# === This file is part of Calamares - <https://calamares.io> === # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Adriaan de Groot <groot@kde.org> # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause # ### # # This CMakeList handles the following i18n / language targets: # # - creating a translation test-tool # - building the Python (gettext-based) translations # - compiling all the Qt translations into a C++ file calamares-i18n.cxx # - defines an OBJECT LIBRARY calamares-i18n for linking the compiled # translations into an executable. include(CalamaresAddTranslations) find_package(${qtname} COMPONENTS Xml) if(TARGET ${qtname}::Xml) add_executable(txload txload.cpp) target_link_libraries(txload ${qtname}::Xml) endif() install_calamares_gettext_translations(python SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lang/python FILENAME python.mo RENAME calamares-python.mo ) ### TRANSLATIONS # # calamares_qrc_translations(calamares-i18n OUTPUT_VARIABLE translation_outfile PREFIXES calamares tz kb ) add_library(calamares-i18n OBJECT ${translation_outfile})