AlongsidePageChoose partition to shrink:Allocate drive space by dragging the divider below:With this operation, the partition <b>%1</b> which contains %4 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %5.ApplyProgressDetailsWidgetBaseSaveGuardarOpen in External BrowserAbrir nun restolador esternuApplyProgressDialogWidgetBaseOperations and JobsOperaciones y trabayosTime ElapsedTotal Time: 00:00:00Tiempu total: 00:00:00Operation: %p%Operación: %p%StatusEstáuTotal: %p%Total: %p%BaseInstallerInstalador<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#343434;">Welcome</span></p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#343434;">Bienllegáu</span></p></body></html>LocationAllugamientuLicense ApprovalAlcuerdu de llicencia<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#343434;">Installation</span></p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#343434;">Instalación</span></p></body></html>Install SystemInstalar sistema<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#343434;">Configuration</span></p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#343434;">Configuración</span></p></body></html>RebootReaniciarLanguageLlinguaUser InfoInformación d'usuariuSummarySumariuKeyboardTecláuDisk SetupConfiguración del discu<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#343434;">Preparation</span></p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#343434;">Tresnáu</span></p></body></html>BootLoaderModelMaster Boot Record of %1Master Boot Record de %1Boot PartitionPartición d'arranqueSystem PartitionPartición del sistemaCalamares::InstallationViewStepInstallInstalarCalamares::JobThreadDoneFechoCalamares::ProcessJobRun command %1Executar comandu %1External command crashedEl comandu esternu cayóCommand %1 crashed.
%2Cayó'l comandu %1.
%2External command failed to startEl comandu esternu falló al aniciaseCommand %1 failed to start.El comandu %1 falló al aniciase.Internal error when starting commandFallu internu al aniciar el comanduBad parameters for process job call.External command failed to finishEl comandu esternu fallo al finarCommand %1 failed to finish in %2s.
%3El comandu %1 falló al finar en %2.
%3External command finished with errorsEl comandu esternu finó con fallosCommand %1 finished with exit code %2.
%3EL comandu %1 finó col códigu salida %2.
%3Calamares::PythonJobRun script %1Bad working directory pathWorking directory %1 for python job %2 is not readable.El direutoriu de trabayu %1 pal trabayu python %2 nun ye lleible.Bad main script fileMain script file %1 for python job %2 is not readable.El ficheru de script principal %1 pal trabayu python %2 nun ye lleible.Boost.Python error in job "%1".Fallu Boost.Python nel trabayu "%1".Calamares::ViewManager&Back&Tornar&Next&Siguiente&CancelCancel installation?Do you really want to cancel the current install process?
The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.&Quit&ColarErrorFalluInstallation FailedInstalación fallidaCalamaresPython::HelperUnknown exception typeTiba d'esceición desconocidaunparseable Python errorunparseable Python tracebackUnfetchable Python error.CalamaresWindow%1 InstallerInstalador %1CheckFileSystemJobChecking file system on partition %1.Comprobando'l sistema ficheros na partición %1.The file system check on partition %1 failed.Falló la comprobación del sistema de ficheros na partición %1.ChoicePageThis computer currently does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?Anguaño paez qu'esti ordenador nun tien un sistema operativu instaláu. ¿Qué te prestaría facer?<b>Erase disk and install %1</b><br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>This will delete all of your programs, documents, photos, music, and any other files.<b>Desaniciar tol discu ya instalar %1</b><br/><font color="red">Avisu: </font>Esto desaniciará tolos tos programes, documentos, semeyes, música y otros ficheros.This computer currently has %1 on it. What would you like to do?Anguaño esti ordenador tien %1 nelli. ¿Qué te prestaría facer?<b>Install %2 alongside %1</b><br/>Documents, music and other personal files will be kept. You can choose which operating system you want each time the computer starts up.<b>Instalar %2 co %1</b><br/>Los documentos, música y otros ficheros personales caltendránse. Pues escoyer que sistema operativu quies arrancar cada vegada.<b>Erase entire disk with %1 and install %2</b><br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>This will erase the whole disk and delete all of your %1 programs, documents, photos, music, and any other files.<b>Install %1 on an existing partition</b><br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>This will delete all files on the selected partition.This computer already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?Esti ordenador yá tien un sistema operativu nelli. ¿Qué te prestaría facer?<b>Install %1 alongside your current operating system</b><br/>Documents, music and other personal files will be kept. You can choose which operating system you want each time the computer starts up.<b>Instalar %1 co'l to sistema operativu actual</b><br/>Los documentos, música y otros ficheros personales caltendránse. Pues escoyer que sistema operativu quies arrancar cada vegada que prendas el ordenador.This computer currently has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?Anguaño esti ordenador tien varios sistemes operativos instalaos. ¿Qué te prestaría facer?<b>Install %1 alongside your current operating systems</b><br/>Documents, music and other personal files will be kept. You can choose which operating system you want each time the computer starts up.<b>Something else</b><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself, or choose multiple partitions for %1.<b>Daqué más</b><br/>Pues crear o redimensionar tu mesmu les particiones, o escoyer varies particiones pa %1.ClearMountsJobClear mounts for partitioning operations on %1Cannot umount partition %1Cannot proceed with partitioning operations because some partitions are still mounted.Cleared all mounts for %1ConfigurePageAdvancedPermissionsPermisosAllow applying operations without administrator privilegesNun riquir drechos alministrativos pa coles operacionesBackendMotorActive backend:Motor activo:UnitsUnidaesPreferred unit:Unidá preferida:ByteByteKiBKiBMiBMiBGiBGiBTiBTiBPiBPiBEiBEiBConfigurePageFileSystemColorsFile SystemsSistemes de ficherosluks:LUKS:ntfs:NTFS:ext2:EXT2:ext3:EXT3:ext4:EXT4:btrfs:BTFRS:linuxswap:LinuxSwap:fat16:FAT16:fat32:FAT32:zfs:ZFS:reiserfs:ReiserFS:reiser4:Reiser4:hpfs:HPFS:jfsJFShfs:HFS:hfsplus:HFSPlus:ufs:UFS:xfs:XFS:ocfs2:OCFS2:extended:unformatted:ensin formatiar:unknown:exfat:exFAT:nilfs2:NILFS2:lvm2 pv:LVM2 PV:ConfigurePageGeneralPartition AlignmentUse cylinder based alignment (Windows XP compatible)Usar alliniamientu basáu nos cilindros (compatible con Windows XP)Sector alignment: sectorssectoresAlign partitions per defaultAlliniar les particiones por defeutuLoggingAniciu de sesiónHide messages below:DebugInformationInformaciónWarningAvisuErrorFalluFile SystemsSistemes de ficherosDefault file system:Sistema de ficheros por defeutu:ShreddingOverwrite with:Random dataDatos al debaluZerosCerosCreatePartitionDialogCreate a PartitionCrear particiónPartition &Type:&Triba de partición:&Primary&PrimariaE&xtendedE&stendidaF&ile System:S&istema de ficheros:&Mount Point:&Puntu montaxe:///boot/boot/home/home/opt/opt/usr/usr/var/varSi&ze:Tama&ñu: MB MBLogicalLlóxicaPrimaryPrimariaGPTGPTCreatePartitionJobCreate partition (file system: %1, size: %2 MB) on %3.The installer failed to create partition on disk '%1'.L'instalador falló al crear la partición nel discu '%1'.Could not open device '%1'.Nun pudo abrise'l preséu '%1'.Could not open partition table.Nun pudo abrise la tabla particiones.The installer failed to create file system on partition %1.L'instalador falló al crear el sistema ficheros na partición '%1'.The installer failed to update partition table on disk '%1'.L'instalador falló al anovar la tabla particiones nel discu '%1'.CreatePartitionTableDialogCreate Partition TableCreating a new partition table will delete all existing data on the disk.Crear una tabla de particiones nueva desaniciará tolos datos nel discu.What kind of partition table do you want to create?¿Qué triba de tabla de partición quies crear?Master Boot Record (MBR)Master Boot Record (MBR)GUID Partition Table (GPT)GUID Partition Table (GPT)CreatePartitionTableJobCreate partition tableThe installer failed to create a partition table on %1.L'instalador falló al crear una tabla de particiones en %1.Could not open device %1.Nun pudo abrise'l preséu %1.CreatePartitionTableWidgetBaseChoose the type of partition table you want to create:Escueyi la triba de tabla de particiones que quies crear:GPTGPTMS-DosMS-DOS(icon)(iconu)<b>Warning:</b> This will destroy all data on the device!<b>Avisu:</b> ¡Esto destruyirá tolos datos nel preséu!CreateUserJobCreate user %1Sudoers dir is not writable.Nun pue escribise nel direutoriu de sudoersCannot create sudoers file for writing.Nun pue crease'l ficheru de sudoers pa llectura.Cannot chmod sudoers file.Nun pue facese chmod al ficheru de sudoers.Cannot open groups file for reading.Nun pue abrise'l ficheru de grupos pa escritura.Cannot create user %1.Nun pue crease l'usuariu %1.useradd terminated with error code %1.useradd finó col códigu de fallu %1.Cannot set full name for user %1.Nun pue afitase'l nome completu pal usuariu %1.chfn terminated with error code %1.chfn finó col códigu de fallu %1.Cannot set home directory ownership for user %1.Nun pue afitase la propiedá del direutoriu Home al usuariu %1.chown terminated with error code %1.chown finó col códigu de fallu %1.DecryptLuksDialogWidgetBase&Name:&Nome:&Passphrase:&Contraseña:DeletePartitionJobDelete partition %1Desaniciar partición %1The installer failed to delete partition %1.L'instalador falló al desaniciar la partición %1.Partition (%1) and device (%2) do not match.La partición (%1) y el preséu (%2) nun concasen.Could not open device %1.Nun pudo abrise'l preséu %1.Could not open partition table.Nun pudo abrise la tabla particiones.DeviceModel%1 - %2 (%3)%1 - %2 (%3)DevicePropsWidgetBasePartition table:Tabla particiones:Cylinder alignmentSector based alignmentCapacity:Capacidá:Total sectors:Sectores totales:Cylinders/Heads/Sectors:Cilindros/Tiestes/SectoresLogical sector size:Tamañu del sector llóxicu:Physical sector size:Tamañu del sector físicu:Cylinder size:Tamañu del cilindru:Primaries/Max:SMART status:Estáu SMART:More...Más...EditExistingPartitionDialogEdit Existing PartitionEditar partición esistenteContent:Conteníu:KeepCaltenerFormatWarning: Formatting the partition will erase all existing data.Avisu: Formatiar la partición desaniciará tolos datos esistentes.&Mount Point:&Puntu montaxe:///boot/boot/home/home/opt/opt/usr/usr/var/varSize:Tamañu:EditMountOptionsDialogWidgetBaseEdit Mount OptionsEditar opciones de montaxeEdit the mount options for this file system:Editar les opciones de montaxe pa esti sistema de ficheros:EditMountPointDialogWidgetBasePath:Camín:Select...Esillar...Type:Triba:Options:Opciones:Read-onlyNamái llecturaUsers can mount and unmountLos usuarios puen montar y desmontarNo automatic mountEnsin montaxe automáticuNo update of file access timesSynchronous accessNo update of directory access timesNo binary executionEnsin execución binariaUpdate access times relative to modificationMore...Más...Dump Frequency:Pass Number:Device NodeNodu de preséuUUIDUUIDLabelEtiquetaIdentify by:Identificar per:EraseDiskPageSelect drive:Esbillar preséu:Before:Enantes:After:Dempués:FileSystemSupportDialogWidgetBaseThis table shows which file systems are supported and which specific operations can be performed on them.
Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported. But not all operations can be performed on all file systems, even if all required tools are installed. Please see the documentation for details. Esta tabla amuesa que sistemes ficheros tán sofitaos y qu'operaciones específiques puen facese nellos.
Dellos sistemes de ficheros riquen la instalación de ferramientes esternes pa tar sofitaos. Por embargu, nun podrán facese toles operaciones en tolos sistemes de ficheros magar que tean instales toles ferramientes riquíes. Por favor, mira la documentación pa más detalles.File SystemSistema de ficherosCreateCrearGrowShrinkMoveMoverCopyCopiarCheckRead LabelEtiqueta de llecturaWrite LabelEtiqueta d'escrituraRead UsageLleer usuBackupRestoreRestaurarSupport ToolsFerramientes de sofituRescan Support@action:buttonFillGlobalStorageJobSet partition informationAfitar información de particiónFailed to find path for boot loaderFallu al alcontrar el camín pal xestor d'arranqueFinishedPageForm&Restart now<h1>All done.</h1><br/>%1 has been installed on your computer.<br/>You may now restart into your new system, or continue using the %2 Live environment.FinishedViewStepAll doneFormatPartitionJobFormat partition %1 (file system: %2, size: %3 MB) on %4.The installer failed to format partition %1 on disk '%2'.L'instalador falló al formatiar la partición %1 nel discu '%2'.Could not open device '%1'.Nun pudo abrise'l preséu '%1'.Could not open partition table.Nun pudo abrise la tabla particiones.The installer failed to create file system on partition %1.L'instalador falló al crear el sistema ficheros na partición '%1'.The installer failed to update partition table on disk '%1'.L'instalador falló al anovar la tabla particiones nel discu '%1'.GreetingPage<h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.<h1>Bienllegáu al instalador %1.</h1><br/>Esti pograma fadráte delles entrugues pa configurar %2 nel to ordenador..About %1 installer<h1>%1</h1><br/><b>%2<br/>for %3</b><br/><br/>Copyright 2014 Teo Mrnjavac <><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="">Blue Systems</a> - technologies for a better world.Form&AboutGreetingViewStepWelcomeBienllegáuKeyboardPageSet keyboard model to %1.<br/>Set keyboard layout to %1/%2.KeyboardViewStepKeyboardTecláuLCLocaleDialogSystem locale settingThe system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <b>%1</b>.LocalePageThe system locale is set to %1.Region:Rexón:Zone:Zona:&Change...Set timezone to %1/%2.<br/>LocaleViewStepLoading location data...Cargando datos d'allugamientu...LocationAllugamientuMainWindowBaseKDE Partition Manager@title:windowXestor de particiones KDEDevices@title:windowPreseosPending Operations@title:windowOperaciones pendientesInformation@title:windowInformaciónLog Output@title:windowRexistru de salidaMoveFileSystemJobMove file system of partition %1.Could not open file system on partition %1 for moving.Could not create target for moving file system on partition %1.Nun pudo crease l'oxetivu pa mover el sistema ficheros na partición %1.Moving of partition %1 failed, changes have been rolled back.Moving of partition %1 failed. Roll back of the changes have failed.Fallu moviendo la partición %1. Desfaciendo les camudancies que fallaron.Updating boot sector after the moving of partition %1 failed.Fallu anovando'l sector d'arranque dempués del movimientu de la partición 1%.The logical sector sizes in the source and target for copying are not the same. This is currently unsupported.Los sectores llóxicos na fonte y l'oxetivu pa copiar nun son los mesmos. Esto anguaño nun ta sofitao.Source and target for copying do not overlap: Rollback is not required.Could not open device %1 to rollback copying.Nun pudo abrise'l preséu %1 pa desfacer la copia.Page_KeyboardFormKeyboard Model:Modelu de tecláu:Type here to test your keyboardEscribi equí pa comprobar el to tecláuPage_UserSetupFormWhat is your name?¿Cuál ye'l to nome?What name do you want to use to log in?¿Qué nome quies usar p'aniciar sesión?font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal<small>If more than one person will use this computer, you can set up multiple accounts after installation.</small><small>Si usen l'ordenador más persones, pues configurar varies cuentes dempués de la instalación.</small>Choose a password to keep your account safe.Escueyi una contraseña pa caltener la to cuenta segura.<small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors. A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation, should be at least eight characters long, and should be changed at regular intervals.</small><small>Introduz la mesma contraseña dos vegaes pa qu'asina pueas comprobar fallos d'escritura. Una bona contraseña tien un mestu de lletres, númberos y signos de puntuación, debría camudase davezu y ser polo menos de 8 carauteres de llargor</small>What is the name of this computer?¿Cuál ye'l nome d'esti ordendor?<small>This name will be used if you make the computer visible to others on a network.</small><small>Esti ye'l nome que s'usará si faes visible esti ordenador nuna rede.</small>Choose a password for the administrator account.Escueyi una contraseña pa la cuenta d'alministrador.<small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Introduz la mesma contraseña dos vegaes, pa qu'asina pueas comprobar fallos d'escritura.</small>Log in automaticallyAniciar sesión automáticamenteRequire my password to log inRiquir la mio contraseña p'aniciar sesiónPartPropsWidgetBaseFile system:@label:listboxSistema de ficheros:Label:@labelEtiqueta:This file system does not support setting a label.@labelEsti sistema de ficheros nun sofita afitar una etiqueta.Recreate existing file system@action:buttonMount point:@labelPuntu montaxe:Partition type:@labelTriba de partición:Status:@labelEstáu:UUID:@labelUUID:Size:@labelTamañu:Available:@label partition capacity availableDisponible:Used:@label partition capacity usedUsáu:First sector:@labelSector primeru:Last sector:@labelSector caberu:Number of sectors:@labelNúmberu sectores:Flags:@labelBanderes:PartitionManagerWidgetBaseKDE Partition Manager@title:windowXestor de particiones KDEPartitionParticiónTypeTribaMount PointPuntu montaxeLabelEtiquetaUUIDUUIDSizeTamañuUsedUsáuAvailableDisponibleFirst SectorSector primeruLast SectorSector caberuNumber of SectorsNúmberu sectoresFlagsBanderesPartitionModelFree SpaceEspaciu llibreNew partitionPartición nuevaNameNomeFile SystemSistema de ficherosMount PointPuntu montaxeSizeTamañuPartitionPageForm&Disk:&Discu:&Revert All Changes&Desfacer toles camudanciesNew Partition &Table&Tabla de particiones nueva&Create&Crear&Edit&Editar&Delete&Desaniciar&Install boot loader on:&Instalar xestor d'arranque en:Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?¿De xuru que quies crear una tabla particiones nueva en %1?PartitionViewStepGathering system information...Recoyendo información del sistema...PartitionsParticionesBefore:Enantes:After:Dempués:PreparePageFor best results, please ensure that this computer:Pa los meyores resultaos, asegúrate por favor qu'esti ordenador:This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
Installation cannot continue.Esti ordenador nun cumple colos requisitos mínimos pa instalar %1.
La instalación nun siguiráThis computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.Esti ordenador nun cumple con dellos requisitos aconseyaos pa instalar %1.
La instalación pue siguir, pero delles carauterístiques pudieron deshabilitase.PrepareViewStepGathering system information...Recoyendo información del sistema...has at least %1 GB available drive spacetien polo menos %1 GB d'espaciu disponibleshas at least %1 GB working memorytien polo menos %1 GB de memoria de trabayuis plugged in to a power sourceta enchufáu a una fonte d'enerxíais connected to the Internetta coneutáu a internetPrepareProgressTreeModelPrepareTresnáuInstallFinishFinqQObjectDefault Keyboard ModelModelu del tecláu por defeutuDefaultPor defeutuReleaseDialogKDE Release BuilderKDE Release BuilderApplicationAplicaciónName:Nome:&Version:&Versión:Repository and RevisionRepositoriu y revisión&Checkout From:trunkbranchestagsetiquetesTa&g/Branch:&SVN Access:&Accesu SVN:anonsvnhttpsHTTPSsvn+sshSVN+SSH&User:&Usuariu:OptionsOpcionesGet &DocumentationGet &TranslationsC&reate TagC&rear etiquetaS&kip translations below completion: % %Create Tar&ballApply &fixesAplicar i&güesReplacePageForm&Disk:Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.%1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 cannot be installed on this partition.Data partition (%1)Unknown system partition (%1)%1 system partition (%2)<b>%4</b><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.<b>%3</b><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.ResizeFileSystemJobResize file system on partition %1.Parted failed to resize filesystem.Failed to resize filesystem.ResizePartitionJobResize partition %1.The installer failed to resize partition %1 on disk '%2'.Could not open device '%1'.Nun pudo abrise'l preséu %1.SetHostNameJobSet hostname %1Afitar nome d'agospiu %1Internal ErrorFallu internuCannot write hostname to target systemNun pue escribise'l nome d'agospiu al sistema destínSetKeyboardLayoutJobSet keyboard model to %1, layout to %2-%3Failed to write keyboard configuration for the virtual console.Failed to write to %1Failed to write keyboard configuration for X11.SetPartGeometryJobUpdate geometry of partition %1.Failed to change the geometry of the partition.Fallu al camudar la xeometría de la partición.SetPasswordJobSet password for user %1Bad destination system path.rootMountPoint is %1rootMountPoint ye %1Cannot set password for user %1.Nun pue afitase la contraseña pal usuariu %1.usermod terminated with error code %1.usermod finó col códigu de fallu %1.SetTimezoneJobSet timezone to %1/%2Cannot access selected timezone path.Bad path: %1Camín incorreutu: %1Cannot set timezone.Nun pue afitase'l fusu horariuLink creation failed, target: %1; link name: %2Fallu na creación del enllaz, oxetivu: %1; nome d'enllaz: %2SizeDetailsWidgetBaseFirst sector:@label:listboxSector primeru:Last sector:@label:listboxSector caberu:Align partitionAlliniar particiónSizeDialogWidgetBasePartition type:@label:listboxTriba de partición:PrimaryPrimariaExtendedEstendidaLogicalLlóxicaFile system:@label:listboxSistema de ficheros:Label:@labelEtiqueta:This file system does not support setting a label.@labelEsti sistema de ficheros nun sofita afitar una etiqueta.Minimum size:@labelTamañu mínimu:Maximum size:@labelTamañu máximu:Free space before:@label:listboxEspaciu llibre enantes:Size:@label:listboxTamañu:Free space after:@label:listboxEspaciu llibre dempués:SmartDialogWidgetBaseSMART status:Estáu SMART:Model:Modelu:Serial number:Númberu serie:Firmware revision:Versión del firmware:Temperature:Temperatura:Bad sectors:Sectores malos:Powered on for:Tiempu prendíu:Power cycles:Ciclos de prendíu:IdIDAttributeAtributuFailure TypeTriba de falluUpdate TypeTriba d'anovamientuWorstCurrentThresholdRawAssessmentValueValorOverall assessment:Self tests:SummaryViewStepSummarySumariuTreeLogBaseSev.@title:column Severity of a log entry / log level. Text must be very short.SeverityTime@title:column a time stamp of a log entryMessage@title:column the text message of a log entryMensaxeUsersPageYour username contains an invalid character '%1'El to nome d'usuariu tien un carauter non válidu '%1'Your username contains invalid characters!¡El to nome d'usuariu tien carauteres non válidos!Your hostname contains an invalid character '%1'El to nome d'agospiu tien un carauter non válidu '%1'Your hostname contains invalid characters!¡El to nome d'agospiu tien carauteres non válidos!Your passwords do not match!¡Les tos contraseñes nun concasen!UsersViewStepUsersUsuarios