/* === This file is part of Calamares - === * * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Adriaan de Groot * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Calamares is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Calamares. If not, see . */ #include "Config.h" #include "JobQueue.h" #include "utils/Logger.h" #include // Implementation details extern void setConfigurationDefaultGroups( const QVariantMap& map, QStringList& defaultGroups ); extern HostNameActions getHostNameActions( const QVariantMap& configurationMap ); extern bool addPasswordCheck( const QString& key, const QVariant& value, PasswordCheckList& passwordChecks ); /** @brief Test Config object methods and internals * */ class UserTests : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: UserTests(); virtual ~UserTests() {} private Q_SLOTS: void initTestCase(); void testDefaultGroups(); void testHostActions_data(); void testHostActions(); void testPasswordChecks(); void testUserPassword(); }; UserTests::UserTests() {} void UserTests::initTestCase() { Logger::setupLogLevel( Logger::LOGDEBUG ); cDebug() << "Users test started."; } void UserTests::testDefaultGroups() { { QStringList groups; QVariantMap hweelGroup; QVERIFY( groups.isEmpty() ); hweelGroup.insert( "defaultGroups", QStringList { "hweel" } ); setConfigurationDefaultGroups( hweelGroup, groups ); QCOMPARE( groups.count(), 1 ); QVERIFY( groups.contains( "hweel" ) ); } { QStringList desired { "wheel", "root", "operator" }; QStringList groups; QVariantMap threeGroup; QVERIFY( groups.isEmpty() ); threeGroup.insert( "defaultGroups", desired ); setConfigurationDefaultGroups( threeGroup, groups ); QCOMPARE( groups.count(), 3 ); QVERIFY( !groups.contains( "hweel" ) ); QCOMPARE( groups, desired ); } { QStringList groups; QVariantMap explicitEmpty; QVERIFY( groups.isEmpty() ); explicitEmpty.insert( "defaultGroups", QStringList() ); setConfigurationDefaultGroups( explicitEmpty, groups ); QCOMPARE( groups.count(), 0 ); } { QStringList groups; QVariantMap missing; QVERIFY( groups.isEmpty() ); setConfigurationDefaultGroups( missing, groups ); QCOMPARE( groups.count(), 6 ); // because of fallback! QVERIFY( groups.contains( "lp" ) ); } { QStringList groups; QVariantMap typeMismatch; QVERIFY( groups.isEmpty() ); typeMismatch.insert( "defaultGroups", 1 ); setConfigurationDefaultGroups( typeMismatch, groups ); QCOMPARE( groups.count(), 6 ); // because of fallback! QVERIFY( groups.contains( "lp" ) ); } } void UserTests::testHostActions_data() { QTest::addColumn< bool >( "set" ); QTest::addColumn< QString >( "string" ); QTest::addColumn< int >( "result" ); QTest::newRow( "unset " ) << false << QString() << int( HostNameAction::EtcHostname ); QTest::newRow( "empty " ) << true << QString() << int( HostNameAction::EtcHostname ); QTest::newRow( "bad " ) << true << QString( "derp" ) << int( HostNameAction::EtcHostname ); QTest::newRow( "none " ) << true << QString( "none" ) << int( HostNameAction::None ); QTest::newRow( "systemd" ) << true << QString( "Hostnamed" ) << int( HostNameAction::SystemdHostname ); } void UserTests::testHostActions() { QFETCH( bool, set ); QFETCH( QString, string ); QFETCH( int, result ); QVariantMap m; if ( set ) { m.insert( "setHostname", string ); } QCOMPARE( getHostNameActions( m ), HostNameActions( result ) | HostNameAction::WriteEtcHosts ); // write bits default to true m.insert( "writeHostsFile", false ); QCOMPARE( getHostNameActions( m ), HostNameActions( result ) ); m.insert( "writeHostsFile", true ); QCOMPARE( getHostNameActions( m ), HostNameActions( result ) | HostNameAction::WriteEtcHosts ); } void UserTests::testPasswordChecks() { { PasswordCheckList l; QCOMPARE( l.length(), 0 ); QVERIFY( !addPasswordCheck( "nonempty", QVariant( false ), l ) ); // a silly setting QCOMPARE( l.length(), 0 ); QVERIFY( addPasswordCheck( "nonempty", QVariant( true ), l ) ); QCOMPARE( l.length(), 1 ); } } void UserTests::testUserPassword() { if ( !Calamares::JobQueue::instance() ) { (void)new Calamares::JobQueue( nullptr ); } { Config c; QVERIFY( c.userPassword().isEmpty() ); QVERIFY( c.userPasswordSecondary().isEmpty() ); // There are no validity checks, so no check for nonempty QCOMPARE( c.userPasswordValidity(), Config::PasswordValidity::Valid ); c.setUserPassword( "bogus" ); QCOMPARE( c.userPasswordValidity(), Config::PasswordValidity::Invalid ); QCOMPARE( c.userPassword(), "bogus" ); c.setUserPasswordSecondary( "bogus" ); QCOMPARE( c.userPasswordValidity(), Config::PasswordValidity::Valid ); } { Config c; QVariantMap m; m.insert( "allowWeakPasswords", true ); m.insert( "allowWeakPasswordsDefault", true ); m.insert( "defaultGroups", QStringList { "wheel" } ); QVariantMap pwreq; pwreq.insert( "nonempty", true ); pwreq.insert( "minLength", 6 ); m.insert( "passwordRequirements", pwreq ); c.setConfigurationMap( m ); QVERIFY( c.userPassword().isEmpty() ); QVERIFY( c.userPasswordSecondary().isEmpty() ); // There is now a nonempty check, but weak passwords are ok QCOMPARE( c.userPasswordValidity(), int( Config::PasswordValidity::Weak ) ); c.setUserPassword( "bogus" ); QCOMPARE( c.userPasswordValidity(), int( Config::PasswordValidity::Invalid ) ); c.setUserPasswordSecondary( "bogus" ); QCOMPARE( c.userPasswordValidity(), int( Config::PasswordValidity::Weak ) ); QVERIFY( !c.requireStrongPasswords() ); c.setRequireStrongPasswords( true ); QVERIFY( c.requireStrongPasswords() ); // Now changed requirements make the password invalid QCOMPARE( c.userPassword(), "bogus" ); QCOMPARE( c.userPasswordValidity(), int( Config::PasswordValidity::Invalid ) ); } { Config c; QVERIFY( c.userPassword().isEmpty() ); QCOMPARE( c.userPasswordValidity(), Config::PasswordValidity::Valid ); QSignalSpy spy_pwChanged( &c, &Config::userPasswordChanged ); QSignalSpy spy_pwSecondaryChanged( &c, &Config::userPasswordSecondaryChanged ); QSignalSpy spy_pwStatusChanged( &c, &Config::userPasswordStatusChanged ); c.setUserPassword( "bogus" ); c.setUserPassword( "bogus" ); QCOMPARE( spy_pwChanged.count(), 1 ); QCOMPARE( spy_pwStatusChanged.count(), 1 ); QCOMPARE( c.userPasswordValidity(), Config::PasswordValidity::Invalid ); c.setUserPassword( "sugob" ); c.setUserPasswordSecondary( "sugob" ); QCOMPARE( spy_pwChanged.count(), 2 ); QCOMPARE( spy_pwSecondaryChanged.count(), 1 ); QCOMPARE( spy_pwStatusChanged.count(), 3 ); QCOMPARE( c.userPasswordValidity(), Config::PasswordValidity::Valid ); } } QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN( UserTests ) #include "utils/moc-warnings.h" #include "Tests.moc"