/* === This file is part of Calamares - === * * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Adriaan de Groot * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * Calamares is Free Software: see the License-Identifier above. * */ #include "Config.h" #include "core/PartUtils.h" #include "GlobalStorage.h" #include "JobQueue.h" #include "utils/Logger.h" #include "utils/Variant.h" Config::Config( QObject* parent ) : QObject( parent ) { } const NamedEnumTable< Config::InstallChoice >& Config::installChoiceNames() { static const NamedEnumTable< InstallChoice > names { { QStringLiteral( "none" ), InstallChoice::NoChoice }, { QStringLiteral( "nochoice" ), InstallChoice::NoChoice }, { QStringLiteral( "alongside" ), InstallChoice::Alongside }, { QStringLiteral( "erase" ), InstallChoice::Erase }, { QStringLiteral( "replace" ), InstallChoice::Replace }, { QStringLiteral( "manual" ), InstallChoice::Manual } }; return names; } const NamedEnumTable< Config::SwapChoice >& Config::swapChoiceNames() { static const NamedEnumTable< SwapChoice > names { { QStringLiteral( "none" ), SwapChoice::NoSwap }, { QStringLiteral( "small" ), SwapChoice::SmallSwap }, { QStringLiteral( "suspend" ), SwapChoice::FullSwap }, { QStringLiteral( "reuse" ), SwapChoice::ReuseSwap }, { QStringLiteral( "file" ), SwapChoice::SwapFile } }; return names; } Config::SwapChoice pickOne( const Config::SwapChoiceSet& s ) { if ( s.count() == 0 ) { return Config::SwapChoice::NoSwap; } if ( s.count() == 1 ) { return *( s.begin() ); } if ( s.contains( Config::SwapChoice::NoSwap ) ) { return Config::SwapChoice::NoSwap; } // Here, count > 1 but NoSwap is not a member. return *( s.begin() ); } static Config::SwapChoiceSet getSwapChoices( const QVariantMap& configurationMap ) { // SWAP SETTINGS // // This is a bit convoluted because there's legacy settings to handle as well // as the new-style list of choices, with mapping back-and-forth. if ( configurationMap.contains( "userSwapChoices" ) && ( configurationMap.contains( "ensureSuspendToDisk" ) || configurationMap.contains( "neverCreateSwap" ) ) ) { cError() << "Partition-module configuration mixes old- and new-style swap settings."; } if ( configurationMap.contains( "ensureSuspendToDisk" ) ) { cWarning() << "Partition-module setting *ensureSuspendToDisk* is deprecated."; } bool ensureSuspendToDisk = CalamaresUtils::getBool( configurationMap, "ensureSuspendToDisk", true ); if ( configurationMap.contains( "neverCreateSwap" ) ) { cWarning() << "Partition-module setting *neverCreateSwap* is deprecated."; } bool neverCreateSwap = CalamaresUtils::getBool( configurationMap, "neverCreateSwap", false ); Config::SwapChoiceSet choices; // Available swap choices if ( configurationMap.contains( "userSwapChoices" ) ) { // We've already warned about overlapping settings with the // legacy *ensureSuspendToDisk* and *neverCreateSwap*. QStringList l = configurationMap[ "userSwapChoices" ].toStringList(); for ( const auto& item : l ) { bool ok = false; auto v = Config::swapChoiceNames().find( item, ok ); if ( ok ) { choices.insert( v ); } } if ( choices.isEmpty() ) { cWarning() << "Partition-module configuration for *userSwapChoices* is empty:" << l; choices.insert( Config::SwapChoice::FullSwap ); } // suspend if it's one of the possible choices; suppress swap only if it's // the **only** choice available. ensureSuspendToDisk = choices.contains( Config::SwapChoice::FullSwap ); neverCreateSwap = ( choices.count() == 1 ) && choices.contains( Config::SwapChoice::NoSwap ); } else { // Convert the legacy settings into a single setting for now. if ( neverCreateSwap ) { choices.insert( Config::SwapChoice::NoSwap ); } else if ( ensureSuspendToDisk ) { choices.insert( Config::SwapChoice::FullSwap ); } else { choices.insert( Config::SwapChoice::SmallSwap ); } } // Not all are supported right now // FIXME static const char unsupportedSetting[] = "Partition-module does not support *userSwapChoices* setting"; #define COMPLAIN_UNSUPPORTED( x ) \ if ( choices.contains( x ) ) \ { \ bool bogus = false; \ cWarning() << unsupportedSetting << Config::swapChoiceNames().find( x, bogus ); \ choices.remove( x ); \ } COMPLAIN_UNSUPPORTED( Config::SwapChoice::ReuseSwap ) #undef COMPLAIN_UNSUPPORTED return choices; } void updateGlobalStorage( Config::InstallChoice installChoice, Config::SwapChoice swapChoice ) { auto* gs = Calamares::JobQueue::instance() ? Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage() : nullptr; if ( gs ) { QVariantMap m; m.insert( "install", Config::installChoiceNames().find( installChoice ) ); m.insert( "swap", Config::swapChoiceNames().find( swapChoice ) ); gs->insert( "partitionChoices", m ); } } void Config::setInstallChoice( int c ) { if ( ( c < InstallChoice::NoChoice ) || ( c > InstallChoice::Manual ) ) { cWarning() << "Invalid install choice (int)" << c; c = InstallChoice::NoChoice; } setInstallChoice( static_cast< InstallChoice >( c ) ); } void Config::setInstallChoice( InstallChoice c ) { if ( c != m_installChoice ) { m_installChoice = c; Q_EMIT installChoiceChanged( c ); ::updateGlobalStorage( c, m_swapChoice ); } } void Config::setSwapChoice( int c ) { if ( ( c < SwapChoice::NoSwap ) || ( c > SwapChoice::SwapFile ) ) { cWarning() << "Invalid swap choice (int)" << c; c = SwapChoice::NoSwap; } setSwapChoice( static_cast< SwapChoice >( c ) ); } void Config::setSwapChoice( Config::SwapChoice c ) { if ( c != m_swapChoice ) { m_swapChoice = c; Q_EMIT swapChoiceChanged( c ); ::updateGlobalStorage( m_installChoice, c ); } } void Config::setEraseFsTypeChoice( const QString& choice ) { QString canonicalChoice = PartUtils::canonicalFilesystemName( choice, nullptr ); if ( canonicalChoice != m_eraseFsTypeChoice ) { m_eraseFsTypeChoice = canonicalChoice; Q_EMIT eraseModeFilesystemChanged( canonicalChoice ); } } static void fillGSConfigurationEFI( Calamares::GlobalStorage* gs, const QVariantMap& configurationMap ) { // Set up firmwareType global storage entry. This is used, e.g. by the bootloader module. QString firmwareType( PartUtils::isEfiSystem() ? QStringLiteral( "efi" ) : QStringLiteral( "bios" ) ); gs->insert( "firmwareType", firmwareType ); gs->insert( "efiSystemPartition", CalamaresUtils::getString( configurationMap, "efiSystemPartition", QStringLiteral( "/boot/efi" ) ) ); // Read and parse key efiSystemPartitionSize if ( configurationMap.contains( "efiSystemPartitionSize" ) ) { gs->insert( "efiSystemPartitionSize", CalamaresUtils::getString( configurationMap, "efiSystemPartitionSize" ) ); } // Read and parse key efiSystemPartitionName if ( configurationMap.contains( "efiSystemPartitionName" ) ) { gs->insert( "efiSystemPartitionName", CalamaresUtils::getString( configurationMap, "efiSystemPartitionName" ) ); } } void Config::fillConfigurationFSTypes(const QVariantMap& configurationMap) { Calamares::GlobalStorage* gs = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage(); // The defaultFileSystemType setting needs a bit more processing, // as we want to cover various cases (such as different cases) QString fsName = CalamaresUtils::getString( configurationMap, "defaultFileSystemType" ); QString fsRealName; FileSystem::Type fsType = FileSystem::Type::Unknown; if ( fsName.isEmpty() ) { cWarning() << "Partition-module setting *defaultFileSystemType* is missing, will use ext4"; fsRealName = PartUtils::canonicalFilesystemName( QStringLiteral("ext4"), &fsType ); } else { fsRealName = PartUtils::canonicalFilesystemName( fsName, &fsType ); if ( fsType == FileSystem::Type::Unknown ) { cWarning() << "Partition-module setting *defaultFileSystemType* is bad (" << fsName << ") using ext4 instead"; fsRealName = PartUtils::canonicalFilesystemName( QStringLiteral("ext4"), &fsType ); } else if ( fsRealName != fsName ) { cWarning() << "Partition-module setting *defaultFileSystemType* changed to" << fsRealName; } } Q_ASSERT( fsType != FileSystem::Type::Unknown ); m_defaultFsType = fsType; gs->insert( "defaultFileSystemType", fsRealName ); // TODO: canonicalize the names? How is translation supposed to work? m_eraseFsTypes = CalamaresUtils::getStringList( configurationMap, "availableFileSystemTypes" ); if ( !m_eraseFsTypes.contains( fsRealName ) ) { if ( !m_eraseFsTypes.isEmpty() ) { // Explicitly set, and doesn't include the default cWarning() << "Partition-module *availableFileSystemTypes* does not contain the default" << fsRealName; m_eraseFsTypes.prepend( fsRealName ); } else { // Not explicitly set, so it's empty; don't complain m_eraseFsTypes = QStringList { fsRealName }; } } Q_ASSERT( !m_eraseFsTypes.isEmpty() ); Q_ASSERT( m_eraseFsTypes.contains( fsRealName ) ); m_eraseFsTypeChoice = fsRealName; Q_EMIT eraseModeFilesystemChanged( m_eraseFsTypeChoice ); } void Config::setConfigurationMap( const QVariantMap& configurationMap ) { // Settings that overlap with the Welcome module m_requiredStorageGiB = CalamaresUtils::getDouble( configurationMap, "requiredStorage", -1.0 ); m_swapChoices = getSwapChoices( configurationMap ); bool nameFound = false; // In the name table (ignored, falls back to first entry in table) m_initialInstallChoice = installChoiceNames().find( CalamaresUtils::getString( configurationMap, "initialPartitioningChoice" ), nameFound ); setInstallChoice( m_initialInstallChoice ); m_initialSwapChoice = swapChoiceNames().find( CalamaresUtils::getString( configurationMap, "initialSwapChoice" ), nameFound ); if ( !m_swapChoices.contains( m_initialSwapChoice ) ) { cWarning() << "Configuration for *initialSwapChoice* is not one of the *userSwapChoices*"; m_initialSwapChoice = pickOne( m_swapChoices ); } setSwapChoice( m_initialSwapChoice ); m_allowManualPartitioning = CalamaresUtils::getBool( configurationMap, "allowManualPartitioning", true ); Calamares::GlobalStorage* gs = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage(); m_requiredPartitionTableType = CalamaresUtils::getStringList( configurationMap, "requiredPartitionTableType" ); gs->insert( "requiredPartitionTableType", m_requiredPartitionTableType ); fillGSConfigurationEFI(gs, configurationMap); fillConfigurationFSTypes( configurationMap ); } void Config::fillGSSecondaryConfiguration() const { // If there's no setting (e.g. from the welcome page) for required storage // then use ours, if it was set. auto* gs = Calamares::JobQueue::instance() ? Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage() : nullptr; if ( m_requiredStorageGiB >= 0.0 && gs && !gs->contains( "requiredStorageGiB" ) ) { gs->insert( "requiredStorageGiB", m_requiredStorageGiB ); } }