AboutData<h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/> for %3</strong><br/><br/>Thanks to <a href="https://calamares.io/team/">the Calamares team</a> and the <a href="https://app.transifex.com/calamares/calamares/">Calamares translators team</a>.<a href="https://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.Copyright %1-%2 %3 <%4><br/>Copyright year-year Name <email-address>AutoMountManagementJobManaging auto-mount settings…@statusBootInfoWidgetThe <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode.Selle süsteemi <strong>käivituskeskkond</strong>.<br><br>Vanemad x86 süsteemid toetavad ainult <strong>BIOS</strong>i.<br>Modernsed süsteemid tavaliselt kasutavad <strong>EFI</strong>t, aga võib ka kasutada BIOSi, kui käivitatakse ühilduvusrežiimis.This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own.See süsteem käivitati <strong>EFI</strong> käivituskeskkonnas.<br><br>Et seadistada käivitust EFI keskkonnast, peab see paigaldaja paigaldama käivituslaaduri rakenduse, näiteks <strong>GRUB</strong> või <strong>systemd-boot</strong> sinu <strong>EFI süsteemipartitsioonile</strong>. See on automaatne, välja arvatud juhul, kui valid käsitsi partitsioneerimise, sel juhul pead sa selle valima või ise looma.This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own.See süsteem käivitati <strong>BIOS</strong> käivituskeskkonnas.<br><br>Et seadistada käivitust BIOS keskkonnast, peab see paigaldaja paigaldama käivituslaaduri, näiteks <strong>GRUB</strong>, kas mõne partitsiooni algusse või <strong>Master Boot Record</strong>'i paritsioonitabeli alguse lähedale (eelistatud). See on automaatne, välja arvatud juhul, kui valid käsitsi partitsioneerimise, sel juhul pead sa selle ise seadistama.BootLoaderModelMaster Boot Record of %1@info%1 Master Boot RecordBoot Partition@infoKäivituspartitsioonSystem Partition@infoSüsteemipartitsioonDo not install a boot loader@labelÄra paigalda käivituslaadurit%1 (%2)%1 (%2)Calamares::BlankViewStepBlank PageTühi lehtCalamares::DebugWindowGlobalStorageGlobalStorageJobQueueJobQueueModulesMoodulidType:Tüüp:nonepuudubInterface:Liides:Reloads the stylesheet from the branding directory.Uploads the session log to the configured pastebin.Send Session LogReload StylesheetCrashes Calamares, so that Dr. Konqi can look at it.Displays the tree of widget names in the log (for stylesheet debugging).Widget TreeDebug Information@titleCalamares::ExecutionViewStep%p%Progress percentage indicator: %p is where the number 0..100 is placedSet Up@labelInstall@labelPaigaldaCalamares::FailJobJob failed (%1)Programmed job failure was explicitly requested.Calamares::JobThreadDoneValmisCalamares::NamedJobExample job (%1)Calamares::ProcessJobRunning command %1 in target system…@statusRunning command %1…@statusCalamares::Python::JobRunning %1 operation.Käivitan %1 tegevust.Bad working directory pathHalb töökausta teeWorking directory %1 for python job %2 is not readable.Töökaust %1 python tööle %2 pole loetav.Bad main script fileHalb põhiskripti failMain script file %1 for python job %2 is not readable.Põhiskripti fail %1 python tööle %2 pole loetav.Bad internal scriptInternal script for python job %1 raised an exception.Main script file %1 for python job %2 could not be loaded because it raised an exception.Main script file %1 for python job %2 raised an exception.Main script file %1 for python job %2 returned invalid results.Main script file %1 for python job %2 does not contain a run() function.Calamares::PythonJobRunning %1 operation…@statusBad working directory path@errorHalb töökausta teeWorking directory %1 for python job %2 is not readable.@errorTöökaust %1 python tööle %2 pole loetav.Bad main script file@errorHalb põhiskripti failMain script file %1 for python job %2 is not readable.@errorPõhiskripti fail %1 python tööle %2 pole loetav.Boost.Python error in job "%1"@errorCalamares::QmlViewStepLoading…@statusQML step <i>%1</i>.@labelLoading failed.@infoCalamares::RequirementsCheckerRequirements checking for module '%1' is complete.@infoWaiting for %n module(s)…@status(%n second(s))@statusSystem-requirements checking is complete.@infoCalamares::ViewManager&Yes&Jah&No&Ei&Close&SulgeSetup Failed@titleInstallation Failed@titlePaigaldamine ebaõnnestusError@titleVigaCalamares Initialization Failed@titleCalamarese alglaadimine ebaõnnestus%1 can not be installed. Calamares was unable to load all of the configured modules. This is a problem with the way Calamares is being used by the distribution.@info%1 ei saa paigaldada. Calamares ei saanud laadida kõiki konfigureeritud mooduleid. See on distributsiooni põhjustatud Calamarese kasutamise viga.<br/>The following modules could not be loaded:@info<br/>Järgnevaid mooduleid ei saanud laadida:Continue with Setup?@titleContinue with Installation?@titleThe %1 setup program is about to make changes to your disk in order to set up %2.<br/><strong>You will not be able to undo these changes.</strong>%1 is short product name, %2 is short product name with versionThe %1 installer is about to make changes to your disk in order to install %2.<br/><strong>You will not be able to undo these changes.</strong>%1 is short product name, %2 is short product name with version%1 paigaldaja on tegemas muudatusi sinu kettale, et paigaldada %2.<br/><strong>Sa ei saa neid muudatusi tagasi võtta.</strong>&Set Up Now@button&Install Now@buttonGo &Back@button&Set Up@button&Install@button&PaigaldaSetup is complete. Close the setup program.@tooltipThe installation is complete. Close the installer.@tooltipPaigaldamine on lõpetatud. Sulge paigaldaja.Cancel the setup process without changing the system.@tooltipCancel the installation process without changing the system.@tooltip&Next@button&Edasi&Back@button&Tagasi&Done@button&Valmis&Cancel@button&TühistaCancel Setup?@titleCancel Installation?@titleInstall Log Paste URLThe upload was unsuccessful. No web-paste was done.Install log posted to
Link copied to clipboardDo you really want to cancel the current setup process?
The setup program will quit and all changes will be lost.Do you really want to cancel the current install process?
The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.Kas sa tõesti soovid tühistada praeguse paigaldusprotsessi?
Paigaldaja sulgub ning kõik muutused kaovad.CalamaresPython::HelperUnknown exception type@errorTundmatu veateadeUnparseable Python error@errorUnparseable Python traceback@errorUnfetchable Python error@errorCalamaresWindow%1 Setup Program%1 Installer%1 paigaldajaChangeFilesystemLabelJobSet filesystem label on %1@titleSet filesystem label <strong>%1</strong> to partition <strong>%2</strong>@infoSetting filesystem label <strong>%1</strong> to partition <strong>%2</strong>…@statusThe installer failed to update partition table on disk '%1'.@infoCheckerContainerGathering system information...Hangin süsteemiteavet...ChoicePage<strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Käsitsi partitsioneerimine</strong><br/>Sa võid ise partitsioone luua või nende suurust muuta. <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Vali vähendatav partitsioon, seejärel sikuta alumist riba suuruse muutmiseks</strong>Select storage de&vice:@labelVali mäluseade:Current:@labelHetkel:After:@labelPärast:Reuse %1 as home partition for %2@label%1 will be shrunk to %2MiB and a new %3MiB partition will be created for %4.@info, %1 is partition name, %4 is product name<strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>@label<strong>Vali partitsioon, kuhu paigaldada</strong>An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.@info, %1 is product nameEFI süsteemipartitsiooni ei leitud sellest süsteemist. Palun mine tagasi ja kasuta käsitsi partitsioonimist, et seadistada %1.The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.@info, %1 is partition path, %2 is product nameEFI süsteemipartitsioon asukohas %1 kasutatakse %2 käivitamiseks.EFI system partition:@labelEFI süsteemipartitsioon:This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Sellel mäluseadmel ei paista olevat operatsioonisüsteemi peal. Mida soovid teha?<br/>Sa saad oma valikud üle vaadata ja kinnitada enne kui mistahes muudatus saab mäluseadmele teostatud.<strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Tühjenda ketas</strong><br/>See <font color="red">kustutab</font> kõik valitud mäluseadmel olevad andmed.<strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Paigalda kõrvale</strong><br/>Paigaldaja vähendab partitsiooni, et teha ruumi operatsioonisüsteemile %1.<strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Asenda partitsioon</strong><br/>Asendab partitsiooni operatsioonisüsteemiga %1.This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Sellel mäluseadmel on peal %1. Mida soovid teha?<br/>Sa saad oma valikud üle vaadata ja kinnitada enne kui mistahes muudatus saab mäluseadmele teostatud.This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Sellel mäluseadmel on juba operatsioonisüsteem peal. Mida soovid teha?<br/>Sa saad oma valikud üle vaadata ja kinnitada enne kui mistahes muudatus saab mäluseadmele teostatud.This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Sellel mäluseadmel on mitu operatsioonisüsteemi peal. Mida soovid teha?<br/>Sa saad oma valikud üle vaadata ja kinnitada enne kui mistahes muudatus saab mäluseadmele teostatud.This storage device already has an operating system on it, but the partition table <strong>%1</strong> is different from the needed <strong>%2</strong>.<br/>This storage device has one of its partitions <strong>mounted</strong>.@infoThis storage device is a part of an <strong>inactive RAID</strong> device.@infoNo swap@labelReuse swap@labelSwap (no Hibernate)@labelSwap (with Hibernate)@labelSwap to file@labelBootloader location:@labelClearMountsJobSuccessfully unmounted %1.Successfully disabled swap %1.Successfully cleared swap %1.Successfully closed mapper device %1.Successfully disabled volume group %1.Clear mounts for partitioning operations on %1@titleTühjenda monteeringud partitsioneerimistegevustes %1 juuresClearing mounts for partitioning operations on %1…@statusCleared all mounts for %1Kõik monteeringud tühjendatud %1 jaoksClearTempMountsJobClearing all temporary mounts…@statusCleared all temporary mounts.Kõik ajutised monteeringud tühjendatud.CommandListCould not run command.Käsku ei saanud käivitada.The commands use variables that are not defined. Missing variables are: %1.ConfigNetwork Installation. (Disabled: Incorrect configuration)Network Installation. (Disabled: Received invalid groups data)Võrgupaigaldus. (Keelatud: vastu võetud sobimatud grupiandmed)Network Installation. (Disabled: Internal error)Network Installation. (Disabled: No package list)Package selectionPaketivalikNetwork Installation. (Disabled: Unable to fetch package lists, check your network connection)Võrgupaigaldus. (Keelatud: paketinimistute saamine ebaõnnestus, kontrolli oma võrguühendust)This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for setting up %1.<br/>Setup cannot continue.This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue.This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for setting up %1.<br/>Setup can continue, but some features might be disabled.This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.See arvuti ei rahulda mõnda %1 paigaldamiseks soovitatud tingimust.<br/>Paigaldamine võib jätkuda, ent mõned funktsioonid võivad olla keelatud.This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.See programm küsib sult mõned küsimused ja seadistab %2 sinu arvutisse.<h1>Welcome to the Calamares setup program for %1</h1><h1>Welcome to %1 setup</h1><h1>Welcome to the Calamares installer for %1</h1><h1>Welcome to the %1 installer</h1>Your username is too long.Sinu kasutajanimi on liiga pikk.'%1' is not allowed as username.Your username must start with a lowercase letter or underscore.Only lowercase letters, numbers, underscore and hyphen are allowed.Your hostname is too short.Sinu hostinimi on liiga lühike.Your hostname is too long.Sinu hostinimi on liiga pikk.'%1' is not allowed as hostname.Only letters, numbers, underscore and hyphen are allowed.Your passwords do not match!Sinu paroolid ei ühti!OK!Package SelectionPlease pick a product from the list. The selected product will be installed.PackagesInstall option: <strong>%1</strong>NoneSummary@labelKokkuvõteThis is an overview of what will happen once you start the setup procedure.This is an overview of what will happen once you start the install procedure.See on ülevaade sellest mis juhtub, kui alustad paigaldusprotseduuri.Setup Failed@titleInstallation Failed@titlePaigaldamine ebaõnnestusThe setup of %1 did not complete successfully.@infoThe installation of %1 did not complete successfully.@infoSetup Complete@titleSeadistus valmisInstallation Complete@titlePaigaldus valmisThe setup of %1 is complete.@infoThe installation of %1 is complete.@info%1 paigaldus on valmis.Keyboard model has been set to %1<br/>.@label, %1 is keyboard model, as in Apple Magic KeyboardKeyboard layout has been set to %1/%2.@label, %1 is layout, %2 is layout variantSet timezone to %1/%2@actionMäära ajatsooniks %1/%2The system language will be set to %1.@infoSüsteemikeeleks määratakse %1.The numbers and dates locale will be set to %1.@infoArvude ja kuupäevade lokaaliks seatakse %1.ContextualProcessJobPerforming contextual processes' job…@statusCreatePartitionDialogCreate a PartitionLoo sektsioonSi&ze:Suurus: MiB MiBPartition &Type:Partitsiooni tüüp:Primar&yE&xtended%LaiendatudFi&le System:%Failisüsteem:LVM LV nameLVM LV nimi&Mount Point:&Monteerimispunkt:Flags:Sildid:Label for the filesystemFS Label:En&crypt@action&KrüptiLogical@labelLoogilinePrimary@labelPeamineGPT@labelGPTMountpoint already in use. Please select another one.@infoMonteerimispunkt on juba kasutusel. Palun vali mõni teine.Mountpoint must start with a <tt>/</tt>.@infoCreatePartitionJobCreate new %1MiB partition on %3 (%2) with entries %4@titleCreate new %1MiB partition on %3 (%2)@titleCreate new %2MiB partition on %4 (%3) with file system %1@titleCreate new <strong>%1MiB</strong> partition on <strong>%3</strong> (%2) with entries <em>%4</em>@infoCreate new <strong>%1MiB</strong> partition on <strong>%3</strong> (%2)@infoCreate new <strong>%2MiB</strong> partition on <strong>%4</strong> (%3) with file system <strong>%1</strong>@infoCreating new %1 partition on %2…@statusThe installer failed to create partition on disk '%1'.@infoPaigaldaja ei suutnud luua partitsiooni kettale "%1".CreatePartitionTableDialogCreate Partition TableLoo partitsioonitabelCreating a new partition table will delete all existing data on the disk.Uue partitsioonitabeli loomine kustutab kettalt kõik olemasolevad andmed.What kind of partition table do you want to create?Millist partitsioonitabelit soovid luua?Master Boot Record (MBR)Master Boot Record (MBR)GUID Partition Table (GPT)GUID partitsioonitabel (GPT)CreatePartitionTableJobCreating new %1 partition table on %2…@statusCreating new <strong>%1</strong> partition table on <strong>%2</strong> (%3)…@statusThe installer failed to create a partition table on %1.Paigaldaja ei suutnud luua partitsioonitabelit kettale %1.CreateUserJobCreate user %1Loo kasutaja %1Create user <strong>%1</strong>Creating user %1…@statusPreserving home directory…@statusConfiguring user %1@statusSetting file permissions…@statusCreateVolumeGroupDialogCreate Volume Group@titleCreateVolumeGroupJobCreating new volume group named %1…@statusCreating new volume group named <strong>%1</strong>…@statusThe installer failed to create a volume group named '%1'.Paigaldaja ei saanud luua kettagruppi "%1".DeactivateVolumeGroupJobDeactivating volume group named %1…@statusDeactivating volume group named <strong>%1</strong>…@statusThe installer failed to deactivate a volume group named %1.Paigaldaja ei saanud luua kettagruppi "%1".DeletePartitionJobDeleting partition %1…@statusDeleting partition <strong>%1</strong>…@statusThe installer failed to delete partition %1.Paigaldaja ei suutnud kustutada partitsiooni %1.DeviceInfoWidgetThis device has a <strong>%1</strong> partition table.Sellel seadmel on <strong>%1</strong> partitsioonitabel.This is a <strong>loop</strong> device.<br><br>It is a pseudo-device with no partition table that makes a file accessible as a block device. This kind of setup usually only contains a single filesystem.See on <strong>loop</strong>-seade.<br><br>See on pseudo-seade ilma partitsioonitabelita, mis muudab faili ligipääsetavaks plokiseadmena. Seda tüüpi seadistus sisaldab tavaliselt ainult ühte failisüsteemi.This installer <strong>cannot detect a partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The device either has no partition table, or the partition table is corrupted or of an unknown type.<br>This installer can create a new partition table for you, either automatically, or through the manual partitioning page.See paigaldaja <strong>ei suuda tuvastada partitsioonitabelit</strong>valitud mäluseadmel.<br><br>Seadmel kas pole partitsioonitabelit, see on korrumpeerunud või on tundmatut tüüpi.<br>See paigaldaja võib sulle luua uue partitsioonitabeli, kas automaatselt või läbi käsitsi partitsioneerimise lehe. <br><br>This is the recommended partition table type for modern systems which start from an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>See on soovitatav partitsioonitabeli tüüp modernsetele süsteemidele, mis käivitatakse <strong>EFI</strong>käivituskeskkonnast.<br><br>This partition table type is only advisable on older systems which start from a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment. GPT is recommended in most other cases.<br><br><strong>Warning:</strong> the MBR partition table is an obsolete MS-DOS era standard.<br>Only 4 <em>primary</em> partitions may be created, and of those 4, one can be an <em>extended</em> partition, which may in turn contain many <em>logical</em> partitions.<br><br>See partitsioonitabel on soovitatav ainult vanemates süsteemides, mis käivitavad <strong>BIOS</strong>-i käivituskeskkonnast. GPT on soovitatav enamus teistel juhtudel.<br><br><strong>Hoiatus:</strong> MBR partitsioonitabel on vananenud MS-DOS aja standard.<br>aVõimalik on luua inult 4 <em>põhilist</em> partitsiooni ja nendest üks võib olla <em>laiendatud</em> partitsioon, mis omakorda sisaldab mitmeid <em>loogilisi</em> partitsioone.The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred.<strong>Partitsioonitabeli</strong> tüüp valitud mäluseadmel.<br><br>Ainuke viis partitsioonitabelit muuta on see kustutada ja nullist taasluua, mis hävitab kõik andmed mäluseadmel.<br>See paigaldaja säilitab praeguse partitsioonitabeli, v.a juhul kui sa ise valid vastupidist.<br>Kui pole kindel, eelista modernsetel süsteemidel GPT-d.DeviceModel%1 - %2 (%3)device[name] - size[number] (device-node[name])%1 - %2 (%3)%1 - (%2)device[name] - (device-node[name])%1 - (%2)DracutLuksCfgJobWriting LUKS configuration for Dracut to %1…@statusSkipping writing LUKS configuration for Dracut: "/" partition is not encrypted@infoFailed to open %1@error%1 avamine ebaõnnestusDummyCppJobPerforming dummy C++ job…@statusEditExistingPartitionDialogEdit Existing PartitionMuuda olemasolevat partitsiooniCon&tent:&Keep&SäilitaFormatVormindaWarning: Formatting the partition will erase all existing data.Hoiatus: Partitsiooni vormindamine tühjendab kõik olemasolevad andmed.&Mount Point:&Monteerimispunkt:Si&ze:Suurus: MiB MiBFi&le System:%Failisüsteem:Flags:Sildid:Label for the filesystemFS Label:Passphrase for existing partitionPartition %1 could not be decrypted with the given passphrase.<br/><br/>Edit the partition again and give the correct passphrase or delete and create a new encrypted partition.EncryptWidgetEn&crypt systemKrüpti süsteemYour system does not seem to support encryption well enough to encrypt the entire system. You may enable encryption, but performance may suffer.PassphraseSalaväljendConfirm passphraseKinnita salaväljenditPlease enter the same passphrase in both boxes.@tooltipPalun sisesta sama salaväljend mõlemisse kasti.Password must be a minimum of %1 characters.@tooltipErrorDialogDetails:Would you like to paste the install log to the web?FillGlobalStorageJobSet partition information@titleSea partitsiooni teaveInstall %1 on <strong>new</strong> %2 system partition with features <em>%3</em>@infoInstall %1 on <strong>new</strong> %2 system partition@infoSet up <strong>new</strong> %2 partition with mount point <strong>%1</strong> and features <em>%3</em>@infoSet up <strong>new</strong> %2 partition with mount point <strong>%1</strong>%3@infoInstall %2 on %3 system partition <strong>%1</strong> with features <em>%4</em>@infoInstall %2 on %3 system partition <strong>%1</strong>@infoSet up %3 partition <strong>%1</strong> with mount point <strong>%2</strong> and features <em>%4</em>@infoSet up %3 partition <strong>%1</strong> with mount point <strong>%2</strong>%4…@infoInstall boot loader on <strong>%1</strong>…@infoSetting up mount points…@statusFinishedPage&Restart now&Taaskäivita nüüd<h1>All done.</h1><br/>%1 has been set up on your computer.<br/>You may now start using your new system.@info<html><head/><body><p>When this box is checked, your system will restart immediately when you click on <span style="font-style:italic;">Done</span> or close the setup program.</p></body></html>@tooltip<h1>All done.</h1><br/>%1 has been installed on your computer.<br/>You may now restart into your new system, or continue using the %2 Live environment.@info<h1>Kõik on valmis.</h1><br/>%1 on paigaldatud sinu arvutisse.<br/>Sa võid nüüd taaskäivitada oma uude süsteemi või jätkata %2 live-keskkonna kasutamist.<html><head/><body><p>When this box is checked, your system will restart immediately when you click on <span style="font-style:italic;">Done</span> or close the installer.</p></body></html>@tooltip<h1>Setup Failed</h1><br/>%1 has not been set up on your computer.<br/>The error message was: %2.@info, %1 is product name with version<h1>Installation Failed</h1><br/>%1 has not been installed on your computer.<br/>The error message was: %2.@info, %1 is product name with version<h1>Paigaldamine ebaõnnestus</h1><br/>%1 ei paigaldatud sinu arvutisse.<br/>Veateade oli: %2.FinishedQmlViewStepFinish@labelValmisFinishedViewStepFinish@labelValmisFormatPartitionJobFormat partition %1 (file system: %2, size: %3 MiB) on %4@titleFormat <strong>%3MiB</strong> partition <strong>%1</strong> with file system <strong>%2</strong>@info%1 (%2)partition label %1 (device path %2)%1 (%2)Formatting partition %1 with file system %2…@statusThe installer failed to format partition %1 on disk '%2'.Paigaldaja ei suutnud vormindada partitsiooni %1 kettal "%2".GeneralRequirementsPlease ensure the system has at least %1 GiB available drive space.Available drive space is all of the hard disks and SSDs connected to the system.There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GiB is required.has at least %1 GiB working memoryThe system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GiB is required.is plugged in to a power sourceon ühendatud vooluallikasseThe system is not plugged in to a power source.Süsteem pole ühendatud vooluallikasse.is connected to the Interneton ühendatud InternettiThe system is not connected to the Internet.Süsteem pole ühendatud Internetti.is running the installer as an administrator (root)The setup program is not running with administrator rights.The installer is not running with administrator rights.Paigaldaja pole käivitatud administraatoriõigustega.has a screen large enough to show the whole installerThe screen is too small to display the setup program.The screen is too small to display the installer.Ekraan on paigaldaja kuvamiseks liiga väike.is always falseThe computer says no.is always false (slowly)The computer says no (slowly).is always trueThe computer says yes.is always true (slowly)The computer says yes (slowly).is checked three times.The snark has not been checked three times.The (some mythological beast) has not been checked three times.HostInfoJobCollecting information about your machine…@statusIDJobOEM Batch IdentifierCould not create directories <code>%1</code>.Could not open file <code>%1</code>.Could not write to file <code>%1</code>.InitcpioJobCreating initramfs with mkinitcpio…@statusInitramfsJobCreating initramfs…@statusInteractiveTerminalPageKonsole not installed.@errorPlease install KDE Konsole and try again!@infoPalun paigalda KDE Konsole ja proovi uuesti!Executing script: <code>%1</code>@infoKäivitan skripti: <code>%1</code>InteractiveTerminalViewStepScript@labelSkriptKeyboardQmlViewStepKeyboard@labelKlaviatuurKeyboardViewStepKeyboard@labelKlaviatuurLCLocaleDialogSystem Locale Setting@titleThe system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>.@infoSüsteemilokaali valik mõjutab keelt ja märgistikku teatud käsurea kasutajaliideste elementidel.<br/>Praegune valik on <strong>%1</strong>.&Cancel@button&Tühista&OK@button&OKLOSHJobConfiguring encrypted swap.No target system available.No rootMountPoint is set.No configFilePath is set.LicensePage<h1>License Agreement</h1>I accept the terms and conditions above.@infoMa nõustun alljärgevate tingimustega.Please review the End User License Agreements (EULAs).@infoThis setup procedure will install proprietary software that is subject to licensing terms.@infoIf you do not agree with the terms, the setup procedure cannot continue.@infoThis setup procedure can install proprietary software that is subject to licensing terms in order to provide additional features and enhance the user experience.@infoIf you do not agree with the terms, proprietary software will not be installed, and open source alternatives will be used instead.@infoLicenseViewStepLicense@labelLitsentsLicenseWidgetURL: %1@label<strong>%1 driver</strong><br/>by %2@label, %1 is product name, %2 is product vendor%1 is an untranslatable product name, example: Creative Audigy driver<strong>%1 draiver</strong><br/>autorilt %2<strong>%1 graphics driver</strong><br/><font color="Grey">by %2</font>@label, %1 is product name, %2 is product vendor%1 is usually a vendor name, example: Nvidia graphics driver<strong>%1 graafikadraiver</strong><br/><font color="Grey">autorilt %2</font><strong>%1 browser plugin</strong><br/><font color="Grey">by %2</font>@label, %1 is product name, %2 is product vendor<strong>%1 brauseriplugin</strong><br/><font color="Grey">autorilt %2</font><strong>%1 codec</strong><br/><font color="Grey">by %2</font>@label, %1 is product name, %2 is product vendor<strong>%1 koodek</strong><br/><font color="Grey">autorilt %2</font><strong>%1 package</strong><br/><font color="Grey">by %2</font>@label, %1 is product name, %2 is product vendor<strong>%1 pakett</strong><br/><font color="Grey">autorilt %2</font><strong>%1</strong><br/><font color="Grey">by %2</font>@label, %1 is product name, %2 is product vendor<strong>%1</strong><br/><font color="Grey">autorilt %2</font>File: %1@labelHide the license text@tooltipShow the license text@tooltipOpen the license agreement in browser@tooltipLocalePageRegion:@labelRegioon:Zone:@labelTsoon:&Change…@buttonLocaleQmlViewStepLocation@labelAsukohtLocaleTestsQuitLocaleViewStepLocation@labelAsukohtLuksBootKeyFileJobConfiguring LUKS key file.No partitions are defined.Encrypted rootfs setup errorRoot partition %1 is LUKS but no passphrase has been set.Could not create LUKS key file for root partition %1.MachineIdJobGenerate machine-id.Genereeri masina-id.Configuration ErrorNo root mount point is set for MachineId.File not foundPath <pre>%1</pre> must be an absolute path.Could not create new random file <pre>%1</pre>.MapTimezone: %1@labelPlease select your preferred location on the map so the installer can suggest the locale
and timezone settings for you. You can fine-tune the suggested settings below. Search the map by dragging
to move and using the +/- buttons to zoom in/out or use mouse scrolling for zooming.@infoMap-qt6Timezone: %1@labelPlease select your preferred location on the map so the installer can suggest the locale
and timezone settings for you. You can fine-tune the suggested settings below. Search the map by dragging
to move and using the +/- buttons to zoom in/out or use mouse scrolling for zooming.@labelNetInstallViewStepPackage selectionPaketivalikOffice softwareOffice packageBrowser softwareBrowser packageWeb browserKernellabel for netinstall module, Linux kernelServiceslabel for netinstall module, system servicesLoginlabel for netinstall module, choose login managerDesktoplabel for netinstall module, choose desktop environmentCommunicationlabel for netinstall moduleDevelopmentlabel for netinstall moduleOfficelabel for netinstall moduleMultimedialabel for netinstall moduleInternetlabel for netinstall moduleTheminglabel for netinstall moduleGaminglabel for netinstall moduleUtilitieslabel for netinstall moduleApplicationsNotesQmlViewStepNotesOEMPageBa&tch:<html><head/><body><p>Enter a batch-identifier here. This will be stored in the target system.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><h1>OEM Configuration</h1><p>Calamares will use OEM settings while configuring the target system.</p></body></html>OEMViewStepOEM ConfigurationSet the OEM Batch Identifier to <code>%1</code>.OfflineSelect your preferred region, or use the default settings@labelTimezone: %1@labelSelect your preferred zone within your region@labelZones@buttonYou can fine-tune language and locale settings below@labelOffline-qt6Select your preferred region, or use the default settings@labelTimezone: %1@labelSelect your preferred zone within your region@labelZones@buttonYou can fine-tune language and locale settings below@labelPWQPassword is too shortParool on liiga lühikePassword is too longParool on liiga pikkPassword is too weakParool on liiga nõrkMemory allocation error when setting '%1'Mälu eraldamise viga valikut "%1" määratesMemory allocation errorMälu eraldamise vigaThe password is the same as the old oneParool on sama mis enneThe password is a palindromeParool on palindroomThe password differs with case changes onlyParool erineb ainult suurtähtede poolestThe password is too similar to the old oneParool on eelmisega liiga sarnaneThe password contains the user name in some formParool sisaldab mingil kujul kasutajanimeThe password contains words from the real name of the user in some formParool sisaldab mingil kujul sõnu kasutaja pärisnimestThe password contains forbidden words in some formParool sisaldab mingil kujul sobimatuid sõnuThe password contains too few digitsParool sisaldab liiga vähe numbreidThe password contains too few uppercase lettersParool sisaldab liiga vähe suurtähtiThe password contains fewer than %n lowercase lettersThe password contains too few lowercase lettersParool sisaldab liiga vähe väiketähtiThe password contains too few non-alphanumeric charactersParool sisaldab liiga vähe mitte-tähestikulisi märkeThe password is too shortParool on liiga lühikeThe password does not contain enough character classesParool ei sisalda piisavalt tähemärgiklasseThe password contains too many same characters consecutivelyParool sisaldab järjest liiga palju sama tähemärkiThe password contains too many characters of the same class consecutivelyParool sisaldab järjest liiga palju samast klassist tähemärkeThe password contains fewer than %n digitsThe password contains fewer than %n uppercase lettersThe password contains fewer than %n non-alphanumeric charactersThe password is shorter than %n charactersThe password is a rotated version of the previous oneThe password contains fewer than %n character classesThe password contains more than %n same characters consecutivelyThe password contains more than %n characters of the same class consecutivelyThe password contains monotonic sequence longer than %n charactersThe password contains too long of a monotonic character sequenceParool sisaldab liiga pikka monotoonsete tähemärkide jadaNo password suppliedParooli ei sisestatudCannot obtain random numbers from the RNG deviceRNG seadmest ei saanud hankida juhuslikke numbreidPassword generation failed - required entropy too low for settingsParooligenereerimine ebaõnnestus - nõutud entroopia on seadete jaoks liiga väheThe password fails the dictionary check - %1Parool põrub sõnastikukontrolli - %1The password fails the dictionary checkParool põrub sõnastikukontrolliUnknown setting - %1Tundmatu valik - %1Unknown settingTundmatu valikBad integer value of setting - %1Halb täisarvuline väärtus valikul - %1Bad integer valueHalb täisarvuväärtusSetting %1 is not of integer typeValik %1 pole täisarvu tüüpiSetting is not of integer typeValik ei ole täisarvu tüüpiSetting %1 is not of string typeValik %1 ei ole string-tüüpiSetting is not of string typeValik ei ole string-tüüpiOpening the configuration file failedKonfiguratsioonifaili avamine ebaõnnestusThe configuration file is malformedKonfiguratsioonifail on rikutudFatal failureSaatuslik vigaUnknown errorTundmatu vigaPackageChooserPageProduct NameTextLabelTextLabelLong Product DescriptionPackage SelectionPlease pick a product from the list. The selected product will be installed.PackageModelNameNimiDescriptionKirjeldusPage_KeyboardKeyboard model:Type here to test your keyboardKirjuta siia, et testida oma klaviatuuriSwitch Keyboard:shortcut for switching between keyboard layoutsPage_UserSetupWhat is your name?Mis on su nimi?Your Full NameWhat name do you want to use to log in?Mis nime soovid sisselogimiseks kasutada?loginWhat is the name of this computer?Mis on selle arvuti nimi?<small>This name will be used if you make the computer visible to others on a network.</small><small>Seda nime kasutatakse, kui teed arvuti võrgus teistele nähtavaks.</small>Computer NameChoose a password to keep your account safe.Vali parool, et hoida oma konto turvalisena.<small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors. A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation, should be at least eight characters long, and should be changed at regular intervals.</small><small>Sisesta sama parool kaks korda, et kontrollida kirjavigade puudumist. Hea parool sisaldab segu tähtedest, numbritest ja kirjavahemärkidest, peaks olema vähemalt kaheksa märki pikk ja seda peaks muutma regulaarselt.</small>PasswordRepeat PasswordWhen this box is checked, password-strength checking is done and you will not be able to use a weak password.Require strong passwords.Log in automatically without asking for the password.Logi automaatselt sisse ilma parooli küsimata.Use the same password for the administrator account.Kasuta sama parooli administraatorikontole.Choose a password for the administrator account.Vali administraatori kontole parool.<small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Sisesta sama parooli kaks korda, et kontrollida kirjavigade puudumist.</small>PartitionLabelsViewRootJuurHome@labelKoduBoot@labelKäivitusEFI system@labelEFI süsteemSwap@labelSwapNew partition for %1@labelUus partitsioon %1 jaoksNew partition@labelUus partitsioon%1 %2size[number] filesystem[name]%1 %2PartitionModelFree Space@titleTühi ruumNew Partition@titleName@titleNimiFile System@titleFailisüsteemFile System Label@titleMount Point@titleMonteerimispunktSize@titleSuurusPartitionPageStorage de&vice:Mäluseade:&Revert All Changes&Ennista kõik muutusedNew Partition &TableUus partitsioonitabelCre&ateL&oo&Edit&Muuda&Delete&KustutaNew Volume GroupUus kettagruppResize Volume GroupMuuda kettagrupi suurustDeactivate Volume GroupKeela kettagruppRemove Volume GroupEemalda kettagruppI&nstall boot loader on:Paigalda käivituslaadur kohta:Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Kas soovid kindlasti luua uut partitsioonitabelit kettale %1?Can not create new partitionUut partitsiooni ei saa luuaThe partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.Partitsioonitabel kohas %1 juba omab %2 peamist partitsiooni ning rohkem juurde ei saa lisada. Palun eemalda selle asemel üks peamine partitsioon ja lisa juurde laiendatud partitsioon. PartitionViewStepUnsafe partition actions are enabled.Partitioning is configured to <b>always</b> fail.No partitions will be changed.An EFI system partition is necessary to start %1.<br/><br/>The EFI system partition does not meet recommendations. It is recommended to go back and select or create a suitable filesystem.The minimum recommended size for the filesystem is %1 MiB.You can continue with this EFI system partition configuration but your system may fail to start.No EFI system partition configuredEFI süsteemipartitsiooni pole seadistatudEFI system partition configured incorrectlyAn EFI system partition is necessary to start %1.<br/><br/>To configure an EFI system partition, go back and select or create a suitable filesystem.The filesystem must be mounted on <strong>%1</strong>.The filesystem must have type FAT32.The filesystem must be at least %1 MiB in size.The filesystem must have flag <strong>%1</strong> set.Gathering system information…@statusPartitions@labelPartitsioonidCurrent:@labelHetkel:After:@labelPärast:You can continue without setting up an EFI system partition but your system may fail to start.EFI system partition recommendationOption to use GPT on BIOSA GPT partition table is the best option for all systems. This installer supports such a setup for BIOS systems too.<br/><br/>To configure a GPT partition table on BIOS, (if not done so already) go back and set the partition table to GPT, next create a 8 MB unformatted partition with the <strong>%2</strong> flag enabled.<br/><br/>An unformatted 8 MB partition is necessary to start %1 on a BIOS system with GPT.Boot partition not encryptedKäivituspartitsioon pole krüptitudA separate boot partition was set up together with an encrypted root partition, but the boot partition is not encrypted.<br/><br/>There are security concerns with this kind of setup, because important system files are kept on an unencrypted partition.<br/>You may continue if you wish, but filesystem unlocking will happen later during system startup.<br/>To encrypt the boot partition, go back and recreate it, selecting <strong>Encrypt</strong> in the partition creation window.Eraldi käivituspartitsioon seadistati koos krüptitud juurpartitsiooniga, aga käivituspartitsioon ise ei ole krüptitud.<br/><br/>Selle seadistusega kaasnevad turvaprobleemid, sest tähtsad süsteemifailid hoitakse krüptimata partitsioonil.<br/>Sa võid soovi korral jätkata, aga failisüsteemi lukust lahti tegemine toimub hiljem süsteemi käivitusel.<br/>Et krüpteerida käivituspartisiooni, mine tagasi ja taasloo see, valides <strong>Krüpteeri</strong> partitsiooni loomise aknas.has at least one disk device available.There are no partitions to install on.PlasmaLnfJobApplying Plasma Look-and-Feel…@statusCould not select KDE Plasma Look-and-Feel packageKDE Plasma välimuse-ja-tunnetuse paketti ei saanud validaPlasmaLnfPagePlease choose a look-and-feel for the KDE Plasma Desktop. You can also skip this step and configure the look-and-feel once the system is set up. Clicking on a look-and-feel selection will give you a live preview of that look-and-feel.Please choose a look-and-feel for the KDE Plasma Desktop. You can also skip this step and configure the look-and-feel once the system is installed. Clicking on a look-and-feel selection will give you a live preview of that look-and-feel.Palun vali KDE Plasma töölauale välimus-ja-tunnetus. Sa võid selle sammu ka vahele jätta ja seadistada välimust-ja-tunnetust siis, kui süsteem on paigaldatud. Välimuse-ja-tunnetuse valikule klõpsates näed selle reaalajas eelvaadet.PlasmaLnfViewStepLook-and-Feel@labelVälimus-ja-tunnetusPreserveFilesSaving files for later…@statusNo files configured to save for later.Ühtegi faili ei konfigureeritud hiljemaks salvestamiseks.Not all of the configured files could be preserved.Ühtegi konfigureeritud faili ei suudetud säilitada.ProcessResult
There was no output from the command.
Käsul polnud väljundit.
External command crashed.Väline käsk jooksis kokku.Command <i>%1</i> crashed.Käsk <i>%1</i> jooksis kokku.External command failed to start.Välise käsu käivitamine ebaõnnestus.Command <i>%1</i> failed to start.Käsu <i>%1</i> käivitamine ebaõnnestus.Internal error when starting command.Käsu käivitamisel esines sisemine viga.Bad parameters for process job call.Protsessi töö kutsel olid halvad parameetrid.External command failed to finish.Väline käsk ei suutnud lõpetada.Command <i>%1</i> failed to finish in %2 seconds.Käsk <i>%1</i> ei suutnud lõpetada %2 sekundi jooksul.External command finished with errors.Väline käsk lõpetas vigadega.Command <i>%1</i> finished with exit code %2.Käsk <i>%1</i> lõpetas sulgemiskoodiga %2.QObject%1 (%2)%1 (%2)DefaultVaikimisiDirectory not foundCould not create new random file <pre>%1</pre>.No productNo description provided.(no mount point)unknown@partition infotundmatuextended@partition infolaiendatudunformatted@partition infovormindamataswap@partition infoswapUnpartitioned space or unknown partition table@infoPartitsioneerimata ruum või tundmatu partitsioonitabelRecommended<p>This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for setting up %1.<br/>
Setup can continue, but some features might be disabled.</p>RemoveUserJobRemoving live user from the target system…@statusRemoveVolumeGroupJobRemoving Volume Group named %1…@statusRemoving Volume Group named <strong>%1</strong>…@statusThe installer failed to remove a volume group named '%1'.Paigaldaja ei saanud eemaldada kettagruppi "%1".Requirements<p>This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>
Installation cannot continue.</p><p>This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for setting up %1.<br/>
Setup can continue, but some features might be disabled.</p>ResizeFSJobPerforming file system resize…@statusInvalid configuration@errorSobimatu konfiguratsioonThe file-system resize job has an invalid configuration and will not run.@errorFailisüsteemi suuruse muutmise tööl on sobimatu konfiguratsioon ning see ei käivitu.KPMCore not available@errorCalamares cannot start KPMCore for the file system resize job.@errorResize failed.@errorThe filesystem %1 could not be found in this system, and cannot be resized.@infoFailisüsteemi %1 ei leitud sellest süsteemist, seega selle suurust ei saa muuta.The device %1 could not be found in this system, and cannot be resized.@infoSeadet %1 ei leitud sellest süsteemist, seega selle suurust ei saa muuta.Resize Failed@errorSuuruse muutmine ebaõnnestusThe filesystem %1 cannot be resized.@errorFailisüsteemi %1 suurust ei saa muuta.The device %1 cannot be resized.@errorSeadme %1 suurust ei saa muuta.The file system %1 must be resized, but cannot.@infoThe device %1 must be resized, but cannot@infoSeadme %1 suurust tuleb muuta, aga ei saa.ResizePartitionJobResize partition %1@titleResize <strong>%2MiB</strong> partition <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>%3MiB</strong>@infoResizing %2MiB partition %1 to %3MiB…@statusThe installer failed to resize partition %1 on disk '%2'.Paigaldajal ebaõnnestus partitsiooni %1 suuruse muutmine kettal "%2".ResizeVolumeGroupDialogResize Volume Group@titleMuuda kettagrupi suurustResizeVolumeGroupJobResize volume group named %1 from %2 to %3@titleResize volume group named <strong>%1</strong> from <strong>%2</strong> to <strong>%3</strong>@infoResizing volume group named %1 from %2 to %3…@statusThe installer failed to resize a volume group named '%1'.Paigaldaja ei saanud muuta kettagrupi "%1" suurust.ResultsListWidgetChecking requirements again in a few seconds ...ScanningDialogScanning storage devices…@statusPartitioning…@statusSetHostNameJobSet hostname %1Määra hostinimi %1Set hostname <strong>%1</strong>.Määra hostinimi <strong>%1</strong>.Setting hostname %1…@statusInternal ErrorSisemine vigaCannot write hostname to target systemHostinime ei saa sihtsüsteemile kirjutadaSetKeyboardLayoutJobSetting keyboard model to %1, layout as %2-%3…@status, %1 model, %2 layout, %3 variantFailed to write keyboard configuration for the virtual console.@errorKlaviatuurikonfiguratsiooni kirjutamine virtuaalkonsooli ebaõnnestus.Failed to write to %1@error, %1 is virtual console configuration pathKohta %1 kirjutamine ebaõnnestusFailed to write keyboard configuration for X11.@errorKlaviatuurikonsooli kirjutamine X11-le ebaõnnestus.Failed to write to %1@error, %1 is keyboard configuration pathKohta %1 kirjutamine ebaõnnestusFailed to write keyboard configuration to existing /etc/default directory.@errorKlaviatuurikonfiguratsiooni kirjutamine olemasolevale /etc/default kaustateele ebaõnnestus.Failed to write to %1@error, %1 is default keyboard pathKohta %1 kirjutamine ebaõnnestusSetPartFlagsJobSet flags on partition %1@titleSet flags on %1MiB %2 partition@titleSet flags on new partition@titleClear flags on partition <strong>%1</strong>@infoClear flags on %1MiB <strong>%2</strong> partition@infoClear flags on new partition@infoSet flags on partition <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>%2</strong>@infoSet flags on %1MiB <strong>%2</strong> partition to <strong>%3</strong>@infoSet flags on new partition to <strong>%1</strong>@infoClearing flags on partition <strong>%1</strong>…@statusClearing flags on %1MiB <strong>%2</strong> partition…@statusClearing flags on new partition…@statusSetting flags <strong>%2</strong> on partition <strong>%1</strong>…@statusSetting flags <strong>%3</strong> on %1MiB <strong>%2</strong> partition…@statusSetting flags <strong>%1</strong> on new partition…@statusThe installer failed to set flags on partition %1.Paigaldaja ei suutnud partitsioonile %1 silte määrata.SetPasswordJobSet password for user %1Määra kasutajale %1 paroolSetting password for user %1…@statusBad destination system path.Halb sihtsüsteemi tee.rootMountPoint is %1rootMountPoint on %1Cannot disable root account.Juurkasutajat ei saa keelata.Cannot set password for user %1.Kasutajale %1 ei saa parooli määrata.usermod terminated with error code %1.usermod peatatud veateatega %1.SetTimezoneJobSetting timezone to %1/%2…@statusCannot access selected timezone path.@errorValitud ajatsooni teele ei saa ligi.Bad path: %1@errorHalb tee: %1Cannot set timezone.@errorAjatsooni ei saa määrata.Link creation failed, target: %1; link name: %2@infoLingi loomine ebaõnnestus, siht: %1; lingi nimi: %2Cannot open /etc/timezone for writing@info/etc/timezone ei saa kirjutamiseks avadaSetupGroupsJobPreparing groups…@statusCould not create groups in target systemThese groups are missing in the target system: %1SetupSudoJobConfiguring <pre>sudo</pre> users…@statusCannot chmod sudoers file.Sudoja faili ei saa chmod-ida.Cannot create sudoers file for writing.Sudoja faili ei saa kirjutamiseks luua.ShellProcessJobRunning shell processes…@statusSlideCounter%L1 / %L2slide counter, %1 of %2 (numeric)%L1 / %L2StandardButtons&OK&OK&Yes&Jah&No&Ei&Cancel&Tühista&Close&SulgeTrackingInstallJobInstallation feedbackPaigalduse tagasisideSending installation feedback…@statusInternal error in install-tracking.Paigaldate jälitamisel esines sisemine viga.HTTP request timed out.HTTP taotlusel esines ajalõpp.TrackingKUserFeedbackJobKDE user feedbackConfiguring KDE user feedback…@statusError in KDE user feedback configuration.Could not configure KDE user feedback correctly, script error %1.Could not configure KDE user feedback correctly, Calamares error %1.TrackingMachineUpdateManagerJobMachine feedbackSeadme tagasisideConfiguring machine feedback…@statusError in machine feedback configuration.Masina tagasiside konfiguratsioonis esines viga.Could not configure machine feedback correctly, script error %1.Masina tagasisidet ei suudetud korralikult konfigureerida, skripti viga %1.Could not configure machine feedback correctly, Calamares error %1.Masina tagasisidet ei suudetud korralikult konfigureerida, Calamares'e viga %1.TrackingPagePlaceholderKohatäitja<html><head/><body><p>Click here to send <span style=" font-weight:600;">no information at all</span> about your installation.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><a href="placeholder"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#2980b9;">Click here for more information about user feedback</span></a></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><a href="placeholder"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#2980b9;">Klõpsa siia, et saada rohkem teavet kasutaja tagasiside kohta</span></a></p></body></html>Tracking helps %1 to see how often it is installed, what hardware it is installed on and which applications are used. To see what will be sent, please click the help icon next to each area.By selecting this you will send information about your installation and hardware. This information will only be sent <b>once</b> after the installation finishes.By selecting this you will periodically send information about your <b>machine</b> installation, hardware and applications, to %1.By selecting this you will regularly send information about your <b>user</b> installation, hardware, applications and application usage patterns, to %1.TrackingViewStepFeedback@titleTagasisideUmountJobUnmounting file systems…@statusNo target system available.No rootMountPoint is set.UsersPage<small>If more than one person will use this computer, you can create multiple accounts after setup.</small><small>If more than one person will use this computer, you can create multiple accounts after installation.</small>UsersQmlViewStepUsersKasutajadUsersViewStepUsersKasutajadVariantModelKeyColumn header for key/valueValueColumn header for key/valueVolumeGroupBaseDialogCreate Volume GroupList of Physical VolumesFüüsiliste ketaste nimekiriVolume Group Name:Kettagrupi nimi:Volume Group Type:Kettagrupi tüüp:Physical Extent Size:Füüsiline ulatussuurus: MiB MiBTotal Size:Kogusuurus:Used Size:Kasutatud suurus:Total Sectors:Kogusektorid:Quantity of LVs:Loogiliste köidete kogus:WelcomePageSelect application and system languageOpen donations website&DonateOpen help and support website&Support&TugiOpen issues and bug-tracking website&Known issues&Teadaolevad veadOpen release notes website&Release notes&VäljalaskemärkmedAbout %1 Setup@titleAbout %1 Installer@title%1 Support@actionWelcomeQmlViewStepWelcome@titleTervistWelcomeViewStepWelcome@titleTervistZfsJobCreating ZFS pools and datasets…@statusFailed to create zpool on Configuration ErrorNo partitions are available for ZFS.Internal data missingFailed to create zpoolFailed to create datasetThe output was: calamares-sidebarAboutDebugSiluAbout@buttonShow information about Calamares@tooltipDebug@buttonSiluShow debug information@tooltipKuva silumisteavetfinishedqInstallation Completed%1 has been installed on your computer.<br/>
You may now restart into your new system, or continue using the Live environment.Close InstallerRestart System<p>A full log of the install is available as installation.log in the home directory of the Live user.<br/>
This log is copied to /var/log/installation.log of the target system.</p>finishedq-qt6Installation Completed@title%1 has been installed on your computer.<br/>
You may now restart into your new system, or continue using the Live environment.@info, %1 is the product nameClose Installer@buttonRestart System@button<p>A full log of the install is available as installation.log in the home directory of the Live user.<br/>
This log is copied to /var/log/installation.log of the target system.</p>@infofinishedq@mobileInstallation Completed@title%1 has been installed on your computer.<br/>
You may now restart your device.@info, %1 is the product nameClose@buttonRestart@buttonkeyboardqSelect a layout to activate keyboard preview@label<b>Keyboard model: </b>@labelLayout@labelVariant@labelType here to test your keyboard…@labelkeyboardq-qt6Select a layout to activate keyboard preview@label<b>Keyboard model: </b>@labelLayout@labelVariant@labelType here to test your keyboard…@labellocaleqChange@button<h3>Languages</h3> </br>
The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements. The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>.@info<h3>Locales</h3> </br>
The system locale setting affects the numbers and dates format. The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>.@infolocaleq-qt6Change@button<h3>Languages</h3> </br>
The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements. The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>.@info<h3>Locales</h3> </br>
The system locale setting affects the numbers and dates format. The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>.@infonotesqml<h3>%1</h3>
<p>These are example release notes.</p>packagechooserqLibreOffice is a powerful and free office suite, used by millions of people around the world. It includes several applications that make it the most versatile Free and Open Source office suite on the market.<br/>
Default option.LibreOfficeIf you don't want to install an office suite, just select No Office Suite. You can always add one (or more) later on your installed system as the need arrives.No Office SuiteCreate a minimal Desktop install, remove all extra applications and decide later on what you would like to add to your system. Examples of what won't be on such an install, there will be no Office Suite, no media players, no image viewer or print support. It will be just a desktop, file browser, package manager, text editor and simple web-browser.Minimal InstallPlease select an option for your install, or use the default: LibreOffice included.packagechooserq-qt6LibreOffice is a powerful and free office suite, used by millions of people around the world. It includes several applications that make it the most versatile Free and Open Source office suite on the market.<br/>
Default option.LibreOfficeIf you don't want to install an office suite, just select No Office Suite. You can always add one (or more) later on your installed system as the need arrives.No Office SuiteCreate a minimal Desktop install, remove all extra applications and decide later on what you would like to add to your system. Examples of what won't be on such an install, there will be no Office Suite, no media players, no image viewer or print support. It will be just a desktop, file browser, package manager, text editor and simple web-browser.Minimal InstallPlease select an option for your install, or use the default: LibreOffice included.release_notes<h3>%1</h3>
<p>This an example QML file, showing options in RichText with Flickable content.</p>
<p>QML with RichText can use HTML tags, Flickable content is useful for touchscreens.</p>
<p><b>This is bold text</b></p>
<p><i>This is italic text</i></p>
<p><u>This is underlined text</u></p>
<p><center>This text will be center-aligned.</center></p>
<p><s>This is strikethrough</s></p>
<p>Code example:
<code>ls -l /home</code></p>
<li>Intel CPU systems</li>
<li>AMD CPU systems</li>
<p>The vertical scrollbar is adjustable, current width set to 10.</p>BackusersqPick your user name and credentials to login and perform admin tasksWhat is your name?Mis on su nimi?What name do you want to use to log in?Mis nime soovid sisselogimiseks kasutada?If more than one person will use this computer, you can create multiple accounts after installation.Only lowercase letters, numbers, underscore and hyphen are allowed.root is not allowed as username.What is the name of this computer?Mis on selle arvuti nimi?This name will be used if you make the computer visible to others on a network.localhost is not allowed as hostname.Choose a password to keep your account safe.Vali parool, et hoida oma konto turvalisena.PasswordEnter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors. A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation, should be at least eight characters long, and should be changed at regular intervals.Root passwordRepeat root passwordValidate passwords qualityWhen this box is checked, password-strength checking is done and you will not be able to use a weak password.Log in automatically without asking for the passwordYour full nameLogin nameComputer nameOnly letters, numbers, underscore and hyphen are allowed, minimal of two characters.Repeat passwordReuse user password as root passwordUse the same password for the administrator account.Kasuta sama parooli administraatorikontole.Choose a root password to keep your account safe.Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.usersq-qt6Pick your user name and credentials to login and perform admin tasksWhat is your name?Mis on su nimi?What name do you want to use to log in?Mis nime soovid sisselogimiseks kasutada?If more than one person will use this computer, you can create multiple accounts after installation.Only lowercase letters, numbers, underscore and hyphen are allowed.root is not allowed as username.What is the name of this computer?Mis on selle arvuti nimi?Your full nameLogin nameComputer nameThis name will be used if you make the computer visible to others on a network.Only letters, numbers, underscore and hyphen are allowed, minimal of two characters.localhost is not allowed as hostname.Choose a password to keep your account safe.Vali parool, et hoida oma konto turvalisena.PasswordRepeat passwordRoot passwordRepeat root passwordEnter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors. A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation, should be at least eight characters long, and should be changed at regular intervals.Reuse user password as root passwordUse the same password for the administrator account.Kasuta sama parooli administraatorikontole.Choose a root password to keep your account safe.Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.Log in automatically without asking for the passwordValidate passwords qualityWhen this box is checked, password-strength checking is done and you will not be able to use a weak password.welcomeq<h3>Welcome to the %1 <quote>%2</quote> installer</h3>
<p>This program will ask you some questions and set up %1 on your computer.</p>SupportKnown IssuesRelease NotesDonatewelcomeq-qt6<h3>Welcome to the %1 <quote>%2</quote> installer</h3>
<p>This program will ask you some questions and set up %1 on your computer.</p>SupportKnown IssuesRelease NotesDonate