#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# === This file is part of Calamares - <https://github.com/calamares> ===
#   Copyright 2014, Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org>
#   Copyright 2014, Daniel Hillenbrand <codeworkx@bbqlinux.org>
#   Copyright 2014, Philip Müller <philm@manjaro.org>
#   Copyright 2017, Alf Gaida <agaida@siduction.org>
#   Copyright 2019, Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler@chello.at>
#   Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   Calamares is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with Calamares. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile

from libcalamares import *

import gettext
_ = gettext.translation("calamares-python",

def pretty_name():
    return _("Filling up filesystems.")

class UnpackEntry:
    Extraction routine using rsync.

    :param source:
    :param sourcefs:
    :param destination:
    __slots__ = ['source', 'sourcefs', 'destination', 'copied', 'total']

    def __init__(self, source, sourcefs, destination):
        self.source = source
        self.sourcefs = sourcefs
        self.destination = destination
        self.copied = 0
        self.total = 0

    def is_file(self):
        return self.sourcefs == "file"

ON_POSIX = 'posix' in sys.builtin_module_names

def list_excludes(destination):
    List excludes for rsync.

    :param destination:
    lst = []
    extra_mounts = globalstorage.value("extraMounts")
    if extra_mounts is None:
        extra_mounts = []

    for extra_mount in extra_mounts:
        mount_point = extra_mount["mountPoint"]

        if mount_point:
            lst.extend(['--exclude', mount_point + '/'])

    return lst

def file_copy(source, dest, progress_cb):
    Extract given image using rsync.

    :param source:
    :param dest:
    :param progress_cb:
    # Environment used for executing rsync properly
    # Setting locale to C (fix issue with tr_TR locale)
    at_env = os.environ
    at_env["LC_ALL"] = "C"

    # `source` *must* end with '/' otherwise a directory named after the source
    # will be created in `dest`: ie if `source` is "/foo/bar" and `dest` is
    # "/dest", then files will be copied in "/dest/bar".
    if not source.endswith("/") and not os.path.isfile(source):
        source += "/"

    num_files_total_local = 0
    num_files_copied = 0  # Gets updated through rsync output

    args = ['rsync', '-aHAXr']
    args.extend(['--progress', source, dest])
    process = subprocess.Popen(
        args, env=at_env, bufsize=1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=ON_POSIX

    for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, b''):
        # rsync outputs progress in parentheses. Each line will have an
        # xfer and a chk item (either ir-chk or to-chk) as follows:
        # - xfer#x => Interpret it as 'file copy try no. x'
        # - ir-chk=x/y, where:
        #     - x = number of files yet to be checked
        #     - y = currently calculated total number of files.
        # - to-chk=x/y, which is similar and happens once the ir-chk
        #   phase (collecting total files) is over.
        # If you're copying directory with some links in it, the xfer#
        # might not be a reliable counter (for one increase of xfer, many
        # files may be created).
        m = re.findall(r'xfr#(\d+), ..-chk=(\d+)/(\d+)', line.decode())

        if m:
            # we've got a percentage update
            num_files_remaining = int(m[0][1])
            num_files_total_local = int(m[0][2])
            # adjusting the offset so that progressbar can be continuesly drawn
            num_files_copied = num_files_total_local - num_files_remaining

            # I guess we're updating every 100 files...
            if num_files_copied % 100 == 0:
                progress_cb(num_files_copied, num_files_total_local)

    progress_cb(num_files_copied, num_files_total_local)  # Push towards 100%

    # 23 is the return code rsync returns if it cannot write extended
    # attributes (with -X) because the target file system does not support it,
    # e.g., the FAT EFI system partition. We need -X because distributions
    # using file system capabilities and/or SELinux require the extended
    # attributes. But distributions using SELinux may also have SELinux labels
    # set on files under /boot/efi, and rsync complains about those. The only
    # clean way would be to split the rsync into one with -X and
    # --exclude /boot/efi and a separate one without -X for /boot/efi, but only
    # if /boot/efi is actually an EFI system partition. For now, this hack will
    # have to do. See also:
    # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=868755#c50
    # for the same issue in Anaconda, which uses a similar workaround.
    if process.returncode != 0 and process.returncode != 23:
        utils.warning("rsync failed with error code {}.".format(process.returncode))
        return _("rsync failed with error code {}.").format(process.returncode)

    return None

class UnpackOperation:
    Extraction routine using unsquashfs.

    :param entries:

    def __init__(self, entries):
        self.entries = entries
        self.entry_for_source = dict((x.source, x) for x in self.entries)

    def report_progress(self):
        Pass progress to user interface
        progress = float(0)

        done = 0
        total = 0
        complete = 0
        for entry in self.entries:
            if entry.total == 0:
            total += entry.total
            done += entry.copied
            if entry.total == entry.copied:
                complete += 1

        if done > 0 and total > 0:
            progress = 0.05 + (0.90 * done / total) + (0.05 * complete / len(self.entries))


    def run(self):
        Extract given image using unsquashfs.

        source_mount_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()

            for entry in self.entries:
                imgbasename = os.path.splitext(
                imgmountdir = os.path.join(source_mount_path, imgbasename)
                os.makedirs(imgmountdir, exist_ok=True)

                self.mount_image(entry, imgmountdir)

                fslist = ""

                if entry.sourcefs == "squashfs":
                    if shutil.which("unsquashfs") is None:
                        utils.warning("Failed to find unsquashfs")

                        return (_("Failed to unpack image \"{}\"").format(entry.source),
                                _("Failed to find unsquashfs, make sure you have the squashfs-tools package installed"))

                    fslist = subprocess.check_output(
                        ["unsquashfs", "-l", entry.source]

                elif entry.sourcefs == "ext4":
                    fslist = subprocess.check_output(
                        ["find", imgmountdir, "-type", "f"]

                elif entry.is_file():
                    # Hasn't been mounted, copy directly; find handles both
                    # files and directories.
                    fslist = subprocess.check_output(["find", entry.source, "-type", "f"])

                entry.total = len(fslist.splitlines())

                error_msg = self.unpack_image(entry, imgmountdir)

                if error_msg:
                    return (_("Failed to unpack image \"{}\"").format(entry.source),

            return None
            shutil.rmtree(source_mount_path, ignore_errors=True, onerror=None)

    def mount_image(self, entry, imgmountdir):
        Mount given image as loop device.

        A *file* entry (e.g. one with *sourcefs* set to *file*)
        is not mounted and just ignored.

        :param entry:
        :param imgmountdir:
        if entry.is_file():

        if os.path.isdir(entry.source):
                                   "--bind", entry.source,
        elif os.path.isfile(entry.source):
                                   "-t", entry.sourcefs,
                                   "-o", "loop"
        else: # entry.source is a device
                                   "-t", entry.sourcefs

    def unpack_image(self, entry, imgmountdir):
        Unpacks image.

        :param entry:
        :param imgmountdir:
        def progress_cb(copied, total):
            """ Copies file to given destination target.

            :param copied:
            entry.copied = copied
            if total > entry.total:
                entry.total = total

            if entry.is_file():
                source = entry.source
                if entry.total <= 1:
                    # If there is one file, *and* the target does not exist (as a file or dir)
                    # but the dirname of the target does, we should copy just one file and rename.
                source = imgmountdir

            return file_copy(source, entry.destination, progress_cb)
            if not entry.is_file():
                subprocess.check_call(["umount", "-l", imgmountdir])

def get_supported_filesystems_kernel():
    Reads /proc/filesystems (the list of supported filesystems
    for the current kernel) and returns a list of (names of)
    those filesystems.
    PATH_PROCFS = '/proc/filesystems'

    if os.path.isfile(PATH_PROCFS) and os.access(PATH_PROCFS, os.R_OK):
        with open(PATH_PROCFS, 'r') as procfile:
            filesystems = procfile.read()
            filesystems = filesystems.replace(
                "nodev", "").replace("\t", "").splitlines()
            return filesystems

    return []

def get_supported_filesystems():
    Returns a list of all the supported filesystems
    (valid values for the *sourcefs* key in an item.
    return ["file"] + get_supported_filesystems_kernel()

def run():
    Unsquash filesystem.
    root_mount_point = globalstorage.value("rootMountPoint")

    if not root_mount_point:
        utils.warning("No mount point for root partition")
        return (_("No mount point for root partition"),
                _("globalstorage does not contain a \"rootMountPoint\" key, "
                "doing nothing"))

    if not os.path.exists(root_mount_point):
        utils.warning("Bad root mount point \"{}\"".format(root_mount_point))
        return (_("Bad mount point for root partition"),
                _("rootMountPoint is \"{}\", which does not "
                "exist, doing nothing").format(root_mount_point))

    supported_filesystems = get_supported_filesystems()

    # Bail out before we start when there are obvious problems
    for entry in job.configuration["unpack"]:
        source = os.path.abspath(entry["source"])
        sourcefs = entry["sourcefs"]

        if sourcefs not in supported_filesystems:
            utils.warning("The filesystem for \"{}\" ({}) is not supported".format(source, sourcefs))
            return (_("Bad unsquash configuration"),
                    _("The filesystem for \"{}\" ({}) is not supported").format(source, sourcefs))
        if not os.path.exists(source):
            utils.warning("The source filesystem \"{}\" does not exist".format(source))
            return (_("Bad unsquash configuration"),
                    _("The source filesystem \"{}\" does not exist").format(source))

    unpack = list()

    for entry in job.configuration["unpack"]:
        source = os.path.abspath(entry["source"])
        sourcefs = entry["sourcefs"]
        destination = os.path.abspath(root_mount_point + entry["destination"])

        if not os.path.isdir(destination):
            utils.warning(("The destination \"{}\" in the target system is not a directory").format(destination))
            return (_("Bad unsquash configuration"),
                    _("The destination \"{}\" in the target system is not a directory").format(destination))

        unpack.append(UnpackEntry(source, sourcefs, destination))

    unpackop = UnpackOperation(unpack)

    return unpackop.run()