/* === This file is part of Calamares - <http://github.com/calamares> === * * Copyright 2014-2016, Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org> * Copyright 2017, Adriaan de Groot <groot@kde.org> * * Portions from the Manjaro Installation Framework * by Roland Singer <roland@manjaro.org> * Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Calamares is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Calamares. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "KeyboardPage.h" #include "ui_KeyboardPage.h" #include "keyboardwidget/keyboardpreview.h" #include "SetKeyboardLayoutJob.h" #include "KeyboardLayoutModel.h" #include "GlobalStorage.h" #include "JobQueue.h" #include "utils/Logger.h" #include "utils/Retranslator.h" #include <QComboBox> #include <QProcess> #include <QPushButton> class LayoutItem : public QListWidgetItem { public: QString data; virtual ~LayoutItem(); }; LayoutItem::~LayoutItem() { } static QPersistentModelIndex findLayout( const KeyboardLayoutModel* klm, const QString& currentLayout ) { QPersistentModelIndex currentLayoutItem; for ( int i = 0; i < klm->rowCount(); ++i ) { QModelIndex idx = klm->index( i ); if ( idx.isValid() && idx.data( KeyboardLayoutModel::KeyboardLayoutKeyRole ).toString() == currentLayout ) currentLayoutItem = idx; } return currentLayoutItem; } KeyboardPage::KeyboardPage( QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ) , ui( new Ui::Page_Keyboard ) , m_keyboardPreview( new KeyBoardPreview( this ) ) , m_defaultIndex( 0 ) { ui->setupUi( this ); // Keyboard Preview ui->KBPreviewLayout->addWidget( m_keyboardPreview ); m_setxkbmapTimer.setSingleShot( true ); // Connect signals and slots connect( ui->listVariant, &QListWidget::currentItemChanged, this, &KeyboardPage::onListVariantCurrentItemChanged ); connect( ui->buttonRestore, &QPushButton::clicked, [this] { ui->comboBoxModel->setCurrentIndex( m_defaultIndex ); }); connect( ui->comboBoxModel, static_cast< void ( QComboBox::* )( const QString& ) >( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ), [this]( const QString& text ) { QString model = m_models.value( text, "pc105" ); // Set Xorg keyboard model QProcess::execute( QLatin1Literal( "setxkbmap" ), QStringList() << "-model" << model ); }); CALAMARES_RETRANSLATE( ui->retranslateUi( this ); ) } KeyboardPage::~KeyboardPage() { delete ui; } void KeyboardPage::init() { //### Detect current keyboard layout and variant QString currentLayout; QString currentVariant; QProcess process; process.start( "setxkbmap", QStringList() << "-print" ); if ( process.waitForFinished() ) { const QStringList list = QString( process.readAll() ) .split( "\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); for ( QString line : list ) { line = line.trimmed(); if ( !line.startsWith( "xkb_symbols" ) ) continue; line = line.remove( "}" ) .remove( "{" ) .remove( ";" ); line = line.mid( line.indexOf( "\"" ) + 1 ); QStringList split = line.split( "+", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); if ( split.size() >= 2 ) { currentLayout = split.at( 1 ); if ( currentLayout.contains( "(" ) ) { int parenthesisIndex = currentLayout.indexOf( "(" ); currentVariant = currentLayout.mid( parenthesisIndex + 1 ) .trimmed(); currentVariant.chop( 1 ); currentLayout = currentLayout .mid( 0, parenthesisIndex ) .trimmed(); } break; } } } //### Models m_models = KeyboardGlobal::getKeyboardModels(); QMapIterator< QString, QString > mi( m_models ); ui->comboBoxModel->blockSignals( true ); while ( mi.hasNext() ) { mi.next(); if ( mi.value() == "pc105" ) m_defaultIndex = ui->comboBoxModel->count(); ui->comboBoxModel->addItem( mi.key() ); } ui->comboBoxModel->blockSignals( false ); // Set to default value pc105 ui->comboBoxModel->setCurrentIndex( m_defaultIndex ); //### Layouts and Variants KeyboardLayoutModel* klm = new KeyboardLayoutModel( this ); ui->listLayout->setModel( klm ); connect( ui->listLayout->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::currentChanged, this, &KeyboardPage::onListLayoutCurrentItemChanged ); // Block signals ui->listLayout->blockSignals( true ); QPersistentModelIndex currentLayoutItem = findLayout( klm, currentLayout ); if ( !currentLayoutItem.isValid() && ( ( currentLayout == "latin" ) || ( currentLayout == "pc" ) ) ) { currentLayout = "us"; currentLayoutItem = findLayout( klm, currentLayout ); } // Set current layout and variant if ( currentLayoutItem.isValid() ) { ui->listLayout->setCurrentIndex( currentLayoutItem ); updateVariants( currentLayoutItem, currentVariant ); } // Unblock signals ui->listLayout->blockSignals( false ); // Default to the first available layout if none was set // Do this after unblocking signals so we get the default variant handling. if ( !currentLayoutItem.isValid() && klm->rowCount() > 0 ) ui->listLayout->setCurrentIndex( klm->index( 0 ) ); } QString KeyboardPage::prettyStatus() const { QString status; status += tr( "Set keyboard model to %1.<br/>" ) .arg( ui->comboBoxModel->currentText() ); status += tr( "Set keyboard layout to %1/%2." ) .arg( ui->listLayout->currentIndex().data().toString() ) .arg( ui->listVariant->currentItem()->text() ); return status; } QList< Calamares::job_ptr > KeyboardPage::createJobs( const QString& xOrgConfFileName, const QString& convertedKeymapPath, bool writeEtcDefaultKeyboard ) { QList< Calamares::job_ptr > list; QString selectedModel = m_models.value( ui->comboBoxModel->currentText(), "pc105" ); Calamares::Job* j = new SetKeyboardLayoutJob( selectedModel, m_selectedLayout, m_selectedVariant, xOrgConfFileName, convertedKeymapPath, writeEtcDefaultKeyboard ); list.append( Calamares::job_ptr( j ) ); return list; } void KeyboardPage::onActivate() { ui->listLayout->setFocus(); } void KeyboardPage::finalize() { Calamares::GlobalStorage* gs = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage(); if ( !m_selectedLayout.isEmpty() ) { gs->insert( "keyboardLayout", m_selectedLayout ); gs->insert( "keyboardVariant", m_selectedVariant ); //empty means default variant } //FIXME: also store keyboard model for something? } void KeyboardPage::updateVariants( const QPersistentModelIndex& currentItem, QString currentVariant ) { // Block signals ui->listVariant->blockSignals( true ); QMap< QString, QString > variants = currentItem.data( KeyboardLayoutModel::KeyboardVariantsRole ) .value< QMap< QString, QString > >(); QMapIterator< QString, QString > li( variants ); LayoutItem* defaultItem = nullptr; ui->listVariant->clear(); while ( li.hasNext() ) { li.next(); LayoutItem* item = new LayoutItem(); item->setText( li.key() ); item->data = li.value(); ui->listVariant->addItem( item ); // currentVariant defaults to QString(). It is only non-empty during the // initial setup. if ( li.value() == currentVariant ) defaultItem = item; } // Unblock signals ui->listVariant->blockSignals( false ); // Set to default value if ( defaultItem ) ui->listVariant->setCurrentItem( defaultItem ); } void KeyboardPage::onListLayoutCurrentItemChanged( const QModelIndex& current, const QModelIndex& previous ) { Q_UNUSED( previous ); if ( !current.isValid() ) return; updateVariants( QPersistentModelIndex( current ) ); } /* Returns stringlist with suitable setxkbmap command-line arguments * to set the given @p layout and @p variant. */ static inline QStringList xkbmap_args( QStringList&& r, const QString& layout, const QString& variant) { r << "-layout" << layout; if ( !variant.isEmpty() ) r << "-variant" << variant; return r; } void KeyboardPage::onListVariantCurrentItemChanged( QListWidgetItem* current, QListWidgetItem* previous ) { Q_UNUSED( previous ); QPersistentModelIndex layoutIndex = ui->listLayout->currentIndex(); LayoutItem* variantItem = dynamic_cast< LayoutItem* >( current ); if ( !layoutIndex.isValid() || !variantItem ) return; QString layout = layoutIndex.data( KeyboardLayoutModel::KeyboardLayoutKeyRole ).toString(); QString variant = variantItem->data; m_keyboardPreview->setLayout( layout ); m_keyboardPreview->setVariant( variant ); //emit checkReady(); // Set Xorg keyboard layout if ( m_setxkbmapTimer.isActive() ) { m_setxkbmapTimer.stop(); m_setxkbmapTimer.disconnect( this ); } connect( &m_setxkbmapTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, [=] { QProcess::execute( QLatin1Literal( "setxkbmap" ), xkbmap_args( QStringList(), layout, variant ) ); cDebug() << "xkbmap selection changed to: " << layout << "-" << variant; m_setxkbmapTimer.disconnect( this ); } ); m_setxkbmapTimer.start( QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() ); m_selectedLayout = layout; m_selectedVariant = variant; }