/* === This file is part of Calamares - === * * Copyright 2014-2015, Teo Mrnjavac * Copyright 2018, Adriaan de Groot * * Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Calamares is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Calamares. If not, see . */ #include "ModuleManager.h" #include "ExecutionViewStep.h" #include "Module.h" #include "RequirementsChecker.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "ViewManager.h" #include "utils/Logger.h" #include "utils/YamlUtils.h" #include #include #include #include namespace Calamares { ModuleManager* ModuleManager::s_instance = nullptr; ModuleManager* ModuleManager::instance() { return s_instance; } ModuleManager::ModuleManager( const QStringList& paths, QObject* parent ) : QObject( parent ) , m_paths( paths ) { Q_ASSERT( !s_instance ); s_instance = this; } ModuleManager::~ModuleManager() { // The map is populated with Module::fromDescriptor(), which allocates on the heap. for ( auto moduleptr : m_loadedModulesByInstanceKey ) delete moduleptr; } void ModuleManager::init() { QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, &ModuleManager::doInit ); } void ModuleManager::doInit() { // We start from a list of paths in m_paths. Each of those is a directory that // might (should) contain Calamares modules of any type/interface. // For each modules search path (directory), it is expected that each module // lives in its own subdirectory. This subdirectory must have the same name as // the module name, and must contain a settings file named module.desc. // If at any time the module loading procedure finds something unexpected, it // silently skips to the next module or search path. --Teo 6/2014 for ( const QString& path : m_paths ) { QDir currentDir( path ); if ( currentDir.exists() && currentDir.isReadable() ) { const QStringList subdirs = currentDir.entryList( QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot ); for ( const QString& subdir : subdirs ) { currentDir.setPath( path ); bool success = currentDir.cd( subdir ); if ( success ) { QFileInfo descriptorFileInfo( currentDir.absoluteFilePath( QLatin1Literal( "module.desc") ) ); if ( ! ( descriptorFileInfo.exists() && descriptorFileInfo.isReadable() ) ) { cDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "unreadable file: " << descriptorFileInfo.absoluteFilePath(); continue; } bool ok = false; QVariantMap moduleDescriptorMap = CalamaresUtils::loadYaml( descriptorFileInfo, &ok ); QString moduleName = ok ? moduleDescriptorMap.value( "name" ).toString() : QString(); if ( ok && ( moduleName == currentDir.dirName() ) && !m_availableDescriptorsByModuleName.contains( moduleName ) ) { m_availableDescriptorsByModuleName.insert( moduleName, moduleDescriptorMap ); m_moduleDirectoriesByModuleName.insert( moduleName, descriptorFileInfo.absoluteDir().absolutePath() ); } } else { cWarning() << "Cannot cd into module directory " << path << "/" << subdir; } } } else cDebug() << "ModuleManager bad search path" << path; } // At this point m_availableModules is filled with whatever was found in the // search paths. emit initDone(); } QStringList ModuleManager::loadedInstanceKeys() { return m_loadedModulesByInstanceKey.keys(); } QVariantMap ModuleManager::moduleDescriptor( const QString& name ) { return m_availableDescriptorsByModuleName.value( name ); } Module* ModuleManager::moduleInstance( const QString& instanceKey ) { return m_loadedModulesByInstanceKey.value( instanceKey ); } /** * @brief Search a list of instance descriptions for one matching @p module and @p id * * @return -1 on failure, otherwise index of the instance that matches. */ static int findCustomInstance( const Settings::InstanceDescriptionList& customInstances, const QString& module, const QString& id ) { for ( int i = 0; i < customInstances.count(); ++i ) { const auto& thisInstance = customInstances[ i ]; if ( thisInstance.value( "module" ) == module && thisInstance.value( "id" ) == id ) return i; } return -1; } void ModuleManager::loadModules() { QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, [ this ]() { QStringList failedModules = checkDependencies(); Settings::InstanceDescriptionList customInstances = Settings::instance()->customModuleInstances(); const auto modulesSequence = failedModules.isEmpty() ? Settings::instance()->modulesSequence() : Settings::ModuleSequence(); for ( const auto& modulePhase : modulesSequence ) { ModuleAction currentAction = modulePhase.first; foreach ( const QString& moduleEntry, modulePhase.second ) { QStringList moduleEntrySplit = moduleEntry.split( '@' ); QString moduleName; QString instanceId; QString configFileName; if ( moduleEntrySplit.length() < 1 || moduleEntrySplit.length() > 2 ) { cError() << "Wrong module entry format for module" << moduleEntry; failedModules.append( moduleEntry ); continue; } moduleName = moduleEntrySplit.first(); instanceId = moduleEntrySplit.last(); configFileName = QString( "%1.conf" ).arg( moduleName ); if ( !m_availableDescriptorsByModuleName.contains( moduleName ) || m_availableDescriptorsByModuleName.value( moduleName ).isEmpty() ) { cError() << "Module" << moduleName << "not found in module search paths." << Logger::DebugList( m_paths ); failedModules.append( moduleName ); continue; } if ( moduleName != instanceId ) //means this is a custom instance { int found = findCustomInstance( customInstances, moduleName, instanceId ); if ( found > -1 ) configFileName = customInstances[ found ].value( "config" ); else //ought to be a custom instance, but cannot find instance entry { cError() << "Custom instance" << moduleEntry << "not found in custom instances section."; failedModules.append( moduleEntry ); continue; } } // So now we can assume that the module entry is at least valid, // that we have a descriptor on hand (and therefore that the // module exists), and that the instance is either default or // defined in the custom instances section. // We still don't know whether the config file for the entry // exists and is valid, but that's the only thing that could fail // from this point on. -- Teo 8/2015 QString instanceKey = QString( "%1@%2" ) .arg( moduleName ) .arg( instanceId ); Module* thisModule = m_loadedModulesByInstanceKey.value( instanceKey, nullptr ); if ( thisModule && !thisModule->isLoaded() ) { cError() << "Module" << instanceKey << "exists but not loaded."; failedModules.append( instanceKey ); continue; } if ( thisModule && thisModule->isLoaded() ) cDebug() << "Module" << instanceKey << "already loaded."; else { thisModule = Module::fromDescriptor( m_availableDescriptorsByModuleName.value( moduleName ), instanceId, configFileName, m_moduleDirectoriesByModuleName.value( moduleName ) ); if ( !thisModule ) { cError() << "Module" << instanceKey << "cannot be created from descriptor" << configFileName; failedModules.append( instanceKey ); continue; } if ( !checkDependencies( *thisModule ) ) { // Error message is already printed failedModules.append( instanceKey ); continue; } // If it's a ViewModule, it also appends the ViewStep to the ViewManager. thisModule->loadSelf(); m_loadedModulesByInstanceKey.insert( instanceKey, thisModule ); if ( !thisModule->isLoaded() ) { cError() << "Module" << instanceKey << "loading FAILED."; failedModules.append( instanceKey ); continue; } } // At this point we most certainly have a pointer to a loaded module in // thisModule. We now need to enqueue jobs info into an EVS. if ( currentAction == Calamares::Exec ) { ExecutionViewStep* evs = qobject_cast< ExecutionViewStep* >( Calamares::ViewManager::instance()->viewSteps().last() ); if ( !evs ) // If the last step is not an EVS, we must create it. { evs = new ExecutionViewStep( ViewManager::instance() ); ViewManager::instance()->addViewStep( evs ); } evs->appendJobModuleInstanceKey( instanceKey ); } } } if ( !failedModules.isEmpty() ) { ViewManager::instance()->onInitFailed( failedModules ); emit modulesFailed( failedModules ); } else emit modulesLoaded(); } ); } void ModuleManager::checkRequirements() { cDebug() << "Checking module requirements .."; QVector< Module* > modules( m_loadedModulesByInstanceKey.count() ); int count = 0; for (const auto& module : m_loadedModulesByInstanceKey ) { modules[count++] = module; } RequirementsChecker *rq = new RequirementsChecker( modules, this ); connect( rq, &RequirementsChecker::requirementsResult, this, &ModuleManager::requirementsResult ); connect( rq, &RequirementsChecker::requirementsComplete, this, &ModuleManager::requirementsComplete ); connect( rq, &RequirementsChecker::done, rq, &RequirementsChecker::deleteLater ); connect( rq, &RequirementsChecker::requirementsProgress, this, &ModuleManager::requirementsProgress ); QTimer::singleShot( 0, rq, &RequirementsChecker::run ); } QStringList ModuleManager::checkDependencies() { QStringList failed; // This goes through the map of available modules, and deletes those whose // dependencies are not met, if any. forever { bool somethingWasRemovedBecauseOfUnmetDependencies = false; for ( auto it = m_availableDescriptorsByModuleName.begin(); it != m_availableDescriptorsByModuleName.end(); ++it ) { foreach ( const QString& depName, it->value( "requiredModules" ).toStringList() ) { if ( !m_availableDescriptorsByModuleName.contains( depName ) ) { QString moduleName = it->value( "name" ).toString(); somethingWasRemovedBecauseOfUnmetDependencies = true; m_availableDescriptorsByModuleName.erase( it ); failed << moduleName; cWarning() << "Module" << moduleName << "has unknown requirement" << depName; break; } } } if ( !somethingWasRemovedBecauseOfUnmetDependencies ) break; } return failed; } bool ModuleManager::checkDependencies( const Module& m ) { bool allRequirementsFound = true; QStringList requiredModules = m_availableDescriptorsByModuleName[ m.name() ].value( "requiredModules" ).toStringList(); for ( const QString& required : requiredModules ) { bool requirementFound = false; for( const Module* v : m_loadedModulesByInstanceKey ) if ( required == v->name() ) { requirementFound = true; break; } if ( !requirementFound ) { cError() << "Module" << m.name() << "requires" << required << "before it in sequence."; allRequirementsFound = false; } } return allRequirementsFound; } } // namespace