Compatibility header required, and logging was missing a (transitively included in Qt5) include for QVariant.
483 lines
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483 lines
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/* === This file is part of Calamares - <> ===
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <>
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Gabriel Craciunescu <>
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Dominic Hayes <>
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2018 Adriaan de Groot <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* Calamares is Free Software: see the License-Identifier above.
#include "Settings.h"
#include "CalamaresConfig.h"
#include "compat/Variant.h"
#include "utils/Dirs.h"
#include "utils/Logger.h"
#include "utils/Yaml.h"
#include <QDir>
#include <QFile>
#include <QPair>
static bool
hasValue( const YAML::Node& v )
return v.IsDefined() && !v.IsNull();
/** @brief Helper function to grab a QString out of the config, and to warn if not present. */
static QString
requireString( const YAML::Node& config, const char* key )
auto v = config[ key ];
if ( hasValue( v ) )
return QString::fromStdString(< std::string >() );
cWarning() << Logger::SubEntry << "Required settings.conf key" << key << "is missing.";
return QString();
/** @brief Helper function to grab a bool out of the config, and to warn if not present. */
static bool
requireBool( const YAML::Node& config, const char* key, bool d )
auto v = config[ key ];
if ( hasValue( v ) )
return< bool >();
cWarning() << Logger::SubEntry << "Required settings.conf key" << key << "is missing.";
return d;
namespace Calamares
InstanceDescription::InstanceDescription( const Calamares::ModuleSystem::InstanceKey& key )
: m_instanceKey( key )
, m_weight( -1 )
if ( !isValid() )
m_weight = 0;
m_configFileName = key.module() + QStringLiteral( ".conf" );
InstanceDescription::fromSettings( const QVariantMap& m )
InstanceDescription r(
Calamares::ModuleSystem::InstanceKey( m.value( "module" ).toString(), m.value( "id" ).toString() ) );
if ( r.isValid() )
if ( m.value( "weight" ).isValid() )
int w = qBound( 1, m.value( "weight" ).toInt(), 100 );
r.m_weight = w;
QString c = m.value( "config" ).toString();
if ( !c.isEmpty() )
r.m_configFileName = c;
return r;
Settings* Settings::s_instance = nullptr;
if ( !s_instance )
cWarning() << "Getting nullptr Settings instance.";
return s_instance;
static void
interpretModulesSearch( const bool debugMode, const QStringList& rawPaths, QStringList& output )
for ( const auto& path : rawPaths )
if ( path == "local" )
// If we're running in debug mode, we assume we might also be
// running from the build dir, so we add a maximum priority
// module search path in the build dir.
if ( debugMode )
QString buildDirModules
= QDir::current().absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + "src" + QDir::separator() + "modules";
if ( QDir( buildDirModules ).exists() )
output.append( buildDirModules );
// Install path is set in CalamaresAddPlugin.cmake
output.append( CalamaresUtils::systemLibDir().absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + "calamares"
+ QDir::separator() + "modules" );
QDir d( path );
if ( d.exists() && d.isReadable() )
output.append( d.absolutePath() );
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "module-search entry non-existent" << path;
static void
interpretInstances( const YAML::Node& node, Settings::InstanceDescriptionList& customInstances )
// Parse the custom instances section
if ( node )
QVariant instancesV = CalamaresUtils::yamlToVariant( node ).toList();
if ( typeOf( instancesV ) == ListVariantType )
const auto instances = instancesV.toList();
for ( const QVariant& instancesVListItem : instances )
if ( typeOf( instancesVListItem ) != MapVariantType )
auto description = InstanceDescription::fromSettings( instancesVListItem.toMap() );
if ( !description.isValid() )
cWarning() << "Invalid entry in *instances*" << instancesVListItem;
// Append it **anyway**, since this will bail out after Settings is constructed
customInstances.append( description );
static void
interpretSequence( const YAML::Node& node, Settings::ModuleSequence& moduleSequence )
// Parse the modules sequence section
if ( node )
QVariant sequenceV = CalamaresUtils::yamlToVariant( node );
if ( typeOf( sequenceV ) != ListVariantType )
throw YAML::Exception( YAML::Mark(), "sequence key does not have a list-value" );
const auto sequence = sequenceV.toList();
for ( const QVariant& sequenceVListItem : sequence )
if ( typeOf( sequenceVListItem ) != MapVariantType )
QString thisActionS = sequenceVListItem.toMap().firstKey();
ModuleSystem::Action thisAction;
if ( thisActionS == "show" )
thisAction = ModuleSystem::Action::Show;
else if ( thisActionS == "exec" )
thisAction = ModuleSystem::Action::Exec;
cDebug() << "Unknown action in *sequence*" << thisActionS;
QStringList thisActionRoster = sequenceVListItem.toMap().value( thisActionS ).toStringList();
Calamares::ModuleSystem::InstanceKeyList roster;
roster.reserve( thisActionRoster.count() );
for ( const auto& s : thisActionRoster )
auto instanceKey = Calamares::ModuleSystem::InstanceKey::fromString( s );
if ( !instanceKey.isValid() )
cWarning() << "Invalid instance in *sequence*" << s;
roster.append( instanceKey );
moduleSequence.append( qMakePair( thisAction, roster ) );
throw YAML::Exception( YAML::Mark(), "sequence key is missing" );
Settings::Settings( bool debugMode )
: QObject()
, m_debug( debugMode )
, m_doChroot( true )
, m_promptInstall( false )
, m_disableCancel( false )
, m_disableCancelDuringExec( false )
cWarning() << "Using bogus Calamares settings in"
<< ( debugMode ? QStringLiteral( "debug" ) : QStringLiteral( "regular" ) ) << "mode";
s_instance = this;
Settings::Settings( const QString& settingsFilePath, bool debugMode )
: QObject()
, m_debug( debugMode )
, m_doChroot( true )
, m_promptInstall( false )
, m_disableCancel( false )
, m_disableCancelDuringExec( false )
cDebug() << "Using Calamares settings file at" << settingsFilePath;
QFile file( settingsFilePath );
if ( file.exists() && QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text ) )
setConfiguration( file.readAll(), file.fileName() );
cWarning() << "Cannot read settings file" << file.fileName();
s_instance = this;
Settings::isModuleEnabled( const QString& module ) const
// Iterate over the list of modules searching for a match
for ( const auto& moduleInstance : qAsConst( m_moduleInstances ) )
if ( moduleInstance.key().module() == module )
return true;
return false;
// Since moduleFinder captures targetKey by reference, we can
// update targetKey to change what the finder lambda looks for.
Calamares::ModuleSystem::InstanceKey targetKey;
auto moduleFinder = [ &targetKey ]( const InstanceDescription& d ) { return d.isValid() && d.key() == targetKey; };
// Check the sequence against the existing instances (which so far are only custom)
for ( const auto& step : m_modulesSequence )
for ( const auto& instanceKey : step.second )
targetKey = instanceKey;
const auto it = std::find_if( m_moduleInstances.constBegin(), m_moduleInstances.constEnd(), moduleFinder );
if ( it == m_moduleInstances.constEnd() )
if ( instanceKey.isCustom() )
cWarning() << "Custom instance key" << instanceKey << "is not listed in the *instances*";
m_moduleInstances.append( InstanceDescription( instanceKey ) );
Settings::setConfiguration( const QByteArray& ba, const QString& explainName )
YAML::Node config = YAML::Load( ba.constData() );
Q_ASSERT( config.IsMap() );
debugMode(), CalamaresUtils::yamlToStringList( config[ "modules-search" ] ), m_modulesSearchPaths );
interpretInstances( config[ "instances" ], m_moduleInstances );
interpretSequence( config[ "sequence" ], m_modulesSequence );
m_brandingComponentName = requireString( config, "branding" );
m_promptInstall = requireBool( config, "prompt-install", false );
m_doChroot = !requireBool( config, "dont-chroot", false );
m_isSetupMode = requireBool( config, "oem-setup", !m_doChroot );
m_disableCancel = requireBool( config, "disable-cancel", false );
m_disableCancelDuringExec = requireBool( config, "disable-cancel-during-exec", false );
m_hideBackAndNextDuringExec = requireBool( config, "hide-back-and-next-during-exec", false );
m_quitAtEnd = requireBool( config, "quit-at-end", false );
catch ( YAML::Exception& e )
CalamaresUtils::explainYamlException( e, ba, explainName );
Settings::modulesSearchPaths() const
return m_modulesSearchPaths;
Settings::moduleInstances() const
return m_moduleInstances;
Settings::modulesSequence() const
return m_modulesSequence;
Settings::brandingComponentName() const
return m_brandingComponentName;
static QStringList
settingsFileCandidates( bool assumeBuilddir )
static const char settings[] = "settings.conf";
QStringList settingsPaths;
if ( CalamaresUtils::isAppDataDirOverridden() )
settingsPaths << CalamaresUtils::appDataDir().absoluteFilePath( settings );
if ( assumeBuilddir )
settingsPaths << QDir::current().absoluteFilePath( settings );
if ( CalamaresUtils::haveExtraDirs() )
for ( auto s : CalamaresUtils::extraConfigDirs() )
settingsPaths << ( s + settings );
settingsPaths << CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_SYSCONFDIR "/calamares/settings.conf"; // String concat
settingsPaths << CalamaresUtils::appDataDir().absoluteFilePath( settings );
return settingsPaths;
Settings::init( bool debugMode )
if ( s_instance )
cWarning() << "Calamares::Settings already created";
return s_instance;
QStringList settingsFileCandidatesByPriority = settingsFileCandidates( debugMode );
QFileInfo settingsFile;
bool found = false;
foreach ( const QString& path, settingsFileCandidatesByPriority )
QFileInfo pathFi( path );
if ( pathFi.exists() && pathFi.isReadable() )
settingsFile = pathFi;
found = true;
if ( !found || !settingsFile.exists() || !settingsFile.isReadable() )
cError() << "Cowardly refusing to continue startup without settings."
<< Logger::DebugList( settingsFileCandidatesByPriority );
if ( CalamaresUtils::isAppDataDirOverridden() )
cError() << "FATAL: explicitly configured application data directory is missing settings.conf";
cError() << "FATAL: none of the expected configuration file paths exist.";
::exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
auto* settings = new Calamares::Settings( settingsFile.absoluteFilePath(), debugMode ); // Creates singleton
if ( settings->modulesSequence().count() < 1 )
cError() << "FATAL: no sequence set.";
::exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
return settings;
Settings::init( const QString& path )
if ( s_instance )
cWarning() << "Calamares::Settings already created";
return s_instance;
return new Calamares::Settings( path, true );
Settings::isValid() const
if ( brandingComponentName().isEmpty() )
cWarning() << "No branding component is set";
return false;
const auto invalidDescriptor = []( const InstanceDescription& d ) { return !d.isValid(); };
const auto invalidDescriptorIt
= std::find_if( m_moduleInstances.constBegin(), m_moduleInstances.constEnd(), invalidDescriptor );
if ( invalidDescriptorIt != m_moduleInstances.constEnd() )
cWarning() << "Invalid module instance in *instances* or *sequence*";
return false;
return true;
} // namespace Calamares