/* === This file is part of Calamares - === * * Copyright 2014-2015, Teo Mrnjavac * Copyright 2015, Anke Boersma * Copyright 2017-2018, Adriaan de Groot * * Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Calamares is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Calamares. If not, see . */ #include "WelcomePage.h" #include "ui_WelcomePage.h" #include "CalamaresVersion.h" #include "checker/CheckerContainer.h" #include "utils/Logger.h" #include "utils/CalamaresUtilsGui.h" #include "utils/Retranslator.h" #include "modulesystem/ModuleManager.h" #include "ViewManager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Branding.h" WelcomePage::WelcomePage( QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ) , ui( new Ui::WelcomePage ) , m_checkingWidget( new CheckerContainer( this ) ) { connect( Calamares::ModuleManager::instance(), &Calamares::ModuleManager::requirementsResult, m_checkingWidget, &CheckerContainer::requirementsChecked ); connect( Calamares::ModuleManager::instance(), &Calamares::ModuleManager::requirementsComplete, m_checkingWidget, &CheckerContainer::requirementsComplete ); ui->setupUi( this ); ui->verticalLayout->insertSpacing( 1, CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight() * 2 ); initLanguages(); ui->mainText->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter ); ui->mainText->setWordWrap( true ); ui->mainText->setOpenExternalLinks( true ); cDebug() << "Welcome string" << Calamares::Branding::instance()->welcomeStyleCalamares() << *Calamares::Branding::VersionedName; CALAMARES_RETRANSLATE( ui->mainText->setText( (Calamares::Branding::instance()->welcomeStyleCalamares() ? tr( "

Welcome to the Calamares installer for %1.

" ) : tr( "

Welcome to the %1 installer.

" )) .arg( *Calamares::Branding::VersionedName ) ); ui->retranslateUi( this ); ) ui->aboutButton->setIcon( CalamaresUtils::defaultPixmap( CalamaresUtils::Information, CalamaresUtils::Original, 2*QSize( CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight(), CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight() ) ) ); connect( ui->aboutButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [ this ] { QMessageBox mb( QMessageBox::Information, tr( "About %1 installer" ) .arg( CALAMARES_APPLICATION_NAME ), tr( "


" "%2
" "for %3

" "Copyright 2014-2017 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org>
" "Copyright 2017 Adriaan de Groot <groot@kde.org>
" "Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Lisa Vitolo," " Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini, Rohan Garg and the Calamares " "translators team.

" "Calamares " "development is sponsored by
" "Blue Systems - " "Liberating Software." ) .arg( CALAMARES_APPLICATION_NAME ) .arg( CALAMARES_VERSION ) .arg( *Calamares::Branding::VersionedName ), QMessageBox::Ok, this ); mb.setIconPixmap( CalamaresUtils::defaultPixmap( CalamaresUtils::Squid, CalamaresUtils::Original, QSize( CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight() * 6, CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight() * 6 ) ) ); QGridLayout* layout = reinterpret_cast( mb.layout() ); if ( layout ) layout->setColumnMinimumWidth( 2, CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight() * 24 ); mb.exec(); } ); ui->verticalLayout->insertWidget( 3, m_checkingWidget); } /** @brief Match the combobox of languages with a predicate * * Scans the entries in the @p list (actually a ComboBox) and if one * matches the given @p predicate, returns true and sets @p matchFound * to the locale that matched. * * If none match, returns false and leaves @p matchFound unchanged. */ static bool matchLocale( QComboBox& list, QLocale& matchFound, std::function predicate) { for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) { QLocale thisLocale = list.itemData( i, Qt::UserRole ).toLocale(); if ( predicate(thisLocale) ) { list.setCurrentIndex( i ); cDebug() << " .. Matched locale " << thisLocale.name(); matchFound = thisLocale; return true; } } return false; } void WelcomePage::initLanguages() { // Fill the list of translations ui->languageWidget->clear(); ui->languageWidget->setInsertPolicy( QComboBox::InsertAtBottom ); { std::list< CalamaresUtils::LocaleLabel > localeList; const auto locales = QString( CALAMARES_TRANSLATION_LANGUAGES ).split( ';'); for ( const QString& locale : locales ) { localeList.emplace_back( locale ); } localeList.sort(); // According to the sortkey, which is english for ( const auto& locale : localeList ) { ui->languageWidget->addItem( locale.label(), locale.locale() ); } } // Find the best initial translation QLocale defaultLocale = QLocale( QLocale::system().name() ); QLocale matchedLocale; cDebug() << "Matching exact locale" << defaultLocale; bool isTranslationAvailable = matchLocale( *(ui->languageWidget), matchedLocale, [&](const QLocale& x){ return x.language() == defaultLocale.language() && x.country() == defaultLocale.country(); } ); if ( !isTranslationAvailable ) { cDebug() << "Matching approximate locale" << defaultLocale.language(); isTranslationAvailable = matchLocale( *(ui->languageWidget), matchedLocale, [&](const QLocale& x){ return x.language() == defaultLocale.language(); } ) ; } if ( !isTranslationAvailable ) { QLocale en_us( QLocale::English, QLocale::UnitedStates ); cDebug() << "Matching English (US)"; isTranslationAvailable = matchLocale( *(ui->languageWidget), matchedLocale, [&](const QLocale& x){ return x == en_us; } ); // Now, if it matched, because we didn't match the system locale, switch to the one found if ( isTranslationAvailable ) QLocale::setDefault( matchedLocale ); } if ( isTranslationAvailable ) CalamaresUtils::installTranslator( matchedLocale.name(), Calamares::Branding::instance()->translationsPathPrefix(), qApp ); else cWarning() << "No available translation matched" << defaultLocale; connect( ui->languageWidget, static_cast< void ( QComboBox::* )( int ) >( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ), this, [&]( int newIndex ) { QLocale selectedLocale = ui->languageWidget->itemData( newIndex, Qt::UserRole ).toLocale(); cDebug() << "Selected locale" << selectedLocale; QLocale::setDefault( selectedLocale ); CalamaresUtils::installTranslator( selectedLocale, Calamares::Branding::instance()->translationsPathPrefix(), qApp ); } ); } void WelcomePage::setUpLinks( bool showSupportUrl, bool showKnownIssuesUrl, bool showReleaseNotesUrl ) { using namespace Calamares; if ( showSupportUrl && !( *Branding::SupportUrl ).isEmpty() ) { CALAMARES_RETRANSLATE( ui->supportButton->setText( tr( "%1 support" ) .arg( *Branding::ShortProductName ) ); ) ui->supportButton->setIcon( CalamaresUtils::defaultPixmap( CalamaresUtils::Help, CalamaresUtils::Original, 2*QSize( CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight(), CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight() ) ) ); connect( ui->supportButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [] { QDesktopServices::openUrl( *Branding::SupportUrl ); } ); } else { ui->supportButton->hide(); } if ( showKnownIssuesUrl && !( *Branding::KnownIssuesUrl ).isEmpty() ) { ui->knownIssuesButton->setIcon( CalamaresUtils::defaultPixmap( CalamaresUtils::Bugs, CalamaresUtils::Original, 2*QSize( CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight(), CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight() ) ) ); connect( ui->knownIssuesButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [] { QDesktopServices::openUrl( *Branding::KnownIssuesUrl ); } ); } else { ui->knownIssuesButton->hide(); } if ( showReleaseNotesUrl && !( *Branding::ReleaseNotesUrl ).isEmpty() ) { ui->releaseNotesButton->setIcon( CalamaresUtils::defaultPixmap( CalamaresUtils::Release, CalamaresUtils::Original, 2*QSize( CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight(), CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight() ) ) ); connect( ui->releaseNotesButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [] { QDesktopServices::openUrl( *Branding::ReleaseNotesUrl ); } ); } else { ui->releaseNotesButton->hide(); } } void WelcomePage::focusInEvent( QFocusEvent* e ) { if ( ui->languageWidget ) ui->languageWidget->setFocus(); e->accept(); } bool WelcomePage::verdict() const { return m_checkingWidget->verdict(); }