#! /bin/sh ### Command-line validation # # SRCDIR=$( dirname "$0" ) test -d "$SRCDIR" || { echo "! Can't find source directory." ; exit 1 ; } MODULE="$1" test -n "$MODULE" || { echo "! Usage: $0 <module>" ; exit 1 ; } ### Run-time validation # # .. switch SRCDIR to the module that has been found BINDIR="$SRCDIR" # Keep original SRCDIR SRCDIR="$SRCDIR/$MODULE" XSRCDIR="src/modules/$MODULE" # In builddir TESTDIR="$SRCDIR/tests" test -x "$BINDIR/testmodule.py" || { echo "! No support script $BINDIR/testmodule.py" ; exit 1 ; } test -d "$SRCDIR" || { echo "! Source $SRCDIR is not a directory." ; exit 1 ; } test -f "$TESTDIR/1.global" || { echo "! Source $SRCDIR has no tests." ; exit 1 ; } test -f "libcalamares.so" || { echo "! Run the tests from the build-directory." ; exit 1 ; } test -d "$XSRCDIR" || { echo "! No module directory $XSRCDIR in build-dir." ; exit 1 ; } ### Python setup # # export PYTHONPATH=".:$PYTHONPATH" PYTHON=$( which python3 2> /dev/null ) if test -z "$PYTHON" ; then PYTHON=$( which python 2> /dev/null ) fi test -x "$PYTHON" || { echo "! No suitable Python executable found." ; exit 1 ; } ### Test-execution # # C=0 while true ; do # Might use shell arithmetic, but need other shebang then C=$( expr "$C" + 1 ) G_CFG="$TESTDIR/$C.global" J_CFG="$TESTDIR/$C.job" test -f "$G_CFG" || break if test -f "$J_CFG" ; then $PYTHON "$BINDIR/testmodule.py" "$XSRCDIR" "$G_CFG" "$J_CFG" else $PYTHON "$BINDIR/testmodule.py" "$XSRCDIR" "$G_CFG" fi done