import io.calamares.modules 1.0 as Modules import io.calamares.ui 1.0 import QtQuick 2.10 import QtQuick.Controls 2.10 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import org.kde.kirigami 2.7 as Kirigami import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 ResponsiveBase { id: control Modules.Locale //locale handler { id: _locale } title: stackView.currentItem.title subtitle: stackView.currentItem.subtitle message: stackView.currentItem.message stackView.initialItem: Item { id: _regionsListComponent property string title: qsTr("Region") property string subtitle: qsTr("Pick your preferred region or use the default one based on your current location") property string message: qsTr("Select your preferred zone within your location to continue with the installation") ListViewTemplate { id: _regionListView anchors.centerIn: parent implicitWidth: Math.min(parent.width, 500) implicitHeight: Math.min(contentHeight, 500) currentIndex: model.currentIndex model: _locale.Config.regionModel delegate: ListItemDelegate { id: _delegate label1.text: model.label onClicked: { _regionListView.model.currentIndex = index _stackView.push(_zonesListComponent) } } footer: RowLayout { width: parent.width z: 99999 Button { Layout.fillWidth: true text: qsTr("Timezones") "go-previous" onClicked: control.stackView.push(_zonesListComponent) } } } } Component { id: _zonesListComponent Item { property string title: qsTr("Timezone") property string subtitle: _locale.Config.prettyStatus property string message: "" ListViewTemplate { id: _zonesListView anchors.centerIn: parent implicitWidth: Math.min(parent.width, 500) implicitHeight: Math.min(contentHeight, 500) currentIndex: model.currentIndex model: _locale.Config.zonesModel delegate: ListItemDelegate { id: _delegate label1.text: model.label onClicked: { _zonesListView.model.currentIndex = index positionViewAtIndex(index, ListView.Center) } } footer: RowLayout { width: parent.width z: 99999 Button { Layout.fillWidth: true "go-previous" text: qsTr("Regions") onClicked: control.stackView.pop() } } } } } }