729 lines
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729 lines
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/* === This file is part of Calamares - <https://calamares.io> ===
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Aurélien Gâteau <agateau@kde.org>
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2017 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org>
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2019 2020, Adriaan de Groot <groot@kde.org>
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Collabora Ltd <arnaud.ferraris@collabora.com>
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Anke Boersma <demm@kaosx.us
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* Calamares is Free Software: see the License-Identifier above.
#include "PartitionViewStep.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include "core/BootLoaderModel.h"
#include "core/DeviceModel.h"
#include "core/PartitionCoreModule.h"
#include "gui/ChoicePage.h"
#include "gui/PartitionBarsView.h"
#include "gui/PartitionLabelsView.h"
#include "gui/PartitionPage.h"
#include "Branding.h"
#include "GlobalStorage.h"
#include "JobQueue.h"
#include "utils/Gui.h"
#include "utils/Logger.h"
#include "utils/QtCompat.h"
#include "utils/Retranslator.h"
#include "utils/Variant.h"
#include "widgets/TranslationFix.h"
#include "widgets/WaitingWidget.h"
#include <kpmcore/core/partition.h>
#include <QFormLayout>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QStackedWidget>
#include <QtConcurrent/QtConcurrent>
PartitionViewStep::PartitionViewStep( QObject* parent )
: Calamares::ViewStep( parent )
, m_config( new Config( this ) )
, m_core( nullptr )
, m_widget( new QStackedWidget() )
, m_choicePage( nullptr )
, m_manualPartitionPage( nullptr )
m_widget->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
m_waitingWidget = new WaitingWidget( QString() );
m_widget->addWidget( m_waitingWidget );
if ( m_waitingWidget ) { m_waitingWidget->setText( tr( "Gathering system information..." ) ); } );
m_core = new PartitionCoreModule( this ); // Unusable before init is complete!
// We're not done loading, but we need the configuration map first.
Q_ASSERT( m_core );
Q_ASSERT( !m_choicePage );
m_choicePage = new ChoicePage( m_config );
m_choicePage->init( m_core );
m_widget->addWidget( m_choicePage );
// Instantiate the manual partitioning page as needed.
Q_ASSERT( !m_manualPartitionPage );
// m_manualPartitionPage = new PartitionPage( m_core );
// m_widget->addWidget( m_manualPartitionPage );
m_widget->removeWidget( m_waitingWidget );
m_waitingWidget = nullptr;
connect( m_core, &PartitionCoreModule::hasRootMountPointChanged, this, &PartitionViewStep::nextPossiblyChanged );
connect( m_choicePage, &ChoicePage::nextStatusChanged, this, &PartitionViewStep::nextPossiblyChanged );
if ( m_choicePage && m_choicePage->parent() == nullptr )
if ( m_manualPartitionPage && m_manualPartitionPage->parent() == nullptr )
delete m_core;
PartitionViewStep::prettyName() const
return tr( "Partitions" );
/** @brief Gather the pretty descriptions of all the partitioning jobs
* Returns a QStringList of each job's pretty description, including
* empty strings and duplicates. The list is in-order of how the
* jobs will be run.
static QStringList
jobDescriptions( const Calamares::JobList& jobs )
QStringList jobsLines;
for ( const Calamares::job_ptr& job : qAsConst( jobs ) )
if ( !job->prettyDescription().isEmpty() )
jobsLines.append( job->prettyDescription() );
return jobsLines;
/** @brief A top-level description of what @p choice does
* Returns a (branded) string describing what @p choice will do.
static QString
modeDescription( Config::InstallChoice choice )
const auto* branding = Calamares::Branding::instance();
static const char context[] = "PartitionViewStep";
switch ( choice )
case Config::InstallChoice::Alongside:
return QCoreApplication::translate( context, "Install %1 <strong>alongside</strong> another operating system." )
.arg( branding->shortVersionedName() );
case Config::InstallChoice::Erase:
return QCoreApplication::translate( context, "<strong>Erase</strong> disk and install %1." )
.arg( branding->shortVersionedName() );
case Config::InstallChoice::Replace:
return QCoreApplication::translate( context, "<strong>Replace</strong> a partition with %1." )
.arg( branding->shortVersionedName() );
case Config::InstallChoice::NoChoice:
case Config::InstallChoice::Manual:
return QCoreApplication::translate( context, "<strong>Manual</strong> partitioning." );
return QString();
/** @brief A top-level description of what @p choice does to disk @p info
* Returns a (branded, and device-specific) string describing what
* will be done to device @p info when @p choice is made. The @p listLength
* is used to provide context; when more than one disk is in use, the description
* works differently.
static QString
diskDescription( int listLength, const PartitionCoreModule::SummaryInfo& info, Config::InstallChoice choice )
const auto* branding = Calamares::Branding::instance();
static const char context[] = "PartitionViewStep";
if ( listLength == 1 ) // this is the only disk preview
switch ( choice )
case Config::Alongside:
return QCoreApplication::translate(
"Install %1 <strong>alongside</strong> another operating system on disk "
"<strong>%2</strong> (%3)." )
.arg( branding->shortVersionedName() )
.arg( info.deviceNode )
.arg( info.deviceName );
case Config::Erase:
return QCoreApplication::translate( context,
"<strong>Erase</strong> disk <strong>%2</strong> (%3) and install %1." )
.arg( branding->shortVersionedName() )
.arg( info.deviceNode )
.arg( info.deviceName );
case Config::Replace:
return QCoreApplication::translate(
context, "<strong>Replace</strong> a partition on disk <strong>%2</strong> (%3) with %1." )
.arg( branding->shortVersionedName() )
.arg( info.deviceNode )
.arg( info.deviceName );
case Config::NoChoice:
case Config::Manual:
return QCoreApplication::translate(
context, "<strong>Manual</strong> partitioning on disk <strong>%1</strong> (%2)." )
.arg( info.deviceNode )
.arg( info.deviceName );
return QString();
else // multiple disk previews!
return QCoreApplication::translate( context, "Disk <strong>%1</strong> (%2)" )
.arg( info.deviceNode )
.arg( info.deviceName );
PartitionViewStep::prettyStatus() const
const Config::InstallChoice choice = m_config->installChoice();
const QList< PartitionCoreModule::SummaryInfo > list = m_core->createSummaryInfo();
cDebug() << "Summary for Partition" << list.length() << choice;
auto joinDiskInfo = [ choice = choice ]( QString& s, const PartitionCoreModule::SummaryInfo& i )
{ return s + diskDescription( 1, i, choice ); };
const QString diskInfoLabel = std::accumulate( list.begin(), list.end(), QString(), joinDiskInfo );
const QString jobsLabel = jobDescriptions( jobs() ).join( QStringLiteral( "<br/>" ) );
return diskInfoLabel + "<br/>" + jobsLabel;
PartitionViewStep::createSummaryWidget() const
QWidget* widget = new QWidget;
QVBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
widget->setLayout( mainLayout );
Calamares::unmarginLayout( mainLayout );
Config::InstallChoice choice = m_config->installChoice();
QFormLayout* formLayout = new QFormLayout( widget );
const int MARGIN = Calamares::defaultFontHeight() / 2;
formLayout->setContentsMargins( MARGIN, 0, MARGIN, MARGIN );
mainLayout->addLayout( formLayout );
auto specialRow = [ = ]( Calamares::ImageType t, const QString& s )
QLabel* icon = new QLabel;
icon->setPixmap( Calamares::defaultPixmap( t ) );
formLayout->addRow( icon, new QLabel( s ) );
specialRow( Calamares::ImageType::StatusWarning, tr( "Unsafe partition actions are enabled." ) );
specialRow( Calamares::ImageType::Information, tr( "Partitioning is configured to <b>always</b> fail." ) );
specialRow( Calamares::ImageType::Information, tr( "No partitions will be changed." ) );
const QList< PartitionCoreModule::SummaryInfo > list = m_core->createSummaryInfo();
if ( list.length() > 1 ) // There are changes on more than one disk
//NOTE: all of this should only happen when Manual partitioning is active.
// Any other choice should result in a list.length() == 1.
QLabel* modeLabel = new QLabel;
formLayout->addRow( modeLabel );
modeLabel->setText( modeDescription( choice ) );
for ( const auto& info : list )
QLabel* diskInfoLabel = new QLabel;
diskInfoLabel->setText( diskDescription( list.length(), info, choice ) );
formLayout->addRow( diskInfoLabel );
PartitionBarsView* preview;
PartitionLabelsView* previewLabels;
QVBoxLayout* field;
PartitionBarsView::NestedPartitionsMode mode
= Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage()->value( "drawNestedPartitions" ).toBool()
? PartitionBarsView::DrawNestedPartitions
: PartitionBarsView::NoNestedPartitions;
preview = new PartitionBarsView;
preview->setNestedPartitionsMode( mode );
previewLabels = new PartitionLabelsView;
previewLabels->setExtendedPartitionHidden( mode == PartitionBarsView::NoNestedPartitions );
preview->setModel( info.partitionModelBefore );
previewLabels->setModel( info.partitionModelBefore );
preview->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::NoSelection );
previewLabels->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::NoSelection );
info.partitionModelBefore->setParent( widget );
field = new QVBoxLayout;
Calamares::unmarginLayout( field );
field->setSpacing( 6 );
field->addWidget( preview );
field->addWidget( previewLabels );
formLayout->addRow( tr( "Current:" ), field );
preview = new PartitionBarsView;
preview->setNestedPartitionsMode( mode );
previewLabels = new PartitionLabelsView;
previewLabels->setExtendedPartitionHidden( mode == PartitionBarsView::NoNestedPartitions );
preview->setModel( info.partitionModelAfter );
previewLabels->setModel( info.partitionModelAfter );
preview->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::NoSelection );
previewLabels->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::NoSelection );
Calamares::Branding::instance()->string( Calamares::Branding::BootloaderEntryName ) );
info.partitionModelAfter->setParent( widget );
field = new QVBoxLayout;
Calamares::unmarginLayout( field );
field->setSpacing( 6 );
field->addWidget( preview );
field->addWidget( previewLabels );
formLayout->addRow( tr( "After:" ), field );
const QStringList jobsLines = jobDescriptions( jobs() );
if ( !jobsLines.isEmpty() )
QLabel* jobsLabel = new QLabel( widget );
mainLayout->addWidget( jobsLabel );
jobsLabel->setText( jobsLines.join( "<br/>" ) );
jobsLabel->setMargin( Calamares::defaultFontHeight() / 2 );
QPalette pal;
pal.setColor( WindowBackground, pal.window().color().lighter( 108 ) );
jobsLabel->setAutoFillBackground( true );
jobsLabel->setPalette( pal );
return widget;
return m_widget;
if ( m_choicePage == m_widget->currentWidget() )
if ( m_config->installChoice() == Config::InstallChoice::Manual )
if ( !m_manualPartitionPage )
m_manualPartitionPage = new PartitionPage( m_core );
m_widget->addWidget( m_manualPartitionPage );
m_widget->setCurrentWidget( m_manualPartitionPage );
m_manualPartitionPage->selectDeviceByIndex( m_choicePage->lastSelectedDeviceIndex() );
if ( m_core->isDirty() )
cDebug() << "Choice applied: " << m_config->installChoice();
if ( m_widget->currentWidget() != m_choicePage )
m_widget->setCurrentWidget( m_choicePage );
m_choicePage->setLastSelectedDeviceIndex( m_manualPartitionPage->selectedDeviceIndex() );
if ( m_manualPartitionPage )
m_manualPartitionPage = nullptr;
PartitionViewStep::isNextEnabled() const
if ( m_choicePage && m_widget->currentWidget() == m_choicePage )
return m_choicePage->isNextEnabled();
if ( m_manualPartitionPage && m_widget->currentWidget() == m_manualPartitionPage )
return m_core->hasRootMountPoint();
return false;
PartitionViewStep::nextPossiblyChanged( bool )
Q_EMIT nextStatusChanged( isNextEnabled() );
PartitionViewStep::isBackEnabled() const
return true;
PartitionViewStep::isAtBeginning() const
if ( m_widget->currentWidget() != m_choicePage )
return false;
return true;
PartitionViewStep::isAtEnd() const
if ( m_widget->currentWidget() == m_choicePage )
auto choice = m_config->installChoice();
if ( Config::InstallChoice::Erase == choice || Config::InstallChoice::Replace == choice
|| Config::InstallChoice::Alongside == choice )
return true;
return false;
return true;
// if we're coming back to PVS from the next VS
if ( m_widget->currentWidget() == m_choicePage && m_config->installChoice() == Config::InstallChoice::Alongside )
m_choicePage->applyActionChoice( Config::InstallChoice::Alongside );
// m_choicePage->reset();
static bool
shouldWarnForGPTOnBIOS( const PartitionCoreModule* core )
if ( PartUtils::isEfiSystem() )
return false;
const QString biosFlagName = PartitionTable::flagName( KPM_PARTITION_FLAG( BiosGrub ) );
auto [ r, device ] = core->bootLoaderModel()->findBootLoader( core->bootLoaderInstallPath() );
Q_UNUSED( r );
if ( device )
auto* table = device->partitionTable();
cDebug() << "Found device for bootloader" << device->deviceNode();
if ( table && table->type() == PartitionTable::TableType::gpt )
// So this is a BIOS system, and the bootloader will be installed on a GPT system
for ( const auto& partition : qAsConst( table->children() ) )
using Calamares::Units::operator""_MiB;
if ( ( partition->activeFlags() & KPM_PARTITION_FLAG( BiosGrub ) )
&& ( partition->fileSystem().type() == FileSystem::Unformatted )
&& ( partition->capacity() >= 8_MiB ) )
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "Partition" << partition->devicePath() << partition->partitionPath()
<< "is a suitable" << biosFlagName << "partition";
return false;
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "No suitable partition for" << biosFlagName << "found";
cDebug() << "Found no device for" << core->bootLoaderInstallPath();
return true;
static bool
shouldWarnForNotEncryptedBoot( const Config* config, const PartitionCoreModule* core )
if ( config->showNotEncryptedBootMessage() )
Partition* root_p = core->findPartitionByMountPoint( "/" );
Partition* boot_p = core->findPartitionByMountPoint( "/boot" );
if ( root_p and boot_p )
if ( ( root_p->fileSystem().type() == FileSystem::Luks && boot_p->fileSystem().type() != FileSystem::Luks )
|| ( root_p->fileSystem().type() == FileSystem::Luks2
&& boot_p->fileSystem().type() != FileSystem::Luks2 ) )
return true;
return false;
if ( m_widget->currentWidget() == m_choicePage )
const auto* branding = Calamares::Branding::instance();
if ( m_widget->currentWidget() == m_manualPartitionPage )
if ( PartUtils::isEfiSystem() )
const QString espMountPoint
= Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage()->value( "efiSystemPartition" ).toString();
Partition* esp = m_core->findPartitionByMountPoint( espMountPoint );
QString message;
QString description;
Logger::Once o;
const bool okType = esp && PartUtils::isEfiFilesystemSuitableType( esp );
const bool okSize = esp && PartUtils::isEfiFilesystemSuitableSize( esp );
const bool okFlag = esp && PartUtils::isEfiBootable( esp );
if ( !esp )
message = tr( "No EFI system partition configured" );
else if ( !( okType && okSize && okFlag ) )
message = tr( "EFI system partition configured incorrectly" );
if ( !esp || !( okType && okSize && okFlag ) )
description = tr( "An EFI system partition is necessary to start %1."
"To configure an EFI system partition, go back and "
"select or create a suitable filesystem." )
.arg( branding->shortProductName() );
if ( !esp )
cDebug() << o << "No ESP mounted";
description.append( ' ' );
tr( "The filesystem must be mounted on <strong>%1</strong>." ).arg( espMountPoint ) );
if ( !okType )
cDebug() << o << "ESP wrong type";
description.append( ' ' );
description.append( tr( "The filesystem must have type FAT32." ) );
if ( !okSize )
cDebug() << o << "ESP too small";
const qint64 atLeastBytes = static_cast< qint64 >( PartUtils::efiFilesystemMinimumSize() );
const auto atLeastMiB = Calamares::BytesToMiB( atLeastBytes );
description.append( ' ' );
description.append( tr( "The filesystem must be at least %1 MiB in size." ).arg( atLeastMiB ) );
if ( !okFlag )
cDebug() << o << "ESP missing flag";
description.append( ' ' );
description.append( tr( "The filesystem must have flag <strong>%1</strong> set." )
.arg( PartitionTable::flagName( PartitionTable::Flag::Boot ) ) );
if ( !description.isEmpty() )
description.append( "<br/><br/>" );
description.append( tr( "You can continue without setting up an EFI system "
"partition but your system may fail to start." ) );
if ( !message.isEmpty() )
QMessageBox mb( QMessageBox::Warning, message, description, QMessageBox::Ok, m_manualPartitionPage );
Calamares::fixButtonLabels( &mb );
cDebug() << "device: BIOS";
if ( shouldWarnForGPTOnBIOS( m_core ) )
const QString biosFlagName = PartitionTable::flagName( KPM_PARTITION_FLAG( BiosGrub ) );
QString message = tr( "Option to use GPT on BIOS" );
QString description = tr( "A GPT partition table is the best option for all "
"systems. This installer supports such a setup for "
"BIOS systems too."
"To configure a GPT partition table on BIOS, "
"(if not done so already) go back "
"and set the partition table to GPT, next create a 8 MB "
"unformatted partition with the "
"<strong>%2</strong> flag enabled.<br/><br/>"
"An unformatted 8 MB partition is necessary "
"to start %1 on a BIOS system with GPT." )
.arg( branding->shortProductName(), biosFlagName );
QMessageBox mb(
QMessageBox::Information, message, description, QMessageBox::Ok, m_manualPartitionPage );
Calamares::fixButtonLabels( &mb );
if ( shouldWarnForNotEncryptedBoot( m_config, m_core ) )
QString message = tr( "Boot partition not encrypted" );
QString description = tr( "A separate boot partition was set up together with "
"an encrypted root partition, but the boot partition "
"is not encrypted."
"There are security concerns with this kind of "
"setup, because important system files are kept "
"on an unencrypted partition.<br/>"
"You may continue if you wish, but filesystem "
"unlocking will happen later during system startup."
"<br/>To encrypt the boot partition, go back and "
"recreate it, selecting <strong>Encrypt</strong> "
"in the partition creation window." );
QMessageBox mb( QMessageBox::Warning, message, description, QMessageBox::Ok, m_manualPartitionPage );
Calamares::fixButtonLabels( &mb );
PartitionViewStep::setConfigurationMap( const QVariantMap& configurationMap )
m_config->setConfigurationMap( configurationMap );
// Copy the efiSystemPartition setting to the global storage. It is needed not only in
// the EraseDiskPage, but also in the bootloader configuration modules (grub, bootloader).
Calamares::GlobalStorage* gs = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage();
// Read and parse key swapPartitionName
if ( configurationMap.contains( "swapPartitionName" ) )
gs->insert( "swapPartitionName", Calamares::getString( configurationMap, "swapPartitionName" ) );
gs->insert( "drawNestedPartitions", Calamares::getBool( configurationMap, "drawNestedPartitions", false ) );
gs->insert( "alwaysShowPartitionLabels",
Calamares::getBool( configurationMap, "alwaysShowPartitionLabels", true ) );
gs->insert( "enableLuksAutomatedPartitioning",
Calamares::getBool( configurationMap, "enableLuksAutomatedPartitioning", true ) );
QString partitionTableName = Calamares::getString( configurationMap, "defaultPartitionTableType" );
if ( partitionTableName.isEmpty() )
cWarning() << "Partition-module setting *defaultPartitionTableType* is unset, "
"will use gpt for efi or msdos for bios";
gs->insert( "defaultPartitionTableType", partitionTableName );
// Now that we have the config, we load the PartitionCoreModule in the background
// because it could take a while. Then when it's done, we can set up the widgets
// and remove the spinner.
m_future = new QFutureWatcher< void >();
connect( m_future,
&QFutureWatcher< void >::finished,
[ this ]
this->m_future = nullptr;
} );
QFuture< void > future = QtConcurrent::run( this, &PartitionViewStep::initPartitionCoreModule );
QFuture< void > future = QtConcurrent::run( &PartitionViewStep::initPartitionCoreModule, this );
m_future->setFuture( future );
m_core->partitionLayout().init( m_config->defaultFsType(), configurationMap.value( "partitionLayout" ).toList() );
PartitionViewStep::jobs() const
return m_core->jobs( m_config );
if ( m_future )
Calamares::RequirementsList l;
l.append( {
QLatin1String( "partitions" ),
[] { return tr( "has at least one disk device available." ); },
[] { return tr( "There are no partitions to install on." ); },
m_core->deviceModel()->rowCount() > 0, // satisfied
false // optional
true // required
} );
return l;
CALAMARES_PLUGIN_FACTORY_DEFINITION( PartitionViewStepFactory, registerPlugin< PartitionViewStep >(); )