/* === This file is part of Calamares - <https://github.com/calamares> === * * Copyright 2014, Aurélien Gâteau <agateau@kde.org> * Copyright 2014-2015, Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org> * Copyright 2018, Adriaan de Groot <groot@kde.org> * * Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Calamares is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Calamares. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <ExecutionViewStep.h> #include "Branding.h" #include "Job.h" #include "JobQueue.h" #include "modulesystem/Module.h" #include "modulesystem/ModuleManager.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "ViewManager.h" #include "utils/CalamaresUtilsGui.h" #include "utils/Dirs.h" #include "utils/Logger.h" #include "utils/Retranslator.h" #include <QDir> #include <QLabel> #include <QProgressBar> #include <QQmlComponent> #include <QQmlEngine> #include <QQuickItem> #include <QQuickWidget> #include <QVBoxLayout> namespace Calamares { ExecutionViewStep::ExecutionViewStep( QObject* parent ) : ViewStep( parent ) , m_widget( new QWidget ) , m_progressBar( new QProgressBar ) , m_label( new QLabel ) , m_qmlShow( new QQuickWidget ) , m_qmlComponent( nullptr ) , m_qmlObject( nullptr ) { QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout( m_widget ); QVBoxLayout* innerLayout = new QVBoxLayout; m_progressBar->setMaximum( 10000 ); m_qmlShow->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding ); m_qmlShow->setResizeMode( QQuickWidget::SizeRootObjectToView ); m_qmlShow->engine()->addImportPath( CalamaresUtils::qmlModulesDir().absolutePath() ); layout->addWidget( m_qmlShow ); CalamaresUtils::unmarginLayout( layout ); layout->addLayout( innerLayout ); innerLayout->addSpacing( CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight() / 2 ); innerLayout->addWidget( m_progressBar ); innerLayout->addWidget( m_label ); cDebug() << "QML import paths:" << Logger::DebugList( m_qmlShow->engine()->importPathList() ); loadQml(); connect( JobQueue::instance(), &JobQueue::progress, this, &ExecutionViewStep::updateFromJobQueue ); } QString ExecutionViewStep::prettyName() const { return Calamares::Settings::instance()->isSetupMode() ? tr( "Set up" ) : tr( "Install" ); } QWidget* ExecutionViewStep::widget() { return m_widget; } void ExecutionViewStep::next() { } void ExecutionViewStep::back() { } bool ExecutionViewStep::isNextEnabled() const { return false; } bool ExecutionViewStep::isBackEnabled() const { return false; } bool ExecutionViewStep::isAtBeginning() const { return true; } bool ExecutionViewStep::isAtEnd() const { return true; } void ExecutionViewStep::loadQml() { if ( !m_qmlComponent && !Calamares::Branding::instance()->slideshowPath().isEmpty() ) { m_qmlComponent = new QQmlComponent( m_qmlShow->engine(), QUrl::fromLocalFile( Calamares::Branding::instance()->slideshowPath() ), QQmlComponent::CompilationMode::Asynchronous ); } if ( m_qmlComponent ) { QObject* o = m_qmlComponent->create(); m_qmlObject = qobject_cast< QQuickItem* >( o ); if ( !m_qmlObject ) delete o; else { // setContent() is public API, but not documented publicly. // It is marked \internal in the Qt sources, but does exactly // what is needed: sets up visual parent by replacing the root // item, and handling resizes. m_qmlShow->setContent( QUrl::fromLocalFile( Calamares::Branding::instance()->slideshowPath() ), m_qmlComponent, m_qmlObject ); } } } void ExecutionViewStep::onActivate() { loadQml(); JobQueue* queue = JobQueue::instance(); foreach ( const QString& instanceKey, m_jobInstanceKeys ) { Calamares::Module* module = Calamares::ModuleManager::instance()->moduleInstance( instanceKey ); if ( module ) { auto jl = module->jobs(); if ( module->isEmergency() ) { for( auto& j : jl ) j->setEmergency( true ); } queue->enqueue( jl ); } } queue->start(); } JobList ExecutionViewStep::jobs() const { return JobList(); } void ExecutionViewStep::appendJobModuleInstanceKey( const QString& instanceKey ) { m_jobInstanceKeys.append( instanceKey ); } void ExecutionViewStep::updateFromJobQueue( qreal percent, const QString& message ) { m_progressBar->setValue( int( percent * m_progressBar->maximum() ) ); m_label->setText( message ); } void ExecutionViewStep::onLeave() { delete m_qmlObject; m_qmlObject = nullptr; } } // namespace