Adriaan de Groot 98c7cec732 CMake: restore NOTREACHED, without the macro-mess
- gcc (up to at least version 10) is worse at recognizing that all
  cases have been handled, so it complains about all the switches
  that cover enum values.
2020-10-25 18:52:38 +01:00

329 lines
8.1 KiB

/* === This file is part of Calamares - <> ===
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Teo Mrnjavac <>
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2018 Adriaan de Groot <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* Calamares is Free Software: see the License-Identifier above.
#include "Yaml.h"
#include "utils/Logger.h"
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QRegExp>
operator>>( const YAML::Node& node, QStringList& v )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < node.size(); ++i )
v.append( QString::fromStdString( node[ i ].as< std::string >() ) );
namespace CalamaresUtils
const QRegExp _yamlScalarTrueValues = QRegExp( "true|True|TRUE|on|On|ON" );
const QRegExp _yamlScalarFalseValues = QRegExp( "false|False|FALSE|off|Off|OFF" );
yamlToVariant( const YAML::Node& node )
switch ( node.Type() )
case YAML::NodeType::Scalar:
return yamlScalarToVariant( node );
case YAML::NodeType::Sequence:
return yamlSequenceToVariant( node );
case YAML::NodeType::Map:
return yamlMapToVariant( node );
case YAML::NodeType::Null:
case YAML::NodeType::Undefined:
return QVariant();
yamlScalarToVariant( const YAML::Node& scalarNode )
std::string stdScalar =< std::string >();
QString scalarString = QString::fromStdString( stdScalar );
if ( _yamlScalarTrueValues.exactMatch( scalarString ) )
return QVariant( true );
if ( _yamlScalarFalseValues.exactMatch( scalarString ) )
return QVariant( false );
if ( QRegExp( "[-+]?\\d+" ).exactMatch( scalarString ) )
return QVariant( scalarString.toLongLong() );
if ( QRegExp( "[-+]?\\d*\\.?\\d+" ).exactMatch( scalarString ) )
return QVariant( scalarString.toDouble() );
return QVariant( scalarString );
yamlSequenceToVariant( const YAML::Node& sequenceNode )
QVariantList vl;
for ( YAML::const_iterator it = sequenceNode.begin(); it != sequenceNode.end(); ++it )
vl << yamlToVariant( *it );
return vl;
yamlMapToVariant( const YAML::Node& mapNode )
QVariantMap vm;
for ( YAML::const_iterator it = mapNode.begin(); it != mapNode.end(); ++it )
vm.insert( QString::fromStdString( it->< std::string >() ), yamlToVariant( it->second ) );
return vm;
yamlToStringList( const YAML::Node& listNode )
QStringList l;
listNode >> l;
return l;
explainYamlException( const YAML::Exception& e, const QByteArray& yamlData, const char* label )
cWarning() << "YAML error " << e.what() << "in" << label << '.';
explainYamlException( e, yamlData );
explainYamlException( const YAML::Exception& e, const QByteArray& yamlData, const QString& label )
cWarning() << "YAML error " << e.what() << "in" << label << '.';
explainYamlException( e, yamlData );
explainYamlException( const YAML::Exception& e, const QByteArray& yamlData )
if ( ( e.mark.line >= 0 ) && ( e.mark.column >= 0 ) )
// Try to show the line where it happened.
int linestart = 0;
for ( int linecount = 0; linecount < e.mark.line; ++linecount )
linestart = yamlData.indexOf( '\n', linestart );
// No more \ns found, weird
if ( linestart < 0 )
linestart += 1; // Skip that \n
int lineend = linestart;
if ( linestart >= 0 )
lineend = yamlData.indexOf( '\n', linestart );
if ( lineend < 0 )
lineend = yamlData.length();
int rangestart = linestart;
int rangeend = lineend;
// Adjust range (linestart..lineend) so it's not too long
if ( ( linestart >= 0 ) && ( e.mark.column > 30 ) )
rangestart += ( e.mark.column - 30 );
if ( ( linestart >= 0 ) && ( rangeend - rangestart > 40 ) )
rangeend = rangestart + 40;
if ( linestart >= 0 )
cWarning() << "offending YAML data:" << yamlData.mid( rangestart, rangeend - rangestart ).constData();
loadYaml( const QFileInfo& fi, bool* ok )
return loadYaml( fi.absoluteFilePath(), ok );
loadYaml( const QString& filename, bool* ok )
if ( ok )
*ok = false;
QFile yamlFile( filename );
QVariant yamlContents;
if ( yamlFile.exists() && QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text ) )
QByteArray ba = yamlFile.readAll();
YAML::Node doc = YAML::Load( ba.constData() );
yamlContents = CalamaresUtils::yamlToVariant( doc );
catch ( YAML::Exception& e )
explainYamlException( e, ba, filename );
return QVariantMap();
if ( yamlContents.isValid() && !yamlContents.isNull() && yamlContents.type() == QVariant::Map )
if ( ok )
*ok = true;
return yamlContents.toMap();
return QVariantMap();
/// @brief Convenience function writes @p indent times four spaces
static void
writeIndent( QFile& f, int indent )
while ( indent-- > 0 )
f.write( " " );
// forward declaration
static bool dumpYaml( QFile& f, const QVariantMap& map, int indent );
// It's a quote
static const char quote[] = "\"";
static const char newline[] = "\n";
/// @brief Recursive helper to dump a single value
static void
dumpYamlElement( QFile& f, const QVariant& value, int indent )
if ( value.type() == QVariant::Type::Bool )
f.write( value.toBool() ? "true" : "false" );
else if ( value.type() == QVariant::Type::String )
f.write( quote );
f.write( value.toString().toUtf8() );
f.write( quote );
else if ( value.type() == QVariant::Type::Int )
f.write( QString::number( value.toInt() ).toUtf8() );
else if ( value.type() == QVariant::Type::LongLong )
f.write( QString::number( value.toLongLong() ).toUtf8() );
else if ( value.type() == QVariant::Type::Double )
f.write( QString::number( value.toDouble(), 'f', 2 ).toUtf8() );
else if ( value.canConvert( QVariant::Type::ULongLong ) )
// This one needs to be *after* bool, int, double to avoid this branch
// .. grabbing those convertible types un-necessarily.
f.write( QString::number( value.toULongLong() ).toUtf8() );
else if ( value.type() == QVariant::Type::List )
int c = 0;
for ( const auto& it : value.toList() )
f.write( newline );
writeIndent( f, indent + 1 );
f.write( "- " );
dumpYamlElement( f, it, indent + 1 );
if ( !c ) // i.e. list was empty
f.write( "[]" );
else if ( value.type() == QVariant::Type::Map )
f.write( newline );
dumpYaml( f, value.toMap(), indent + 1 );
f.write( "<" );
f.write( value.typeName() );
f.write( ">" );
/// @brief Recursive helper to dump @p map to file
static bool
dumpYaml( QFile& f, const QVariantMap& map, int indent )
for ( auto it = map.cbegin(); it != map.cend(); ++it )
writeIndent( f, indent );
f.write( quote );
f.write( it.key().toUtf8() );
f.write( quote );
f.write( ": " );
dumpYamlElement( f, it.value(), indent );
f.write( newline );
return true;
saveYaml( const QString& filename, const QVariantMap& map )
QFile f( filename );
if ( ! QFile::WriteOnly ) )
return false;
f.write( "# YAML dump\n---\n" );
return dumpYaml( f, map, 0 );
} // namespace CalamaresUtils