# The variable SKIP_MODULES can be set to skip particular modules; # individual modules can also decide they must be skipped (e.g. OS-specific # modules, or ones with unmet dependencies). Collect the skipped modules # in this list. set( LIST_SKIPPED_MODULES "" ) if( BUILD_TESTING ) add_executable( test_conf test_conf.cpp ) target_link_libraries( test_conf ${YAMLCPP_LIBRARY} ) target_include_directories( test_conf PUBLIC ${YAMLCPP_INCLUDE_DIR} ) endif() file( GLOB SUBDIRECTORIES RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} "*" ) string( REPLACE " " ";" SKIP_LIST "${SKIP_MODULES}" ) foreach( SUBDIRECTORY ${SUBDIRECTORIES} ) list( FIND SKIP_LIST ${SUBDIRECTORY} DO_SKIP ) if( NOT DO_SKIP EQUAL -1 ) message( "${ColorReset}-- Skipping module ${BoldRed}${SUBDIRECTORY}${ColorReset}." ) message( "" ) list( APPEND LIST_SKIPPED_MODULES "${SUBDIRECTORY} (user request)" ) elseif( ( IS_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${SUBDIRECTORY}" ) AND ( DO_SKIP EQUAL -1 ) ) set( SKIPPED_MODULES ) calamares_add_module_subdirectory( ${SUBDIRECTORY} ) if ( SKIPPED_MODULES ) list( APPEND LIST_SKIPPED_MODULES "${SKIPPED_MODULES}" ) endif() endif() endforeach() # This is *also* done in top-level, so list is displayed # both before and after the feature summary. calamares_explain_skipped_modules( ${LIST_SKIPPED_MODULES} ) include( CalamaresAddTranslations ) add_calamares_python_translations( ${CALAMARES_TRANSLATION_LANGUAGES} )