/* === This file is part of Calamares - <http://github.com/calamares> === * * Copyright 2014, Aurélien Gâteau <agateau@kde.org> * Copyright 2014-2015, Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org> * * Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Calamares is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Calamares. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "gui/PartitionViewStep.h" #include "core/DeviceModel.h" #include "core/PartitionCoreModule.h" #include "core/PartitionModel.h" #include "core/KPMHelpers.h" #include "core/OsproberEntry.h" #include "core/PartUtils.h" #include "gui/ChoicePage.h" #include "gui/AlongsidePage.h" #include "gui/PartitionPage.h" #include "gui/PartitionBarsView.h" #include "gui/PartitionLabelsView.h" #include "CalamaresVersion.h" #include "utils/CalamaresUtilsGui.h" #include "utils/Logger.h" #include "utils/Retranslator.h" #include "widgets/WaitingWidget.h" #include "GlobalStorage.h" #include "JobQueue.h" #include "Job.h" #include "Branding.h" #include <kpmcore/core/device.h> #include <kpmcore/core/partition.h> // Qt #include <QApplication> #include <QFormLayout> #include <QLabel> #include <QProcess> #include <QStackedWidget> #include <QTimer> PartitionViewStep::PartitionViewStep( QObject* parent ) : Calamares::ViewStep( parent ) , m_widget( new QStackedWidget() ) , m_core( new PartitionCoreModule( this ) ) , m_choicePage( nullptr ) , m_alongsidePage( new AlongsidePage() ) , m_manualPartitionPage( new PartitionPage( m_core ) ) , m_compactMode( true ) { m_widget->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); m_waitingWidget = new WaitingWidget( QString() ); m_widget->addWidget( m_waitingWidget ); CALAMARES_RETRANSLATE( qobject_cast< WaitingWidget* >( m_waitingWidget )->setText( tr( "Gathering system information..." ) ); ) // We're not done loading, but we need the configuration map first. } void PartitionViewStep::continueLoading() { Q_ASSERT( !m_choicePage ); m_choicePage = new ChoicePage(); m_choicePage->init( m_core ); m_alongsidePage->init( m_core ); m_widget->addWidget( m_choicePage ); m_widget->addWidget( m_manualPartitionPage ); m_widget->addWidget( m_alongsidePage ); m_widget->removeWidget( m_waitingWidget ); m_waitingWidget->deleteLater(); m_waitingWidget = nullptr; connect( m_core, &PartitionCoreModule::hasRootMountPointChanged, this, &PartitionViewStep::nextStatusChanged ); connect( m_choicePage, &ChoicePage::nextStatusChanged, this, &PartitionViewStep::nextStatusChanged ); connect( m_alongsidePage, &AlongsidePage::nextStatusChanged, this, &PartitionViewStep::nextStatusChanged ); } PartitionViewStep::~PartitionViewStep() { if ( m_choicePage && m_choicePage->parent() == nullptr ) m_choicePage->deleteLater(); if ( m_manualPartitionPage && m_manualPartitionPage->parent() == nullptr ) m_manualPartitionPage->deleteLater(); } QString PartitionViewStep::prettyName() const { return tr( "Partitions" ); } QWidget* PartitionViewStep::widget() { return m_widget; } QWidget* PartitionViewStep::createSummaryWidget() const { QWidget* widget = new QWidget; QVBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; widget->setLayout( mainLayout ); mainLayout->setMargin( 0 ); ChoicePage::Choice choice = m_choicePage->currentChoice(); QFormLayout* formLayout = new QFormLayout( widget ); const int MARGIN = CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight() / 2; formLayout->setContentsMargins( MARGIN, 0, MARGIN, MARGIN ); mainLayout->addLayout( formLayout ); QList< PartitionCoreModule::SummaryInfo > list = m_core->createSummaryInfo(); if ( list.length() > 1 ) // There are changes on more than one disk { //NOTE: all of this should only happen when Manual partitioning is active. // Any other choice should result in a list.length() == 1. QLabel* modeLabel = new QLabel; formLayout->addRow( modeLabel ); QString modeText; switch ( choice ) { case ChoicePage::Alongside: modeText = tr( "Install %1 <strong>alongside</strong> another operating system." ) .arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()-> string( Calamares::Branding::ShortVersionedName ) ); break; case ChoicePage::Erase: modeText = tr( "<strong>Erase</strong> disk and install %1." ) .arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()-> string( Calamares::Branding::ShortVersionedName ) ); break; case ChoicePage::Replace: modeText = tr( "<strong>Replace</strong> a partition with %1." ) .arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()-> string( Calamares::Branding::ShortVersionedName ) ); break; default: modeText = tr( "<strong>Manual</strong> partitioning." ); } modeLabel->setText( modeText ); } for ( const auto& info : list ) { QLabel* diskInfoLabel = new QLabel; if ( list.length() == 1 ) // this is the only disk preview { QString modeText; switch ( choice ) { case ChoicePage::Alongside: modeText = tr( "Install %1 <strong>alongside</strong> another operating system on disk <strong>%2</strong> (%3)." ) .arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()-> string( Calamares::Branding::ShortVersionedName ) ) .arg( info.deviceNode ) .arg( info.deviceName ); break; case ChoicePage::Erase: modeText = tr( "<strong>Erase</strong> disk <strong>%2</strong> (%3) and install %1." ) .arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()-> string( Calamares::Branding::ShortVersionedName ) ) .arg( info.deviceNode ) .arg( info.deviceName ); break; case ChoicePage::Replace: modeText = tr( "<strong>Replace</strong> a partition on disk <strong>%2</strong> (%3) with %1." ) .arg( Calamares::Branding::instance()-> string( Calamares::Branding::ShortVersionedName ) ) .arg( info.deviceNode ) .arg( info.deviceName ); break; default: modeText = tr( "<strong>Manual</strong> partitioning on disk <strong>%1</strong> (%2)." ) .arg( info.deviceNode ) .arg( info.deviceName ); } diskInfoLabel->setText( modeText ); } else // multiple disk previews! { diskInfoLabel->setText( tr( "Disk <strong>%1</strong> (%2)" ) .arg( info.deviceNode ) .arg( info.deviceName ) ); } formLayout->addRow( diskInfoLabel ); PartitionBarsView* preview; PartitionLabelsView* previewLabels; QVBoxLayout* field; preview = new PartitionBarsView; previewLabels = new PartitionLabelsView; preview->setModel( info.partitionModelBefore ); previewLabels->setModel( info.partitionModelBefore ); info.partitionModelBefore->setParent( widget ); field = new QVBoxLayout; CalamaresUtils::unmarginLayout( field ); field->setSpacing( 6 ); field->addWidget( preview ); field->addWidget( previewLabels ); formLayout->addRow( tr( "Current state:" ), field ); preview = new PartitionBarsView; previewLabels = new PartitionLabelsView; preview->setModel( info.partitionModelAfter ); previewLabels->setModel( info.partitionModelAfter ); info.partitionModelAfter->setParent( widget ); field = new QVBoxLayout; CalamaresUtils::unmarginLayout( field ); field->setSpacing( 6 ); field->addWidget( preview ); field->addWidget( previewLabels ); formLayout->addRow( tr( "Your changes:" ), field ); } QStringList jobsLines; foreach ( const Calamares::job_ptr& job, jobs() ) { if ( !job->prettyDescription().isEmpty() ) jobsLines.append( job->prettyDescription() ); } if ( !jobsLines.isEmpty() ) { QLabel* jobsLabel = new QLabel( widget ); mainLayout->addWidget( jobsLabel ); jobsLabel->setText( jobsLines.join( "<br/>" ) ); int m = CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight() / 2; jobsLabel->setMargin( CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight() / 2 ); QPalette pal; pal.setColor( QPalette::Background, pal.background().color().lighter( 108 ) ); jobsLabel->setAutoFillBackground( true ); jobsLabel->setPalette( pal ); } return widget; } void PartitionViewStep::next() { if ( m_choicePage == m_widget->currentWidget() ) { if ( m_choicePage->currentChoice() == ChoicePage::Manual ) { m_widget->setCurrentWidget( m_manualPartitionPage ); if ( m_core->isDirty() ) m_manualPartitionPage->onRevertClicked(); } else if ( m_choicePage->currentChoice() == ChoicePage::Erase ) { emit done(); return; } else if ( m_choicePage->currentChoice() == ChoicePage::Alongside ) { if ( m_core->isDirty() ) m_core->revert(); m_widget->setCurrentWidget( m_alongsidePage ); } else if ( m_choicePage->currentChoice() == ChoicePage::Replace ) { emit done(); return; } cDebug() << "Choice applied: " << m_choicePage->currentChoice(); return; } emit done(); } void PartitionViewStep::back() { if ( m_widget->currentWidget() != m_choicePage ) m_widget->setCurrentWidget( m_choicePage ); } bool PartitionViewStep::isNextEnabled() const { if ( m_choicePage && m_choicePage == m_widget->currentWidget() ) return m_choicePage->isNextEnabled(); if ( m_alongsidePage && m_alongsidePage == m_widget->currentWidget() ) return m_alongsidePage->isNextEnabled(); if ( m_manualPartitionPage && m_manualPartitionPage == m_widget->currentWidget() ) return m_core->hasRootMountPoint(); return false; } bool PartitionViewStep::isBackEnabled() const { return true; } bool PartitionViewStep::isAtBeginning() const { if ( m_widget->currentWidget() == m_manualPartitionPage || m_widget->currentWidget() == m_alongsidePage ) return false; return true; } bool PartitionViewStep::isAtEnd() const { if ( m_choicePage == m_widget->currentWidget() ) { if ( m_choicePage->currentChoice() == ChoicePage::Erase || m_choicePage->currentChoice() == ChoicePage::Replace ) return true; return false; } return true; } void PartitionViewStep::onActivate() { // if we're coming back to PVS from the next VS if ( m_widget->currentWidget() == m_choicePage ) { // m_choicePage->reset(); //FIXME: ReplaceWidget should be reset maybe? } } void PartitionViewStep::onLeave() { if ( m_widget->currentWidget() == m_alongsidePage ) { m_alongsidePage->applyChanges(); } } void PartitionViewStep::setConfigurationMap( const QVariantMap& configurationMap ) { // Copy the efiSystemPartition setting to the global storage. It is needed not only in // the EraseDiskPage, but also in the bootloader configuration modules (grub, bootloader). Calamares::GlobalStorage* gs = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage(); if ( configurationMap.contains( "efiSystemPartition" ) && configurationMap.value( "efiSystemPartition" ).type() == QVariant::String && !configurationMap.value( "efiSystemPartition" ).toString().isEmpty() ) { gs->insert( "efiSystemPartition", configurationMap.value( "efiSystemPartition" ).toString() ); } else { gs->insert( "efiSystemPartition", QStringLiteral( "/boot/efi" ) ); } if ( configurationMap.contains( "ensureSuspendToDisk" ) && configurationMap.value( "ensureSuspendToDisk" ).type() == QVariant::Bool ) { gs->insert( "ensureSuspendToDisk", configurationMap.value( "ensureSuspendToDisk" ).toBool() ); } else { gs->insert( "ensureSuspendToDisk", true ); } if ( configurationMap.contains( "compactMode" ) && configurationMap.value( "compactMode" ).type() == QVariant::Bool ) { m_compactMode = configurationMap.value( "compactMode", true ).toBool(); } QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, &PartitionViewStep::continueLoading ); } QList< Calamares::job_ptr > PartitionViewStep::jobs() const { return m_core->jobs(); } CALAMARES_PLUGIN_FACTORY_DEFINITION( PartitionViewStepFactory, registerPlugin<PartitionViewStep>(); )