Distribution-independent installer framework
Don't run xdg-icon-resource and update-desktop-database in the basic setup for KDM. These tools have absolutely nothing to do with KDM. KDM does not ship any icons in the hicolor theme, nor a .desktop file (let alone one that handles any MIME type, the only case in which update-desktop-database is needed). I know the original shell script from Manjaro called these when setting up KDM, but this is really the wrong place. If you need to call these, they need to go into another module, and you also have to call them independently of the selected display manager. |
.tx | ||
CMakeModules | ||
data/images | ||
hacking | ||
lang | ||
src | ||
.gitignore | ||
.gitmodules | ||
calamares.desktop | ||
CalamaresAddBrandingSubdirectory.cmake | ||
CalamaresAddLibrary.cmake | ||
CalamaresAddModuleSubdirectory.cmake | ||
CalamaresAddPlugin.cmake | ||
CalamaresBuildTreeSettings.cmake.in | ||
CalamaresConfig.cmake.in | ||
CalamaresConfigVersion.cmake.in | ||
CalamaresUse.cmake.in | ||
cmake_uninstall.cmake.in | ||
CMakeLists.txt | ||
com.github.calamares.calamares.policy | ||
HACKING.md | ||
README.md | ||
settings.conf |
Distribution-independent installer framework
- CMake >= 2.8.12
- Qt >= 5.3
- yaml-cpp >= 0.5.1
- Python >= 3.3
- Boost.Python >= 1.55.0
Additional dependencies, only for the partitioning module:
- extra-cmake-modules
- kconfig (part of KF5)
- solid (part of KF5)
- kcoreaddons (part of KF5)
- ki18n (part of KF5)
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
$ make
Design notes
Calamares is currently split as follows:
- libcalamares - the backend library,
- only depends on QtCore, yaml-cpp, Python and Boost.Python,
- provides a job queue and generic jobs,
- comes with 3 job interfaces: C++, Python and process (the latter is very limited);
- libcalamaresui - the frontend library,
- same dependencies as libcalamares, plus QtWidgets and other Qt modules,
- comes with a module loading system, for different kinds of plugins,
- themeable so branding can be done easily (plugin-based, TBD),
- presents a bunch of pages in a scripted order, enqueues jobs in the backend library;
- calamares - the main executable,
- a thin wrapper around libcalamaresui, starts up and plugs together all the parts.