#! /bin/sh # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Adriaan de Groot # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause # ### # # Sends a notification to wherever the notifications need to be sent. # # Called with the following environment (for tokens / secrets): # MATRIX_ROOM # MATRIX_TOKEN # # Called with the following arguments (in order): # - "OK" or "FAIL" # - github.workflow # - github.repository # - github.actor # - github.event.ref # - commit-message-summary (produced in the workflow) # - github.event.compare # test -z "$MATRIX_ROOM" && { echo "! No secrets" ; exit 1 ; } test -z "$MATRIX_TOKEN" && { echo "! No secrets" ; exit 1 ; } STATUS="$1" WORKFLOW="$2" REPOSITORY="$3" ACTOR="$4" EVENT="$5" SUMMARY="$6" COMPARE="$7" test "x$STATUS" = "xOK" -o "x$STATUS" = "xFAIL" || { echo "! Invalid status" ; exit 1 ; } test -z "$WORKFLOW" && { echo "! No event data" ; exit 1 ; } test -z "$REPOSITORY" && { echo "! No event data" ; exit 1 ; } test -z "$ACTOR" && { echo "! No event data" ; exit 1 ; } test -z "$EVENT" && { echo "! No event data" ; exit 1 ; } # It's ok for summary or the compare URL to be empty url="https://matrix.org/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/%21${MATRIX_ROOM}/send/m.room.message?access_token=${MATRIX_TOKEN}" status_line="${STATUS} ${WORKFLOW} in ${REPOSITORY} ${ACTOR} on ${EVENT}" summary_line="" compare_line="" test -n "$SUMMARY" && summary_line="\n.. ${SUMMARY}" test -n "$COMPARE" && compare_line="\n.. DIFF ${COMPARE}" message_data=$(jq -Rs --arg body "${status_line}${summary_line}${compare_line}" '{"msgtype": "m.text", $body}' < /dev/null) curl -s -XPOST -d "$message_data" "$url" > /dev/null