- some switch statements handle a bunch of items explicitly, then default the rest. Clang complains about that. Turn off the warning for these specific switches, since there's dozens of values that simply do not need to be handled.
469 lines
12 KiB
469 lines
12 KiB
/* === This file is part of Calamares - <https://calamares.io> ===
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org>
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2020 Adriaan de Groot <groot@kde.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* Calamares is Free Software: see the License-Identifier above.
#include "PythonHelper.h"
#include "GlobalStorage.h"
#include "utils/Dirs.h"
#include "utils/Logger.h"
#include <QDir>
#include <QFileInfo>
namespace bp = boost::python;
namespace CalamaresPython
variantToPyObject( const QVariant& variant )
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch-enum"
// 49 enumeration values not handled
switch ( variant.type() )
case QVariant::Map:
return variantMapToPyDict( variant.toMap() );
case QVariant::Hash:
return variantHashToPyDict( variant.toHash() );
case QVariant::List:
case QVariant::StringList:
return variantListToPyList( variant.toList() );
case QVariant::Int:
return bp::object( variant.toInt() );
case QVariant::UInt:
return bp::object( variant.toUInt() );
case QVariant::LongLong:
return bp::object( variant.toLongLong() );
case QVariant::ULongLong:
return bp::object( variant.toULongLong() );
case QVariant::Double:
return bp::object( variant.toDouble() );
case QVariant::Char:
case QVariant::String:
return bp::object( variant.toString().toStdString() );
case QVariant::Bool:
return bp::object( variant.toBool() );
case QVariant::Invalid:
return bp::object();
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
variantFromPyObject( const boost::python::object& pyObject )
std::string pyType = bp::extract< std::string >( pyObject.attr( "__class__" ).attr( "__name__" ) );
if ( pyType == "dict" )
return variantMapFromPyDict( bp::extract< bp::dict >( pyObject ) );
else if ( pyType == "list" )
return variantListFromPyList( bp::extract< bp::list >( pyObject ) );
else if ( pyType == "int" )
return QVariant( bp::extract< int >( pyObject ) );
else if ( pyType == "float" )
return QVariant( bp::extract< double >( pyObject ) );
else if ( pyType == "str" )
return QVariant( QString::fromStdString( bp::extract< std::string >( pyObject ) ) );
else if ( pyType == "bool" )
return QVariant( bp::extract< bool >( pyObject ) );
return QVariant();
variantListToPyList( const QVariantList& variantList )
bp::list pyList;
for ( const QVariant& variant : variantList )
pyList.append( variantToPyObject( variant ) );
return pyList;
variantListFromPyList( const boost::python::list& pyList )
QVariantList list;
for ( int i = 0; i < bp::len( pyList ); ++i )
list.append( variantFromPyObject( pyList[ i ] ) );
return list;
variantMapToPyDict( const QVariantMap& variantMap )
bp::dict pyDict;
for ( auto it = variantMap.constBegin(); it != variantMap.constEnd(); ++it )
pyDict[ it.key().toStdString() ] = variantToPyObject( it.value() );
return pyDict;
variantMapFromPyDict( const boost::python::dict& pyDict )
QVariantMap map;
bp::list keys = pyDict.keys();
for ( int i = 0; i < bp::len( keys ); ++i )
bp::extract< std::string > extracted_key( keys[ i ] );
if ( !extracted_key.check() )
cDebug() << "Key invalid, map might be incomplete.";
std::string key = extracted_key;
bp::object obj = pyDict[ key ];
map.insert( QString::fromStdString( key ), variantFromPyObject( obj ) );
return map;
variantHashToPyDict( const QVariantHash& variantHash )
bp::dict pyDict;
for ( auto it = variantHash.constBegin(); it != variantHash.constEnd(); ++it )
pyDict[ it.key().toStdString() ] = variantToPyObject( it.value() );
return pyDict;
variantHashFromPyDict( const boost::python::dict& pyDict )
QVariantHash hash;
bp::list keys = pyDict.keys();
for ( int i = 0; i < bp::len( keys ); ++i )
bp::extract< std::string > extracted_key( keys[ i ] );
if ( !extracted_key.check() )
cDebug() << "Key invalid, map might be incomplete.";
std::string key = extracted_key;
bp::object obj = pyDict[ key ];
hash.insert( QString::fromStdString( key ), variantFromPyObject( obj ) );
return hash;
static inline void
add_if_lib_exists( const QDir& dir, const char* name, QStringList& list )
if ( !( dir.exists() && dir.isReadable() ) )
QFileInfo fi( dir.absoluteFilePath( name ) );
if ( fi.exists() && fi.isReadable() )
list.append( fi.dir().absolutePath() );
: QObject( nullptr )
// Let's make extra sure we only call Py_Initialize once
if ( !Py_IsInitialized() )
m_mainModule = bp::import( "__main__" );
m_mainNamespace = m_mainModule.attr( "__dict__" );
// If we're running from the build dir
add_if_lib_exists( QDir::current(), "libcalamares.so", m_pythonPaths );
QDir calaPythonPath( CalamaresUtils::systemLibDir().absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + "calamares" );
add_if_lib_exists( calaPythonPath, "libcalamares.so", m_pythonPaths );
bp::object sys = bp::import( "sys" );
foreach ( QString path, m_pythonPaths )
bp::str dir = path.toLocal8Bit().data();
sys.attr( "path" ).attr( "append" )( dir );
Helper::~Helper() {}
static Helper* s_helper = nullptr;
if ( !s_helper )
s_helper = new Helper;
return s_helper;
// To make sure we run each script with a clean namespace, we only fetch the
// builtin namespace from the interpreter as it was when freshly initialized.
bp::dict scriptNamespace;
scriptNamespace[ "__builtins__" ] = m_mainNamespace[ "__builtins__" ];
return scriptNamespace;
PyObject *type = nullptr, *val = nullptr, *traceback_p = nullptr;
PyErr_Fetch( &type, &val, &traceback_p );
Logger::CDebug debug;
debug.noquote() << "Python Error:\n";
QString typeMsg;
if ( type != nullptr )
bp::handle<> h_type( type );
bp::str pystr( h_type );
bp::extract< std::string > extracted( pystr );
if ( extracted.check() )
typeMsg = QString::fromStdString( extracted() ).trimmed();
if ( typeMsg.isEmpty() )
typeMsg = tr( "Unknown exception type" );
debug << typeMsg << '\n';
QString valMsg;
if ( val != nullptr )
bp::handle<> h_val( val );
bp::str pystr( h_val );
bp::extract< std::string > extracted( pystr );
if ( extracted.check() )
valMsg = QString::fromStdString( extracted() ).trimmed();
if ( valMsg.isEmpty() )
valMsg = tr( "unparseable Python error" );
// Special-case: CalledProcessError has an attribute "output" with the command output,
// add that to the printed message.
if ( typeMsg.contains( "CalledProcessError" ) )
bp::object exceptionObject( h_val );
auto a = exceptionObject.attr( "output" );
bp::str outputString( a );
bp::extract< std::string > extractedOutput( outputString );
QString output;
if ( extractedOutput.check() )
output = QString::fromStdString( extractedOutput() ).trimmed();
if ( !output.isEmpty() )
// Replace the Type of the error by the warning string,
// and use the output of the command (e.g. its stderr) as value.
typeMsg = valMsg;
valMsg = output;
debug << valMsg << '\n';
QString tbMsg;
if ( traceback_p != nullptr )
bp::handle<> h_tb( traceback_p );
bp::object traceback_module( bp::import( "traceback" ) );
bp::object format_tb( traceback_module.attr( "format_tb" ) );
bp::object tb_list( format_tb( h_tb ) );
bp::object pystr( bp::str( "\n" ).join( tb_list ) );
bp::extract< std::string > extracted( pystr );
if ( extracted.check() )
tbMsg = QString::fromStdString( extracted() ).trimmed();
if ( tbMsg.isEmpty() )
tbMsg = tr( "unparseable Python traceback" );
debug << tbMsg << '\n';
if ( typeMsg.isEmpty() && valMsg.isEmpty() && tbMsg.isEmpty() )
return tr( "Unfetchable Python error." );
QStringList msgList;
if ( !typeMsg.isEmpty() )
msgList.append( QString( "<strong>%1</strong>" ).arg( typeMsg.toHtmlEscaped() ) );
if ( !valMsg.isEmpty() )
msgList.append( valMsg.toHtmlEscaped() );
if ( !tbMsg.isEmpty() )
msgList.append( QStringLiteral( "<br/>Traceback:" ) );
msgList.append( QString( "<pre>%1</pre>" ).arg( tbMsg.toHtmlEscaped() ) );
// Return a string made of the msgList items, wrapped in <div> tags
return QString( "<div>%1</div>" ).arg( msgList.join( "</div><div>" ) );
Calamares::GlobalStorage* GlobalStoragePythonWrapper::s_gs_instance = nullptr;
// The special handling for nullptr is only for the testing
// script for the python bindings, which passes in None;
// normal use will have a GlobalStorage from JobQueue::instance()
// passed in. Testing use will leak the allocated GlobalStorage
// object, but that's OK for testing.
GlobalStoragePythonWrapper::GlobalStoragePythonWrapper( Calamares::GlobalStorage* gs )
: m_gs( gs ? gs : s_gs_instance )
if ( !m_gs )
s_gs_instance = new Calamares::GlobalStorage;
m_gs = s_gs_instance;
GlobalStoragePythonWrapper::contains( const std::string& key ) const
return m_gs->contains( QString::fromStdString( key ) );
GlobalStoragePythonWrapper::count() const
return m_gs->count();
GlobalStoragePythonWrapper::insert( const std::string& key, const bp::object& value )
m_gs->insert( QString::fromStdString( key ), CalamaresPython::variantFromPyObject( value ) );
GlobalStoragePythonWrapper::keys() const
bp::list pyList;
const auto keys = m_gs->keys();
for ( const QString& key : keys )
pyList.append( key.toStdString() );
return pyList;
GlobalStoragePythonWrapper::remove( const std::string& key )
const QString gsKey( QString::fromStdString( key ) );
if ( !m_gs->contains( gsKey ) )
cWarning() << "Unknown GS key" << key.c_str();
return m_gs->remove( gsKey );
GlobalStoragePythonWrapper::value( const std::string& key ) const
const QString gsKey( QString::fromStdString( key ) );
if ( !m_gs->contains( gsKey ) )
cWarning() << "Unknown GS key" << key.c_str();
return CalamaresPython::variantToPyObject( m_gs->value( gsKey ) );
} // namespace CalamaresPython