- Add access to the panel-sides membe of the view manager, and calculate which sides are populated by panels (if any). - Pass the calculated panel-sides to the view manager before it starts adding viewpages, so they get consistent margins.
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/* === This file is part of Calamares - <https://github.com/calamares> ===
* Copyright 2014-2015, Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org>
* Copyright 2017-2018, Adriaan de Groot <groot@kde.org>
* Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Calamares is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Calamares. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "DllMacro.h"
#include "viewpages/ViewStep.h"
#include <QAbstractListModel>
#include <QList>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QStackedWidget>
namespace Calamares
* @brief The ViewManager class handles progression through view pages.
* @note Singleton object, only use through ViewManager::instance().
class UIDLLEXPORT ViewManager : public QAbstractListModel
Q_PROPERTY( int currentStepIndex READ currentStepIndex NOTIFY currentStepChanged FINAL )
Q_PROPERTY( bool nextEnabled READ nextEnabled NOTIFY nextEnabledChanged FINAL )
Q_PROPERTY( QString nextLabel READ nextLabel NOTIFY nextLabelChanged FINAL )
Q_PROPERTY( QString nextIcon READ nextIcon NOTIFY nextIconChanged FINAL )
Q_PROPERTY( bool backEnabled READ backEnabled NOTIFY backEnabledChanged FINAL )
Q_PROPERTY( QString backLabel READ backLabel NOTIFY backLabelChanged FINAL )
Q_PROPERTY( QString backIcon READ backIcon NOTIFY backIconChanged FINAL )
Q_PROPERTY( bool quitEnabled READ quitEnabled NOTIFY quitEnabledChanged FINAL )
Q_PROPERTY( QString quitLabel READ quitLabel NOTIFY quitLabelChanged FINAL )
Q_PROPERTY( QString quitIcon READ quitIcon NOTIFY quitIconChanged FINAL )
Q_PROPERTY( QString quitTooltip READ quitTooltip NOTIFY quitTooltipChanged FINAL )
Q_PROPERTY( bool quitVisible READ quitVisible NOTIFY quitVisibleChanged FINAL )
///@brief Sides on which the ViewManager has side-panels
Q_PROPERTY( Qt::Orientations panelSides READ panelSides WRITE setPanelSides MEMBER m_panelSides )
* @brief instance access to the ViewManager singleton.
* @return pointer to the singleton instance.
static ViewManager* instance();
static ViewManager* instance( QObject* parent );
* @brief centralWidget always returns the central widget in the Calamares main
* window.
* @return a pointer to the active QWidget (usually a wizard page provided by a
* view module).
QWidget* centralWidget();
* @brief addViewStep appends a view step to the roster.
* @param step a pointer to the ViewStep object to add.
* @note a ViewStep is the active instance of a view module, it aggregates one
* or more view pages, plus zero or more jobs which may be created at runtime.
void addViewStep( ViewStep* step );
* @brief viewSteps returns the list of currently present view steps.
* @return the ViewStepList.
* This should only return an empty list before startup is complete.
ViewStepList viewSteps() const;
* @brief currentStep returns the currently active ViewStep, i.e. the ViewStep
* which owns the currently visible view page.
* @return the active ViewStep. Do not confuse this with centralWidget().
* @see ViewStep::centralWidget
ViewStep* currentStep() const;
* @brief currentStepIndex returns the index of the currently active ViewStep.
* @return the index.
int currentStepIndex() const;
* @brief Called when "Cancel" is clicked; asks for confirmation.
* Other means of closing Calamares also call this method, e.g. alt-F4.
* At the end of installation, no confirmation is asked.
* @return @c true if the user confirms closing the window.
bool confirmCancelInstallation();
Qt::Orientations panelSides() const { return m_panelSides; }
void setPanelSides( Qt::Orientations panelSides ) { m_panelSides = panelSides; }
public Q_SLOTS:
* @brief next moves forward to the next page of the current ViewStep (if any),
* or to the first page of the next ViewStep if the current ViewStep doesn't
* have any more pages.
void next();
bool nextEnabled() const
return m_nextEnabled; ///< Is the next-button to be enabled
QString nextLabel() const
return m_nextLabel; ///< What should be displayed on the next-button
QString nextIcon() const
return m_nextIcon; ///< Name of the icon to show
* @brief back moves backward to the previous page of the current ViewStep (if any),
* or to the last page of the previous ViewStep if the current ViewStep doesn't
* have any pages before the current one.
void back();
bool backEnabled() const
return m_backEnabled; ///< Is the back-button to be enabled
QString backLabel() const
return m_backLabel; ///< What should be displayed on the back-button
QString backIcon() const
return m_backIcon; ///< Name of the icon to show
* @brief Probably quit
* Asks for confirmation if necessary. Terminates the application.
void quit();
bool quitEnabled() const
return m_quitEnabled; ///< Is the quit-button to be enabled
QString quitLabel() const
return m_quitLabel; ///< What should be displayed on the quit-button
QString quitIcon() const
return m_quitIcon; ///< Name of the icon to show
bool quitVisible() const
return m_quitVisible; ///< Should the quit-button be visible
QString quitTooltip() const { return m_quitTooltip; }
* @brief onInstallationFailed displays an error message when a fatal failure
* happens in a ViewStep.
* @param message the error string.
* @param details the details string.
void onInstallationFailed( const QString& message, const QString& details );
/** @brief Replaces the stack with a view step stating that initialization failed.
* @param modules a list of failed modules.
void onInitFailed( const QStringList& modules );
/** @brief Tell the manager that initialization / loading is complete.
* Call this at least once, to tell the manager to activate the first page.
void onInitComplete();
/// @brief Connected to ViewStep::nextStatusChanged for all steps
void updateNextStatus( bool enabled );
void currentStepChanged();
void ensureSize( QSize size ) const; // See ViewStep::ensureSize()
void cancelEnabled( bool enabled ) const;
void nextEnabledChanged( bool ) const;
void nextLabelChanged( QString ) const;
void nextIconChanged( QString ) const;
void backEnabledChanged( bool ) const;
void backLabelChanged( QString ) const;
void backIconChanged( QString ) const;
void quitEnabledChanged( bool ) const;
void quitLabelChanged( QString ) const;
void quitIconChanged( QString ) const;
void quitVisibleChanged( bool ) const;
void quitTooltipChanged( QString ) const;
explicit ViewManager( QObject* parent = nullptr );
virtual ~ViewManager() override;
void insertViewStep( int before, ViewStep* step );
void updateButtonLabels();
void updateCancelEnabled( bool enabled );
inline bool currentStepValid() const { return ( 0 <= m_currentStep ) && ( m_currentStep < m_steps.length() ); }
static ViewManager* s_instance;
ViewStepList m_steps;
int m_currentStep;
QWidget* m_widget;
QStackedWidget* m_stack;
bool m_nextEnabled = false;
QString m_nextLabel;
QString m_nextIcon; ///< Name of icon to show on button
bool m_backEnabled = false;
QString m_backLabel;
QString m_backIcon;
bool m_quitEnabled = false;
QString m_quitLabel;
QString m_quitIcon;
QString m_quitTooltip;
bool m_quitVisible = true;
Qt::Orientations m_panelSides;
/** @section Model
* These are the methods and enums used for the as-a-model part
* of the ViewManager.
enum Role
ProgressTreeItemCurrentIndex = Qt::UserRole + 13 ///< Index (row) of the current step
QVariant data( const QModelIndex& index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const override;
int rowCount( const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex() ) const override;
} // namespace Calamares