QString -> Id for translations in the external API, to avoid accidentally converting a QLocale name (e.g. ca_ES) into a Calamares translation name. This preserves special-cases like ca@valencia and sr@latin.
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/* === This file is part of Calamares - <https://calamares.io> ===
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* Calamares is Free Software: see the License-Identifier above.
#include "Retranslator.h"
#include "Settings.h"
#include "utils/Dirs.h"
#include "utils/Logger.h"
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDir>
#include <QEvent>
#include <QTranslator>
static bool s_allowLocalTranslations = false;
/** @brief Helper class for loading translations
* This is used by the loadSingletonTranslator() function to hand off
* work to translation-type specific code.
struct TranslationLoader
TranslationLoader( const QString& locale )
: m_localeName( locale )
virtual ~TranslationLoader();
/// @brief Loads @p translator with the specific translations of this type
virtual bool tryLoad( QTranslator* translator ) = 0;
QString m_localeName;
/// @brief Loads translations for branding
struct BrandingLoader : public TranslationLoader
BrandingLoader( const QString& locale, const QString& prefix )
: TranslationLoader( locale )
, m_prefix( prefix )
bool tryLoad( QTranslator* translator ) override;
QString m_prefix;
/// @brief Loads regular Calamares translations (program text)
struct CalamaresLoader : public TranslationLoader
using TranslationLoader::TranslationLoader;
bool tryLoad( QTranslator* translator ) override;
/// @brief Loads timezone name translations
struct TZLoader : public TranslationLoader
using TranslationLoader::TranslationLoader;
bool tryLoad( QTranslator* translator ) override;
TranslationLoader::~TranslationLoader() {}
BrandingLoader::tryLoad( QTranslator* translator )
if ( m_prefix.isEmpty() )
return false;
QString brandingTranslationsDirPath( m_prefix );
brandingTranslationsDirPath.truncate( m_prefix.lastIndexOf( QDir::separator() ) );
QDir brandingTranslationsDir( brandingTranslationsDirPath );
if ( brandingTranslationsDir.exists() )
QString filenameBase( m_prefix );
filenameBase.remove( 0, m_prefix.lastIndexOf( QDir::separator() ) + 1 );
if ( translator->load( m_localeName, filenameBase, "_", brandingTranslationsDir.absolutePath() ) )
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "Branding using locale:" << m_localeName;
return true;
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "Branding no translation for" << m_localeName << "using default (en)";
// TODO: this loads something completely different
return translator->load( m_prefix + "en" );
return false;
static bool
tryLoad( QTranslator* translator, const QString& prefix, const QString& localeName )
// In debug-mode, try loading from the current directory
if ( s_allowLocalTranslations && translator->load( prefix + localeName ) )
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "Loaded local translation" << prefix << localeName;
return true;
// Or load from appDataDir -- often /usr/share/calamares -- subdirectory land/
QDir localeData( CalamaresUtils::appDataDir() );
if ( localeData.exists()
&& translator->load( localeData.absolutePath() + QStringLiteral( "/lang/" ) + prefix + localeName ) )
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "Loaded appdata translation" << prefix << localeName;
return true;
// Or from QRC (most common)
if ( translator->load( QStringLiteral( ":/lang/" ) + prefix + localeName ) )
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "Loaded QRC translation" << prefix << localeName;
return true;
cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "No translation for" << prefix << localeName << "using default (en)";
return translator->load( QStringLiteral( ":/lang/" ) + prefix + QStringLiteral( "en" ) );
CalamaresLoader::tryLoad( QTranslator* translator )
return ::tryLoad( translator, QStringLiteral( "calamares_" ), m_localeName );
TZLoader::tryLoad( QTranslator* translator )
return ::tryLoad( translator, QStringLiteral( "tz_" ), m_localeName );
static void
loadSingletonTranslator( TranslationLoader&& loader, QTranslator*& translator_p )
if ( !translator_p )
QTranslator* translator = new QTranslator();
loader.tryLoad( translator );
QCoreApplication::installTranslator( translator );
translator_p = translator;
loader.tryLoad( translator_p );
namespace CalamaresUtils
static QTranslator* s_brandingTranslator = nullptr;
static QTranslator* s_translator = nullptr;
static QTranslator* s_tztranslator = nullptr;
static QString s_translatorLocaleName;
installTranslator( const CalamaresUtils::Locale::Translation::Id& locale, const QString& brandingTranslationsPrefix )
s_translatorLocaleName = locale.name;
loadSingletonTranslator( BrandingLoader( locale.name, brandingTranslationsPrefix ), s_brandingTranslator );
loadSingletonTranslator( TZLoader( locale.name ), s_tztranslator );
loadSingletonTranslator( CalamaresLoader( locale.name ), s_translator );
// Just wrap it up like an Id
installTranslator( { QLocale::system().name() }, QString() );
return { s_translatorLocaleName };
loadTranslator( const CalamaresUtils::Locale::Translation::Id& locale, const QString& prefix, QTranslator* translator )
return ::tryLoad( translator, prefix, locale.name );
Retranslator::Retranslator( QObject* parent )
: QObject( parent )
Retranslator::eventFilter( QObject* obj, QEvent* e )
if ( e->type() == QEvent::LanguageChange )
emit languageChanged();
// pass the event on to the base
return QObject::eventFilter( obj, e );
Retranslator* Retranslator::instance()
static Retranslator s_instance(nullptr);
return &s_instance;
void Retranslator::attach(QObject* o, std::function<void ()> f)
connect( instance(), &Retranslator::languageChanged, o, f );
setAllowLocalTranslation( bool allow )
s_allowLocalTranslations = allow;
} // namespace CalamaresUtils