/* === This file is part of Calamares - <https://github.com/calamares> === * * Copyright 2014-2015, Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org> * Copyright 2017-2018, Adriaan de Groot <groot@kde.org> * * Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Calamares is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Calamares. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "Settings.h" #include "utils/CalamaresUtils.h" #include "utils/Logger.h" #include "utils/YamlUtils.h" #include <QDir> #include <QFile> #include <QPair> #include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h> static bool hasValue( const YAML::Node& v ) { return v.IsDefined() && !v.IsNull(); } /** Helper function to grab a QString out of the config, and to warn if not present. */ static QString requireString( const YAML::Node& config, const char* key ) { auto v = config[ key ]; if ( hasValue(v) ) return QString::fromStdString( v.as< std::string >() ); else { cWarning() << "Required settings.conf key" << key << "is missing."; return QString(); } } /** Helper function to grab a bool out of the config, and to warn if not present. */ static bool requireBool( const YAML::Node& config, const char* key, bool d ) { auto v = config[ key ]; if ( hasValue(v) ) return v.as< bool >(); else { cWarning() << "Required settings.conf key" << key << "is missing."; return d; } } namespace Calamares { Settings* Settings::s_instance = nullptr; Settings* Settings::instance() { return s_instance; } static void interpretModulesSearch( const bool debugMode, const QStringList& rawPaths, QStringList& output ) { for ( const auto& path : rawPaths ) { if ( path == "local" ) { cDebug() << "module-search local"; // If we're running in debug mode, we assume we might also be // running from the build dir, so we add a maximum priority // module search path in the build dir. if ( debugMode ) { QString buildDirModules = QDir::current().absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + "src" + QDir::separator() + "modules"; if ( QDir( buildDirModules ).exists() ) output.append( buildDirModules ); } // Install path is set in CalamaresAddPlugin.cmake output.append( CalamaresUtils::systemLibDir().absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + "calamares" + QDir::separator() + "modules" ); } else { QDir d( path ); if ( d.exists() && d.isReadable() ) { cDebug() << "module-search exists" << d.absolutePath(); output.append( d.absolutePath() ); } else cDebug() << "module-search non-existent" << path; } } } Settings::Settings( const QString& settingsFilePath, bool debugMode, QObject* parent ) : QObject( parent ) , m_debug( debugMode ) , m_doChroot( true ) , m_promptInstall( false ) , m_disableCancel( false ) { cDebug() << "Using Calamares settings file at" << settingsFilePath; QFile file( settingsFilePath ); if ( file.exists() && file.open( QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text ) ) { QByteArray ba = file.readAll(); try { YAML::Node config = YAML::Load( ba.constData() ); Q_ASSERT( config.IsMap() ); interpretModulesSearch( debugMode, CalamaresUtils::yamlToStringList( config[ "modules-search" ] ), m_modulesSearchPaths ); // Parse the custom instances section if ( config[ "instances" ] ) { QVariant instancesV = CalamaresUtils::yamlToVariant( config[ "instances" ] ).toList(); if ( instancesV.type() == QVariant::List ) { const auto instances = instancesV.toList(); for ( const QVariant& instancesVListItem : instances ) { if ( instancesVListItem.type() != QVariant::Map ) continue; QVariantMap instancesVListItemMap = instancesVListItem.toMap(); QMap< QString, QString > instanceMap; for ( auto it = instancesVListItemMap.constBegin(); it != instancesVListItemMap.constEnd(); ++it ) { if ( it.value().type() != QVariant::String ) continue; instanceMap.insert( it.key(), it.value().toString() ); } m_customModuleInstances.append( instanceMap ); } } } // Parse the modules sequence section Q_ASSERT( config[ "sequence" ] ); // It better exist! { QVariant sequenceV = CalamaresUtils::yamlToVariant( config[ "sequence" ] ); Q_ASSERT( sequenceV.type() == QVariant::List ); const auto sequence = sequenceV.toList(); for ( const QVariant& sequenceVListItem : sequence ) { if ( sequenceVListItem.type() != QVariant::Map ) continue; QString thisActionS = sequenceVListItem.toMap().firstKey(); ModuleAction thisAction; if ( thisActionS == "show" ) thisAction = ModuleAction::Show; else if ( thisActionS == "exec" ) thisAction = ModuleAction::Exec; else continue; QStringList thisActionRoster = sequenceVListItem .toMap() .value( thisActionS ) .toStringList(); m_modulesSequence.append( qMakePair( thisAction, thisActionRoster ) ); } } m_brandingComponentName = requireString( config, "branding" ); m_promptInstall = requireBool( config, "prompt-install", false ); m_doChroot = !requireBool( config, "dont-chroot", false ); m_disableCancel = requireBool( config, "disable-cancel", false ); } catch ( YAML::Exception& e ) { CalamaresUtils::explainYamlException( e, ba, file.fileName() ); } } else { cWarning() << "Cannot read settings file" << file.fileName(); } s_instance = this; } QStringList Settings::modulesSearchPaths() const { return m_modulesSearchPaths; } Settings::InstanceDescriptionList Settings::customModuleInstances() const { return m_customModuleInstances; } Settings::ModuleSequence Settings::modulesSequence() const { return m_modulesSequence; } QString Settings::brandingComponentName() const { return m_brandingComponentName; } bool Settings::showPromptBeforeExecution() const { return m_promptInstall; } bool Settings::debugMode() const { return m_debug; } bool Settings::doChroot() const { return m_doChroot; } bool Settings::disableCancel() const { return m_disableCancel; } }