# === This file is part of Calamares - === # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Teo Mrnjavac # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Adriaan de Groot # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause # # Calamares is Free Software: see the License-Identifier above. # # ### # # Function and support code for adding a Calamares module (either a Qt / C++ plugin, # or a Python module, or whatever) to the build. # # # Usage # # The public API is one single function: # # - calamares_add_module_subdirectory(subdirectory [skiplistvar]) # Adds a given *subdirectory* to the modules list, building the # module that is there. The *subdirectory* must contain a `module.desc` # (generally non-C++ modules) or a `CMakeLists.txt` (for C++ modules, # or special cases). The module is assumed to be named after the # (last component of) the subdirectory. # # If the module would be skipped (by the global SKIP_MODULES setting # or a USE_* setting) or the module itself sets a reason to skip # via the calamares_skip_module() function, the module is added to # the list of skipped-modules in *skiplistvar*. If no variable is # given, the reason is set in the parent scope variable # SKIPPED_MODULES . Do **not** use SKIPPED_MODULES as the name of # *skiplistvar*, things will get weird. # include( CalamaresAddTranslations ) include( CalamaresCheckModuleSelection ) set( MODULE_DATA_DESTINATION share/calamares/modules ) function( _calamares_add_module_subdirectory_impl ) set( SUBDIRECTORY ${ARGV0} ) # Set SKIPPED_MODULES here, so CMake-based modules have a # parent scope to set it in; this function, in turn sets it # in **its** parent scope. set( SKIPPED_MODULES "" ) set( MODULE_CONFIG_FILES "" ) set( _mod_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${SUBDIRECTORY}" ) # If this subdirectory has a CMakeLists.txt, we add_subdirectory it... if( EXISTS "${_mod_dir}/CMakeLists.txt" ) add_subdirectory( ${SUBDIRECTORY} ) file( GLOB MODULE_CONFIG_FILES RELATIVE ${_mod_dir} "${SUBDIRECTORY}/*.conf" ) # Module has indicated it should be skipped, show that in # the calling CMakeLists (which is src/modules/CMakeLists.txt normally). if ( SKIPPED_MODULES ) set( SKIPPED_MODULES ${SKIPPED_MODULES} PARENT_SCOPE ) set( MODULE_CONFIG_FILES "" ) else() # The SKIPPED_MODULES may be set in the directory itself get_directory_property( _skip DIRECTORY ${SUBDIRECTORY} DEFINITION SKIPPED_MODULES ) if ( _skip ) set( SKIPPED_MODULES ${_skip} PARENT_SCOPE ) set( MODULE_CONFIG_FILES "" ) endif() endif() if ( SKIPPED_MODULES ) return() endif() # ...otherwise, we look for a module.desc. elseif( EXISTS "${_mod_dir}/module.desc" ) set( MODULES_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/calamares/modules ) # The module subdirectory may be given as a/b/c, but the module # needs to be installed as "c", so we split off any intermediate # directories. get_filename_component(_dirname "${SUBDIRECTORY}" DIRECTORY) if( _dirname ) # Remove the dirname and any leftover leading /s string( REGEX REPLACE "^${_dirname}/*" "" _modulename "${SUBDIRECTORY}" ) else() set( _modulename ${SUBDIRECTORY} ) endif() set( MODULE_DESTINATION ${MODULES_DIR}/${_modulename} ) calamares_check_skip( ${_modulename} SKIPPED_MODULES ) # Read module.desc, check that the interface type is supported. # # _mod_enabled boolean if the module should be built (only if the interface is supported) # _mod_reason is a human-readable explanation why it isn't built # _mod_testing boolean if the module should be added to the loadmodule tests file(STRINGS "${_mod_dir}/module.desc" MODULE_INTERFACE REGEX "^interface") if ( SKIPPED_MODULES ) # If it's skipped by infrastucture, the message already includes the module # name. We don't need to do any further checking. set( SKIPPED_MODULES "${SKIPPED_MODULES}" PARENT_SCOPE ) return() elseif ( MODULE_INTERFACE MATCHES "pythonqt" ) set( _mod_enabled ${Calamares_WITH_PYTHONQT} ) set( _mod_reason "No PythonQt support" ) set( _mod_testing OFF ) elseif ( MODULE_INTERFACE MATCHES "python" ) set( _mod_enabled ${Calamares_WITH_PYTHON} ) set( _mod_reason "No Python support" ) set( _mod_testing ON ) # Will check syntax and imports, at least elseif ( MODULE_INTERFACE MATCHES "qtplugin" ) set( _mod_enabled OFF ) set( _mod_reason "C++ modules must have a CMakeLists.txt instead" ) set( _mod_testing OFF ) elseif ( MODULE_INTERFACE MATCHES "process" ) set( _mod_enabled ON ) set( _mod_reason "" ) set( _mod_testing OFF ) else() set( _mod_enabled OFF ) set( _mod_reason "Unknown module interface '${MODULE_INTERFACE}'" ) set( _mod_testing OFF ) endif() if ( _mod_enabled ) # We glob all the files inside the subdirectory, and we make sure they are # synced with the bindir structure and installed. file( GLOB MODULE_FILES RELATIVE ${_mod_dir} "${SUBDIRECTORY}/*" ) foreach( MODULE_FILE ${MODULE_FILES} ) if( NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${_mod_dir}/${MODULE_FILE} ) configure_file( ${SUBDIRECTORY}/${MODULE_FILE} ${SUBDIRECTORY}/${MODULE_FILE} COPYONLY ) get_filename_component( FLEXT ${MODULE_FILE} EXT ) if( "${FLEXT}" STREQUAL ".conf" ) if( INSTALL_CONFIG ) install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${SUBDIRECTORY}/${MODULE_FILE} DESTINATION ${MODULE_DATA_DESTINATION} ) endif() list( APPEND MODULE_CONFIG_FILES ${MODULE_FILE} ) else() install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${SUBDIRECTORY}/${MODULE_FILE} DESTINATION ${MODULE_DESTINATION} ) endif() endif() endforeach() message( "-- ${BoldYellow}Found ${CALAMARES_APPLICATION_NAME} module: ${BoldRed}${_modulename}${ColorReset}" ) message( " ${Green}TYPE:${ColorReset} jobmodule" ) message( " ${Green}MODULE_DESTINATION:${ColorReset} ${MODULE_DESTINATION}" ) if( MODULE_CONFIG_FILES ) if ( INSTALL_CONFIG ) set( _destination "${MODULE_DATA_DESTINATION}" ) else() set( _destination "[Build directory only]" ) endif() message( " ${Green}CONFIGURATION_FILES:${ColorReset} ${MODULE_CONFIG_FILES} => ${_destination}" ) endif() message( "" ) # We copy over the lang directory, if any if( IS_DIRECTORY "${_mod_dir}/lang" ) install_calamares_gettext_translations( ${SUBDIRECTORY} SOURCE_DIR "${_mod_dir}/lang" FILENAME ${SUBDIRECTORY}.mo RENAME calamares-${SUBDIRECTORY}.mo ) endif() else() # Module disabled due to missing dependencies / unsupported interface set( SKIPPED_MODULES "${SUBDIRECTORY} (${_mod_reason})" PARENT_SCOPE ) endif() else() message( "-- ${BoldYellow}Warning:${ColorReset} tried to add module subdirectory ${BoldRed}${SUBDIRECTORY}${ColorReset} which has no CMakeLists.txt or module.desc." ) message( "" ) endif() # Check any config files for basic correctness if ( BUILD_TESTING AND MODULE_CONFIG_FILES ) set( _count 0 ) foreach( _config_file ${MODULE_CONFIG_FILES} ) set( _count_str "-${_count}" ) if ( _count EQUAL 0 ) set( _count_str "" ) endif() add_test( NAME config-${SUBDIRECTORY}${_count_str} COMMAND test_conf ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${SUBDIRECTORY}/${_config_file} ) math( EXPR _count "${_count} + 1" ) endforeach() endif() # Adding general tests # # Add a check that the module can be loaded. Since this calls exec(), the module # may try to do things to the running system. Needs work to make that a # safe thing to do. # # If the module has a tests/ subdirectory with *.global and *.job # files (YAML files holding global and job-configurations for # testing purposes) then those files are used to drive additional # tests. The files must be numbered (starting from 1) for this to work; # 1.global and 1.job together make the configuration for test 1. # # If the module has a tests/CMakeLists.txt while it doesn't have its # own CMakeLists.txt (e.g. a Python module), then the subdirectory # for tests/ is added on its own. # if ( BUILD_TESTING AND _mod_enabled AND _mod_testing ) add_test( NAME load-${SUBDIRECTORY} COMMAND loadmodule ${SUBDIRECTORY} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ) # Try it with the tests/ configurations shipped with the module set( _count 1 ) set( _testdir ${_mod_dir}/tests ) while ( EXISTS "${_testdir}/${_count}.global" OR EXISTS "${_testdir}/${_count}.job" ) set( _dash_g "" ) set( _dash_j "" ) if ( EXISTS "${_testdir}/${_count}.global" ) set( _dash_g -g ${_testdir}/${_count}.global ) endif() if ( EXISTS "${_testdir}/${_count}.job" ) set( _dash_j -j ${_testdir}/${_count}.job ) endif() add_test( NAME load-${SUBDIRECTORY}-${_count} COMMAND loadmodule ${_dash_g} ${_dash_j} ${SUBDIRECTORY} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ) math( EXPR _count "${_count} + 1" ) endwhile() if ( EXISTS ${_testdir}/CMakeTests.txt AND NOT EXISTS ${_mod_dir}/CMakeLists.txt ) include( ${_testdir}/CMakeTests.txt ) endif() endif() endfunction() function( calamares_add_module_subdirectory ) set( SUBDIRECTORY ${ARGV0} ) set( _ams_SKIP_LIST ${ARGV1} ) set( SKIPPED_MODULES "" ) _calamares_add_module_subdirectory_impl( ${SUBDIRECTORY} ) if ( SKIPPED_MODULES ) if ( _ams_SKIP_LIST ) list( APPEND ${_ams_SKIP_LIST} "${SKIPPED_MODULES}" ) set( ${_ams_SKIP_LIST} "${${_ams_SKIP_LIST}}" PARENT_SCOPE ) else() set( SKIPPED_MODULES "${SKIPPED_MODULES}" PARENT_SCOPE ) endif() endif() endfunction()