# === This file is part of Calamares - <https://calamares.io> === # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Adriaan de Groot <groot@kde.org> # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause # ### # # Calamares is Free Software: see the License-Identifier above. # # Individual files may have different licenses (like the CMake # infrastructure, which is BSD-2-Clause licensed). Check the SPDX # identifiers in each file. # ### # # Generally, this CMakeLists.txt will find all the dependencies for Calamares # and complain appropriately. See below (later in this file) for CMake-level # options. There are some "secret" options as well: # # SKIP_MODULES : a space or semicolon-separated list of directory names # under src/modules that should not be built. # USE_<foo> : fills in SKIP_MODULES for modules called <foo>-<something> # WITH_<foo> : try to enable <foo> (these usually default to ON). For # a list of WITH_<foo> grep CMakeCache.txt after running # CMake once. These affect the ABI offered by Calamares. # - PYTHON (enable Python Job modules) # - QML (enable QML UI View modules) # The WITH_* options affect the ABI of Calamares: you must # build (C++) modules for Calamares with the same WITH_* # settings, or they may not load at all. # BUILD_<foo> : choose additional things to build # - TESTING (standard CMake option) # - SCHEMA_TESTING (requires Python, see ci/configvalidator.py) # - KF5Crash (uses KCrash, rather than Calamares internal, for crash reporting) # DEBUG_<foo> : special developer flags for debugging # # Example usage: # # cmake . -DSKIP_MODULES="partition luksbootkeycfg" # # One special target is "show-version", which can be built # to obtain the version number from here. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16 FATAL_ERROR) set(CALAMARES_VERSION 3.3.0-alpha3) set(CALAMARES_RELEASE_MODE OFF) # Set to ON during a release if(CMAKE_SCRIPT_MODE_FILE) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/CMakeModules/ExtendedVersion.cmake) set(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}) extend_version( ${CALAMARES_VERSION} ${CALAMARES_RELEASE_MODE} _vshort _vlong ) message("${_vlong}") return() endif() # Massage the version for CMake if there is a version-suffix string(REGEX REPLACE "-.*" "" CALAMARES_VERSION_SHORT "${CALAMARES_VERSION}") # And preserve the original version (suffix and all) because project() overwrites # .. but if we're doing non-release builds, this gets replaced with git versioning. set(CALAMARES_VERSION_LONG "${CALAMARES_VERSION}") project(CALAMARES VERSION ${CALAMARES_VERSION_SHORT} LANGUAGES C CXX HOMEPAGE_URL "https://calamares.io/") if(NOT CALAMARES_RELEASE_MODE AND CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "Do not build development versions in the source-directory.") endif() # Calamares in the 3.3 series promises ABI compatbility, so it sets a # .so-version equal to the series number. We use ci/abicheck.sh to # keep track of this. Note that the **alpha** releases also have # such an .so-version, but are not ABI-stable yet. set(CALAMARES_SOVERSION "${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR}") ### OPTIONS # option(INSTALL_CONFIG "Install configuration files" OFF) option(INSTALL_POLKIT "Install Polkit configuration" ON) option(INSTALL_COMPLETION "Install shell completions" OFF) # When adding WITH_* that affects the ABI offered by libcalamares, # also update libcalamares/CalamaresConfig.h.in option(WITH_PYTHON "Enable Python modules API (requires Boost.Python)." ON) option(WITH_QML "Enable QML UI options." ON) # # Additional parts to build that do not affect ABI option(BUILD_SCHEMA_TESTING "Enable schema-validation-tests" ON) # Options for the calamares executable option(BUILD_KF5Crash "Enable crash reporting with KCrash." ON) # Possible debugging flags are: # - DEBUG_TIMEZONES draws latitude and longitude lines on the timezone # widget and enables chatty debug logging, for dealing with the timezone # location database. # - DEBUG_FILESYSTEMS does extra logging and checking when looking at # partition configuration. Lists known KPMCore FS types. # - DEBUG_PARTITION_UNSAFE (see partition/CMakeLists.txt) # - DEBUG_PARTITION_BAIL_OUT (see partition/CMakeLists.txt) ### USE_* # # By convention, when there are multiple modules that implement similar # functionality, and it only makes sense to have **at most one** of them # enabled at any time, those modules are named <foo>-<implementation>. # For example, services-systemd and services-openrc. # # Setting up SKIP_MODULES to ignore "the ones you don't want" can be # annoying and error-prone (e.g. if a new module shows up). The USE_* # modules provide a way to do automatic selection. To pick exactly # one of the implementations from group <foo>, set USE_<foo> to the # name of the implementation. If USE_<foo> is unset, or empty, then # all the implementations are enabled (this just means they are # **available** to `settings.conf`, not that they are used). # # To explicitly disable a set of modules, set USE_<foo>=none # (e.g. the literal string none), which won't match any of the # modules but is handled specially. # # The following USE_* functionalities are available: # - *services* picks one of the two service-configuration modules, # for either systemd or openrc. This defaults to empty so that # **both** modules are available. set(USE_services "" CACHE STRING "Select the services module to use") ### Calamares application info # set(CALAMARES_ORGANIZATION_NAME "Calamares") set(CALAMARES_ORGANIZATION_DOMAIN "github.com/calamares") set(CALAMARES_APPLICATION_NAME "Calamares") set(CALAMARES_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "The distribution-independent installer framework") ### Transifex (languages) info # # complete = 100% translated, # good = nearly complete (use own judgement, right now >= 75%) # ok = incomplete (more than 25% untranslated, at least 5% translated), # incomplete = <5% translated, placeholder in tx; these are not included. # # Language en (source language) is added later. It isn't listed in # Transifex either. Get the list of languages and their status # from https://transifex.com/calamares/calamares/ , or (preferably) # use ci/txstats.py to automatically check. # # When adding a new language, take care that it is properly loaded # by the translation framework. Languages with alternate scripts # (sr@latin in particular) or location (ca@valencia) need special # handling in libcalamares/locale/Translation.h . # # NOTE: move ie (Interlingue) to _ok once Qt supports it. # NOTE: update these lines by running `txstats.py`, or for full automation # `txstats.py -e`. See also # # Total 75 languages set( _tx_complete az az_AZ ca fi_FI fr he hr ja ko lt pt_BR pt_PT sv tr_TR uk zh_TW ) set( _tx_good as be ca@valencia cs_CZ da de es fa fur hi it_IT ml nl ru si sk sq tg vi zh_CN ) set( _tx_ok ar ast bg bn el en_GB es_MX et eu gl hu id is mr nb oc pl ro sl sr sr@latin th ) set( _tx_incomplete eo es_PR gu ie ja-Hira kk kn lo lv mk ne_NP ta_IN te ur uz zh zh_HK ) # Total 75 languages ### Required versions # # See DEPENDENCIES section below. set(QT_VERSION 5.15.0) set(YAMLCPP_VERSION 0.5.1) set(ECM_VERSION 5.58) set(PYTHONLIBS_VERSION 3.6) set(BOOSTPYTHON_VERSION 1.72.0) ### CMAKE SETUP # set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeModules") # Enable IN_LIST if(POLICY CMP0057) cmake_policy(SET CMP0057 NEW) endif() # Let ``AUTOMOC`` and ``AUTOUIC`` process ``GENERATED`` files. if(POLICY CMP0071) cmake_policy(SET CMP0071 NEW) endif() # Recognize more macros to trigger automoc if(NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "3.10.0") list( APPEND CMAKE_AUTOMOC_MACRO_NAMES "K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON" "K_EXPORT_PLASMA_DATAENGINE_WITH_JSON" "K_EXPORT_PLASMA_RUNNER" ) endif() # CMake Modules include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) include(CTest) include(FeatureSummary) # Calamares Modules include(CMakeColors) ### C++ SETUP # set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -Werror=return-type") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "-Og -g ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL "-Os -DNDEBUG") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O3 -DNDEBUG") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "-O2 -g") set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD 99) set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-Og -g") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL "-Os -DNDEBUG") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O4 -DNDEBUG") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "-O2 -g") set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "-Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--fatal-warnings") # If no build type is set, pick a reasonable one if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) if(CALAMARES_RELEASE_MODE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "RelWithDebInfo") else() set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug") endif() endif() if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") message(STATUS "Found Clang ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION}, setting up Clang-specific compiler flags.") # Clang warnings: doing *everything* is counter-productive, since it warns # about things which we can't fix (e.g. C++98 incompatibilities, but # Calamares is C++17). foreach( CLANG_WARNINGS -Weverything -Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic -Wno-padded -Wno-undefined-reinterpret-cast -Wno-global-constructors -Wno-exit-time-destructors -Wno-missing-prototypes -Wno-documentation-unknown-command -Wno-unknown-warning-option ) string(APPEND CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS " ${CLANG_WARNINGS}") endforeach() # The dwarf-debugging flags are slightly different, too string(APPEND CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG " -gdwarf") string(APPEND CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG " -gdwarf") # Third-party code where we don't care so much about compiler warnings # (because it's uncomfortable to patch) get different flags; use # mark_thirdparty_code( <file> [<file>...] ) # to switch off warnings for those sources. set(SUPPRESS_3RDPARTY_WARNINGS "-Wno-everything") set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "llvm-") # The path prefix is only relevant for CMake 3.16 and later, fixes #1286 set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC_PATH_PREFIX OFF) set(CALAMARES_AUTOMOC_OPTIONS "-butils/moc-warnings.h") set(CALAMARES_AUTOUIC_OPTIONS --include utils/moc-warnings.h) else() set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Woverloaded-virtual") set(SUPPRESS_3RDPARTY_WARNINGS "") endif() # Use mark_thirdparty_code() to reduce warnings from the compiler # on code that we're not going to fix. Call this with a list of files. macro(mark_thirdparty_code) set_source_files_properties( ${ARGV} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${SUPPRESS_3RDPARTY_WARNINGS}" COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "THIRDPARTY" ) endmacro() if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 4.9 OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_EQUAL 4.9) message(STATUS "Found GNU g++ ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION}, enabling colorized error messages.") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fdiagnostics-color=auto") endif() endif() # API that was deprecated before Qt 5.15 causes a compile error add_compile_definitions(QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x050f00) ### DEPENDENCIES # find_package(Qt5 ${QT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED Concurrent Core Gui LinguistTools Network Svg Widgets) if(WITH_QML) find_package(Qt5 ${QT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED Quick QuickWidgets) endif() # Optional Qt parts find_package(Qt5DBus CONFIG) find_package(YAMLCPP ${YAMLCPP_VERSION} REQUIRED) if(INSTALL_POLKIT) find_package(PolkitQt5-1 REQUIRED) else() # Find it anyway, for dependencies-reporting find_package(PolkitQt5-1) endif() set_package_properties( PolkitQt5-1 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Qt5 support for Polkit" URL "https://cgit.kde.org/polkit-qt-1.git" PURPOSE "PolkitQt5-1 helps with installing Polkit configuration" ) # Find ECM once, and add it to the module search path; Calamares # modules that need ECM can do # find_package(ECM ${ECM_VERSION} REQUIRED NO_MODULE), # no need to mess with the module path after. find_package(ECM ${ECM_VERSION} NO_MODULE) if(ECM_FOUND) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${ECM_MODULE_PATH} ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) if(BUILD_TESTING) # ECM implies that we can build the tests, too find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Test REQUIRED) include(ECMAddTests) endif() include(KDEInstallDirs) endif() find_package(KF5 ${ECM_VERSION} QUIET COMPONENTS CoreAddons Crash) set_package_properties( KF5::CoreAddons PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED DESCRIPTION "Classes built on QtCore for About Data" URL "https://api.kde.org/frameworks/kcoreaddons/" PURPOSE "About Calamares" ) if(NOT KF5Crash_FOUND) if(BUILD_KF5Crash) message(WARNING "BUILD_KF5Crash is set, but KF5::Crash is not available.") endif() set(BUILD_KF5Crash OFF) endif() find_package(Python ${PYTHONLIBS_VERSION} COMPONENTS Interpreter Development) set_package_properties( Python PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Python3 interpreter." URL "https://python.org" PURPOSE "Python3 interpreter for certain tests." ) set(_schema_explanation "") if(Python_Interpreter_FOUND) if(BUILD_SCHEMA_TESTING) # The configuration validator script has some dependencies, # and if they are not installed, don't run. If errors out # with exit(1) on missing dependencies. if(CALAMARES_CONFIGVALIDATOR_CHECKED) set(_validator_deps ${CALAMARES_CONFIGVALIDATOR_RESULT}) else() exec_program( ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ARGS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ci/configvalidator.py" -x RETURN_VALUE _validator_deps ) set(CALAMARES_CONFIGVALIDATOR_CHECKED TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "Dependencies for configvalidator checked") set(CALAMARES_CONFIGVALIDATOR_RESULT ${_validator_deps} CACHE INTERNAL "Result of configvalidator dependency check" ) endif() # It should never succeed, but only returns 1 when the imports fail if(_validator_deps EQUAL 1) set(_schema_explanation " Missing dependencies for configvalidator.py.") set(BUILD_SCHEMA_TESTING OFF) endif() endif() else() # Can't run schema tests without Python3. set(_schema_explanation " Missing Python3.") set(BUILD_SCHEMA_TESTING OFF) endif() add_feature_info(yaml-schema BUILD_SCHEMA_TESTING "Validate YAML (config files) with schema.${_schema_explanation}") if(Python_Development_FOUND) find_package(boost_python) if(NOT TARGET Boost::python) find_package(Boost ${BOOSTPYTHON_VERSION} COMPONENTS python) set_package_properties(Boost PROPERTIES PURPOSE "Boost.Python is used for Python job modules.") else() message(STATUS "Found boost_python with target Boost::python") set(Boost_FOUND ON) endif() endif() if(NOT Python_Development_FOUND OR NOT Boost_FOUND) message(STATUS "Disabling Boost::Python modules") set(WITH_PYTHON OFF) endif() # Now we know the state of the ABI-options, copy them into "Calamares_" # prefixed variables, to match how the variables would-be-named # when building out-of-tree. set(Calamares_WITH_PYTHON ${WITH_PYTHON}) set(Calamares_WITH_QML ${WITH_QML}) ### Transifex Translation status # # Construct language lists for use. This massages the language lists if # needed and checks for some obvious errors. The actual work of # compiling translations is done in the lang/ directory. # set(curr_tx ${_tx_complete} ${_tx_good} ${_tx_ok} ${_tx_incomplete}) set(tx_errors OFF) if(curr_tx) # New in list foreach(l ${curr_tx}) set(p_l "lang/calamares_${l}.ts") if(NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${p_l}) message(WARNING "Language ${l} has no .ts file yet.") set(tx_errors ON) endif() endforeach() unset(p_l) unset(l) endif() unset(curr_tx) if(tx_errors) message(FATAL_ERROR "Translation warnings, see above.") endif() set(CALAMARES_TRANSLATION_LANGUAGES en ${_tx_complete} ${_tx_good} ${_tx_ok}) list(SORT CALAMARES_TRANSLATION_LANGUAGES) add_subdirectory(lang) # i18n tools ### Example Distro # # For testing purposes Calamares includes a very, very, limited sample # distro called "Generic". The root filesystem of "Generic" lives in # data/example-root and can be squashed up as part of the build, so # that a pure-upstream run of ./calamares -d from the build directory # (with all the default settings and configurations) can actually # do an complete example run. # # Some binaries from the build host (e.g. /bin and /lib) are also # squashed into the example filesystem. # # To build the example distro (for use by the default, example, # unsquashfs module), build the target 'example-distro', eg.: # # make example-distro # find_program(mksquashfs_PROGRAM mksquashfs) if(mksquashfs_PROGRAM) set(mksquashfs_FOUND ON) set(src_fs ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/data/example-root/) set(dst_fs ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/example.sqfs) if(EXISTS ${src_fs}) # based on the build host. If /lib64 exists, assume it is needed. # Collect directories needed for a minimal binary distro, # Note that the last path component is added to the root, so # if you add /usr/sbin here, it will be put into /sbin_1. # Add such paths to /etc/profile under ${src_fs}. set(candidate_fs /sbin /bin /lib /lib64) set(host_fs "") foreach(c_fs ${candidate_fs}) if(EXISTS ${c_fs}) list(APPEND host_fs ${c_fs}) endif() endforeach() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${dst_fs} COMMAND ${mksquashfs_PROGRAM} ${src_fs} ${dst_fs} -all-root COMMAND ${mksquashfs_PROGRAM} ${host_fs} ${dst_fs} -all-root ) add_custom_target(example-distro DEPENDS ${dst_fs}) endif() else() set(mksquashfs_FOUND OFF) endif() # Doesn't list mksquashfs as an optional dep, though, because it # hasn't been sent through the find_package() scheme. # # "http://tldp.org/HOWTO/SquashFS-HOWTO/creatingandusing.html" add_feature_info(ExampleDistro ${mksquashfs_FOUND} "Create example-distro target.") ### CALAMARES PROPER # # Additional info for non-release builds. The "extended" version information # with date and git information (commit, dirty status) is used only # by CalamaresVersionX.h, which is included by consumers that need a full # version number with all that information; normal consumers can include # CalamaresVersion.h with more stable numbers. if(NOT CALAMARES_RELEASE_MODE AND EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.git/") include(ExtendedVersion) extend_version( "${CALAMARES_VERSION}" OFF CALAMARES_VERSION_SHORT CALAMARES_VERSION_LONG ) endif() # Special define for RC (e.g. not-a-release) builds. # This is consumed via the CalamaresConfig.h header. if(NOT CALAMARES_RELEASE_MODE) set(CALAMARES_VERSION_RC 1) endif() # enforce using constBegin, constEnd for const-iterators add_definitions(-DQT_STRICT_ITERATORS -DQT_SHARED -DQT_SHAREDPOINTER_TRACK_POINTERS) # set paths set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}") set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}") set(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}") # Better default installation paths: GNUInstallDirs defines # CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_SYSCONFDIR to be CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/etc by default # but we really want /etc if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR "/etc") endif() # make predefined install dirs available everywhere include(GNUInstallDirs) # This is used by CalamaresAddLibrary; once Calamares is installed, # the CalamaresConfig.cmake module sets this variable to the IMPORTED # libraries for Calamares. set(Calamares_LIBRARIES calamares) add_subdirectory(3rdparty/kdsingleapplication) add_subdirectory(src) add_feature_info(Python ${WITH_PYTHON} "Python job modules") add_feature_info(Qml ${WITH_QML} "QML UI support") add_feature_info(Config ${INSTALL_CONFIG} "Install Calamares configuration") add_feature_info(Polkit ${INSTALL_POLKIT} "Install Polkit files") add_feature_info(KCrash ${BUILD_KF5Crash} "Crash dumps via KCrash") ### CMake infrastructure installation # # set(CMAKE_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/Calamares" CACHE PATH "Installation directory for CMake files") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_CMAKEDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR}") export(PACKAGE Calamares) configure_package_config_file( "CalamaresConfig.cmake.in" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/CalamaresConfig.cmake" INSTALL_DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR}" PATH_VARS CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR ) write_basic_package_version_file( ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/CalamaresConfigVersion.cmake VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION} COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion ) install(EXPORT Calamares DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR}" FILE "CalamaresTargets.cmake" NAMESPACE Calamares::) # Install the cmake files install( FILES "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/CalamaresConfig.cmake" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/CalamaresConfigVersion.cmake" "CMakeModules/CalamaresAddBrandingSubdirectory.cmake" "CMakeModules/CalamaresAddLibrary.cmake" "CMakeModules/CalamaresAddModuleSubdirectory.cmake" "CMakeModules/CalamaresAddPlugin.cmake" "CMakeModules/CalamaresAddTest.cmake" "CMakeModules/CalamaresAddTranslations.cmake" "CMakeModules/CalamaresAutomoc.cmake" "CMakeModules/CalamaresCheckModuleSelection.cmake" "CMakeModules/CMakeColors.cmake" "CMakeModules/FindYAMLCPP.cmake" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR}" ) ### Miscellaneous installs # # if(INSTALL_CONFIG) install(FILES settings.conf DESTINATION share/calamares) endif() if(INSTALL_POLKIT) install(FILES com.github.calamares.calamares.policy DESTINATION "${POLKITQT-1_POLICY_FILES_INSTALL_DIR}") endif() if(INSTALL_COMPLETION) if(NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_BASHCOMPLETIONDIR) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_BASHCOMPLETIONDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/bash-completion/completions") endif() install(FILES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/data/completion/bash/calamares DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_BASHCOMPLETIONDIR}") endif() install(FILES calamares.desktop DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/applications) install(FILES man/calamares.8 DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR}/man8/) # uninstall target configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake.in" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake" IMMEDIATE @ONLY ) add_custom_target(uninstall COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake) ### CMAKE SUMMARY REPORT # get_directory_property(SKIPPED_MODULES DIRECTORY src/modules DEFINITION LIST_SKIPPED_MODULES) calamares_explain_skipped_modules( ${SKIPPED_MODULES} ) feature_summary(WHAT DISABLED_FEATURES DESCRIPTION "The following features have been disabled:" QUIET_ON_EMPTY) feature_summary( WHAT OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND DESCRIPTION "The following OPTIONAL packages were not found:" QUIET_ON_EMPTY ) feature_summary( WHAT REQUIRED_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES DESCRIPTION "The following REQUIRED packages were not found:" QUIET_ON_EMPTY ) ### PACKAGING # # Note: most distro's will do distro-specific packaging rather than # using CPack, and this duplicates information in the AppStream, too. set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR calamares) set(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "A Linux system installer") set(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION "Calamares is a Linux system installer, intended for Linux distributions to use on their ISOs and other bootable media to install the distribution to the end-user's computer. Calamares can also be used as an OEM configuration tool. It is modular, extensible and highly-configurable for Linux distributions from all five major Linux families." ) set(CPACK_PACKAGE_ICON "data/images/squid.png") include(CPack)