139 lines
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139 lines
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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: no
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# Configuration for the welcome module. The welcome page
# displays some information from the branding file.
# Which parts it displays can be configured through
# the show* variables.
# In addition to displaying the welcome page, this module
# can check requirements for installation.
# Display settings for various buttons on the welcome page.
# The URLs themselves come from `branding.desc`. Each button
# is show if the corresponding *show<buttonname>* setting
# here is "true". If the setting is "false", the button is hidden.
# Empty or not-set is interpreted as "false".
# TODO:3.3 Remove the URL fallback here; URLs only in `branding.desc`
# The setting can also be a full URL which will then be used
# instead of the one from the branding file.
showSupportUrl: true
showKnownIssuesUrl: true
showReleaseNotesUrl: false
# TODO:3.3 Move to branding, keep only a bool here
showDonateUrl: https://kde.org/community/donations/
# Requirements checking. These are general, generic, things
# that are checked. They may not match with the actual requirements
# imposed by other modules in the system.
# Amount of available disk, in GiB. Floating-point is allowed here.
# Note that this does not account for *usable* disk, so it is possible
# to satisfy this requirement, yet have no space to install to.
requiredStorage: 5.5
# Amount of available RAM, in GiB. Floating-point is allowed here.
requiredRam: 1.0
# To check for internet connectivity, Calamares does a HTTP GET
# on this URL; on success (e.g. HTTP code 200) internet is OK.
# Use a privacy-respecting URL here, preferably in your distro's domain.
# The URL is only used if "internet" is in the *check* list below.
internetCheckUrl: http://example.com
# This may be a single URL, or a list or URLs, in which case the
# URLs will be checked one-by-one; if any of them returns data,
# internet is assumed to be OK. This can be used to check via
# a number of places, where some domains may be down or blocked.
# To use a list of URLs, just use YAML list syntax (e.g.
# internetCheckUrl:
# - http://www.kde.org
# - http://www.freebsd.org
# or short-form
# internetCheckUrl: [ http://www.kde.org, http://www.freebsd.org ]
# List conditions to check. Each listed condition will be
# probed in some way, and yields true or false according to
# the host system satisfying the condition.
# This sample file lists all the conditions that are known.
# Note that the last three checks are for testing-purposes only,
# and shouldn't be used in production (they are only available
# when building Calamares in development mode). There are five
# special checks:
# - *false* is a check that is always false (unsatisfied)
# - *true* is a check that is always true (satisfied)
# - *slow-false* takes 3 seconds, and then is false; use this one to
# show off the waiting-spinner before the first results come in
# - *slow-true* takes 3 seconds, and then is true
# - *snark* is a check that is only satisfied once it has been checked
# at least three times ("what I tell you three times is true").
# Keep in mind that "true" and "false" are YAML keywords for
# boolean values, so should be quoted.
- storage
- ram
- power
- internet
- root
- screen
- "false"
- slow-true
- snark
# List conditions that **must** be satisfied (from the list
# of conditions, above) for installation to proceed.
# If any of these conditions are not met, the user cannot
# continue past the welcome page.
# - storage
- ram
# - root
# GeoIP checking
# This can be used to pre-select a language based on the country
# the user is currently in. It *assumes* that there's internet
# connectivity, though. Configuration is like in the locale module,
# but remember to use a URL that returns full data **and** to
# use a selector that will pick the country, not the timezone.
# To disable GeoIP checking, either comment-out the entire geoip section,
# or set the *style* key to an unsupported format (e.g. `none`).
# Also, note the analogous feature in `src/modules/locale/locale.conf`,
# which is where you will find complete documentation.
# For testing, the *style* may be set to `fixed`, any URL that
# returns data (e.g. `http://example.com`) and then *selector*
# sets the data that is actually returned (e.g. "DE" to simulate
# the machine being in Germany).
# NOTE: the *selector* must pick the country code from the GeoIP
# data. Timezone, city, or other data will not be recognized.
style: "none"
url: "https://geoip.kde.org/v1/ubiquity" # extended XML format
selector: "CountryCode" # blank uses default, which is wrong
# User interface
# The "select language" icon is an international standard, but it
# might not theme very well with your desktop environment.
# Fill in an icon name (following FreeDesktop standards) to
# use that named icon instead of the usual one.
# Leave blank or unset to use the international standard.
# Known icons in this space are "set-language" and "config-language".
# languageIcon: set-language