Manjaro so konzipiert ist, dass es so viel wie möglich "von vornherein" funktioniert, behaupten wir nicht, dass es perfekt ist. Es kann Zeiten geben, in denen etwas schief läuft, Sie Fragen haben und den Wunsch haben, mehr zu erfahren oder es einfach nur nach Ihrem Geschmack zu personalisieren. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Details zu einigen verfügbaren Ressourcen, die Ihnen helfen können!
<b>Suche im Web</b>
Vielleicht ist der erste Ort, an dem Sie nach allgemeiner Linux-Hilfe suchen, die Verwendung Ihrer bevorzugten Suchmaschine. Fügen Sie einfach Wörter wie 'Linux', 'Manjaro' oder 'Arch' in Ihre Suchanfrage ein.
Da Manjaro auf Arch Linux basiert, gelten die für Arch entworfenen Anleitungen und Tipps in der Regel auch für Manjaro.
<b>Sehen Sie in den Foren nach</b>
Für spezifische Hilfe mit Manjaro haben wir ein spezielles Online-Forum, in dem Sie nach Themen suchen oder selbst eines erstellen können! Dies ist wahrscheinlich die nächstbeste Anlaufstelle für Zusammenarbeit, Diskussion und Hilfe. Bitten Sie um Hilfe, posten Sie Ihre Gedanken oder skizzieren Sie einige Vorschläge. Seien Sie nicht schüchtern!
Das Manjaro-Forum ist in Unterforen für verschiedene Themen und Umgebungen unterteilt, bitte stellen Sie Ihre Anfrage an der entsprechenden Stelle!
<b>Schließen Sie sich uns im IRC (Internet Relay Chat) an</b>
Eine andere Möglichkeit ist, sich uns im IRC anzuschließen, indem man unserem #manjaro Kanal auf den Servern beitritt.
<b>Melden Sie sich bei einer Mailingliste an</b>
Eine andere Möglichkeit, Hilfe zu bekommen, ist es, Fragen an die Manjaro-Mailingliste zu schicken (Sie können auch die Chronik nach vergangenen Diskussionen durchsuchen). Melden Sie sich einfach auf der Liste an, die Sie bevorzugen und folgen Sie den Anweisungen. Es gibt eine Liste mit verschiedenen Themen, schau einfach mal rein!
<big>Andere Resourcen</big>
- <a href="">Manjaro Germany</a> - Offizielle Unterstützung für unsere deutsche Community.
- <a href="">AUR Repository</a> - Zusätzliche Software, die nicht in den regulären Repositories enthalten ist und aus den Quellen gebaut wurde.
- <a href="">Manjaro Wiki</a> - Offizielles Wiki für Manjaro.
- <a href="">Arch Wiki</a> - Offizielles Wiki für Arch.
- <a href="|?#manjaro">IRC Chat</a> - Live-Talk und Hilfe von Anwendern für Anwender.
Haben Sie einen Vorschlag, wie wir Manjaro besser machen können? Haben Sie etwas gefunden, das Sie miteinbezogen haben möchten oder das Sie aushelfen möchten? Bitte lassen Sie es uns wissen, indem Sie ihren Vorschlag im Forum oder im IRC veröffentlichen.
Danke schön!
Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß mit Manjaro!
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
<big>Manjaro 20.1</big>
Wir freuen uns, eine weitere stabile Version von Manjaro Linux zu veröffentlichen, die wir Mikah nennen.
Die Xfce-Edition bleibt unser Flaggschiff und hat die Aufmerksamkeit erhalten, die sie verdient. Nur wenige können von sich behaupten, ein so ausgefeiltes, integriertes und hochmodernes Xfce-Erlebnis zu bieten. Mit dieser Version liefern wir Xfce 4.14 aus, und haben uns hauptsächlich darauf konzentriert, die Benutzererfahrung auf dem Desktop und im Windowmanager zu verbessern. Außerdem haben wir zu einem neuen Thema gewechselt, das wir Matcha nennen. Die neue Funktion Display-Profile ermöglicht es, ein oder mehrere Profile für ihre bevorzugte Display-Konfiguration zu speichern. Um die Sache noch mehr zu versüßen, haben wir die automatische Anwendung von Profilen beim Anschluss neuer Displays implementiert.
Unsere KDE-Edition bietet die leistungsstarke, ausgereifte und funktionsreiche Plasma 5.19 Desktop-Umgebung mit einem einzigartigen Look-and-Feel, den wir dieses Jahr komplett neu gestaltet haben. Der vollständige Satz von Breath2-Themen umfasst helle und dunkle Versionen, einen animierten Startbildschirm, Konsole-Profile, Yakuake-Skins und viele weitere kleine Details. Wir haben den Texteditor Kate mit einigen zusätzlichen Farbschemata abgerundet und bieten Plasma-Simplemenu als Alternative zum traditionellen Kickoff-Launcher an. Mit einer großen Auswahl der neuesten KDE-Anwendungen 20.08 und anderen Anwendungen will Manjaro-KDE eine vielseitige und elegante Umgebung sein, die für alle ihre täglichen Bedürfnisse bereit ist.
Mit unserer Gnome-Edition, die auf der 3.36er Serie basiert, schliessen wir visuelle Aktualisierungen für eine Reihe von Anwendungen und Schnittstellen ein, wobei besonders die Login- und Entsperrungssschnittstellen hervorzuheben sind. Die GNOME-Shell-Erweiterungen werden nun nicht mehr über Software, sondern über eine neue Erweiterungs-Anwendung verwaltet. Die Erweiterungs-App verwaltet die Aktualisierung von Erweiterungen, die Konfiguration von Erweiterungseinstellungen und das Entfernen oder Deaktivieren unerwünschter Erweiterungen. Ein "Nicht stören"-Knopf wurde zum Benachrichtigungs-Popup-Fenster hinzugefügt. Wenn sie aktiviert ist, werden die Benachrichtigungen ausgeblendet, bis die Schaltfläche deaktiviert wird. Standardmäßig ändert unser eigenes dynamisches Hintergrundbild sein Farbthema im Laufe des Tages. Außerdem haben wir den GDM aktualisiert und unseren Gnome-Layout-Switcher stark verbessert. Unsere Gnome-Edition verwendet jetzt standardmäßig Wayland. Für Nvidia-Benutzer wird jedoch X11 verwendet. Angepasste vorinstallierte Pakete, zsh Verwendung und eine saubere App-Schublade mit standardmäßig in Ordnern sortierten Anwendungen runden unsere Verbesserungen ab.
Pamac 9.5 series received a few updates. In this round we optimized internal check dep algorithm for smarter performance, enhanced the alpm error handling, optimized internal search algorithm for better regex support and applied database performance improvements. We also now build AUR packages and install as much as possible of them in a single run.
Manjaro Architect unterstützt nun die ZFS-Installation durch Bereitstellung der benötigten Kernelmodule.
Kernel 5.8 wird für diese Version verwendet, ebenso die neuesten derzeit verfügbaren Treiber. Gegenüber der letzten Version des Installationsmediums wurden unsere Tools verbessert und aufpoliert.
Wir hoffen, dass Ihnen dieses Release gefällt; lassen Sie uns wissen, was Sie von Mikah halten.
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Another way to get help is to email questions to Manjaro mailing list (you can a
- <a href="">AUR Repository</a> - Extra software not in the regular repositories, built from source.
- <a href="">Manjaro Wiki</a> - Official wiki for Manjaro.
- <a href="">Arch Wiki</a> - Official wiki for Arch.
- <a href="">IRC Chat</a> - Live talk and help by users for users.
- <a href="">IRC Chat</a> - Live talk and help by users for users.
@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
<big>Manjaro 20.1</big>
<big>Manjaro 19.0</big>
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, named Mikah.
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, we call Kyria.
The Xfce edition remains our flagship offering and has received the attention it deserves. Only a few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. With this release we ship Xfce 4.14 and have mostly focused on polishing the user experience with the desktop and window manager. Also we have switched to a new theme called Matcha. A new feature Display-Profiles allows you to store one or more profiles for your preferred display configuration. We also have implemented auto-application of profiles when new displays are connected.
The Xfce edition remains our flagship offering and has received the attention it deserves. Few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. With this release we ship Xfce 4.14 and have mostly focused on polishing the user experience with the desktop and window manager. Also we have switched to a new theme we call Matcha. The new feature Display-Profiles allows you to store one or more profiles for your preferred display configuration. To make the deal even sweeter we have implemented auto-application of profiles when new displays are connected.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.19 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel, which we had completely re-designed in Spring 2020. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 20.08 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.17 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel which we completely re-designed for this release. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 19.12.2 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.36 series we include visual refreshes for a number of applications and interfaces, particularly noteworthy being the login and unlock interfaces. GNOME shell extensions are now managed using a new Extensions app which handles updating, configuring and removing or disabling extensions. A Do Not Disturb button was added to the notifications popover. When enabled, notifications are hidden until the button is toggled off. By default our own dynamic wallpaper changes its colour theme throughout the day. Additionally we updated GDM and improved our Gnome-Layout-Switcher a lot. We updated our list of pre-installed packages, zsh is the new default shell and applications are now sorted in folders in a clean app drawer.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.34 series we include a visual refresh for numerous applications and the desktop itself. The background selection settings also received a redesign, making it easier to select custom backgrounds. By default we added our own dynamic wallpaper that changes throughout the day. GNOME 3.34 also introduces custom folders in the application overview: Simply drag an application icon on top of another to create a folder. Folders are automatically removed again when all icons have been dragged out of them. With a simpler desktop layout we gain more stability. Our new Gnome-Layout-Switcher enables you to change your desktop layout easily with preset layouts mimicking popular operating systems. Available layouts are: Manjaro, Vanilla Gnome, Mate/Gnome2, Traditional Desktop/Windows, Modern Desktop/MacOs, Unity/Ubuntu Theme. We also automatically change between dark and light theme when Nightlight is triggered. A new theme for the login screen and the addition of Feral's Gamemode round up our Gnome edition.
Pamac 9.5 series received a few updates. In this round we optimized internal check dep algorithm for smarter performance, enhanced the alpm error handling, optimized internal search algorithm for better regex support and applied database performance improvements. We also now build AUR packages and install as much as possible of them in a single run.
Kernel 5.4 LTS is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
Manjaro Architect supports now ZFS installation by providing the needed kernel modules.
Pamac 9.3 series received a few updates. With a more robust and reliable transaction backend our update process should be much smoother now. Also we improved package sorting by relevance in our GTK-UI. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily with our new tool Bauh and make use of an even much larger selection of latest Linux applications.
Kernel 5.8 is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Mikah.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Kyria.
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Une autre façon d'obtenir de l'aide consiste à envoyer des questions à la lis
- <a href="">Dépot AUR</a> - Dépot de logiciels ne se trouvant pas dans les dépots officiels et compilés depuis la source.
- <a href="">Wiki Manjaro</a> - Wiki officiel de Manjaro.
- <a href="">Wiki Arch</a> - Wiki officiel de Arch.
- <a href="|?#manjaro">Chat IRC</a> - Chat en direct et aide pour les utilisateurs par les utilisateurs.
- <a href="">Chat IRC</a> - Chat en direct et aide pour les utilisateurs par les utilisateurs.
@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
<big>Manjaro 20.1</big>
<big>Manjaro 19.0</big>
Nous sommes heureux de publier la nouvelle version stable de Manjaro Linux, nommée Mikah.
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, we call Kyria.
Xfce reste l'édition principale, avec toute l'attention qui lui est due. Peu de gens peuvent se targuer d'offrir une expérience Xfce aussi soignée, intégrée et à jour. Cette version embarque Xfce 4.14 et nous avons principalement travaillé à soigner l'expérience utilisateur sur le bureau et le gestionnaire de fenêtre. Nous avons aussi basculé vers un nouveau thème nommé Matcha. Une nouvelle fonctionnalité Profils d'affichage vous permet d'enregistrer plusieurs profils pour vos configurations préférées. Nous avons également implémenté l'application automatique de profils à la connexion de nouveaux écrans.
The Xfce edition remains our flagship offering and has received the attention it deserves. Few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. With this release we ship Xfce 4.14 and have mostly focused on polishing the user experience with the desktop and window manager. Also we have switched to a new theme we call Matcha. The new feature Display-Profiles allows you to store one or more profiles for your preferred display configuration. To make the deal even sweeter we have implemented auto-application of profiles when new displays are connected.
Notre édition KDE délivre l'environnement de bureau Plasma 5.19, puissante, mature et fonctionnelle, avec une apparence unique, que nous avons complètement retravaillé au printemps 2020. Le paquet de thèmes Breath2 inclut des versions claires et sombres, un écran de démarrage animé, des profils Konsole, des skins Yakuake et bien plus. Nous avons complété l'éditeur Kate avec quelques palettes de couleurs, et ajouté Plasma-Simplemenu comme alternative au traditionnel lanceur Kickoff. Avec une large sélection des dernières applications KDE 20.04 et plus encore, Manjaro KDE vise à être un environnement polyvalent et élégant, prêt pour tous vos besoins quotidiens.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.17 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel which we completely re-designed for this release. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 19.12.2 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
Avec notre édition Gnome, basée sur la branche 3.36, nous incluons des améliorations visuelles pour un certain nombre d'applications et d'interfaces, notamment les écrans de connexion et de déverrouillage. Les extensions GNOME Shell sont maintenant gérées depuis une nouvelle application Extensions, qui contrôle les mises à jour, la configuration, la suppression et la désactivation des extensions. Un bouton Ne Pas Déranger a été ajouté à la pop-up des notifications, masquant les notifications tant qu'activé. Par défaut notre propre fond d'écran dynamique change de ton au fil de la journée. Nous avons également mis à jour GDM, et énormément amélioré Gnome-Layout-Switcher. Nous avons actualisé la liste des paquets pré-installés, zsh devient le nouveau shell par défaut et les applications sont maintenant rangées par dossiers dans le tiroir d'applications.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.34 series we include a visual refresh for numerous applications and the desktop itself. The background selection settings also received a redesign, making it easier to select custom backgrounds. By default we added our own dynamic wallpaper that changes throughout the day. GNOME 3.34 also introduces custom folders in the application overview: Simply drag an application icon on top of another to create a folder. Folders are automatically removed again when all icons have been dragged out of them. With a simpler desktop layout we gain more stability. Our new Gnome-Layout-Switcher enables you to change your desktop layout easily with preset layouts mimicking popular operating systems. Available layouts are: Manjaro, Vanilla Gnome, Mate/Gnome2, Traditional Desktop/Windows, Modern Desktop/MacOs, Unity/Ubuntu Theme. We also automatically change between dark and light theme when Nightlight is triggered. A new theme for the login screen and the addition of Feral's Gamemode round up our Gnome edition.
La branche Pamac 9.5 a reçu quelques mises à jour. Cette fois, nous avons optimisé l'algorithme de recherche interne des dépendances pour avoir de meilleures performances, amélioré la gestion des erreurs alpm, optimisé l'algorithme de recherche interne pour une meilleure prise en charge des regex, et appliqué des améliorations de performances à la base de données. Autant que possible, nous construisons à présent les paquets AUR et les installons en une seule fois.
Kernel 5.4 LTS is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
Manjaro Architect supporte à présent une installation ZFS, en fournissant les modules de noyaux requis.
Pamac 9.3 series received a few updates. With a more robust and reliable transaction backend our update process should be much smoother now. Also we improved package sorting by relevance in our GTK-UI. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily with our new tool Bauh and make use of an even much larger selection of latest Linux applications.
Cette édition utilise le noyau 5.8, ainsi que les tous derniers pilotes disponibles à ce jour. Concernant le dernier média d'installation, nos outils ont également été améliorés et soignés.
Nous espérons que vous apprécierez cette version, et que vous nous ferez savoir ce que vous pensez de Mikah.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Kyria.
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ További módja a segítségkérésnek egy levelezési listára való feliratkoz
- <a href="">AUR Tároló</a> - Extra szoftverek, amik nincsenek benne a hivatalos tárolókban.
- <a href="">Manjaro Wiki</a> - A Manjaro Linux hivatalos wikije.
- <a href="">Arch Wiki</a> - Az Arch Linux hivatalos wikije.
- <a href="|?#manjaro">IRC Chat</a> - Chat beszélgetés, és segítség felhasználóktól felhasználóknak.
- <a href="">IRC Chat</a> - Chat beszélgetés, és segítség felhasználóktól felhasználóknak.
@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
<big>Manjaro 20.0</big>
<big>Manjaro 19.0</big>
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, named Lysia.
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, we call Kyria.
The Xfce edition remains our flagship offering and has received the attention it deserves. Only a few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. With this release we ship Xfce 4.14 and have mostly focused on polishing the user experience with the desktop and window manager. Also we have switched to a new theme called Matcha. A new feature Display-Profiles allows you to store one or more profiles for your preferred display configuration. We also have implemented auto-application of profiles when new displays are connected.
The Xfce edition remains our flagship offering and has received the attention it deserves. Few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. With this release we ship Xfce 4.14 and have mostly focused on polishing the user experience with the desktop and window manager. Also we have switched to a new theme we call Matcha. The new feature Display-Profiles allows you to store one or more profiles for your preferred display configuration. To make the deal even sweeter we have implemented auto-application of profiles when new displays are connected.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.18 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel, which we completely re-designed in 2020. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 20.04 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.17 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel which we completely re-designed for this release. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 19.12.2 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.36 series we include visual refreshes for a number of applications and interfaces, particularly noteworthy being the login and unlock interfaces. GNOME shell extensions are now managed using a new Extensions app which handles updating, configuring and removing or disabling extensions. A Do Not Disturb button was added to the notifications popover. When enabled, notifications are hidden until the button is toggled off. By default our own dynamic wallpaper changes its colour theme throughout the day. Additionally we updated GDM and improved our Gnome-Layout-Switcher a lot. We updated our list of pre-installed packages, zsh is the new default shell and applications are now sorted in folders in a clean app drawer.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.34 series we include a visual refresh for numerous applications and the desktop itself. The background selection settings also received a redesign, making it easier to select custom backgrounds. By default we added our own dynamic wallpaper that changes throughout the day. GNOME 3.34 also introduces custom folders in the application overview: Simply drag an application icon on top of another to create a folder. Folders are automatically removed again when all icons have been dragged out of them. With a simpler desktop layout we gain more stability. Our new Gnome-Layout-Switcher enables you to change your desktop layout easily with preset layouts mimicking popular operating systems. Available layouts are: Manjaro, Vanilla Gnome, Mate/Gnome2, Traditional Desktop/Windows, Modern Desktop/MacOs, Unity/Ubuntu Theme. We also automatically change between dark and light theme when Nightlight is triggered. A new theme for the login screen and the addition of Feral's Gamemode round up our Gnome edition.
Pamac 9.4 series received a few updates. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily with Pamac in UI and terminal to make more use of an even much larger selection of latest Linux applications. For Gnome users we enabled similar features as supported by Gnome-Software to get more package information by simply right clicking them in gnome-shell app drawer. And if you search for an app you don't have, pamac offers to install it for you.
Kernel 5.4 LTS is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
Manjaro Architect supports now ZFS installation by providing the needed kernel modules.
Pamac 9.3 series received a few updates. With a more robust and reliable transaction backend our update process should be much smoother now. Also we improved package sorting by relevance in our GTK-UI. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily with our new tool Bauh and make use of an even much larger selection of latest Linux applications.
Kernel 5.6 is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Lysia.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Kyria.
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
<big>Grazie per il tuo supporto</big>
Manjaro Linux riceve un grande supporto dalla sua comunità di utenti e vorremmo ringraziare tutti per la partecipazione. Stiamo crescendo a un ritmo costante e la nostra distribuzione sta migliorando ogni giorno grazie a te.
È molto facile fare la differenza. A seconda delle tue capacità, della tua disponibilità puoi aiutare Manjaro in uno o più dei seguenti modi:
<big>Supporto e promozione</big>
<b>Spargere la parola</b>
Se ti piace Manjaro, fallo sapere. Scrivi una recensione e pubblicala su Parlane con i tuoi amici e le persone intorno a te.
<b>Unirsi alla community</b>
Manjaro non è solo un sistema operativo, è anche una comunità dinamica di persone che si divertono, si riuniscono e interagiscono con un progetto libero e aperto. Sia aiutando gli altri a risolvere i problemi, facendoli sentire i benvenuti, o semplicemente incontrando e parlando con altri utenti di Manjaro, ti consigliamo di unirti alla comunità e partecipare per migliorare Manjaro.
<b>Aiutare gli altri</b>
Se hai del tempo libero e sei disposto ad aiutare altri utenti con problemi tecnici, dovresti prendere in seria considerazione la lettura dei forum e/o l'adesione al canale IRC e aiutare gli altri utenti di Manjaro a risolvere i problemi che sai risolvere.
<big>Contributi al progetto</big>
<b>Segnalazioni di bug</b>
Se hai notato qualcosa che non funziona correttamente durante l'utilizzo di Manjaro, faccelo sapere. È probabile che il problema che hai scoperto riguardi anche altri; Prima lo sappiamo, prima siamo in grado di risolverlo.
<b>Nuove idee</b>
La stragrande maggioranza dei miglioramenti inclusi in ogni versione proviene dalla comunità. Se c'è qualcosa che ritieni manchi o che potrebbe essere fatto meglio, ti preghiamo di comunicarcelo. Che si tratti dell'inclusione di un driver hardware mancante o di un'applicazione software che dovrebbe far parte di un'installazione stock o di eventuali idee su come migliorare Manjaro, siamo sempre interessati a sentirli.
Se hai talento nella progettazione grafica e desideri contribuire al progetto, ti preghiamo di inviarci le tue creazioni e opere d'arte. Che si tratti di un semplice sfondo, un set di icone, una schermata iniziale o persino un nuovo logo, siamo sempre interessati alle tue opere.
Gran parte del nostro sviluppo avviene in QT, C++, Python, HTML5/CSS e BASH. Utilizziamo anche Git per il controllo della versione e PKGBUILD per il packaging. Se hai dimestichezza con queste tecnologie, non esitare a dare un'occhiata al codice. Se pensi di poter migliorare le nostre applicazioni o di scriverne di nuove, non esitare a suggerire patch o a forkare i nostri repository git.
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
<big> Gestione dell'hardware </big>
Manjaro non supporta solo l'uso di più kernel (selezionabili dalle opzioni avanzate nella schermata di avvio), ma fornisce anche l'accesso ai kernel più moderni e recenti. Questo può essere fatto tramite l'uso del modulo Kernel nel Settings Manager di Manjaro o tramite la riga di comando usando il comando MHWD-kernel (Manjaro Hardware Detection).
Questi strumenti di Manjaro aggiorneranno automaticamente un nuovo kernel appena installato insieme a tutti i moduli attualmente in uso con il kernel precedente. Ad esempio, se si aggiornasse dal kernel 3.18 al 4.1, mhwd-kernel includerebbe automaticamente le build del kernel 4.1 e tutti i moduli usati con il kernel 3.18. Tutto automaticamente!
È possibile configurare l'hardware tramite il modulo Hardware Detection in Settings Manager o in alternativa con l'applicazione da terminale MHWD. Con questi strumenti è possibile installare ad esempio driver grafici, sia gratuiti sia proprietari.
<big> Come ottenere aiuto </big>
Sebbene Manjaro sia progettato per funzionare il più "fuori dagli schemi" possibile, non pretendiamo che sia perfetto. Ci possono essere momenti in cui le cose non funzionino, potresti avere domande e il desiderio di saperne di più o vuoi semplicemente personalizzarlo secondo i tuoi gusti. Questa pagina fornisce i dettagli di alcune risorse disponibili per aiutarti!
<b> Cerca nel Web </b>
Forse il primo posto dove cercare aiuto generico per Linux è usando il tuo motore di ricerca preferito. Includi parole come "Linux", "Manjaro" o "Arch" nella tua ricerca.
Poiché Manjaro si basa su Arch Linux, le guide e i suggerimenti progettati per Arch di solito si applicano anche a Manjaro.
<b> Cerca nei forum </b>
Per un aiuto specifico con Manjaro abbiamo un forum online dedicato dove puoi cercare argomenti o crearne uno tu stesso! Questo è probabilmente il secondo posto migliore dove andare per cercare aiuto, discutere e collaborare. Chiedi, pubblica i tuoi pensieri o proponi alcuni suggerimenti. Non essere timido!
Il forum Manjaro è diviso in sotto-forum per diversi argomenti e ambienti, si prega di inviare la richiesta nel posto appropriato!
<b> Unisciti a noi su IRC (Internet Relay Chat) </b>
Un'altra opzione è quella di unirti a noi su IRC usando il nostro canale #manjaro sui server
<b> Iscriviti a una mailing list </b>
Un altro modo per ottenere aiuto è inviare domande via e-mail alla mailing list di Manjaro (puoi anche cercare nella cronologia le discussioni passate). Iscriviti semplicemente all'elenco che preferisci e segui le istruzioni. C'è un elenco dedicato a diversi argomenti, basta dare un'occhiata!
<big> Altre risorse </big>
- <a href=""> Manjaro Italia </a> - Supporto non ufficiale per la nostra comunità italiana.
- <a href=""> Repository AUR </a> - Software aggiuntivo non presente nei normali repository, creato dal codice sorgente.
- <a href=""> Manjaro Wiki </a> - Wiki ufficiale di Manjaro.
- <a href=""> Arch Wiki </a> - Wiki ufficiale di Arch.
- <a href="|?#manjaro"> Chat IRC </a> - Comunicazione in tempo reale e canale di aiuto degli utenti per gli utenti.
<big> Suggerimenti </big>
Hai un suggerimento su come possiamo migliorare Manjaro? Hai trovato qualcosa che vuoi includere o vuoi dare una mano? Fatecelo sapere, pubblicando il tuo suggerimento sul forum o entrando nel canale IRC.
Ci auguriamo che ti piaccia usare Manjaro!
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
<big> Manjaro 20.1 </big>
Siamo felici di pubblicare un'altra versione stabile di Manjaro Linux, nome in codice Mikah.
L'edizione Xfce rimane la nostra offerta di punta e ha ricevuto l'attenzione che merita. Pochi possono affermare di offrire un'esperienza Xfce così raffinata, integrata e all'avanguardia. Con questa versione distribuiamo Xfce 4.14 e ci siamo concentrati principalmente sulla affinatezza dell'esperienza utente con desktop e window manager. Inoltre siamo passati a un nuovo tema di nome Matcha. La nuova funzione "Display Profile" consente di memorizzare uno o più profili per la configurazione di visualizzazione preferita. Per rendere l'operazione ancora più semplice, abbiamo implementato l'auto-applicazione dei profili quando sono collegati nuovi display.
La nostra edizione KDE offre l'ambiente Plasma 5.19 potente, maturo e ricco di funzionalità con un aspetto unico che abbiamo completamente riprogettato per questa versione. Il set completo di temi di Breath2 include versioni chiare e scure, splash-screen animato, profili Konsole, skin Yakuake e molti altri piccoli dettagli. Abbiamo completato l'editor di testo Kate con alcune combinazioni di colori aggiuntive e offriamo Plasma-Simplemenu in alternativa al tradizionale Kickoff-Launcher. Con un'ampia selezione delle ultime app KDE 20.08 e di altre applicazioni, Manjaro-KDE punta a essere un ambiente versatile ed elegante pronto per tutte le esigenze quotidiane.
Con la nostra edizione di Gnome basata sulla serie 3.36 includiamo aggiornamenti visivi per una serie di applicazioni e interfacce, in particolare degne di nota come l'interfaccia di accesso e di sblocco. Le estensioni della shell GNOME sono ora gestite usando una nuova app chiamata Extensions che gestisce anche l'aggiornamento, la configurazione e la rimozione o la disabilitazione delle estensioni. Un pulsante Non disturbare è stato aggiunto al popover delle notifiche. Quando abilitato, le notifiche vengono nascoste fino a quando il pulsante non viene disattivato. Per impostazione predefinita, il nostro sfondo dinamico cambia il tema del colore nel corso della giornata. Inoltre abbiamo aggiornato GDM e migliorato molto il nostro Gnome-Layout-Switcher. Abbiamo aggiornato il nostro elenco di pacchetti preinstallati, zsh è la nuova shell predefinita e le applicazioni sono ora ordinate in cartelle all'interno dell' app drawer di Gnome
Pamac 9.5 series received a few updates. In this round we optimized internal check dep algorithm for smarter performance, enhanced the alpm error handling, optimized internal search algorithm for better regex support and applied database performance improvements. We also now build AUR packages and install as much as possible of them in a single run.
Manjaro Architect supporta ora l'installazione di ZFS fornendo i moduli del kernel necessari.
Per questa versione abbiamo scelto il Kernel 5.8, insieme agli ultimi driver disponibili fino ad oggi. Rispetto all'ultima versione del supporto di installazione, i nostri strumenti sono stati migliorati e perfezionati.
Speriamo che questa versione sia di tuo gradimento e ti chiediamo di farci sapere cosa pensi di Mikah.
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
- <a href="">AUR Repository</a> - 소스에서 빌드된 일반 저장소에 없는 추가 소프트웨어
- <a href="">Manjaro Wiki</a> - 만자로 공식 위키.
- <a href="">Arch Wiki</a> - 아치 공식 위키.
- <a href="|?#manjaro">IRC Chat</a> - 사용자를 위한 사용자의 실시간 대화 및 도움말.
- <a href="">IRC Chat</a> - 사용자를 위한 사용자의 실시간 대화 및 도움말.
@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
<big>Manjaro 20.1</big>
<big>Manjaro 19.0</big>
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, named Mikah.
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, we call Kyria.
The Xfce edition remains our flagship offering and has received the attention it deserves. Only a few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. With this release we ship Xfce 4.14 and have mostly focused on polishing the user experience with the desktop and window manager. Also we have switched to a new theme called Matcha. A new feature Display-Profiles allows you to store one or more profiles for your preferred display configuration. We also have implemented auto-application of profiles when new displays are connected.
The Xfce edition remains our flagship offering and has received the attention it deserves. Few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. With this release we ship Xfce 4.14 and have mostly focused on polishing the user experience with the desktop and window manager. Also we have switched to a new theme we call Matcha. The new feature Display-Profiles allows you to store one or more profiles for your preferred display configuration. To make the deal even sweeter we have implemented auto-application of profiles when new displays are connected.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.19 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel, which we had completely re-designed in Spring 2020. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 20.08 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.17 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel which we completely re-designed for this release. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 19.12.2 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.36 series we include visual refreshes for a number of applications and interfaces, particularly noteworthy being the login and unlock interfaces. GNOME shell extensions are now managed using a new Extensions app which handles updating, configuring and removing or disabling extensions. A Do Not Disturb button was added to the notifications popover. When enabled, notifications are hidden until the button is toggled off. By default our own dynamic wallpaper changes its colour theme throughout the day. Additionally we updated GDM and improved our Gnome-Layout-Switcher a lot. We updated our list of pre-installed packages, zsh is the new default shell and applications are now sorted in folders in a clean app drawer.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.34 series we include a visual refresh for numerous applications and the desktop itself. The background selection settings also received a redesign, making it easier to select custom backgrounds. By default we added our own dynamic wallpaper that changes throughout the day. GNOME 3.34 also introduces custom folders in the application overview: Simply drag an application icon on top of another to create a folder. Folders are automatically removed again when all icons have been dragged out of them. With a simpler desktop layout we gain more stability. Our new Gnome-Layout-Switcher enables you to change your desktop layout easily with preset layouts mimicking popular operating systems. Available layouts are: Manjaro, Vanilla Gnome, Mate/Gnome2, Traditional Desktop/Windows, Modern Desktop/MacOs, Unity/Ubuntu Theme. We also automatically change between dark and light theme when Nightlight is triggered. A new theme for the login screen and the addition of Feral's Gamemode round up our Gnome edition.
Pamac 9.5 series received a few updates. In this round we optimized internal check dep algorithm for smarter performance, enhanced the alpm error handling, optimized internal search algorithm for better regex support and applied database performance improvements. We also now build AUR packages and install as much as possible of them in a single run.
Kernel 5.4 LTS is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
Manjaro Architect supports now ZFS installation by providing the needed kernel modules.
Pamac 9.3 series received a few updates. With a more robust and reliable transaction backend our update process should be much smoother now. Also we improved package sorting by relevance in our GTK-UI. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily with our new tool Bauh and make use of an even much larger selection of latest Linux applications.
Kernel 5.8 is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Mikah.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Kyria.
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
<big> Dzięki za wsparcie </big>
Manjaro Linux otrzymuje ogromne wsparcie od swojej społeczności użytkowników i chcielibyśmy podziękować każdemu wspierającemu za udział. Rozwijamy się w stałym tempie, a dzięki Tobie nasza dystrybucja z każdym dniem jest coraz lepsza.
Bardzo łatwo jest coś zmienić. W zależności od twojego zestawu umiejętności, twojej dostępności możesz pomóc Manjaro na jeden lub więcej z następujących sposobów:
<big> Wsparcie i promocja </big>
<b> Rozpowszechnianie informacji </b>
Jeśli lubisz Manjaro, daj znać innym. Napisz recenzję i opublikuj ją na Porozmawiaj o tym ze swoimi przyjaciółmi i ludźmi wokół ciebie.
<b> Dołączanie do społeczności </b>
Manjaro to nie tylko system operacyjny, ale także dynamiczna społeczność ludzi, którzy cieszą się, gromadzą i wchodzą w interakcje z wolnym i otwartym projektem. Niezależnie od tego, czy chodzi o pomaganie innym w rozwiązywaniu problemów, sprawianie, że czują się mile widziani, czy po prostu spotykając się i rozmawiając z innymi użytkownikami Manjaro, zalecamy dołączenie do społeczności i udział w ulepszaniu Manjaro.
<b> Pomaganie innym </b>
Jeśli masz trochę wolnego czasu i chcesz pomóc innym użytkownikom w rozwiązywaniu problemów technicznych, powinieneś poważnie rozważyć czytanie forów i / lub dołączenie do kanału IRC i pomoc innym użytkownikom Manjaro w rozwiązywaniu problemów, które wiesz, jak naprawić.
<big> Wkład do projektu </big>
<b> Raporty o błędach </b>
Jeśli zauważyłeś coś, co nie działa poprawnie podczas korzystania z Manjaro, daj nam znać. Problem, który odkryłeś, prawdopodobnie wpłynie również na innych. Im szybciej się o tym dowiemy, tym szybciej będziemy mogli to naprawić.
<b> Nowe pomysły </b>
Zdecydowana większość ulepszeń zawartych w każdym wydaniu pochodzi od społeczności. Jeśli Twoim zdaniem brakuje czegoś, co można zrobić lepiej, poinformuj nas o tym. Niezależnie od tego, czy jest to dołączenie brakującego sterownika sprzętu, czy aplikacji, która powinna być częścią standardowej instalacji, czy też masz inne pomysły, jak ulepszyć Manjaro, zawsze jesteśmy zainteresowani ich usłyszeniem.
<b> Grafika </b>
Jeśli masz talent do projektowania graficznego i chcesz wnieść swój wkład w projekt, prześlij nam swoje kreacje i grafiki. Niezależnie od tego, czy jest to prosta tapeta, zestaw ikon, ekran powitalny, czy nawet nowe logo, zawsze jesteśmy zainteresowani usłyszeniem od Ciebie o nowej grafice.
<b> Kod </b>
Większość naszego kodu jest pisana w QT, C ++, Pythonie, HTML5 / CSS i BASH. Używamy również Gita do kontroli wersji i PKGBUILD do pakowania. Jeśli czujesz się komfortowo z tymi technologiami, nie wahaj się rzucić okiem na kod. Jeśli myślisz, że możesz ulepszyć nasze aplikacje lub napisać nowe, nie wahaj się zasugerować łatek lub rozwidlić nasze repozytoria git.
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<big> Obsługa sprzętu </big>
Manjaro nie tylko obsługuje instalację wielu jąder (wybieranych z zaawansowanych opcji na ekranie startowym), ale także zapewnia dostęp do najnowszych jąder „bleeding edge”. Można to zrobić za pomocą modułu Jądro w graficznym menedżerze ustawień Manjaro lub za pomocą wiersza poleceń przy użyciu polecenia mhwd-kernel (Manjaro Hardware Detection).
Te narzędzia Manjaro automatycznie zaktualizują nowo zainstalowane jądro wraz z wszystkimi modułami aktualnie używanymi z istniejącym jądrem. Na przykład, gdybyś zaktualizował jądro z 3.18 do 4.1, mhwd-kernel automatycznie zainstaluje kompilacje jądra 4.1 i wszystkie moduły używane z jądrem 3.18. Co ty na to!
Możesz skonfigurować swój sprzęt za pomocą modułu wykrywania sprzętu w Menedżerze ustawień lub alternatywnie za pomocą aplikacji MHWD z linii komend. Za pomocą tych narzędzi możesz zainstalować na przykład sterowniki graficzne, bezpłatne i zastrzeżone.
<big> Uzyskiwanie pomocy </big>
Chociaż Manjaro jest zaprojektowany tak, aby działał jak najlepiej „po wyjęciu z pudełka”, nie twierdzimy, że jest idealny. Może się zdarzyć, że coś pójdzie nie tak, możesz mieć pytania i chcieć dowiedzieć się więcej lub po prostu chcesz dostosować Manjaro do swoich upodobań. Ta strona zawiera szczegółowe informacje na temat dostępnych zasobów, które mogą Ci pomóc!
<b> Szukaj w internecie </b>
Być może pierwszym miejscem, w którym należy szukać ogólnej pomocy dla systemu Linux, jest skorzystanie z ulubionej wyszukiwarki. Po prostu uwzględnij w zapytaniu słowa takie jak „Linux”, „Manjaro” lub „Arch”.
Ponieważ Manjaro jest oparty na Arch Linux, przewodniki i porady zaprojektowane dla Arch zwykle dotyczą również Manjaro.
<b> Przeszukaj fora </b>
Aby uzyskać konkretną pomoc dotyczącą Manjaro, mamy dedykowane forum internetowe, na którym możesz wyszukiwać tematy lub tworzyć własne! Jest to prawdopodobnie kolejne najlepsze miejsce do współpracy, dyskusji i pomocy. Poproś o pomoc, podziel się swoimi przemyśleniami lub przedstaw kilka sugestii. Nie wstydź się!
Forum Manjaro jest podzielone na pod-fora dla różnych tematów i środowisk, prosimy o wysłanie zapytania w odpowiednim miejscu!
- <a href=""> Oficjalne Forum Manjaro</a>
<b> Dołącz do nas na IRC (Internet Relay Chat) </b>
Inną opcją jest dołączenie do nas na IRC poprzez dołączenie do naszego kanału #manjaro na serwerach
<b> Zarejestruj się na liście mailingowej </b>
Innym sposobem uzyskania pomocy jest wysłanie pytań e-mailem na listy mailingowe Manjaro (możesz również przeszukać historię pod kątem wcześniejszych dyskusji). Po prostu zarejestruj się na preferowaną listę i postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami. Jest lista poświęcona kilku tematom, wystarczy spojrzeć!
<big> Inne zasoby </big>
- <a href=""> Forum Manjaro PL </a> - wsparcie dla naszej polskiej społeczności.
- <a href=""> Repozytorium AUR </a> - Dodatkowe oprogramowanie, którego nie ma w zwykłych repozytoriach, zbudowane ze źródeł.
- <a href=""> Manjaro Wiki </a> - Oficjalna wiki Manjaro.
- <a href=""> Arch Wiki </a> - Oficjalna wiki Arch.
- <a href=""> Czat IRC </a> - rozmowy na żywo i pomoc od użytkowników dla użytkowników.
<big> Sugestie </big>
Masz sugestię, jak możemy ulepszyć Manjaro? Znalazłeś coś, co chcesz uwzględnić, lub chcesz pomóc? Daj nam znać, publikując swoje sugestie na forum lub wpadnij na IRC.
Mamy nadzieję, że spodoba Ci się Manjaro!
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<big>Manjaro 20.1</big>
Z radością publikujemy kolejne stabilne wydanie Manjaro Linux o nazwie Mikah.
Naszym flagowym wydaniem wciąż jest Xfce, które cieszy się taką uwagą, na jaką zasługuje. Tylko nieliczni mogą twierdzić, że oferują tak dopracowane, zintegrowane i najnowocześniejsze doświadczenia z Xfce. W tym wydaniu dostarczamy Xfce 4.14 i skupiliśmy się głównie na dopracowaniu wrażeń użytkownika z pulpitu i menedżera okien. Dodatkowo przeszliśmy na nowy motyw o nazwie Matcha. Nowa funkcja Display-Profiles pozwala na przechowywanie jednego lub więcej profili dla preferowanej konfiguracji wyświetlania. Zaimplementowaliśmy także automatyczne stosowanie profili po podłączeniu nowych ekranów.
Nasza edycja KDE dostarcza potężne, dojrzałe i bogate w funkcje środowisko Plasma 5.19 o unikalnym wyglądzie i działaniu, które całkowicie przeprojektowaliśmy wiosną 2020. Pełen zestaw motywów Breath2 obejmuje jasną i ciemną wersję, animowany ekran powitalny, profile Konsoli, skórki Yakuake i wiele innych drobiazgów. Dodaliśmy do edytora tekstu Kate kilka schematów kolorów oraz oferujemy aplet Simplemenu jako alternatywę dla tradycyjnego Kickoff-Launchera. Manjaro KDE zawiera szeroki wybór aplikacji KDE 20.8 oraz innych programów, dzięki czemu jest wszechstronnym i eleganckim środowiskiem gotowym na wszystkie Twoje codzienne potrzeby.
W wydaniu Gnome opartym na serii 3.36 odświeżyliśmy liczne aplikacje i ekrany, szczególnie warte uwagi są ekrany logowania i odblokowywania. Rozszerzeniami Gnome zarządza się teraz za pomocą nowej aplikacji Rozszerzenia, która obsługuje aktualizowanie, konfigurowanie i usuwanie lub wyłączanie rozszerzeń. Do okienka powiadomień dodano przycisk "Nie przeszkadzać". Po jego aktywowaniu powiadomienia są ukryte do momentu wyłączenia przycisku. Domyślnie nasza tapeta zmienia swój motyw kolorystyczny w ciągu dnia. Dodatkowo zaktualizowaliśmy GDM i znacznie ulepszyliśmy przełącznik układów Gnome. Zaktualizowaliśmy listę preinstalowanych pakietów, powłoka zsh jest teraz domyślną powłoką terminala, a aplikacje są teraz posortowane w foldery w menu.
Pamac w wydaniu 9.5 otrzymał kilka aktualizacji. Tym razem zoptymalizowaliśmy wewnętrzny algorytm sprawdzania depozytów w celu uzyskania lepszej wydajności, poprawiliśmy obsługę błędów alpm, zoptymalizowaliśmy algorytm wyszukiwania do lepszej obsługi wyrażeń regularnych i zwiększyliśmy wydajność bazy danych. Teraz w jednym przebiegu budujemy i instalujemy jak najwięcej pakietów AUR.
Manjaro Architect obsługuje teraz instalację ZFS poprzez dostarczenie potrzebnych modułów kernela.
W tym wydaniu dostarczamy kernel 5.8 oraz najnowsze dostępne w dniu wydania sterowniki. Nasze narzędzia w porównaniu do poprzedniego wydania zostały ulepszone i dopracowane.
Mamy nadzieję, że spodoba Ci się to wydanie. Daj nam znać co myślisz o Mikah.
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Outra maneira de obter ajuda é enviar e-mail perguntas para Manjaro mailing lis
- <a href="">AUR Repository</a> - Software extra não disponível nos repositórios normais, construído a partir da fonte.
- <a href="">Manjaro Wiki</a> - Oficial wiki para Manjaro.
- <a href="">Arch Wiki</a> - Oficial wiki para Arch.
- <a href="|?#manjaro">IRC Chat</a> - Conversa ao vivo e ajuda por usuários para usuários.
- <a href="">IRC Chat</a> - Conversa ao vivo e ajuda por usuários para usuários.
- <a href="">Fórum Manjaro Brasil</a> - Fórum Manjaro Brasil
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<big>Manjaro 20.1</big>
<big>Manjaro 19.0</big>
Estamos felizes em publicar outra versão estável do Manjaro Linux, chamada Mikah.
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, we call Kyria.
A edição XFCE continua sendo nossa principal oferta e recebeu a atenção que merece. Apenas alguns podem afirmar oferecer uma experiência tão refinada, integrada e de ponta no XFCE. Com esta versão, enviamos o XFCE 4.14 e nós concentramos principalmente em aprimorar a experiência do usuário com o gerenciador de desktop e janela. Também mudamos para um novo tema chamado Matcha. Um novo recurso Display-Profiles permite armazenar um ou mais perfis para sua configuração de exibição preferida. Também implementamos a aplicação automática de perfis quando novos monitores são conectados.
The Xfce edition remains our flagship offering and has received the attention it deserves. Few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. With this release we ship Xfce 4.14 and have mostly focused on polishing the user experience with the desktop and window manager. Also we have switched to a new theme we call Matcha. The new feature Display-Profiles allows you to store one or more profiles for your preferred display configuration. To make the deal even sweeter we have implemented auto-application of profiles when new displays are connected.
Nossa edição do KDE fornece ao ambiente de desktop Plasma 5.19 poderoso, maduro e rico em recursos, uma aparência e sensação únicas que foram completamente redesenhadas em 2020. O conjunto completo de temas do Breath2 inclui versões clara e escura, uma animada tela de abertura, perfis para o Konsole, skins Yakuake e muitos outros pequenos detalhes. Encerramos o editor de texto Kate com alguns esquemas de cores adicionais e oferecemos o Plasma-Simplemenu como uma alternativa ao tradicional Kickoff-Launcher. Com uma ampla seleção dos mais recentes aplicativos do KDE 20.08 e outros aplicativos, o Manjaro KDE busca ser um ambiente versátil e elegante, pronto para todas as suas necessidades diárias.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.17 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel which we completely re-designed for this release. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 19.12.2 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
Com nossa edição do GNOME baseada na série 3.36, incluímos atualizações visuais para vários aplicativos e interfaces, sendo de destacar as interfaces de login e desbloqueio. As extensões de shell do GNOME agora são gerenciadas usando um novo aplicativo de extensões que lida com a atualização, configuração e remoção ou desativação de extensões. Um botão Não perturbe foi adicionado ao popover de notificações. Quando ativada, as notificações ficam ocultas até que o botão seja desativado. Por padrão, nosso próprio papel de parede dinâmico muda seu tema de cores ao longo do dia. Além disso, atualizamos o GDM e melhoramos muito o nosso Gnome-Layout-Switcher. Atualizamos nossa lista de pacotes pré-instalados, ZSH é o novo shell padrão e os aplicativos agora são classificados em pastas em uma gaveta limpa de aplicativos.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.34 series we include a visual refresh for numerous applications and the desktop itself. The background selection settings also received a redesign, making it easier to select custom backgrounds. By default we added our own dynamic wallpaper that changes throughout the day. GNOME 3.34 also introduces custom folders in the application overview: Simply drag an application icon on top of another to create a folder. Folders are automatically removed again when all icons have been dragged out of them. With a simpler desktop layout we gain more stability. Our new Gnome-Layout-Switcher enables you to change your desktop layout easily with preset layouts mimicking popular operating systems. Available layouts are: Manjaro, Vanilla Gnome, Mate/Gnome2, Traditional Desktop/Windows, Modern Desktop/MacOs, Unity/Ubuntu Theme. We also automatically change between dark and light theme when Nightlight is triggered. A new theme for the login screen and the addition of Feral's Gamemode round up our Gnome edition.
Pamac 9.5 series received a few updates. In this round we optimized internal check dep algorithm for smarter performance, enhanced the alpm error handling, optimized internal search algorithm for better regex support and applied database performance improvements. We also now build AUR packages and install as much as possible of them in a single run.
Kernel 5.4 LTS is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
O Manjaro Architect agora suporta a instalação do ZFS, fornecendo os módulos de kernel necessários.
Pamac 9.3 series received a few updates. With a more robust and reliable transaction backend our update process should be much smoother now. Also we improved package sorting by relevance in our GTK-UI. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily with our new tool Bauh and make use of an even much larger selection of latest Linux applications.
O kernel 5.8 é usado para esta versão, como os drivers mais recentes disponíveis até o momento. Em relação ao último release da mídia de instalação, nossas ferramentas foram aprimoradas e polidas.
Esperamos que você goste deste lançamento e deixe-nos saber o que você acha da Mikah.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Kyria.
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<big>Obrigado pelo seu apoio</big>
O Manjaro Linux recebe um grande apoio da sua comunidade de utilizadores e gostaríamos de agradecer a todos e a cada contribuinte por participar. Estamos a crescer a um ritmo constante e a nossa distribuição está a melhorar a cada dia, graças a você.
O Manjaro Linux recebe um grande apoio de sua comunidade de usuários e gostaríamos de agradecer a todos e cada contribuinte por participar. Estamos crescendo a um ritmo constante e nossa distribuição está melhorando a cada dia graças a você.
É muito fácil fazer a diferença. Dependendo das suas competências e da sua disponibilidade, você pode ajudar o Manjaro de várias formas:
É muito fácil fazer a diferença. Dependendo do seu conjunto de habilidades, sua disponibilidade você pode ajudar Manjaro em uma ou mais das seguintes maneiras:
<big>Suporte e Promoção</big>
<b>Passando a palavra</b>
<b>Divulgando a palavra</b>
Se você gosta do Manjaro, que as pessoas o saibam. Escreva um comentário e publique-o em Fale sobre isso com os seus amigos e com as pessoas ao seu redor.
Se você gosta de Manjaro, que as pessoas saibam. Escreva um comentário e publicá-lo em Fale sobre isso com seus amigos e as pessoas ao seu redor.
<b>Aderindo à Comunidade</b>
<b>Aderir à Comunidade</b>
O Manjaro não é apenas um sistema operativo. É também uma comunidade dinâmica de pessoas que gostam de um projeto livre e aberto, que se reúnem e que interagem entre si. Quer se trate de ajudar os outros a resolver os problemas, fazendo-os sentir bem-vindos, ou simplesmente de conhecer e de conversar com outros utilizadores do Manjaro, recomendamos que você se junte à comunidade e participe em melhorar o Manjaro.
Manjaro não é apenas um sistema operacional, é também uma comunidade dinâmica de pessoas que gostam, se reúnem e interagem com um projeto livre e aberto. Quer se trate de ajudar os outros a resolver os problemas, fazendo-os sentir-se bem-vindo, ou simplesmente por conhecer e conversar com outros usuários Manjaro, recomendamos que você se juntar à comunidade e participar em fazer Manjaro melhor.
<b>Ajudando os outros</b>
<b>Ajudar os outros</b>
Se você tiver algum tempo livre e estiver disposto a ajudar outros utilizadores com problemas técnicos que saiba resolver, deve considerar seriamente a leitura de fóruns, e/ou a inscrição no canal IRC do Manjaro.
Se você tem algum tempo livre e está disposto a ajudar outros usuários com problemas técnicos, você deve considerar seriamente a leitura de fóruns e/ou se juntar ao canal IRC e ajudar outros usuários Manjaro a resolver os problemas que você sabe como corrigir.
<big>Contribuições para o projeto</big>
<big>Contribuições do projeto</big>
<b>Submetendo relatórios de bugs</b>
<b>Relatórios de bugs</b>
Se você detetar algo que não funciona corretamente enquanto utiliza o Manjaro, avise-nos. O problema que você descobrir é susceptível de afetar outros utilizadores. Quanto mais cedo soubermos disso, mais cedo seremos capazes de o corrigir.
Se você notou algo que não funciona corretamente enquanto estiver usando Manjaro, avise-nos. O problema que você descobriu é susceptível de afetar outros também; Quanto mais cedo soubermos disso, mais cedo seremos capazes de corrigi-lo.
<b>Sugerindo Novas ideias</b>
<b>Novas ideias</b>
A grande maioria das melhorias incluídas em cada versão vem da comunidade. Se houver algo que você considere que falta ou que poderia ser melhorado, por favor avise-nos. Seja a inclusão de um driver de hardware ausente, de uma aplicação de software que devesse fazer parte da instalação de origem, ou sejam outras ideias que você tenha sobre como melhorar o Manjaro, estaremos sempre interessados em ouvi-lo.
A grande maioria das melhorias incluídas em cada versão vem da comunidade. Se há algo que você acha que está faltando ou que poderia ser feito melhor, por favor nos avise. Se é a inclusão de um driver de hardware ausente, ou um aplicativo de software que deve fazer parte de uma instalação de estoque, ou se você tem outras idéias sobre como fazer Manjaro melhor, estamos sempre interessados em ouvi-los.
<b>Divulgando obras de arte</b>
<b>Obra de arte</b>
Se você for talentoso em design gráfico e estiver disposto a contribuir para o projeto, envie-nos as suas criações de obras de arte. Quer se trate de um simples papel de parede, de um conjunto de ícones, de uma tela de abertura, ou mesmo de um novo logotipo, estaremos sempre interessados em receber as suas novas obras de arte.
Se você é talentoso em design gráfico e está disposto a contribuir para o projeto, envie-nos suas criações e obras de arte. Quer se trate de um simples papel de parede, um conjunto de ícones, uma tela de abertura, ou mesmo um novo logotipo, estamos sempre interessados em ouvir de você sobre novas obras de arte.
<b>Submetendo código</b>
A maior parte do nosso desenvolvimento é feito em QT, C++, Python, HTML5/CSS e BASH. Nós também utilizamos o Git para controle de versão e PKGBUILDs para o empacotamento. Se você estiver confortável com estas tecnologias, não hesite em dar uma vista de olhos no código. Se achar que pode melhorar as nossas aplicações ou escrever outras novas, não hesite em sugerir patches ou forks dos nossos repositórios git.
A maior parte do nosso desenvolvimento é feito em QT, C++, Python, HTML5/CSS e BASH. Nós também usamos Git para controle de versão e PKGBUILDs para empacotar. Se você está confortável com essas tecnologias, não hesite em dar uma olhada no código. Se você acha que pode melhorar nossos aplicativos ou escrever novos, não hesite em sugerir patches ou fork nossos repositórios git.
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<big>Gestão de hardware</big>
<big>Manuseio de hardware</big>
O Manjaro não só suporta vários kernels (selecionáveis a partir das opções avançadas do menu de arranque), como também fornece acesso aos kernels mais recentes, em desenvolvimento contínuo (bleeding edge). Estes podem ser instalados através do módulo Kernel, no Gestor de Configurações do Manjaro, ou através da linha de comandos, através do comando MHWD-kernel (Manjaro Hardware Detection).
Manjaro não só suporta o uso de vários kernels (selecionável a partir das opções avançadas na tela de inicialização), mas também fornece acesso aos mais recentes kernels de bordos de sangramento também. Isso pode ser feito através do uso do módulo Kernel no Gerenciador de Configurações gráficas do Manjaro ou através da linha de comando usando o comando MHWD-kernel (Manjaro Hardware Detection).
Estas ferramentas do Manjaro atualizam automaticamente um kernel recém-instalado, juntamente com todos os módulos atualmente instalados no kernel existente. Por exemplo, se você atualizar do kernel 3.18 para o 4.1, o mhwd-kernel incluirá automaticamente as compilações do kernel 4.1 e de todos os módulos instalados no kernel 3.18. Que tal?
Essas ferramentas Manjaro atualizarão automaticamente um kernel recém-instalado juntamente com todos os módulos atualmente em uso com o kernel existente. Por exemplo, se você atualizar do kernel 3.18 para 4.1, o mhwd-kernel automaticamente incluiria as compilações do kernel 4.1 e todos os módulos usados com o kernel 3.18. Que tal isso!
Você pode configurar o seu hardware através do módulo de Deteção de Hardware no Gestor de Configurações ou, alternativamente, com o aplicativo cli do MHWD. Com estas ferramentas você pode instalar, por exemplo, drivers gráficos gratuitos e/ou proprietários.
Você pode configurar seu hardware através do módulo de Detecção de Hardware no Gerenciador de Configurações ou, alternativamente, com o aplicativo cli do MHWD. Com essas ferramentas você pode instalar, por exemplo, drivers gráficos, gratuitos e proprietários.
<big>Conseguindo ajuda</big>
Embora o Manjaro seja projetado para funcionar o melhor possível, nós não afirmamos que seja perfeito. Poderão haver situações em que as coisas não corram bem. Você pode ter perguntas a fazer e um desejo de aprender mais, ou desejar, apenas, personalizar o sistema para o adequar ao seu gosto. Esta página fornece detalhes sobre alguns recursos disponíveis para o ajudar!
Embora Manjaro é projetado para trabalhar tanto quanto possível, nós não afirmamos que é perfeito. Pode haver momentos em que as coisas dão errado, você pode ter perguntas e um desejo de aprender mais ou apenas deseja personalizá-lo para se adequar ao seu gosto. Esta página fornece detalhes de alguns recursos disponíveis para ajudá-lo!
<b>Pesquise na internet</b>
A primeira ferramenta a utilizar para obter ajuda genérica sobre o Linux poderá ser o seu motor de busca favorito. Basta incluir palavras como 'Linux', 'Manjaro' ou 'Arch' na sua pesquisa.
Talvez o primeiro lugar para procurar ajuda genérica do Linux seja usando seu mecanismo de busca favorito. Basta incluir palavras como 'Linux', 'Manjaro' ou 'Arch' em sua consulta de pesquisa.
Como o Manjaro é baseado em Arch Linux, guias e dicas projetados para o Arch aplicam-se normalmente ao Manjaro.
Como Manjaro é baseado em Arch Linux, guias e dicas projetadas para Arch geralmente se aplicam a Manjaro também.
<b>Leia os fóruns</b>
<b>Olhe nos fóruns</b>
Para ajuda específica do Manjaro, temos um fórum online dedicado, onde você pode pesquisar tópicos existentes ou criar um novo! Este é provavelmente o melhor lugar para participar na colaboração, na discussão e na assistência. Peça ajuda, exponha os seus pensamentos e esboce as suas sugestões. Não seja tímido!
Para ajuda específica com Manjaro temos um fórum on-line dedicado onde você pode procurar por tópicos, ou criar um você mesmo! Este é provavelmente o melhor lugar para ir para a colaboração, discussão e assistência. Peça ajuda, coloque seus pensamentos ou esboce algumas sugestões. Não seja tímido!
O Fórum do Manjaro está dividido em sub-fóruns para diferentes tópicos e ambientes. Por favor, publique no local apropriado!
O Fórum Manjaro está dividido em sub-fóruns para diferentes tópicos e ambientes, por favor, poste a sua consulta no local apropriado!
<b>Junte-se a nós no IRC (Internet Relay Chat)</b>
Outra opção é juntar-se a nós no IRC, inscrevendo-se no nosso canal (#manjaro), nos servidores
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<big>Outros recursos</big>
- <a href="">Manjaro Germany</a> - Apoio oficial para a nossa comunidade alemã.
- <a href="">AUR Repository</a> - Software extra indisponível nos repositórios normais; compilado a partir da fonte.
- <a href="">Manjaro Wiki</a> - Manjaro Wiki oficial.
- <a href="">Arch Wiki</a> - Arch Wiki oficial.
- <a href="|?#manjaro">IRC Chat</a> - Chat e ajuda entre utilizadores.
- <a href="">Manjaro Germany</a> - Oficial, apoio para a nossa comunidade alemã.
- <a href="">AUR Repository</a> - Software extra não disponível nos repositórios normais, construído a partir da fonte.
- <a href="">Manjaro Wiki</a> - Oficial wiki para Manjaro.
- <a href="">Arch Wiki</a> - Oficial wiki para Arch.
- <a href="">IRC Chat</a> - Conversa ao vivo e ajuda por usuários para usuários.
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Esperamos que goste de usar Manjaro!
Esperamos que você goste de usar Manjaro!
@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
<big>Manjaro 20.1</big>
<big>Manjaro 19.0</big>
Estamos felizes por publicar outra versão estável do Manjaro Linux, chamada Mikah.
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, we call Kyria.
A edição XFCE continua a nossa oferta principal, tendo recebido a atenção que merece. Apenas alguns podem afirmar oferecer uma experiência tão refinada, integrada e de ponta no XFCE. Com esta edição incluímos o XFCE 4.14, tendo-nos concentrado principalmente em aprimorar a experiência do utilizador no ambiente de trabalho e no gestor de janelas. Também mudamos para um novo tema chamado Matcha. O novo recurso Display-Profiles permite armazenar um ou mais perfis para a sua configuração de exibição preferida. Também implementamos a aplicação automática de perfis de visualização quando novos monitores são conectados.
The Xfce edition remains our flagship offering and has received the attention it deserves. Few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. With this release we ship Xfce 4.14 and have mostly focused on polishing the user experience with the desktop and window manager. Also we have switched to a new theme we call Matcha. The new feature Display-Profiles allows you to store one or more profiles for your preferred display configuration. To make the deal even sweeter we have implemented auto-application of profiles when new displays are connected.
Nossa edição do KDE fornece o ambiente de trabalho Plasma 5.19, poderoso , maduro e rico em recursos, com uma aparência e funcionalidade únicas, que foram completamente redesenhadas em 2020. O conjunto completo de temas do Breath2 inclui versões clara e escura, um ecrã de abertura animado, perfis para o Konsole, decorações para o Yakuake e muitos outros pequenos detalhes. Melhoramos o editor de texto Kate com alguns esquemas de cores adicionais e oferecemos o Plasma-Simplemenu como uma alternativa ao tradicional Kickoff-Launcher. Com uma ampla seleção das mais recentes aplicações do KDE (KDE-Apps 20.08), entre outras, o Manjaro KDE procura ser um ambiente versátil e elegante, pronto para todas as suas necessidades diárias.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.17 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel which we completely re-designed for this release. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 19.12.2 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
Com nossa edição do GNOME, baseada na série 3.36, incluímos atualizações visuais para várias aplicações e interfaces, sendo de destacar as interfaces de login e desbloqueio. As extensões de shell do GNOME são, agora, geridas através de uma nova Aplicação de Extensões que lida com a atualização, configuração e remoção, ou desativação, de extensões. Um botão "Não Perturbe" foi adicionado ao diálogo de notificações. Quando ativado, as notificações ficam ocultas até que o botão seja desativado. Por defeito, o nosso próprio papel de parede dinâmico muda o tema de cores ao longo do dia. Além disso, atualizamos o GDM e melhoramos muito o nosso Gnome-Layout-Switcher. Atualizamos nossa lista de pacotes pré-instalados, o ZSH é a nova consola-padrão e as aplicações são, agora, categorizadas em pastas, numa gaveta aplicações limpa.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.34 series we include a visual refresh for numerous applications and the desktop itself. The background selection settings also received a redesign, making it easier to select custom backgrounds. By default we added our own dynamic wallpaper that changes throughout the day. GNOME 3.34 also introduces custom folders in the application overview: Simply drag an application icon on top of another to create a folder. Folders are automatically removed again when all icons have been dragged out of them. With a simpler desktop layout we gain more stability. Our new Gnome-Layout-Switcher enables you to change your desktop layout easily with preset layouts mimicking popular operating systems. Available layouts are: Manjaro, Vanilla Gnome, Mate/Gnome2, Traditional Desktop/Windows, Modern Desktop/MacOs, Unity/Ubuntu Theme. We also automatically change between dark and light theme when Nightlight is triggered. A new theme for the login screen and the addition of Feral's Gamemode round up our Gnome edition.
A série Pamac 9.5 recebeu algumas atualizações. Aprimorando a nossa gestão de pacotes, ativamos o suporte a Snap e Flatpak por defeito. Agora você pode instalar Snaps ou Flatpaks com muita facilidade através do Pamac, na interface gráfica e no terminal, acedendo a uma seleção ainda maior de aplicações Linux recentes. Para os utilizadores do Gnome, clicando com o botão direito do mouse na gaveta do aplicativo gnome-shell, ativamos recursos semelhantes aos suportados pelo Gnome-Software para obter mais informações sobre os pacotes. E se você procurar uma aplicação que não possui, o Pamac oferece-lhe a instalação.
Kernel 5.4 LTS is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
O Manjaro Architect suporta, agora, a instalação do ZFS, fornecendo os módulos de kernel necessários.
Pamac 9.3 series received a few updates. With a more robust and reliable transaction backend our update process should be much smoother now. Also we improved package sorting by relevance in our GTK-UI. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily with our new tool Bauh and make use of an even much larger selection of latest Linux applications.
O kernel 5.6 é utilizado nesta versão do Manjaro, com os drivers mais recentes, atualmente disponíveis. Relativamente à última edição da imagem de instalação, as nossas ferramentas foram aprimoradas e polidas.
Esperamos que você goste deste lançamento e que nos diga o que acha do Mikah.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Kyria.
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
- <a href=""> Репозиторий AUR </a> - Дополнительное программное обеспечение, отсутствующее в обычных репозиториях, собранное из исходного кода.
- <a href=""> Manjaro Wiki </a> - Официальная wiki для Манджаро.
- <a href=""> Arch Wiki </a> - Официальная wiki для Arch.
- <a href="|?#manjaro"> IRC Chat </a> - Живой разговор и помощь пользователям для пользователей.
- <a href=""> IRC Chat </a> - Живой разговор и помощь пользователям для пользователей.
<big>Русскоязычные ресурсы</big>
@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
<big>Manjaro 20.1</big>
<big>Manjaro 19.0</big>
Мы рады предложить вам очередной стабильный выпуск Manjaro Linux с кодовым названием Mikah.
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, we call Kyria.
Нашим ведущим предложением остаётся редакция с окружением Xfce, которому мы уделили заслуженное внимание. Лишь немногие могут утверждать, что предлагают настолько хорошо настроенное, интегрированное и обновлённое окружение Xfce. Этот выпуск основан на Xfce 4.14, и мы по большей части работали над удобством использования рабочего стола и оконного менеджера. Также мы перешли на новую тему оформления Matcha. С новой функцией «Профили дисплеев» вы можете сохранять один или несколько профилей выбранной вами конфигурации дисплеев. Мы также реализовали автоматическое применение профилей при подключении новых дисплеев.
The Xfce edition remains our flagship offering and has received the attention it deserves. Few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. With this release we ship Xfce 4.14 and have mostly focused on polishing the user experience with the desktop and window manager. Also we have switched to a new theme we call Matcha. The new feature Display-Profiles allows you to store one or more profiles for your preferred display configuration. To make the deal even sweeter we have implemented auto-application of profiles when new displays are connected.
В редакции с окружением KDE мы поставляем мощное, зрелое и многофункциональное окружение рабочего стола Plasma 5.19 с уникальным оформлением, которое мы полностью переработали весной 2020 года. Полный набор тем Breath2 включает светлый и темный варианты, анимированную заставку, профили Konsole, темы Yakuake и много других мелочей. Мы добавили несколько цветовых схем в текстовый редактор Kate, а также предоставляем меню запуска приложений Simple Menu как альтернативу традиционному Kickoff. Вариант Manjaro KDE идет с широкой подборкой новейших приложений KDE-Apps 20.08 а также других приложений, чтобы у вас была универсальная и элегантная среда для всех ваших повседневных задач.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.17 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel which we completely re-designed for this release. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 19.12.2 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
В редакции с окружением Gnome, основанном на версии 3.36, мы обновили внешний вид ряда приложений и интерфейсов, особенно стоит отметить экраны входа и разблокировки. Расширения оболочки GNOME теперь можно настраивать с помощью приложения Extensions, где их можно обновлять, настраивать, удалять или отключать. Во всплывающем окне уведомлений мы добавили кнопку «Не беспокоить», при включении которой уведомления будут скрыты до её отключения. По умолчанию установлены наши динамические обои, цветовая тема которых меняется в течение дня. Кроме того, мы обновили GDM и значительно улучшили наш Gnome-Layout-Switcher. Мы обновили список предустановленных пакетов, по умолчанию теперь установлена командная оболочка (шелл) zsh, а приложения в меню сгруппированы в папки.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.34 series we include a visual refresh for numerous applications and the desktop itself. The background selection settings also received a redesign, making it easier to select custom backgrounds. By default we added our own dynamic wallpaper that changes throughout the day. GNOME 3.34 also introduces custom folders in the application overview: Simply drag an application icon on top of another to create a folder. Folders are automatically removed again when all icons have been dragged out of them. With a simpler desktop layout we gain more stability. Our new Gnome-Layout-Switcher enables you to change your desktop layout easily with preset layouts mimicking popular operating systems. Available layouts are: Manjaro, Vanilla Gnome, Mate/Gnome2, Traditional Desktop/Windows, Modern Desktop/MacOs, Unity/Ubuntu Theme. We also automatically change between dark and light theme when Nightlight is triggered. A new theme for the login screen and the addition of Feral's Gamemode round up our Gnome edition.
Несколько обновлений получил менеджер Pamac версии 9.5. В этот раз мы оптимизировали внутренний механизм проверки зависимостей в целях улучшения производительности, повысили эффективность обработки ошибок alpm, доработали внутренний алгоритм поиска в части поддержки регулярных выражений и ввели улучшения, направленные на повышение производительности базы данных. А ещё пакеты из AUR теперь собираются и устанавливаются по возможности за один шаг.
Kernel 5.4 LTS is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
Manjaro Architect теперь поддерживает установку на файловую систему ZFS, предоставляя необходимые модули ядра.
Pamac 9.3 series received a few updates. With a more robust and reliable transaction backend our update process should be much smoother now. Also we improved package sorting by relevance in our GTK-UI. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily with our new tool Bauh and make use of an even much larger selection of latest Linux applications.
В этом выпуске используется ядро 5.8 и последние версии драйверов, доступные на этот момент. По сравнению с последним выпуском установочных образов наши инструменты были улучшены и доработаны.
Надеемся, вам понравится этот выпуск, ждём ваших отзывов о Mikah.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Kyria.
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Yardım almanın başka bir yolu da soruları Manjaro mail listesine mail gönde
- <a href="">AUR Deposu</a> - Ekstra yazılımlar normal depolarda değil, kaynaktan yapılmış.
- <a href="">Manjaro Viki</a> - Manjaro için resmi viki.
- <a href="">Arch Viki</a> - Arch için resmi viki.
- <a href="|?#manjaro">IRC Chat</a> - Kullanıcılar ile konuşma ve yardım alma.
- <a href="">IRC Chat</a> - Kullanıcılar ile konuşma ve yardım alma.
@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
<big>Manjaro 20.1</big>
<big>Manjaro 19.0</big>
Manjaro Linux kararlı sürümü Mikah'yı yayınlamaktan mutluluk duyuyoruz.
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, we call Kyria.
Xfce hak ettiği ilgiyi aldı ve en iyi sürümümüz olmaya devam ediyor. Çok az dağıtım sizlere böyle gösterişli, bütünleşmiş ve modern bir Xfce deneyimi sunar. Bu sürüm ile çoğunlukla masaüstü ve pencere yöneticisini güzelleştirdiğimiz Xfce 4.14'ü paylaşıyoruz. Ayrıca yeni temamız olan Matcha'yı sizlere sunuyoruz. Yeni Display-Profiles özelliği, tercih ettiğiniz ekran yapılandırması için bir veya daha fazla profil saklamanızı sağlar. İşleri daha da kolaylaştırmak için yeni ekranlar bağlandığında profillerin otomatik olarak uygulanmasını sağladık.
The Xfce edition remains our flagship offering and has received the attention it deserves. Few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. With this release we ship Xfce 4.14 and have mostly focused on polishing the user experience with the desktop and window manager. Also we have switched to a new theme we call Matcha. The new feature Display-Profiles allows you to store one or more profiles for your preferred display configuration. To make the deal even sweeter we have implemented auto-application of profiles when new displays are connected.
Bu sürüm ile birlikte KDE sürümümüz, güçlü, olgun ve zengin özelliklere sahip Plasma 5.19 masaüstü ortamını ve yeniden tasarladığımız temamızı içerir. Breath2 temalarının tamamı açık ve koyu sürümleri, animasyonlu açılış ekranı, Konsole profilleri, Yakuake kaplamaları ve daha pek çok küçük ayrıntıyı içerir. Metin editörü Kate'i ek renk şemaları ve geleneksel Kickoff-Launcher'a alternatif olarak Plasma-Simplemenu'yu sunuyoruz. En son sürümü ile KDE-Apps 20.08 ve diğer uygulamaların geniş bir yelpazesi ile Manjaro-KDE, tüm günlük ihtiyaçlarınız için hazır çok yönlü ve zarif bir ortam olmayı hedeflemektedir.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.17 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel which we completely re-designed for this release. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 19.12.2 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
Gnome 3.36 serisi ile birlikte özellikle giriş ve kilit ekranı başta olmak üzere bir çok uygulama ve arayüz yenilikleri içermektedir. Gnome eklentileri artık yeni eklentiler uygulaması ile yönetilebilir hale geldi. Eklentiler uygulaması ile eklentileri güncelleyebilir, yüklü eklentilerin ayarlarını değiştirebilir, eklenti kaldırabilir veya devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz. Bildirim uygulamasına rahatsız etme butonu eklendi. Böylelikle bu seçenek aktif olduğu sürece bildirimler gizlenir. Varsayılan dinamik duvar kağıdı uygulamamız gün boyunca renk temasını değiştirir. Ek olarak GDM ve Gnome-Layout-Switcher güncelledik. Ön yüklü uygulamalarımızı düzenledik, zsh ve düzenli klasörlenmiş bir uygulamalar ekranı ile birlikte güncellemelerimizi tamamladık.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.34 series we include a visual refresh for numerous applications and the desktop itself. The background selection settings also received a redesign, making it easier to select custom backgrounds. By default we added our own dynamic wallpaper that changes throughout the day. GNOME 3.34 also introduces custom folders in the application overview: Simply drag an application icon on top of another to create a folder. Folders are automatically removed again when all icons have been dragged out of them. With a simpler desktop layout we gain more stability. Our new Gnome-Layout-Switcher enables you to change your desktop layout easily with preset layouts mimicking popular operating systems. Available layouts are: Manjaro, Vanilla Gnome, Mate/Gnome2, Traditional Desktop/Windows, Modern Desktop/MacOs, Unity/Ubuntu Theme. We also automatically change between dark and light theme when Nightlight is triggered. A new theme for the login screen and the addition of Feral's Gamemode round up our Gnome edition.
Pamac 9.5 series received a few updates. In this round we optimized internal check dep algorithm for smarter performance, enhanced the alpm error handling, optimized internal search algorithm for better regex support and applied database performance improvements. We also now build AUR packages and install as much as possible of them in a single run.
Kernel 5.4 LTS is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
Manjaro Architect ZFS kurulumunu gerekli çekirdek modüllerini sağlayarak gerçekleştirir.
Pamac 9.3 series received a few updates. With a more robust and reliable transaction backend our update process should be much smoother now. Also we improved package sorting by relevance in our GTK-UI. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily with our new tool Bauh and make use of an even much larger selection of latest Linux applications.
5.8 çekirdek sürümü ile güncel sürücüleri sizlerle buluşturur. Yayınlanan son sürüm ile araçlarımız iyileştirildi ve geliştirildi.
Umarız bu sürümden keyif alırsınız ve Mikah hakkındaki düşüncelerinizi bizimle paylaşırsınız.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Kyria.
Reference in New Issue
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