/* === This file is part of Calamares - === * * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2017 Teo Mrnjavac * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2019 Adriaan de Groot * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Collabora Ltd * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * Calamares is Free Software: see the License-Identifier above. * */ #include "ChoicePage.h" #include "BootInfoWidget.h" #include "DeviceInfoWidget.h" #include "PartitionBarsView.h" #include "PartitionLabelsView.h" #include "PartitionSplitterWidget.h" #include "ReplaceWidget.h" #include "ScanningDialog.h" #include "core/BootLoaderModel.h" #include "core/Config.h" #include "core/DeviceModel.h" #include "core/KPMHelpers.h" #include "core/OsproberEntry.h" #include "core/PartUtils.h" #include "core/PartitionActions.h" #include "core/PartitionCoreModule.h" #include "core/PartitionInfo.h" #include "core/PartitionModel.h" #include "Branding.h" #include "GlobalStorage.h" #include "JobQueue.h" #include "partition/PartitionIterator.h" #include "partition/PartitionQuery.h" #include "utils/CalamaresUtilsGui.h" #include "utils/Logger.h" #include "utils/Retranslator.h" #include "utils/Units.h" #include "widgets/PrettyRadioButton.h" #include #include #ifdef WITH_KPMCORE4API #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using Calamares::PrettyRadioButton; using CalamaresUtils::Partition::findPartitionByPath; using CalamaresUtils::Partition::isPartitionFreeSpace; using CalamaresUtils::Partition::PartitionIterator; using InstallChoice = Config::InstallChoice; using SwapChoice = Config::SwapChoice; /** * @brief ChoicePage::ChoicePage is the default constructor. Called on startup as part of * the module loading code path. * @param parent the QWidget parent. */ ChoicePage::ChoicePage( Config* config, QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ) , m_config( config ) , m_nextEnabled( false ) , m_core( nullptr ) , m_isEfi( false ) , m_grp( nullptr ) , m_alongsideButton( nullptr ) , m_eraseButton( nullptr ) , m_replaceButton( nullptr ) , m_somethingElseButton( nullptr ) , m_eraseSwapChoiceComboBox( nullptr ) , m_deviceInfoWidget( nullptr ) , m_beforePartitionBarsView( nullptr ) , m_beforePartitionLabelsView( nullptr ) , m_bootloaderComboBox( nullptr ) , m_enableEncryptionWidget( true ) { setupUi( this ); auto gs = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage(); m_requiredPartitionTableType = gs->value( "requiredPartitionTableType" ).toStringList(); m_enableEncryptionWidget = gs->value( "enableLuksAutomatedPartitioning" ).toBool(); // Set up drives combo m_mainLayout->setDirection( QBoxLayout::TopToBottom ); m_drivesLayout->setDirection( QBoxLayout::LeftToRight ); BootInfoWidget* bootInfoWidget = new BootInfoWidget( this ); m_drivesLayout->insertWidget( 0, bootInfoWidget ); m_drivesLayout->insertSpacing( 1, CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight() / 2 ); m_drivesCombo = new QComboBox( this ); m_mainLayout->setStretchFactor( m_drivesLayout, 0 ); m_mainLayout->setStretchFactor( m_rightLayout, 1 ); m_drivesLabel->setBuddy( m_drivesCombo ); m_drivesLayout->addWidget( m_drivesCombo ); m_deviceInfoWidget = new DeviceInfoWidget; m_drivesLayout->addWidget( m_deviceInfoWidget ); m_drivesLayout->addStretch(); m_messageLabel->setWordWrap( true ); m_messageLabel->hide(); CalamaresUtils::unmarginLayout( m_itemsLayout ); // Drive selector + preview CALAMARES_RETRANSLATE( retranslateUi( this ); m_drivesLabel->setText( tr( "Select storage de&vice:" ) ); m_previewBeforeLabel->setText( tr( "Current:" ) ); m_previewAfterLabel->setText( tr( "After:" ) ); ); m_previewBeforeFrame->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Expanding ); m_previewAfterFrame->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Expanding ); m_previewAfterLabel->hide(); m_previewAfterFrame->hide(); m_encryptWidget->hide(); m_reuseHomeCheckBox->hide(); gs->insert( "reuseHome", false ); } ChoicePage::~ChoicePage() {} /** @brief Sets the @p model for the given @p box and adjusts UI sizes to match. * * The model provides data for drawing the items in the model; the * drawing itself is done by the delegate, which may end up drawing a * different width in the popup than in the collapsed combo box. * * Make the box wide enough to accomodate the whole expanded delegate; * this avoids cases where the popup would truncate data being drawn * because the overall box is sized too narrow. */ void setModelToComboBox( QComboBox* box, QAbstractItemModel* model ) { box->setModel( model ); if ( model->rowCount() > 0 ) { QStyleOptionViewItem options; options.initFrom( box ); auto delegateSize = box->itemDelegate()->sizeHint(options, model->index(0, 0) ); box->setMinimumWidth( delegateSize.width() ); } } void ChoicePage::init( PartitionCoreModule* core ) { m_core = core; m_isEfi = PartUtils::isEfiSystem(); setupChoices(); // We need to do this because a PCM revert invalidates the deviceModel. connect( core, &PartitionCoreModule::reverted, this, [=] { setModelToComboBox( m_drivesCombo, core->deviceModel() ); m_drivesCombo->setCurrentIndex( m_lastSelectedDeviceIndex ); } ); setModelToComboBox( m_drivesCombo, core->deviceModel() ); connect( m_drivesCombo, static_cast< void ( QComboBox::* )( int ) >( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ), this, &ChoicePage::applyDeviceChoice ); connect( m_encryptWidget, &EncryptWidget::stateChanged, this, &ChoicePage::onEncryptWidgetStateChanged ); connect( m_reuseHomeCheckBox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &ChoicePage::onHomeCheckBoxStateChanged ); ChoicePage::applyDeviceChoice(); } /** @brief Creates a combobox with the given choices in it. * * Pre-selects the choice given by @p dflt. * No texts are set -- that happens later by the translator functions. */ static inline QComboBox* createCombo( const QSet< SwapChoice >& s, SwapChoice dflt ) { QComboBox* box = new QComboBox; for ( SwapChoice c : { SwapChoice::NoSwap, SwapChoice::SmallSwap, SwapChoice::FullSwap, SwapChoice::ReuseSwap, SwapChoice::SwapFile } ) if ( s.contains( c ) ) { box->addItem( QString(), c ); } int dfltIndex = box->findData( dflt ); if ( dfltIndex >= 0 ) { box->setCurrentIndex( dfltIndex ); } return box; } /** * @brief ChoicePage::setupChoices creates PrettyRadioButton objects for the action * choices. * @warning This must only run ONCE because it creates signal-slot connections for the * actions. When an action is triggered, it runs action-specific code that may * change the internal state of the PCM, and it updates the bottom preview (or * split) widget. * Synchronous loading ends here. */ void ChoicePage::setupChoices() { // sample os-prober output: // /dev/sda2:Windows 7 (loader):Windows:chain // /dev/sda6::Arch:linux // // There are three possibilities we have to consider: // - There are no operating systems present // - There is one operating system present // - There are multiple operating systems present // // There are three outcomes we have to provide: // 1) Wipe+autopartition // 2) Resize+autopartition // 3) Manual // TBD: upgrade option? QSize iconSize( CalamaresUtils::defaultIconSize().width() * 2, CalamaresUtils::defaultIconSize().height() * 2 ); m_grp = new QButtonGroup( this ); m_alongsideButton = new PrettyRadioButton; m_alongsideButton->setIconSize( iconSize ); m_alongsideButton->setIcon( CalamaresUtils::defaultPixmap( CalamaresUtils::PartitionAlongside, CalamaresUtils::Original, iconSize ) ); m_alongsideButton->addToGroup( m_grp, InstallChoice::Alongside ); m_eraseButton = new PrettyRadioButton; m_eraseButton->setIconSize( iconSize ); m_eraseButton->setIcon( CalamaresUtils::defaultPixmap( CalamaresUtils::PartitionEraseAuto, CalamaresUtils::Original, iconSize ) ); m_eraseButton->addToGroup( m_grp, InstallChoice::Erase ); m_replaceButton = new PrettyRadioButton; m_replaceButton->setIconSize( iconSize ); m_replaceButton->setIcon( CalamaresUtils::defaultPixmap( CalamaresUtils::PartitionReplaceOs, CalamaresUtils::Original, iconSize ) ); m_replaceButton->addToGroup( m_grp, InstallChoice::Replace ); // Fill up swap options if ( m_config->swapChoices().count() > 1 ) { m_eraseSwapChoiceComboBox = createCombo( m_config->swapChoices(), m_config->swapChoice() ); m_eraseButton->addOptionsComboBox( m_eraseSwapChoiceComboBox ); } if ( m_config->eraseFsTypes().count() > 1) { m_eraseFsTypesChoiceComboBox = new QComboBox; m_eraseFsTypesChoiceComboBox->addItems(m_config->eraseFsTypes()); connect( m_eraseFsTypesChoiceComboBox, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, m_config, &Config::setEraseFsTypeChoice ); connect( m_config, &Config::eraseModeFilesystemChanged, this, &ChoicePage::onActionChanged ); m_eraseButton->addOptionsComboBox( m_eraseFsTypesChoiceComboBox ); } m_itemsLayout->addWidget( m_alongsideButton ); m_itemsLayout->addWidget( m_replaceButton ); m_itemsLayout->addWidget( m_eraseButton ); m_somethingElseButton = new PrettyRadioButton; m_somethingElseButton->setIconSize( iconSize ); m_somethingElseButton->setIcon( CalamaresUtils::defaultPixmap( CalamaresUtils::PartitionManual, CalamaresUtils::Original, iconSize ) ); m_itemsLayout->addWidget( m_somethingElseButton ); m_somethingElseButton->addToGroup( m_grp, InstallChoice::Manual ); m_itemsLayout->addStretch(); #if ( QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK( 5, 15, 0 ) ) auto buttonSignal = QOverload< int, bool >::of( &QButtonGroup::buttonToggled ); #else auto buttonSignal = &QButtonGroup::idToggled; #endif connect( m_grp, buttonSignal, this, [this]( int id, bool checked ) { if ( checked ) // An action was picked. { m_config->setInstallChoice( id ); updateNextEnabled(); Q_EMIT actionChosen(); } else // An action was unpicked, either on its own or because of another selection. { if ( m_grp->checkedButton() == nullptr ) // If no other action is chosen, we must { // set m_choice to NoChoice and reset previews. m_config->setInstallChoice( InstallChoice::NoChoice ); updateNextEnabled(); Q_EMIT actionChosen(); } } } ); m_rightLayout->setStretchFactor( m_itemsLayout, 1 ); m_rightLayout->setStretchFactor( m_previewBeforeFrame, 0 ); m_rightLayout->setStretchFactor( m_previewAfterFrame, 0 ); connect( this, &ChoicePage::actionChosen, this, &ChoicePage::onActionChanged ); if ( m_eraseSwapChoiceComboBox ) connect( m_eraseSwapChoiceComboBox, QOverload< int >::of( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ), this, &ChoicePage::onEraseSwapChoiceChanged ); CALAMARES_RETRANSLATE( m_somethingElseButton->setText( tr( "Manual partitioning
" "You can create or resize partitions yourself." ) ); updateSwapChoicesTr( m_eraseSwapChoiceComboBox ); ); } /** * @brief ChoicePage::selectedDevice queries the device picker (which may be a combo or * a list view) to get a pointer to the currently selected Device. * @return a Device pointer, valid in the current state of the PCM, or nullptr if * something goes wrong. */ Device* ChoicePage::selectedDevice() { Device* currentDevice = nullptr; currentDevice = m_core->deviceModel()->deviceForIndex( m_core->deviceModel()->index( m_drivesCombo->currentIndex() ) ); return currentDevice; } void ChoicePage::hideButtons() { m_eraseButton->hide(); m_replaceButton->hide(); m_alongsideButton->hide(); m_somethingElseButton->hide(); } void ChoicePage::checkInstallChoiceRadioButton( InstallChoice c ) { QSignalBlocker b( m_grp ); m_grp->setExclusive( false ); // If c == InstallChoice::NoChoice none will match and all are deselected m_eraseButton->setChecked( InstallChoice::Erase == c ); m_replaceButton->setChecked( InstallChoice::Replace == c ); m_alongsideButton->setChecked( InstallChoice::Alongside == c ); m_somethingElseButton->setChecked( InstallChoice::Manual == c ); m_grp->setExclusive( true ); } /** * @brief ChoicePage::applyDeviceChoice handler for the selected event of the device * picker. Calls ChoicePage::selectedDevice() to get the current Device*, then * updates the preview widget for the on-disk state (calls ChoicePage:: * updateDeviceStatePreview()) and finally sets up the available actions and their * text by calling ChoicePage::setupActions(). */ void ChoicePage::applyDeviceChoice() { if ( !selectedDevice() ) { hideButtons(); return; } if ( m_core->isDirty() ) { ScanningDialog::run( QtConcurrent::run( [=] { QMutexLocker locker( &m_coreMutex ); m_core->revertAllDevices(); } ), [this] { continueApplyDeviceChoice(); }, this ); } else { continueApplyDeviceChoice(); } } void ChoicePage::continueApplyDeviceChoice() { Device* currd = selectedDevice(); // The device should only be nullptr immediately after a PCM reset. // applyDeviceChoice() will be called again momentarily as soon as we handle the // PartitionCoreModule::reverted signal. if ( !currd ) { hideButtons(); return; } updateDeviceStatePreview(); // Preview setup done. Now we show/hide choices as needed. setupActions(); cDebug() << "Previous device" << m_lastSelectedDeviceIndex << "new device" << m_drivesCombo->currentIndex(); if ( m_lastSelectedDeviceIndex != m_drivesCombo->currentIndex() ) { m_lastSelectedDeviceIndex = m_drivesCombo->currentIndex(); m_lastSelectedActionIndex = -1; m_config->setInstallChoice( m_config->initialInstallChoice() ); checkInstallChoiceRadioButton( m_config->installChoice() ); } Q_EMIT actionChosen(); Q_EMIT deviceChosen(); } void ChoicePage::onActionChanged() { Device* currd = selectedDevice(); if ( currd ) { applyActionChoice( m_config->installChoice() ); } } void ChoicePage::onEraseSwapChoiceChanged() { if ( m_eraseSwapChoiceComboBox ) { m_config->setSwapChoice( m_eraseSwapChoiceComboBox->currentData().toInt() ); onActionChanged(); } } void ChoicePage::applyActionChoice( InstallChoice choice ) { cDebug() << "Prev" << m_lastSelectedActionIndex << "InstallChoice" << choice << Config::installChoiceNames().find( choice ); m_beforePartitionBarsView->selectionModel()->disconnect( SIGNAL( currentRowChanged( QModelIndex, QModelIndex ) ) ); m_beforePartitionBarsView->selectionModel()->clearSelection(); m_beforePartitionBarsView->selectionModel()->clearCurrentIndex(); switch ( choice ) { case InstallChoice::Erase: { auto gs = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage(); PartitionActions::Choices::AutoPartitionOptions options { gs->value( "defaultPartitionTableType" ).toString(), m_config->eraseFsType(), m_encryptWidget->passphrase(), gs->value( "efiSystemPartition" ).toString(), CalamaresUtils::GiBtoBytes( gs->value( "requiredStorageGiB" ).toDouble() ), m_config->swapChoice() }; if ( m_core->isDirty() ) { ScanningDialog::run( QtConcurrent::run( [=] { QMutexLocker locker( &m_coreMutex ); m_core->revertDevice( selectedDevice() ); } ), [=] { PartitionActions::doAutopartition( m_core, selectedDevice(), options ); Q_EMIT deviceChosen(); }, this ); } else { PartitionActions::doAutopartition( m_core, selectedDevice(), options ); Q_EMIT deviceChosen(); } } break; case InstallChoice::Replace: if ( m_core->isDirty() ) { ScanningDialog::run( QtConcurrent::run( [=] { QMutexLocker locker( &m_coreMutex ); m_core->revertDevice( selectedDevice() ); } ), [] {}, this ); } connect( m_beforePartitionBarsView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL( currentRowChanged( QModelIndex, QModelIndex ) ), this, SLOT( onPartitionToReplaceSelected( QModelIndex, QModelIndex ) ), Qt::UniqueConnection ); break; case InstallChoice::Alongside: if ( m_core->isDirty() ) { ScanningDialog::run( QtConcurrent::run( [=] { QMutexLocker locker( &m_coreMutex ); m_core->revertDevice( selectedDevice() ); } ), [this] { // We need to reupdate after reverting because the splitter widget is // not a true view. updateActionChoicePreview( m_config->installChoice() ); updateNextEnabled(); }, this ); } connect( m_beforePartitionBarsView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL( currentRowChanged( QModelIndex, QModelIndex ) ), this, SLOT( doAlongsideSetupSplitter( QModelIndex, QModelIndex ) ), Qt::UniqueConnection ); break; case InstallChoice::NoChoice: case InstallChoice::Manual: break; } updateNextEnabled(); updateActionChoicePreview( choice ); } void ChoicePage::doAlongsideSetupSplitter( const QModelIndex& current, const QModelIndex& previous ) { Q_UNUSED( previous ) if ( !current.isValid() ) { return; } if ( !m_afterPartitionSplitterWidget ) { return; } const PartitionModel* modl = qobject_cast< const PartitionModel* >( current.model() ); if ( !modl ) { return; } Partition* part = modl->partitionForIndex( current ); if ( !part ) { cDebug() << "Partition not found for index" << current; return; } double requiredStorageGB = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage()->value( "requiredStorageGiB" ).toDouble(); qint64 requiredStorageB = CalamaresUtils::GiBtoBytes( requiredStorageGB + 0.1 + 2.0 ); m_afterPartitionSplitterWidget->setSplitPartition( part->partitionPath(), qRound64( part->used() * 1.1 ), part->capacity() - requiredStorageB, part->capacity() / 2 ); if ( m_isEfi ) { setupEfiSystemPartitionSelector(); } cDebug() << "Partition selected for Alongside."; updateNextEnabled(); } void ChoicePage::onEncryptWidgetStateChanged() { EncryptWidget::Encryption state = m_encryptWidget->state(); if ( m_config->installChoice() == InstallChoice::Erase ) { if ( state == EncryptWidget::Encryption::Confirmed || state == EncryptWidget::Encryption::Disabled ) { applyActionChoice( m_config->installChoice() ); } } else if ( m_config->installChoice() == InstallChoice::Replace ) { if ( m_beforePartitionBarsView && m_beforePartitionBarsView->selectionModel()->currentIndex().isValid() && ( state == EncryptWidget::Encryption::Confirmed || state == EncryptWidget::Encryption::Disabled ) ) { doReplaceSelectedPartition( m_beforePartitionBarsView->selectionModel()->currentIndex() ); } } updateNextEnabled(); } void ChoicePage::onHomeCheckBoxStateChanged() { if ( m_config->installChoice() == InstallChoice::Replace && m_beforePartitionBarsView->selectionModel()->currentIndex().isValid() ) { doReplaceSelectedPartition( m_beforePartitionBarsView->selectionModel()->currentIndex() ); } } void ChoicePage::onLeave() { if ( m_config->installChoice() == InstallChoice::Alongside ) { doAlongsideApply(); } if ( m_isEfi && ( m_config->installChoice() == InstallChoice::Alongside || m_config->installChoice() == InstallChoice::Replace ) ) { QList< Partition* > efiSystemPartitions = m_core->efiSystemPartitions(); if ( efiSystemPartitions.count() == 1 ) { PartitionInfo::setMountPoint( efiSystemPartitions.first(), Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage()->value( "efiSystemPartition" ).toString() ); } else if ( efiSystemPartitions.count() > 1 && m_efiComboBox ) { PartitionInfo::setMountPoint( efiSystemPartitions.at( m_efiComboBox->currentIndex() ), Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage()->value( "efiSystemPartition" ).toString() ); } else { cError() << "cannot set up EFI system partition.\nESP count:" << efiSystemPartitions.count() << "\nm_efiComboBox:" << m_efiComboBox; } } else // installPath is then passed to the bootloader module for MBR setup { if ( !m_isEfi ) { if ( m_bootloaderComboBox.isNull() ) { auto d_p = selectedDevice(); if ( d_p ) { m_core->setBootLoaderInstallPath( d_p->deviceNode() ); } else { cWarning() << "No device selected for bootloader."; } } else { QVariant var = m_bootloaderComboBox->currentData( BootLoaderModel::BootLoaderPathRole ); if ( !var.isValid() ) { return; } m_core->setBootLoaderInstallPath( var.toString() ); } } } } void ChoicePage::doAlongsideApply() { Q_ASSERT( m_afterPartitionSplitterWidget->splitPartitionSize() >= 0 ); Q_ASSERT( m_afterPartitionSplitterWidget->newPartitionSize() >= 0 ); QMutexLocker locker( &m_coreMutex ); QString path = m_beforePartitionBarsView->selectionModel() ->currentIndex() .data( PartitionModel::PartitionPathRole ) .toString(); DeviceModel* dm = m_core->deviceModel(); for ( int i = 0; i < dm->rowCount(); ++i ) { Device* dev = dm->deviceForIndex( dm->index( i ) ); Partition* candidate = findPartitionByPath( { dev }, path ); if ( candidate ) { qint64 firstSector = candidate->firstSector(); qint64 oldLastSector = candidate->lastSector(); qint64 newLastSector = firstSector + m_afterPartitionSplitterWidget->splitPartitionSize() / dev->logicalSize(); m_core->resizePartition( dev, candidate, firstSector, newLastSector ); m_core->layoutApply( dev, newLastSector + 2, oldLastSector, m_encryptWidget->passphrase(), candidate->parent(), candidate->roles() ); m_core->dumpQueue(); break; } } } void ChoicePage::onPartitionToReplaceSelected( const QModelIndex& current, const QModelIndex& previous ) { Q_UNUSED( previous ) if ( !current.isValid() ) { return; } // Reset state on selection regardless of whether this will be used. m_reuseHomeCheckBox->setChecked( false ); doReplaceSelectedPartition( current ); } void ChoicePage::doReplaceSelectedPartition( const QModelIndex& current ) { if ( !current.isValid() ) { return; } // This will be deleted by the second lambda, below. QString* homePartitionPath = new QString(); ScanningDialog::run( QtConcurrent::run( [this, current, homePartitionPath]( bool doReuseHomePartition ) { QMutexLocker locker( &m_coreMutex ); if ( m_core->isDirty() ) { m_core->revertDevice( selectedDevice() ); } // if the partition is unallocated(free space), we don't replace it but create new one // with the same first and last sector Partition* selectedPartition = static_cast< Partition* >( current.data( PartitionModel::PartitionPtrRole ).value< void* >() ); if ( isPartitionFreeSpace( selectedPartition ) ) { //NOTE: if the selected partition is free space, we don't deal with // a separate /home partition at all because there's no existing // rootfs to read it from. PartitionRole newRoles = PartitionRole( PartitionRole::Primary ); PartitionNode* newParent = selectedDevice()->partitionTable(); if ( selectedPartition->parent() ) { Partition* parent = dynamic_cast< Partition* >( selectedPartition->parent() ); if ( parent && parent->roles().has( PartitionRole::Extended ) ) { newRoles = PartitionRole( PartitionRole::Logical ); newParent = findPartitionByPath( { selectedDevice() }, parent->partitionPath() ); } } m_core->layoutApply( selectedDevice(), selectedPartition->firstSector(), selectedPartition->lastSector(), m_encryptWidget->passphrase(), newParent, newRoles ); } else { // We can't use the PartitionPtrRole because we need to make changes to the // main DeviceModel, not the immutable copy. QString partPath = current.data( PartitionModel::PartitionPathRole ).toString(); selectedPartition = findPartitionByPath( { selectedDevice() }, partPath ); if ( selectedPartition ) { // Find out is the selected partition has a rootfs. If yes, then make the // m_reuseHomeCheckBox visible and set its text to something meaningful. homePartitionPath->clear(); for ( const OsproberEntry& osproberEntry : m_core->osproberEntries() ) if ( osproberEntry.path == partPath ) { *homePartitionPath = osproberEntry.homePath; } if ( homePartitionPath->isEmpty() ) { doReuseHomePartition = false; } Calamares::GlobalStorage* gs = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage(); PartitionActions::doReplacePartition( m_core, selectedDevice(), selectedPartition, { gs->value( "defaultPartitionType" ).toString(), gs->value( "defaultFileSystemType" ).toString(), m_encryptWidget->passphrase() } ); Partition* homePartition = findPartitionByPath( { selectedDevice() }, *homePartitionPath ); if ( homePartition && doReuseHomePartition ) { PartitionInfo::setMountPoint( homePartition, "/home" ); gs->insert( "reuseHome", true ); } else { gs->insert( "reuseHome", false ); } } } }, m_reuseHomeCheckBox->isChecked() ), [this, homePartitionPath] { m_reuseHomeCheckBox->setVisible( !homePartitionPath->isEmpty() ); if ( !homePartitionPath->isEmpty() ) m_reuseHomeCheckBox->setText( tr( "Reuse %1 as home partition for %2." ) .arg( *homePartitionPath ) .arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()->shortProductName() ) ); delete homePartitionPath; if ( m_isEfi ) setupEfiSystemPartitionSelector(); updateNextEnabled(); if ( !m_bootloaderComboBox.isNull() && m_bootloaderComboBox->currentIndex() < 0 ) m_bootloaderComboBox->setCurrentIndex( m_lastSelectedDeviceIndex ); }, this ); } /** * @brief clear and then rebuild the contents of the preview widget * * The preview widget for the current disk is completely re-constructed * based on the on-disk state. This also triggers a rescan in the * PCM to get a Device* copy that's unaffected by subsequent PCM changes. */ void ChoicePage::updateDeviceStatePreview() { //FIXME: this needs to be made async because the rescan can block the UI thread for // a while. --Teo 10/2015 Device* currentDevice = selectedDevice(); Q_ASSERT( currentDevice ); QMutexLocker locker( &m_previewsMutex ); cDebug() << "Updating partitioning state widgets."; qDeleteAll( m_previewBeforeFrame->children() ); auto layout = m_previewBeforeFrame->layout(); if ( layout ) { layout->deleteLater(); // Doesn't like nullptr } layout = new QVBoxLayout; m_previewBeforeFrame->setLayout( layout ); CalamaresUtils::unmarginLayout( layout ); layout->setSpacing( 6 ); PartitionBarsView::NestedPartitionsMode mode = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage()->value( "drawNestedPartitions" ).toBool() ? PartitionBarsView::DrawNestedPartitions : PartitionBarsView::NoNestedPartitions; m_beforePartitionBarsView = new PartitionBarsView( m_previewBeforeFrame ); m_beforePartitionBarsView->setNestedPartitionsMode( mode ); m_beforePartitionLabelsView = new PartitionLabelsView( m_previewBeforeFrame ); m_beforePartitionLabelsView->setExtendedPartitionHidden( mode == PartitionBarsView::NoNestedPartitions ); Device* deviceBefore = m_core->immutableDeviceCopy( currentDevice ); PartitionModel* model = new PartitionModel( m_beforePartitionBarsView ); model->init( deviceBefore, m_core->osproberEntries() ); m_beforePartitionBarsView->setModel( model ); m_beforePartitionLabelsView->setModel( model ); // Make the bars and labels view use the same selectionModel. auto sm = m_beforePartitionLabelsView->selectionModel(); m_beforePartitionLabelsView->setSelectionModel( m_beforePartitionBarsView->selectionModel() ); if ( sm ) { sm->deleteLater(); } switch ( m_config->installChoice() ) { case InstallChoice::Replace: case InstallChoice::Alongside: m_beforePartitionBarsView->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection ); m_beforePartitionLabelsView->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection ); break; case InstallChoice::NoChoice: case InstallChoice::Erase: case InstallChoice::Manual: m_beforePartitionBarsView->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::NoSelection ); m_beforePartitionLabelsView->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::NoSelection ); } layout->addWidget( m_beforePartitionBarsView ); layout->addWidget( m_beforePartitionLabelsView ); } /** * @brief rebuild the contents of the preview for the PCM-proposed state. * * No rescans here, this should be immediate. * * @param choice the chosen partitioning action. */ void ChoicePage::updateActionChoicePreview( InstallChoice choice ) { Device* currentDevice = selectedDevice(); Q_ASSERT( currentDevice ); QMutexLocker locker( &m_previewsMutex ); cDebug() << "Updating partitioning preview widgets."; qDeleteAll( m_previewAfterFrame->children() ); auto oldlayout = m_previewAfterFrame->layout(); if ( oldlayout ) { oldlayout->deleteLater(); } QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout; m_previewAfterFrame->setLayout( layout ); CalamaresUtils::unmarginLayout( layout ); layout->setSpacing( 6 ); PartitionBarsView::NestedPartitionsMode mode = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage()->value( "drawNestedPartitions" ).toBool() ? PartitionBarsView::DrawNestedPartitions : PartitionBarsView::NoNestedPartitions; m_reuseHomeCheckBox->hide(); Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage()->insert( "reuseHome", false ); switch ( choice ) { case InstallChoice::Alongside: { if ( m_enableEncryptionWidget ) { m_encryptWidget->show(); } m_previewBeforeLabel->setText( tr( "Current:" ) ); m_selectLabel->setText( tr( "Select a partition to shrink, " "then drag the bottom bar to resize" ) ); m_selectLabel->show(); m_afterPartitionSplitterWidget = new PartitionSplitterWidget( m_previewAfterFrame ); m_afterPartitionSplitterWidget->init( selectedDevice(), mode == PartitionBarsView::DrawNestedPartitions ); layout->addWidget( m_afterPartitionSplitterWidget ); QLabel* sizeLabel = new QLabel( m_previewAfterFrame ); layout->addWidget( sizeLabel ); sizeLabel->setWordWrap( true ); connect( m_afterPartitionSplitterWidget, &PartitionSplitterWidget::partitionResized, this, [this, sizeLabel]( const QString& path, qint64 size, qint64 sizeNext ) { Q_UNUSED( path ) sizeLabel->setText( tr( "%1 will be shrunk to %2MiB and a new " "%3MiB partition will be created for %4." ) .arg( m_beforePartitionBarsView->selectionModel()->currentIndex().data().toString() ) .arg( CalamaresUtils::BytesToMiB( size ) ) .arg( CalamaresUtils::BytesToMiB( sizeNext ) ) .arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()->shortProductName() ) ); } ); m_previewAfterFrame->show(); m_previewAfterLabel->show(); SelectionFilter filter = []( const QModelIndex& index ) { return PartUtils::canBeResized( static_cast< Partition* >( index.data( PartitionModel::PartitionPtrRole ).value< void* >() ), Logger::Once() ); }; m_beforePartitionBarsView->setSelectionFilter( filter ); m_beforePartitionLabelsView->setSelectionFilter( filter ); break; } case InstallChoice::Erase: case InstallChoice::Replace: { if ( m_enableEncryptionWidget ) { m_encryptWidget->show(); } m_previewBeforeLabel->setText( tr( "Current:" ) ); m_afterPartitionBarsView = new PartitionBarsView( m_previewAfterFrame ); m_afterPartitionBarsView->setNestedPartitionsMode( mode ); m_afterPartitionLabelsView = new PartitionLabelsView( m_previewAfterFrame ); m_afterPartitionLabelsView->setExtendedPartitionHidden( mode == PartitionBarsView::NoNestedPartitions ); m_afterPartitionLabelsView->setCustomNewRootLabel( Calamares::Branding::instance()->string( Calamares::Branding::BootloaderEntryName ) ); PartitionModel* model = m_core->partitionModelForDevice( selectedDevice() ); // The QObject parents tree is meaningful for memory management here, // see qDeleteAll above. m_afterPartitionBarsView->setModel( model ); m_afterPartitionLabelsView->setModel( model ); m_afterPartitionBarsView->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::NoSelection ); m_afterPartitionLabelsView->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::NoSelection ); layout->addWidget( m_afterPartitionBarsView ); layout->addWidget( m_afterPartitionLabelsView ); if ( !m_isEfi ) { QWidget* eraseWidget = new QWidget; QHBoxLayout* eraseLayout = new QHBoxLayout; eraseWidget->setLayout( eraseLayout ); eraseLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); QLabel* eraseBootloaderLabel = new QLabel( eraseWidget ); eraseLayout->addWidget( eraseBootloaderLabel ); eraseBootloaderLabel->setText( tr( "Boot loader location:" ) ); m_bootloaderComboBox = createBootloaderComboBox( eraseWidget ); connect( m_core->bootLoaderModel(), &QAbstractItemModel::modelReset, [this]() { if ( !m_bootloaderComboBox.isNull() ) { Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader( *m_bootloaderComboBox, m_core->bootLoaderInstallPath() ); } } ); connect( m_core, &PartitionCoreModule::deviceReverted, this, [this]( Device* dev ) { Q_UNUSED( dev ) if ( !m_bootloaderComboBox.isNull() ) { if ( m_bootloaderComboBox->model() != m_core->bootLoaderModel() ) { m_bootloaderComboBox->setModel( m_core->bootLoaderModel() ); } m_bootloaderComboBox->setCurrentIndex( m_lastSelectedDeviceIndex ); } }, Qt::QueuedConnection ); // ^ Must be Queued so it's sure to run when the widget is already visible. eraseLayout->addWidget( m_bootloaderComboBox ); eraseBootloaderLabel->setBuddy( m_bootloaderComboBox ); eraseLayout->addStretch(); layout->addWidget( eraseWidget ); } m_previewAfterFrame->show(); m_previewAfterLabel->show(); if ( m_config->installChoice() == InstallChoice::Erase ) { m_selectLabel->hide(); } else { SelectionFilter filter = []( const QModelIndex& index ) { return PartUtils::canBeReplaced( static_cast< Partition* >( index.data( PartitionModel::PartitionPtrRole ).value< void* >() ), Logger::Once() ); }; m_beforePartitionBarsView->setSelectionFilter( filter ); m_beforePartitionLabelsView->setSelectionFilter( filter ); m_selectLabel->show(); m_selectLabel->setText( tr( "Select a partition to install on" ) ); } break; } case InstallChoice::NoChoice: case InstallChoice::Manual: m_selectLabel->hide(); m_previewAfterFrame->hide(); m_previewBeforeLabel->setText( tr( "Current:" ) ); m_previewAfterLabel->hide(); m_encryptWidget->hide(); break; } if ( m_isEfi && ( m_config->installChoice() == InstallChoice::Alongside || m_config->installChoice() == InstallChoice::Replace ) ) { QHBoxLayout* efiLayout = new QHBoxLayout; layout->addLayout( efiLayout ); m_efiLabel = new QLabel( m_previewAfterFrame ); efiLayout->addWidget( m_efiLabel ); m_efiComboBox = new QComboBox( m_previewAfterFrame ); efiLayout->addWidget( m_efiComboBox ); m_efiLabel->setBuddy( m_efiComboBox ); m_efiComboBox->hide(); efiLayout->addStretch(); } // Also handle selection behavior on beforeFrame. QAbstractItemView::SelectionMode previewSelectionMode = QAbstractItemView::NoSelection; switch ( m_config->installChoice() ) { case InstallChoice::Replace: case InstallChoice::Alongside: previewSelectionMode = QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection; break; case InstallChoice::NoChoice: case InstallChoice::Erase: case InstallChoice::Manual: previewSelectionMode = QAbstractItemView::NoSelection; } m_beforePartitionBarsView->setSelectionMode( previewSelectionMode ); m_beforePartitionLabelsView->setSelectionMode( previewSelectionMode ); } void ChoicePage::setupEfiSystemPartitionSelector() { Q_ASSERT( m_isEfi ); // Only the already existing ones: QList< Partition* > efiSystemPartitions = m_core->efiSystemPartitions(); if ( efiSystemPartitions.count() == 0 ) //should never happen { m_efiLabel->setText( tr( "An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere " "on this system. Please go back and use manual " "partitioning to set up %1." ) .arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()->shortProductName() ) ); updateNextEnabled(); } else if ( efiSystemPartitions.count() == 1 ) //probably most usual situation { m_efiLabel->setText( tr( "The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for " "starting %2." ) .arg( efiSystemPartitions.first()->partitionPath() ) .arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()->shortProductName() ) ); } else { m_efiComboBox->show(); m_efiLabel->setText( tr( "EFI system partition:" ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < efiSystemPartitions.count(); ++i ) { Partition* efiPartition = efiSystemPartitions.at( i ); m_efiComboBox->addItem( efiPartition->partitionPath(), i ); // We pick an ESP on the currently selected device, if possible if ( efiPartition->devicePath() == selectedDevice()->deviceNode() && efiPartition->number() == 1 ) { m_efiComboBox->setCurrentIndex( i ); } } } } QComboBox* ChoicePage::createBootloaderComboBox( QWidget* parent ) { QComboBox* comboForBootloader = new QComboBox( parent ); comboForBootloader->setModel( m_core->bootLoaderModel() ); // When the chosen bootloader device changes, we update the choice in the PCM connect( comboForBootloader, QOverload< int >::of( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ), this, [this]( int newIndex ) { QComboBox* bootloaderCombo = qobject_cast< QComboBox* >( sender() ); if ( bootloaderCombo ) { QVariant var = bootloaderCombo->itemData( newIndex, BootLoaderModel::BootLoaderPathRole ); if ( !var.isValid() ) { return; } m_core->setBootLoaderInstallPath( var.toString() ); } } ); return comboForBootloader; } static inline void force_uncheck( QButtonGroup* grp, PrettyRadioButton* button ) { button->hide(); grp->setExclusive( false ); button->setChecked( false ); grp->setExclusive( true ); } static inline QDebug& operator<<( QDebug& s, PartitionIterator& it ) { s << ( ( *it ) ? ( *it )->deviceNode() : QString( "" ) ); return s; } /** * @brief ChoicePage::setupActions happens every time a new Device* is selected in the * device picker. Sets up the text and visibility of the partitioning actions based * on the currently selected Device*, bootloader and os-prober output. */ void ChoicePage::setupActions() { Logger::Once o; Device* currentDevice = selectedDevice(); OsproberEntryList osproberEntriesForCurrentDevice = getOsproberEntriesForDevice( currentDevice ); cDebug() << o << "Setting up actions for" << currentDevice->deviceNode() << "with" << osproberEntriesForCurrentDevice.count() << "entries."; if ( currentDevice->partitionTable() ) { m_deviceInfoWidget->setPartitionTableType( currentDevice->partitionTable()->type() ); } else { m_deviceInfoWidget->setPartitionTableType( PartitionTable::unknownTableType ); } if ( m_config->allowManualPartitioning() ) { m_somethingElseButton->show(); } else { force_uncheck( m_grp, m_somethingElseButton ); } bool atLeastOneCanBeResized = false; bool atLeastOneCanBeReplaced = false; bool atLeastOneIsMounted = false; // Suppress 'erase' if so bool isInactiveRAID = false; bool matchTableType = false; #ifdef WITH_KPMCORE4API if ( currentDevice->type() == Device::Type::SoftwareRAID_Device && static_cast< SoftwareRAID* >( currentDevice )->status() == SoftwareRAID::Status::Inactive ) { cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "part of an inactive RAID device"; isInactiveRAID = true; } #endif PartitionTable::TableType tableType = PartitionTable::unknownTableType; if ( currentDevice->partitionTable() ) { tableType = currentDevice->partitionTable()->type(); matchTableType = m_requiredPartitionTableType.size() == 0 || m_requiredPartitionTableType.contains( PartitionTable::tableTypeToName( tableType ) ); } for ( auto it = PartitionIterator::begin( currentDevice ); it != PartitionIterator::end( currentDevice ); ++it ) { if ( PartUtils::canBeResized( *it, o ) ) { cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "contains resizable" << it; atLeastOneCanBeResized = true; } if ( PartUtils::canBeReplaced( *it, o ) ) { cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "contains replaceable" << it; atLeastOneCanBeReplaced = true; } if ( ( *it )->isMounted() ) { atLeastOneIsMounted = true; } } if ( osproberEntriesForCurrentDevice.count() == 0 ) { CALAMARES_RETRANSLATE( cDebug() << "Setting texts for 0 osprober entries"; m_messageLabel->setText( tr( "This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. " "What would you like to do?
" "You will be able to review and confirm your choices " "before any change is made to the storage device." ) ); m_eraseButton->setText( tr( "Erase disk
" "This will delete all data " "currently present on the selected storage device." ) ); m_alongsideButton->setText( tr( "Install alongside
" "The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1." ) .arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()->shortVersionedName() ) ); m_replaceButton->setText( tr( "Replace a partition
" "Replaces a partition with %1." ) .arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()->shortVersionedName() ) ); ); m_replaceButton->hide(); m_alongsideButton->hide(); m_grp->setExclusive( false ); m_replaceButton->setChecked( false ); m_alongsideButton->setChecked( false ); m_grp->setExclusive( true ); } else if ( osproberEntriesForCurrentDevice.count() == 1 ) { QString osName = osproberEntriesForCurrentDevice.first().prettyName; if ( !osName.isEmpty() ) { CALAMARES_RETRANSLATE( cDebug() << "Setting texts for 1 non-empty osprober entry"; m_messageLabel->setText( tr( "This storage device has %1 on it. " "What would you like to do?
" "You will be able to review and confirm your choices " "before any change is made to the storage device." ) .arg( osName ) ); m_alongsideButton->setText( tr( "Install alongside
" "The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1." ) .arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()->shortVersionedName() ) ); m_eraseButton->setText( tr( "Erase disk
" "This will delete all data " "currently present on the selected storage device." ) ); m_replaceButton->setText( tr( "Replace a partition
" "Replaces a partition with %1." ) .arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()->shortVersionedName() ) ); ); } else { CALAMARES_RETRANSLATE( cDebug() << "Setting texts for 1 empty osprober entry"; m_messageLabel->setText( tr( "This storage device already has an operating system on it. " "What would you like to do?
" "You will be able to review and confirm your choices " "before any change is made to the storage device." ) ); m_alongsideButton->setText( tr( "Install alongside
" "The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1." ) .arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()->shortVersionedName() ) ); m_eraseButton->setText( tr( "Erase disk
" "This will delete all data " "currently present on the selected storage device." ) ); m_replaceButton->setText( tr( "Replace a partition
" "Replaces a partition with %1." ) .arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()->shortVersionedName() ) ); ); } } else { // osproberEntriesForCurrentDevice has at least 2 items. CALAMARES_RETRANSLATE( cDebug() << "Setting texts for >= 2 osprober entries"; m_messageLabel->setText( tr( "This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. " "What would you like to do?
" "You will be able to review and confirm your choices " "before any change is made to the storage device." ) ); m_alongsideButton->setText( tr( "Install alongside
" "The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1." ) .arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()->shortVersionedName() ) ); m_eraseButton->setText( tr( "Erase disk
" "This will delete all data " "currently present on the selected storage device." ) ); m_replaceButton->setText( tr( "Replace a partition
" "Replaces a partition with %1." ) .arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()->shortVersionedName() ) ); ); } #ifdef DEBUG_PARTITION_UNSAFE #ifdef DEBUG_PARTITION_LAME // If things can't be broken, allow all the buttons atLeastOneCanBeReplaced = true; atLeastOneCanBeResized = true; atLeastOneIsMounted = false; isInactiveRAID = false; #endif #endif if ( atLeastOneCanBeReplaced ) { m_replaceButton->show(); } else { cDebug() << "No partitions available for replace-action."; force_uncheck( m_grp, m_replaceButton ); } if ( atLeastOneCanBeResized ) { m_alongsideButton->show(); } else { cDebug() << "No partitions available for resize-action."; force_uncheck( m_grp, m_alongsideButton ); } if ( !atLeastOneIsMounted && !isInactiveRAID ) { m_eraseButton->show(); // None mounted } else { cDebug() << "No partitions (" << "any-mounted?" << atLeastOneIsMounted << "is-raid?" << isInactiveRAID << ") for erase-action."; force_uncheck( m_grp, m_eraseButton ); } bool isEfi = PartUtils::isEfiSystem(); bool efiSystemPartitionFound = !m_core->efiSystemPartitions().isEmpty(); if ( isEfi && !efiSystemPartitionFound ) { cWarning() << "System is EFI but there's no EFI system partition, " "DISABLING alongside and replace features."; m_alongsideButton->hide(); m_replaceButton->hide(); } if ( tableType != PartitionTable::unknownTableType && !matchTableType ) { m_messageLabel->setText( tr( "This storage device already has an operating system on it, " "but the partition table %1 is different from the " "needed %2.
" ) .arg( PartitionTable::tableTypeToName( tableType ) ) .arg( m_requiredPartitionTableType.join( " or " ) ) ); m_messageLabel->show(); cWarning() << "Partition table" << PartitionTable::tableTypeToName( tableType ) << "does not match the requirement " << m_requiredPartitionTableType.join( " or " ) << ", ENABLING erase feature and DISABLING alongside, replace and manual features."; m_eraseButton->show(); m_alongsideButton->hide(); m_replaceButton->hide(); m_somethingElseButton->hide(); cDebug() << "Replace button suppressed because partition table type mismatch."; force_uncheck( m_grp, m_replaceButton ); } if ( m_somethingElseButton->isHidden() && m_alongsideButton->isHidden() && m_replaceButton->isHidden() && m_eraseButton->isHidden() ) { if ( atLeastOneIsMounted ) { m_messageLabel->setText( tr( "This storage device has one of its partitions mounted." ) ); } else { m_messageLabel->setText( tr( "This storage device is a part of an inactive RAID device." ) ); } m_messageLabel->show(); cWarning() << "No buttons available" << "replaced?" << atLeastOneCanBeReplaced << "resized?" << atLeastOneCanBeResized << "erased? (not-mounted and not-raid)" << !atLeastOneIsMounted << "and" << !isInactiveRAID; } } OsproberEntryList ChoicePage::getOsproberEntriesForDevice( Device* device ) const { OsproberEntryList eList; for ( const OsproberEntry& entry : m_core->osproberEntries() ) { if ( entry.path.startsWith( device->deviceNode() ) ) { eList.append( entry ); } } return eList; } bool ChoicePage::isNextEnabled() const { return m_nextEnabled; } bool ChoicePage::calculateNextEnabled() const { bool enabled = false; auto sm_p = m_beforePartitionBarsView ? m_beforePartitionBarsView->selectionModel() : nullptr; switch ( m_config->installChoice() ) { case InstallChoice::NoChoice: cDebug() << "No partitioning choice"; return false; case InstallChoice::Replace: case InstallChoice::Alongside: if ( !( sm_p && sm_p->currentIndex().isValid() ) ) { cDebug() << "No partition selected"; return false; } enabled = true; break; case InstallChoice::Erase: case InstallChoice::Manual: enabled = true; } if ( !enabled ) { cDebug() << "No valid choice made"; return false; } if ( m_isEfi && ( m_config->installChoice() == InstallChoice::Alongside || m_config->installChoice() == InstallChoice::Replace ) ) { if ( m_core->efiSystemPartitions().count() == 0 ) { cDebug() << "No EFI partition for alongside or replace"; return false; } } if ( m_config->installChoice() != InstallChoice::Manual && m_encryptWidget->isVisible() ) { switch ( m_encryptWidget->state() ) { case EncryptWidget::Encryption::Unconfirmed: cDebug() << "No passphrase provided"; return false; case EncryptWidget::Encryption::Disabled: case EncryptWidget::Encryption::Confirmed: // Checkbox not checked, **or** passphrases match break; } } return true; } void ChoicePage::updateNextEnabled() { bool enabled = calculateNextEnabled(); if ( enabled != m_nextEnabled ) { m_nextEnabled = enabled; Q_EMIT nextStatusChanged( enabled ); } } void ChoicePage::updateSwapChoicesTr( QComboBox* box ) { if ( !box ) { return; } static_assert( SwapChoice::NoSwap == 0, "Enum values out-of-sync" ); for ( int index = 0; index < box->count(); ++index ) { bool ok = false; int value = 0; switch ( value = box->itemData( index ).toInt( &ok ) ) { // case 0: case SwapChoice::NoSwap: // toInt() returns 0 on failure, so check for ok if ( ok ) // It was explicitly set to 0 { box->setItemText( index, tr( "No Swap" ) ); } else { cWarning() << "Box item" << index << box->itemText( index ) << "has non-integer role."; } break; case SwapChoice::ReuseSwap: box->setItemText( index, tr( "Reuse Swap" ) ); break; case SwapChoice::SmallSwap: box->setItemText( index, tr( "Swap (no Hibernate)" ) ); break; case SwapChoice::FullSwap: box->setItemText( index, tr( "Swap (with Hibernate)" ) ); break; case SwapChoice::SwapFile: box->setItemText( index, tr( "Swap to file" ) ); break; default: cWarning() << "Box item" << index << box->itemText( index ) << "has role" << value; } } } int ChoicePage::lastSelectedDeviceIndex() { return m_lastSelectedDeviceIndex; } void ChoicePage::setLastSelectedDeviceIndex( int index ) { m_lastSelectedDeviceIndex = index; m_drivesCombo->setCurrentIndex( m_lastSelectedDeviceIndex ); }