/* === This file is part of Calamares - === * * Copyright 2014, Teo Mrnjavac * * Portions from the Manjaro Installation Framework * by Roland Singer * Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Calamares is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Calamares. If not, see . */ #include "utils/Logger.h" #include "keyboardpreview.h" KeyBoardPreview::KeyBoardPreview( QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ) , layout( "us" ) , space( 0 ) , usable_width( 0 ) , key_w( 0 ) { setMinimumSize(700, 191); // We must set up the font size in pixels to fit the keys lowerFont = QFont("Helvetica", 10, QFont::DemiBold); lowerFont.setPixelSize(16); upperFont = QFont("Helvetica", 8); upperFont.setPixelSize(13); // Setup keyboard types kbList[KB_104].kb_extended_return = false; kbList[KB_104].keys.append(QList() << 0x29 << 0x2 << 0x3 << 0x4 << 0x5 << 0x6 << 0x7 << 0x8 << 0x9 << 0xa << 0xb << 0xc << 0xd); kbList[KB_104].keys.append(QList() << 0x10 << 0x11 << 0x12 << 0x13 << 0x14 << 0x15 << 0x16 << 0x17 << 0x18 << 0x19 << 0x1a << 0x1b << 0x2b); kbList[KB_104].keys.append(QList() << 0x1e << 0x1f << 0x20 << 0x21 << 0x22 << 0x23 << 0x24 << 0x25 << 0x26 << 0x27 << 0x28); kbList[KB_104].keys.append(QList() << 0x2c << 0x2d << 0x2e << 0x2f << 0x30 << 0x31 << 0x32 << 0x33 << 0x34 << 0x35); kbList[KB_105].kb_extended_return = true; kbList[KB_105].keys.append(QList() << 0x29 << 0x2 << 0x3 << 0x4 << 0x5 << 0x6 << 0x7 << 0x8 << 0x9 << 0xa << 0xb << 0xc << 0xd); kbList[KB_105].keys.append(QList() << 0x10 << 0x11 << 0x12 << 0x13 << 0x14 << 0x15 << 0x16 << 0x17 << 0x18 << 0x19 << 0x1a << 0x1b); kbList[KB_105].keys.append(QList() << 0x1e << 0x1f << 0x20 << 0x21 << 0x22 << 0x23 << 0x24 << 0x25 << 0x26 << 0x27 << 0x28 << 0x2b); kbList[KB_105].keys.append(QList() << 0x54 << 0x2c << 0x2d << 0x2e << 0x2f << 0x30 << 0x31 << 0x32 << 0x33 << 0x34 << 0x35); kbList[KB_106].kb_extended_return = true; kbList[KB_106].keys.append(QList() << 0x29 << 0x2 << 0x3 << 0x4 << 0x5 << 0x6 << 0x7 << 0x8 << 0x9 << 0xa << 0xb << 0xc << 0xd << 0xe); kbList[KB_106].keys.append(QList() << 0x10 << 0x11 << 0x12 << 0x13 << 0x14 << 0x15 << 0x16 << 0x17 << 0x18 << 0x19 << 0x1a << 0x1b); kbList[KB_106].keys.append(QList() << 0x1e << 0x1f << 0x20 << 0x21 << 0x22 << 0x23 << 0x24 << 0x25 << 0x26 << 0x27 << 0x28 << 0x29); kbList[KB_106].keys.append(QList() << 0x2c << 0x2d << 0x2e << 0x2f << 0x30 << 0x31 << 0x32 << 0x33 << 0x34 << 0x35 << 0x36); kb = &kbList[KB_104]; } void KeyBoardPreview::setLayout(QString _layout) { layout = _layout; } void KeyBoardPreview::setVariant(QString _variant) { variant = _variant; if (!loadCodes()) return; loadInfo(); repaint(); } //### //### Private //### void KeyBoardPreview::loadInfo() { // kb_104 if (layout == "us" || layout == "th") kb = &kbList[KB_104]; // kb_106 else if (layout == "jp") kb = &kbList[KB_106]; // most keyboards are 105 key so default to that else kb = &kbList[KB_105]; } bool KeyBoardPreview::loadCodes() { if (layout.isEmpty()) return false; QStringList param; param << "-model" << "pc106" << "-layout" << layout << "-compact"; if (!variant.isEmpty()) param << "-variant" << variant; QProcess process; process.setEnvironment(QStringList() << "LANG=C" << "LC_MESSAGES=C"); process.start("ckbcomp", param); if (!process.waitForStarted()) { cWarning() << "ckbcomp not found , keyboard preview disabled"; return false; } if (!process.waitForFinished()) { cWarning() << "ckbcomp failed, keyboard preview disabled"; return false; } // Clear codes codes.clear(); const QStringList list = QString(process.readAll()).split("\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (const QString &line : list) { if (!line.startsWith("keycode") || !line.contains('=')) continue; QStringList split = line.split('=').at(1).trimmed().split(' '); if (split.size() < 4) continue; Code code; code.plain = fromUnicodeString(split.at(0)); code.shift = fromUnicodeString(split.at(1)); code.ctrl = fromUnicodeString(split.at(2)); code.alt = fromUnicodeString(split.at(3)); if (code.ctrl == code.plain) code.ctrl = ""; if (code.alt == code.plain) code.alt = ""; codes.append(code); } return true; } QString KeyBoardPreview::fromUnicodeString(QString raw) { if (raw.startsWith("U+")) return QChar(raw.mid(2).toInt(0, 16)); else if (raw.startsWith("+U")) return QChar(raw.mid(3).toInt(0, 16)); return ""; } QString KeyBoardPreview::regular_text(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= codes.size()) return ""; return codes.at(index - 1).plain; } QString KeyBoardPreview::shift_text(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= codes.size()) return ""; return codes.at(index - 1).shift; } QString KeyBoardPreview::ctrl_text(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= codes.size()) return ""; return codes.at(index - 1).ctrl; } QString KeyBoardPreview::alt_text(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= codes.size()) return ""; return codes.at(index - 1).alt; } void KeyBoardPreview::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { space = 6; usable_width = width()-7; key_w = (usable_width - 14 * space)/15; setMaximumHeight(key_w*4 + space*5 + 1); } void KeyBoardPreview::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) { QPainter p(this); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); p.setBrush(QColor(0xd6, 0xd6, 0xd6)); p.drawRect(rect()); QPen pen; pen.setWidth(1); pen.setColor(QColor(0x58, 0x58, 0x58)); p.setPen(pen); p.setBrush(QColor(0x58, 0x58, 0x58)); p.setBackgroundMode(Qt::TransparentMode); p.translate(0.5, 0.5); int rx = 3; int x=6; int y=6; int first_key_w = 0; int remaining_x[] = {0,0,0,0}; int remaining_widths[] = {0,0,0,0}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (first_key_w > 0) { first_key_w = int(first_key_w * 1.375); if (kb == &kbList[KB_105] && i == 3) first_key_w = int(key_w * 1.275); p.drawRoundedRect(QRectF(6, y, first_key_w, key_w), rx, rx); x = 6 + first_key_w + space; } else { first_key_w = key_w; } bool last_end = (i==1 && ! kb->kb_extended_return); int rw=usable_width-x; int ii=0; for (int k : kb->keys.at(i)) { QRectF rect = QRectF(x, y, key_w, key_w); if (ii == kb->keys.at(i).size()-1 && last_end) rect.setWidth(rw); p.drawRoundedRect(rect, rx, rx); rect.adjust(5, 1, 0, 0); p.setPen(QColor(0x9e, 0xde, 0x00)); p.setFont(upperFont); p.drawText(rect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop, shift_text(k)); rect.setBottom(rect.bottom() - 2.5); p.setPen(QColor(0xff, 0xff, 0xff)); p.setFont(lowerFont); p.drawText(rect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom, regular_text(k)); rw = rw - space - key_w; x = x + space + key_w; ii = ii+1; p.setPen(pen); } remaining_x[i] = x; remaining_widths[i] = rw; if (i != 1 && i != 2) p.drawRoundedRect(QRectF(x, y, rw, key_w), rx, rx); y = y + space + key_w; } if (kb->kb_extended_return) { rx=rx*2; int x1 = remaining_x[1]; int y1 = 6 + key_w*1 + space*1; int w1 = remaining_widths[1]; int x2 = remaining_x[2]; int y2 = 6 + key_w*2 + space*2; // this is some serious crap... but it has to be so // maybe one day keyboards won't look like this... // one can only hope QPainterPath pp; pp.moveTo(x1, y1+rx); pp.arcTo(x1, y1, rx, rx, 180, -90); pp.lineTo(x1+w1-rx, y1); pp.arcTo(x1+w1-rx, y1, rx, rx, 90, -90); pp.lineTo(x1+w1, y2+key_w-rx); pp.arcTo(x1+w1-rx, y2+key_w-rx, rx, rx, 0, -90); pp.lineTo(x2+rx, y2+key_w); pp.arcTo(x2, y2+key_w-rx, rx, rx, -90, -90); pp.lineTo(x2, y1+key_w); pp.lineTo(x1+rx, y1+key_w); pp.arcTo(x1, y1+key_w-rx, rx, rx, -90, -90); pp.closeSubpath(); p.drawPath(pp); } else { x= remaining_x[2]; y = 6 + key_w*2 + space*2; p.drawRoundedRect(QRectF(x, y, remaining_widths[2], key_w), rx, rx); } QWidget::paintEvent(event); }