/* === This file is part of Calamares - <https://github.com/calamares> === * * Copyright 2014, Aurélien Gâteau <agateau@kde.org> * Copyright 2014-2015, Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org> * Copyright 2017-2019, Adriaan de Groot <groot@kde.org> * Copyright 2018, Caio Carvalho <caiojcarvalho@gmail.com> * Copyright 2019, Collabora Ltd <arnaud.ferraris@collabora.com> * * Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Calamares is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Calamares. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "core/PartitionCoreModule.h" #include "core/BootLoaderModel.h" #include "core/ColorUtils.h" #include "core/DeviceList.h" #include "core/DeviceModel.h" #include "core/PartitionInfo.h" #include "core/PartitionIterator.h" #include "core/PartitionModel.h" #include "core/KPMHelpers.h" #include "core/PartUtils.h" #include "jobs/ClearMountsJob.h" #include "jobs/ClearTempMountsJob.h" #include "jobs/CreatePartitionJob.h" #include "jobs/CreatePartitionTableJob.h" #include "jobs/CreateVolumeGroupJob.h" #include "jobs/DeactivateVolumeGroupJob.h" #include "jobs/DeletePartitionJob.h" #include "jobs/FillGlobalStorageJob.h" #include "jobs/FormatPartitionJob.h" #include "jobs/RemoveVolumeGroupJob.h" #include "jobs/ResizePartitionJob.h" #include "jobs/ResizeVolumeGroupJob.h" #include "jobs/SetPartitionFlagsJob.h" #include "utils/Variant.h" #ifdef DEBUG_PARTITION_LAME #include "JobExample.h" #endif #include "utils/Logger.h" // KPMcore #include <kpmcore/core/device.h> #include <kpmcore/core/lvmdevice.h> #include <kpmcore/core/partition.h> #include <kpmcore/core/volumemanagerdevice.h> #include <kpmcore/backend/corebackend.h> #include <kpmcore/backend/corebackendmanager.h> #include <kpmcore/fs/filesystemfactory.h> #include <kpmcore/fs/luks.h> #include <kpmcore/fs/lvm2_pv.h> // Qt #include <QStandardItemModel> #include <QDir> #include <QProcess> #include <QFutureWatcher> #include <QtConcurrent/QtConcurrent> PartitionCoreModule::RefreshHelper::RefreshHelper(PartitionCoreModule* module) : m_module( module ) { } PartitionCoreModule::RefreshHelper::~RefreshHelper() { m_module->refreshAfterModelChange(); } class OperationHelper { public: OperationHelper( PartitionModel* model, PartitionCoreModule* core ) : m_coreHelper( core ) , m_modelHelper( model ) { } OperationHelper( const OperationHelper& ) = delete; OperationHelper& operator=( const OperationHelper& ) = delete; private: // Keep these in order: first the model needs to finish, // then refresh is called. Remember that destructors are // called in *reverse* order of declaration in this class. PartitionCoreModule::RefreshHelper m_coreHelper; PartitionModel::ResetHelper m_modelHelper; } ; //- DeviceInfo --------------------------------------------- PartitionCoreModule::DeviceInfo::DeviceInfo( Device* _device ) : device( _device ) , partitionModel( new PartitionModel ) , immutableDevice( new Device( *_device ) ) , isAvailable( true ) {} PartitionCoreModule::DeviceInfo::~DeviceInfo() { } void PartitionCoreModule::DeviceInfo::forgetChanges() { jobs.clear(); for ( auto it = PartitionIterator::begin( device.data() ); it != PartitionIterator::end( device.data() ); ++it ) PartitionInfo::reset( *it ); partitionModel->revert(); } bool PartitionCoreModule::DeviceInfo::isDirty() const { if ( !jobs.isEmpty() ) return true; for ( auto it = PartitionIterator::begin( device.data() ); it != PartitionIterator::end( device.data() ); ++it ) if ( PartitionInfo::isDirty( *it ) ) return true; return false; } //- PartitionCoreModule ------------------------------------ PartitionCoreModule::PartitionCoreModule( QObject* parent ) : QObject( parent ) , m_deviceModel( new DeviceModel( this ) ) , m_bootLoaderModel( new BootLoaderModel( this ) ) { if ( !KPMHelpers::initKPMcore() ) qFatal( "Failed to initialize KPMcore backend" ); } void PartitionCoreModule::init() { QMutexLocker locker( &m_revertMutex ); doInit(); } void PartitionCoreModule::doInit() { FileSystemFactory::init(); using DeviceList = QList< Device* >; DeviceList devices = PartUtils::getDevices( PartUtils::DeviceType::WritableOnly ); cDebug() << "LIST OF DETECTED DEVICES:"; cDebug() << "node\tcapacity\tname\tprettyName"; for ( auto device : devices ) { // Gives ownership of the Device* to the DeviceInfo object auto deviceInfo = new DeviceInfo( device ); m_deviceInfos << deviceInfo; cDebug() << device->deviceNode() << device->capacity() << device->name() << device->prettyName(); } cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << devices.count() << "devices detected."; m_deviceModel->init( devices ); // The following PartUtils::runOsprober call in turn calls PartUtils::canBeResized, // which relies on a working DeviceModel. m_osproberLines = PartUtils::runOsprober( this ); // We perform a best effort of filling out filesystem UUIDs in m_osproberLines // because we will need them later on in PartitionModel if partition paths // change. // It is a known fact that /dev/sda1-style device paths aren't persistent // across reboots (and this doesn't affect us), but partition numbers can also // change at runtime against our will just for shits and giggles. // But why would that ever happen? What system could possibly be so poorly // designed that it requires a partition path rearrangement at runtime? // Logical partitions on an MSDOS disklabel of course. // See DeletePartitionJob::updatePreview. for ( auto deviceInfo : m_deviceInfos ) { for ( auto it = PartitionIterator::begin( deviceInfo->device.data() ); it != PartitionIterator::end( deviceInfo->device.data() ); ++it ) { Partition* partition = *it; for ( auto jt = m_osproberLines.begin(); jt != m_osproberLines.end(); ++jt ) { if ( jt->path == partition->partitionPath() && partition->fileSystem().supportGetUUID() != FileSystem::cmdSupportNone && !partition->fileSystem().uuid().isEmpty() ) jt->uuid = partition->fileSystem().uuid(); } } } for ( auto deviceInfo : m_deviceInfos ) deviceInfo->partitionModel->init( deviceInfo->device.data(), m_osproberLines ); DeviceList bootLoaderDevices; for ( DeviceList::Iterator it = devices.begin(); it != devices.end(); ++it) if ( (*it)->type() != Device::Type::Disk_Device ) { cDebug() << "Ignoring device that is not Disk_Device to bootLoaderDevices list."; continue; } else bootLoaderDevices.append(*it); m_bootLoaderModel->init( bootLoaderDevices ); scanForLVMPVs(); //FIXME: this should be removed in favor of // proper KPM support for EFI if ( PartUtils::isEfiSystem() ) scanForEfiSystemPartitions(); } PartitionCoreModule::~PartitionCoreModule() { qDeleteAll( m_deviceInfos ); } DeviceModel* PartitionCoreModule::deviceModel() const { return m_deviceModel; } QAbstractItemModel* PartitionCoreModule::bootLoaderModel() const { return m_bootLoaderModel; } PartitionModel* PartitionCoreModule::partitionModelForDevice( const Device* device ) const { DeviceInfo* info = infoForDevice( device ); Q_ASSERT( info ); return info->partitionModel.data(); } Device* PartitionCoreModule::immutableDeviceCopy( const Device* device ) { Q_ASSERT( device ); DeviceInfo* info = infoForDevice( device ); if ( !info ) return nullptr; return info->immutableDevice.data(); } void PartitionCoreModule::createPartitionTable( Device* device, PartitionTable::TableType type ) { DeviceInfo* info = infoForDevice( device ); if ( info ) { // Creating a partition table wipes all the disk, so there is no need to // keep previous changes info->forgetChanges(); OperationHelper helper( partitionModelForDevice( device ), this ); CreatePartitionTableJob* job = new CreatePartitionTableJob( device, type ); job->updatePreview(); info->jobs << Calamares::job_ptr( job ); } } void PartitionCoreModule::createPartition( Device* device, Partition* partition, PartitionTable::Flags flags ) { auto deviceInfo = infoForDevice( device ); Q_ASSERT( deviceInfo ); OperationHelper helper( partitionModelForDevice( device ), this ); CreatePartitionJob* job = new CreatePartitionJob( device, partition ); job->updatePreview(); deviceInfo->jobs << Calamares::job_ptr( job ); if ( flags != KPM_PARTITION_FLAG(None) ) { SetPartFlagsJob* fJob = new SetPartFlagsJob( device, partition, flags ); deviceInfo->jobs << Calamares::job_ptr( fJob ); PartitionInfo::setFlags( partition, flags ); } } void PartitionCoreModule::createVolumeGroup( QString &vgName, QVector< const Partition* > pvList, qint32 peSize ) { // Appending '_' character in case of repeated VG name while ( hasVGwithThisName( vgName ) ) vgName.append('_'); CreateVolumeGroupJob* job = new CreateVolumeGroupJob( vgName, pvList, peSize ); job->updatePreview(); LvmDevice* device = new LvmDevice(vgName); for ( const Partition* p : pvList ) device->physicalVolumes() << p; DeviceInfo* deviceInfo = new DeviceInfo( device ); deviceInfo->partitionModel->init( device, osproberEntries() ); m_deviceModel->addDevice( device ); m_deviceInfos << deviceInfo; deviceInfo->jobs << Calamares::job_ptr( job ); refreshAfterModelChange(); } void PartitionCoreModule::resizeVolumeGroup( LvmDevice *device, QVector< const Partition* >& pvList ) { DeviceInfo* deviceInfo = infoForDevice( device ); Q_ASSERT( deviceInfo ); ResizeVolumeGroupJob* job = new ResizeVolumeGroupJob( device, pvList ); deviceInfo->jobs << Calamares::job_ptr( job ); refreshAfterModelChange(); } void PartitionCoreModule::deactivateVolumeGroup( LvmDevice *device ) { DeviceInfo* deviceInfo = infoForDevice( device ); Q_ASSERT( deviceInfo ); deviceInfo->isAvailable = false; DeactivateVolumeGroupJob* job = new DeactivateVolumeGroupJob( device ); // DeactivateVolumeGroupJob needs to be immediately called job->exec(); refreshAfterModelChange(); } void PartitionCoreModule::removeVolumeGroup( LvmDevice *device ) { DeviceInfo* deviceInfo = infoForDevice( device ); Q_ASSERT( deviceInfo ); RemoveVolumeGroupJob* job = new RemoveVolumeGroupJob( device ); deviceInfo->jobs << Calamares::job_ptr( job ); refreshAfterModelChange(); } void PartitionCoreModule::deletePartition( Device* device, Partition* partition ) { auto deviceInfo = infoForDevice( device ); Q_ASSERT( deviceInfo ); OperationHelper helper( partitionModelForDevice( device ), this ); if ( partition->roles().has( PartitionRole::Extended ) ) { // Delete all logical partitions first // I am not sure if we can iterate on Partition::children() while // deleting them, so let's play it safe and keep our own list. QList< Partition* > lst; for ( auto childPartition : partition->children() ) if ( !KPMHelpers::isPartitionFreeSpace( childPartition ) ) lst << childPartition; for ( auto childPartition : lst ) deletePartition( device, childPartition ); } Calamares::JobList& jobs = deviceInfo->jobs; if ( partition->state() == KPM_PARTITION_STATE(New) ) { // First remove matching SetPartFlagsJobs for ( auto it = jobs.begin(); it != jobs.end(); ) { SetPartFlagsJob* job = qobject_cast< SetPartFlagsJob* >( it->data() ); if ( job && job->partition() == partition ) it = jobs.erase( it ); else ++it; } // Find matching CreatePartitionJob auto it = std::find_if( jobs.begin(), jobs.end(), [ partition ]( Calamares::job_ptr job ) { CreatePartitionJob* createJob = qobject_cast< CreatePartitionJob* >( job.data() ); return createJob && createJob->partition() == partition; } ); if ( it == jobs.end() ) { cDebug() << "Failed to find a CreatePartitionJob matching the partition to remove"; return; } // Remove it if ( ! partition->parent()->remove( partition ) ) { cDebug() << "Failed to remove partition from preview"; return; } device->partitionTable()->updateUnallocated( *device ); jobs.erase( it ); // The partition is no longer referenced by either a job or the device // partition list, so we have to delete it delete partition; } else { // Remove any PartitionJob on this partition for ( auto it = jobs.begin(); it != jobs.end(); ) { PartitionJob* job = qobject_cast< PartitionJob* >( it->data() ); if ( job && job->partition() == partition ) it = jobs.erase( it ); else ++it; } DeletePartitionJob* job = new DeletePartitionJob( device, partition ); job->updatePreview(); jobs << Calamares::job_ptr( job ); } } void PartitionCoreModule::formatPartition( Device* device, Partition* partition ) { auto deviceInfo = infoForDevice( device ); Q_ASSERT( deviceInfo ); OperationHelper helper( partitionModelForDevice( device ), this ); FormatPartitionJob* job = new FormatPartitionJob( device, partition ); deviceInfo->jobs << Calamares::job_ptr( job ); } void PartitionCoreModule::resizePartition( Device* device, Partition* partition, qint64 first, qint64 last ) { auto deviceInfo = infoForDevice( device ); Q_ASSERT( deviceInfo ); OperationHelper helper( partitionModelForDevice( device ), this ); ResizePartitionJob* job = new ResizePartitionJob( device, partition, first, last ); job->updatePreview(); deviceInfo->jobs << Calamares::job_ptr( job ); } void PartitionCoreModule::setPartitionFlags( Device* device, Partition* partition, PartitionTable::Flags flags ) { auto deviceInfo = infoForDevice( device ); Q_ASSERT( deviceInfo ); OperationHelper( partitionModelForDevice( device ), this ); SetPartFlagsJob* job = new SetPartFlagsJob( device, partition, flags ); deviceInfo->jobs << Calamares::job_ptr( job ); PartitionInfo::setFlags( partition, flags ); } Calamares::JobList PartitionCoreModule::jobs() const { Calamares::JobList lst; QList< Device* > devices; #ifdef DEBUG_PARTITION_UNSAFE #ifdef DEBUG_PARTITION_LAME cDebug() << "Unsafe partitioning is enabled."; cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "it has been lamed, and will fail."; lst << Calamares::job_ptr( new Calamares::FailJob( QStringLiteral( "Partition" ) ) ); #else cWarning() << "Unsafe partitioning is enabled."; cWarning() << Logger::SubEntry << "the unsafe actions will be executed."; #endif #endif lst << Calamares::job_ptr( new ClearTempMountsJob() ); for ( auto info : m_deviceInfos ) { if ( info->isDirty() ) lst << Calamares::job_ptr( new ClearMountsJob( info->device.data() ) ); } for ( auto info : m_deviceInfos ) { lst << info->jobs; devices << info->device.data(); } lst << Calamares::job_ptr( new FillGlobalStorageJob( devices, m_bootLoaderInstallPath ) ); return lst; } bool PartitionCoreModule::hasRootMountPoint() const { return m_hasRootMountPoint; } QList< Partition* > PartitionCoreModule::efiSystemPartitions() const { return m_efiSystemPartitions; } QVector< const Partition* > PartitionCoreModule::lvmPVs() const { return m_lvmPVs; } bool PartitionCoreModule::hasVGwithThisName( const QString& name ) const { auto condition = [ name ]( DeviceInfo* d ) { return dynamic_cast<LvmDevice*>(d->device.data()) && d->device.data()->name() == name; }; return std::find_if( m_deviceInfos.begin(), m_deviceInfos.end(), condition ) != m_deviceInfos.end(); } bool PartitionCoreModule::isInVG( const Partition *partition ) const { auto condition = [ partition ]( DeviceInfo* d ) { LvmDevice* vg = dynamic_cast<LvmDevice*>( d->device.data()); return vg && vg->physicalVolumes().contains( partition ); }; return std::find_if( m_deviceInfos.begin(), m_deviceInfos.end(), condition ) != m_deviceInfos.end(); } void PartitionCoreModule::dumpQueue() const { cDebug() << "# Queue:"; for ( auto info : m_deviceInfos ) { cDebug() << "## Device:" << info->device->name(); for ( auto job : info->jobs ) cDebug() << "-" << job->prettyName(); } } const OsproberEntryList PartitionCoreModule::osproberEntries() const { return m_osproberLines; } void PartitionCoreModule::refreshPartition( Device* device, Partition* ) { // Keep it simple for now: reset the model. This can be improved to cause // the model to emit dataChanged() for the affected row instead, avoiding // the loss of the current selection. auto model = partitionModelForDevice( device ); Q_ASSERT( model ); OperationHelper helper( model, this ); } void PartitionCoreModule::refreshAfterModelChange() { updateHasRootMountPoint(); updateIsDirty(); m_bootLoaderModel->update(); scanForLVMPVs(); //FIXME: this should be removed in favor of // proper KPM support for EFI if ( PartUtils::isEfiSystem() ) scanForEfiSystemPartitions(); } void PartitionCoreModule::updateHasRootMountPoint() { bool oldValue = m_hasRootMountPoint; m_hasRootMountPoint = findPartitionByMountPoint( "/" ); if ( oldValue != m_hasRootMountPoint ) hasRootMountPointChanged( m_hasRootMountPoint ); } void PartitionCoreModule::updateIsDirty() { bool oldValue = m_isDirty; m_isDirty = false; for ( auto info : m_deviceInfos ) if ( info->isDirty() ) { m_isDirty = true; break; } if ( oldValue != m_isDirty ) isDirtyChanged( m_isDirty ); } void PartitionCoreModule::scanForEfiSystemPartitions() { m_efiSystemPartitions.clear(); QList< Device* > devices; for ( int row = 0; row < deviceModel()->rowCount(); ++row ) { Device* device = deviceModel()->deviceForIndex( deviceModel()->index( row ) ); devices.append( device ); } QList< Partition* > efiSystemPartitions = KPMHelpers::findPartitions( devices, PartUtils::isEfiBootable ); if ( efiSystemPartitions.isEmpty() ) cWarning() << "system is EFI but no EFI system partitions found."; m_efiSystemPartitions = efiSystemPartitions; } void PartitionCoreModule::scanForLVMPVs() { m_lvmPVs.clear(); QList< Device* > physicalDevices; QList< LvmDevice* > vgDevices; for ( DeviceInfo* deviceInfo : m_deviceInfos ) { if ( deviceInfo->device.data()->type() == Device::Type::Disk_Device) physicalDevices << deviceInfo->device.data(); else if ( deviceInfo->device.data()->type() == Device::Type::LVM_Device ) { LvmDevice* device = dynamic_cast<LvmDevice*>(deviceInfo->device.data()); // Restoring physical volume list device->physicalVolumes().clear(); vgDevices << device; } } #if defined( WITH_KPMCORE4API ) VolumeManagerDevice::scanDevices( physicalDevices ); for ( auto p : LVM::pvList::list() ) #else #if defined( WITH_KPMCORE331API ) LvmDevice::scanSystemLVM( physicalDevices ); for ( auto p : LVM::pvList::list() ) #else LvmDevice::scanSystemLVM( physicalDevices ); for ( auto p : LVM::pvList ) #endif #endif { m_lvmPVs << p.partition().data(); for ( LvmDevice* device : vgDevices ) if ( p.vgName() == device->name() ) { // Adding scanned VG to PV list device->physicalVolumes() << p.partition(); break; } } for ( DeviceInfo* d : m_deviceInfos ) { for ( auto job : d->jobs ) { // Including new LVM PVs CreatePartitionJob* partJob = dynamic_cast<CreatePartitionJob*>( job.data() ); if ( partJob ) { Partition* p = partJob->partition(); if ( p->fileSystem().type() == FileSystem::Type::Lvm2_PV ) m_lvmPVs << p; else if ( p->fileSystem().type() == FileSystem::Type::Luks ) { // Encrypted LVM PVs FileSystem* innerFS = static_cast<const FS::luks*>(&p->fileSystem())->innerFS(); if ( innerFS && innerFS->type() == FileSystem::Type::Lvm2_PV ) m_lvmPVs << p; } #ifdef WITH_KPMCORE4API else if ( p->fileSystem().type() == FileSystem::Type::Luks2 ) { // Encrypted LVM PVs FileSystem* innerFS = static_cast<const FS::luks*>(&p->fileSystem())->innerFS(); if ( innerFS && innerFS->type() == FileSystem::Type::Lvm2_PV ) m_lvmPVs << p; } #endif } } } } PartitionCoreModule::DeviceInfo* PartitionCoreModule::infoForDevice( const Device* device ) const { for ( auto it = m_deviceInfos.constBegin(); it != m_deviceInfos.constEnd(); ++it ) { if ( ( *it )->device.data() == device ) return *it; if ( ( *it )->immutableDevice.data() == device ) return *it; } return nullptr; } Partition* PartitionCoreModule::findPartitionByMountPoint( const QString& mountPoint ) const { for ( auto deviceInfo : m_deviceInfos ) { Device* device = deviceInfo->device.data(); for ( auto it = PartitionIterator::begin( device ); it != PartitionIterator::end( device ); ++it ) if ( PartitionInfo::mountPoint( *it ) == mountPoint ) return *it; } return nullptr; } void PartitionCoreModule::setBootLoaderInstallPath( const QString& path ) { cDebug() << "PCM::setBootLoaderInstallPath" << path; m_bootLoaderInstallPath = path; } void PartitionCoreModule::initLayout() { m_partLayout = new PartitionLayout(); m_partLayout->addEntry( QString("/"), QString("100%") ); } void PartitionCoreModule::initLayout( const QVariantList& config ) { QString sizeString; QString minSizeString; QString maxSizeString; m_partLayout = new PartitionLayout(); for ( const auto& r : config ) { QVariantMap pentry = r.toMap(); if ( !pentry.contains( "name" ) || !pentry.contains( "mountPoint" ) || !pentry.contains( "filesystem" ) || !pentry.contains( "size" ) ) { cError() << "Partition layout entry #" << config.indexOf(r) << "lacks mandatory attributes, switching to default layout."; delete( m_partLayout ); initLayout(); break; } if ( pentry.contains("size") && CalamaresUtils::getString( pentry, "size" ).isEmpty() ) sizeString.setNum( CalamaresUtils::getInteger( pentry, "size", 0 ) ); else sizeString = CalamaresUtils::getString( pentry, "size" ); if ( pentry.contains("minSize") && CalamaresUtils::getString( pentry, "minSize" ).isEmpty() ) minSizeString.setNum( CalamaresUtils::getInteger( pentry, "minSize", 0 ) ); else minSizeString = CalamaresUtils::getString( pentry, "minSize" ); if ( pentry.contains("maxSize") && CalamaresUtils::getString( pentry, "maxSize" ).isEmpty() ) maxSizeString.setNum( CalamaresUtils::getInteger( pentry, "maxSize", 0 ) ); else maxSizeString = CalamaresUtils::getString( pentry, "maxSize" ); if ( !m_partLayout->addEntry( CalamaresUtils::getString( pentry, "name" ), CalamaresUtils::getString( pentry, "mountPoint" ), CalamaresUtils::getString( pentry, "filesystem" ), sizeString, minSizeString, maxSizeString ) ) { cError() << "Partition layout entry #" << config.indexOf(r) << "is invalid, switching to default layout."; delete( m_partLayout ); initLayout(); break; } } } void PartitionCoreModule::layoutApply( Device *dev, qint64 firstSector, qint64 lastSector, QString luksPassphrase, PartitionNode* parent, const PartitionRole& role ) { bool isEfi = PartUtils::isEfiSystem(); QList< Partition* > partList = m_partLayout->execute( dev, firstSector, lastSector, luksPassphrase, parent, role ); foreach ( Partition *part, partList ) { if ( part->mountPoint() == "/" ) { createPartition( dev, part, part->activeFlags() | ( isEfi ? KPM_PARTITION_FLAG(None) : KPM_PARTITION_FLAG(Boot) ) ); } else { createPartition( dev, part ); } } } void PartitionCoreModule::layoutApply( Device *dev, qint64 firstSector, qint64 lastSector, QString luksPassphrase ) { layoutApply( dev, firstSector, lastSector, luksPassphrase, dev->partitionTable(), PartitionRole( PartitionRole::Primary ) ); } void PartitionCoreModule::revert() { QMutexLocker locker( &m_revertMutex ); qDeleteAll( m_deviceInfos ); m_deviceInfos.clear(); doInit(); updateIsDirty(); emit reverted(); } void PartitionCoreModule::revertAllDevices() { for ( auto it = m_deviceInfos.begin(); it != m_deviceInfos.end(); ) { // In new VGs device info, there will be always a CreateVolumeGroupJob as the first job in jobs list if ( dynamic_cast<LvmDevice*>( ( *it )->device.data() ) ) { ( *it )->isAvailable = true; if ( !( *it )->jobs.empty() ) { CreateVolumeGroupJob* vgJob = dynamic_cast<CreateVolumeGroupJob*>( ( *it )->jobs[0].data() ); if ( vgJob ) { vgJob->undoPreview(); ( *it )->forgetChanges(); m_deviceModel->removeDevice( ( *it )->device.data() ); it = m_deviceInfos.erase( it ); continue; } } } revertDevice( ( *it )->device.data(), false ); ++it; } refreshAfterModelChange(); } void PartitionCoreModule::revertDevice( Device* dev, bool individualRevert ) { QMutexLocker locker( &m_revertMutex ); DeviceInfo* devInfo = infoForDevice( dev ); if ( !devInfo ) return; devInfo->forgetChanges(); CoreBackend* backend = CoreBackendManager::self()->backend(); Device* newDev = backend->scanDevice( devInfo->device->deviceNode() ); devInfo->device.reset( newDev ); devInfo->partitionModel->init( newDev, m_osproberLines ); m_deviceModel->swapDevice( dev, newDev ); QList< Device* > devices; for ( DeviceInfo* const info : m_deviceInfos ) { if ( info && !info->device.isNull() && info->device->type() == Device::Type::Disk_Device ) devices.append( info->device.data() ); } m_bootLoaderModel->init( devices ); if ( individualRevert ) refreshAfterModelChange(); emit deviceReverted( newDev ); } void PartitionCoreModule::asyncRevertDevice( Device* dev, std::function< void() > callback ) { QFutureWatcher< void >* watcher = new QFutureWatcher< void >(); connect( watcher, &QFutureWatcher< void >::finished, this, [ watcher, callback ] { callback(); watcher->deleteLater(); } ); QFuture< void > future = QtConcurrent::run( this, &PartitionCoreModule::revertDevice, dev, true ); watcher->setFuture( future ); } void PartitionCoreModule::clearJobs() { foreach ( DeviceInfo* deviceInfo, m_deviceInfos ) deviceInfo->forgetChanges(); updateIsDirty(); } bool PartitionCoreModule::isDirty() { return m_isDirty; } bool PartitionCoreModule::isVGdeactivated( LvmDevice *device ) { for ( DeviceInfo* deviceInfo : m_deviceInfos ) if ( device == deviceInfo->device.data() && !deviceInfo->isAvailable ) return true; return false; } QList< PartitionCoreModule::SummaryInfo > PartitionCoreModule::createSummaryInfo() const { QList< SummaryInfo > lst; for ( auto deviceInfo : m_deviceInfos ) { if ( !deviceInfo->isDirty() ) continue; SummaryInfo summaryInfo; summaryInfo.deviceName = deviceInfo->device->name(); summaryInfo.deviceNode = deviceInfo->device->deviceNode(); Device* deviceBefore = deviceInfo->immutableDevice.data(); summaryInfo.partitionModelBefore = new PartitionModel; summaryInfo.partitionModelBefore->init( deviceBefore, m_osproberLines ); // Make deviceBefore a child of partitionModelBefore so that it is not // leaked (as long as partitionModelBefore is deleted) deviceBefore->setParent( summaryInfo.partitionModelBefore ); summaryInfo.partitionModelAfter = new PartitionModel; summaryInfo.partitionModelAfter->init( deviceInfo->device.data(), m_osproberLines ); lst << summaryInfo; } return lst; }