/* === This file is part of Calamares - === * * Copyright 2019, Adriaan de Groot * * Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Calamares is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Calamares. If not, see . */ #include "Tests.h" #include "PartitionSize.h" Q_DECLARE_METATYPE( Calamares::SizeUnit ) #include "utils/Logger.h" #include QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN( PartitionSizeTests ) PartitionSizeTests::PartitionSizeTests() { } PartitionSizeTests::~PartitionSizeTests() { } void PartitionSizeTests::initTestCase() { } void PartitionSizeTests::testUnitComparison_data() { QTest::addColumn("u1"); QTest::addColumn("u2"); QTest::addColumn("comparable"); using Calamares::SizeUnit; QTest::newRow("nones") << SizeUnit::None << SizeUnit::None << false; QTest::newRow("none+%") << SizeUnit::None << SizeUnit::Percent<< false; QTest::newRow("%+none") << SizeUnit::Percent << SizeUnit::None << false; QTest::newRow("KiB+none") << SizeUnit::KiB << SizeUnit::None << false; QTest::newRow("none+MiB") << SizeUnit::None << SizeUnit::MiB << false; QTest::newRow("KiB+KiB") << SizeUnit::KiB << SizeUnit::KiB << true; QTest::newRow("KiB+MiB") << SizeUnit::KiB << SizeUnit::MiB << true; QTest::newRow("KiB+GiB") << SizeUnit::KiB << SizeUnit::GiB << true; QTest::newRow("MiB+MiB") << SizeUnit::MiB << SizeUnit::MiB << true; QTest::newRow("MiB+GiB") << SizeUnit::MiB << SizeUnit::GiB << true; QTest::newRow("GiB+GiB") << SizeUnit::GiB << SizeUnit::GiB << true; QTest::newRow("%+None") << SizeUnit::Percent << SizeUnit::None << false; QTest::newRow("%+%") << SizeUnit::Percent << SizeUnit::Percent << true; QTest::newRow("%+KiB") << SizeUnit::Percent << SizeUnit::KiB << false; } static bool original_compare( Calamares::SizeUnit m_unit, Calamares::SizeUnit other_m_unit ) { if ( ( m_unit == Calamares::SizeUnit::None || other_m_unit == Calamares::SizeUnit::None ) || ( m_unit == Calamares::SizeUnit::Percent && other_m_unit != Calamares::SizeUnit::Percent ) || ( m_unit != Calamares::SizeUnit::Percent && other_m_unit == Calamares::SizeUnit::Percent ) ) return false; return true; } void PartitionSizeTests::testUnitComparison() { QFETCH( Calamares::SizeUnit, u1 ); QFETCH( Calamares::SizeUnit, u2 ); QFETCH( bool, comparable ); if ( comparable ) { QVERIFY( Calamares::PartitionSize::unitsComparable( u1, u2 ) ); QVERIFY( Calamares::PartitionSize::unitsComparable( u2, u1 ) ); } else { QVERIFY( !Calamares::PartitionSize::unitsComparable( u1, u2 ) ); QVERIFY( !Calamares::PartitionSize::unitsComparable( u2, u1 ) ); } QCOMPARE( original_compare( u1, u2 ), Calamares::PartitionSize::unitsComparable( u1, u2 ) ); } void PartitionSizeTests::testUnitNormalisation_data() { QTest::addColumn("u1"); QTest::addColumn("v"); QTest::addColumn("bytes"); using Calamares::SizeUnit; QTest::newRow("none") << SizeUnit::None << 16 << -1; QTest::newRow("none") << SizeUnit::None << 0 << -1; QTest::newRow("none") << SizeUnit::None << -2 << -1; QTest::newRow("percent") << SizeUnit::Percent << 0 << -1; QTest::newRow("percent") << SizeUnit::Percent << 16 << -1; QTest::newRow("percent") << SizeUnit::Percent << -2 << -1; QTest::newRow("KiB") << SizeUnit::KiB << 0 << 0; QTest::newRow("KiB") << SizeUnit::KiB << 1 << 1024; QTest::newRow("KiB") << SizeUnit::KiB << 1000 << 1024000; QTest::newRow("KiB") << SizeUnit::KiB << 1024 << 1024 * 1024; QTest::newRow("KiB") << SizeUnit::KiB << -2 << -1; QTest::newRow("MiB") << SizeUnit::MiB << 0 << 0; QTest::newRow("MiB") << SizeUnit::MiB << 1 << 1024 * 1024; QTest::newRow("MiB") << SizeUnit::MiB << 1000 << 1024 * 1024000; QTest::newRow("MiB") << SizeUnit::MiB << 1024 << 1024 * 1024 * 1024; QTest::newRow("MiB") << SizeUnit::MiB << -2 << -1; QTest::newRow("GiB") << SizeUnit::GiB << 0 << 0; QTest::newRow("GiB") << SizeUnit::GiB << 1 << 1024 * 1024 * 1024; QTest::newRow("GiB") << SizeUnit::GiB << 2 << 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; } void PartitionSizeTests::testUnitNormalisation() { QFETCH( Calamares::SizeUnit, u1 ); QFETCH( int, v ); QFETCH( int, bytes ); QCOMPARE( Calamares::PartitionSize( v, u1 ).toBytes(), static_cast( bytes ) ); }