AutoMountManagementJobManage auto-mount settings 管理自动挂载设置BootInfoWidgetThe <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode.这个系统的<strong>引导环境</strong>。<br><br>较旧的 x86 系统只支持 <strong>BIOS</strong>。<br>现代的系统则通常使用 <strong>EFI</strong>,但若引导时使用了兼容模式,也可以变为 BIOS。This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own.此系统从 <strong>EFI</strong> 引导环境启动。<br><br>若要配置EFI环境的启动项,本安装器必须在<strong>EFI系统分区</strong>中安装一个引导程序, 例如 <strong>GRUB</strong>或 <strong>systemd-boot</strong> 。这个过程是自动的,但若你选择手动分区,那你将必须手动选择或者创建。This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own.这个系统从 <strong>BIOS</strong> 引导环境启动。<br><br>
要从 BIOS 环境引导,本安装程序必须安装引导器(如 <strong>GRUB</strong>),一般而言要么安装在分区的开头,要么就是在靠进分区表开头的 <strong>主引导记录</strong>(推荐)中。这个步骤是自动的,除非您选择手动分区——此时您必须自行配置。BootLoaderModelMaster Boot Record of %1主引导记录 %1Boot Partition引导分区System Partition系统分区Do not install a boot loader不要安装引导程序%1 (%2)%1 (%2)Calamares::BlankViewStepBlank Page空白页Calamares::DebugWindowForm表单GlobalStorage全局存储JobQueue任务队列Modules模块Type:类型:none无Interface:接口:Crashes Calamares, so that Dr. Konqui can look at it.Reloads the stylesheet from the branding directory.Uploads the session log to the configured pastebin.Send Session Log发送会话日志Reload Stylesheet重载样式表Displays the tree of widget names in the log (for stylesheet debugging).Widget Tree树形控件Debug information调试信息Calamares::ExecutionViewStepSet up建立Install安装Calamares::FailJobJob failed (%1)任务失败(%1)Programmed job failure was explicitly requested.出现明确抛出的任务执行失败。Calamares::JobThreadDone完成Calamares::NamedJobExample job (%1)示例任务 (%1)Calamares::ProcessJobRun command '%1' in target system.在目标系统上执行 '%1'。 Run command '%1'.运行命令 '%1'.Running command %1 %2正在运行命令 %1 %2Calamares::PythonJobRunning %1 operation.正在运行 %1 个操作。Bad working directory path错误的工作目录路径Working directory %1 for python job %2 is not readable.用于 python 任务 %2 的工作目录 %1 不可读。Bad main script file错误的主脚本文件Main script file %1 for python job %2 is not readable.用于 python 任务 %2 的主脚本文件 %1 不可读。Boost.Python error in job "%1".任务“%1”出现 Boost.Python 错误。Calamares::QmlViewStepLoading ...正在加载...QML Step <i>%1</i>.QML 步骤 <i>%1</i>.Loading failed.加载失败。Calamares::RequirementsCheckerRequirements checking for module <i>%1</i> is complete.模块<i>%1</i>的需求检查已完成。Waiting for %n module(s).等待 %n 模块。(%n second(s))(%n 秒)System-requirements checking is complete.已经完成系统需求检查。Calamares::ViewManagerSetup Failed安装失败Installation Failed安装失败Would you like to paste the install log to the web?需要将安装日志粘贴到网页吗?Error错误&Yes&是&No&否&Close&关闭Install Log Paste URL安装日志粘贴 URLThe upload was unsuccessful. No web-paste was done.上传失败,未完成网页粘贴。Install log posted to
Link copied to clipboardCalamares Initialization FailedCalamares初始化失败%1 can not be installed. Calamares was unable to load all of the configured modules. This is a problem with the way Calamares is being used by the distribution.%1无法安装。 Calamares无法加载所有已配置的模块。这个问题是发行版配置Calamares不当导致的。<br/>The following modules could not be loaded:<br/>无法加载以下模块:Continue with setup?要继续安装吗?Continue with installation?继续安装?The %1 setup program is about to make changes to your disk in order to set up %2.<br/><strong>You will not be able to undo these changes.</strong>为了安装%2, %1 安装程序即将对磁盘进行更改。<br/><strong>这些更改无法撤销。</strong>The %1 installer is about to make changes to your disk in order to install %2.<br/><strong>You will not be able to undo these changes.</strong>%1 安装程序将在您的磁盘上做出变更以安装 %2。<br/><strong>您将无法复原这些变更。</strong>&Set up now现在安装(&S)&Install now现在安装 (&I)Go &back返回 (&B)&Set up安装(&S)&Install安装(&I)Setup is complete. Close the setup program.安装完成。关闭安装程序。The installation is complete. Close the installer.安装已完成。请关闭安装程序。Cancel setup without changing the system.取消安装,保持系统不变。Cancel installation without changing the system.取消安装,并不做任何更改。&Next下一步(&N)&Back后退(&B)&Done&完成&Cancel取消(&C)Cancel setup?取消安装?Cancel installation?取消安装?Do you really want to cancel the current setup process?
The setup program will quit and all changes will be lost.确定要取消当前安装吗?
安装程序将会退出,所有修改都会丢失。Do you really want to cancel the current install process?
The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.确定要取消当前的安装吗?
安装程序将退出,所有修改都会丢失。CalamaresPython::HelperUnknown exception type未知异常类型unparseable Python error无法解析的 Python 错误unparseable Python traceback无法解析的 Python 回溯Unfetchable Python error.无法获取的 Python 错误。CalamaresWindow%1 Setup Program%1 安装程序%1 Installer%1 安装程序ChangeFilesystemLabelJobSet filesystem label on %1.Set filesystem label <strong>%1</strong> to partition <strong>%2</strong>.The installer failed to update partition table on disk '%1'.安装程序更新磁盘“%1”分区表失败。CheckerContainerGathering system information...正在收集系统信息 ...ChoicePageForm表单Select storage de&vice:选择存储器(&V):Current:当前:After:之后:<strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>手动分区</strong><br/>您可以自行创建或重新调整分区大小。Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.重复使用 %1 作为 %2 的 home 分区。<strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>选择要缩小的分区,然后拖动底栏改变大小</strong>%1 will be shrunk to %2MiB and a new %3MiB partition will be created for %4.%1 将会缩减未 %2MiB,然后为 %4 创建一个 %3MiB 分区。Boot loader location:引导程序位置:<strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>选择要安装到的分区</strong>An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.在此系统上找不到任何 EFI 系统分区。请后退到上一步并使用手动分区配置 %1。The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.%1 处的 EFI 系统分区将被用来启动 %2。EFI system partition:EFI 系统分区:This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.这个存储器上似乎还没有操作系统。您想要怎么做?<br/>在任何变更应用到存储器上前,您都可以重新查看并确认您的选择。<strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>抹除磁盘</strong><br/>这将会<font color="red">删除</font>目前选定的存储器上所有的数据。<strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>并存安装</strong><br/>安装程序将会缩小一个分区,为 %1 腾出空间。<strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>取代一个分区</strong><br/>以 %1 <strong>替代</strong>一个分区。This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.这个存储器上已经有 %1 了。您想要怎么做?<br/>在任何变更应用到存储器上前,您都可以重新查看并确认您的选择。This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.这个存储器上已经有一个操作系统了。您想要怎么做?<br/>在任何变更应用到存储器上前,您都可以重新查看并确认您的选择。This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.这个存储器上已经有多个操作系统了。您想要怎么做?<br/>在任何变更应用到存储器上前,您都可以重新查看并确认您的选择。This storage device already has an operating system on it, but the partition table <strong>%1</strong> is different from the needed <strong>%2</strong>.<br/>此存储设备已经有操作系统,但是分区表 <strong>%1</strong> 与所需的 <strong>%2</strong>.<br/>不同。This storage device has one of its partitions <strong>mounted</strong>.此存储设备 <strong>已挂载</strong>其中一个分区。This storage device is a part of an <strong>inactive RAID</strong> device.该存储设备是 <strong>非活动RAID</strong> 设备的一部分。No Swap无交换分区Reuse Swap重用交换分区Swap (no Hibernate)交换分区(无休眠)Swap (with Hibernate)交换分区(带休眠)Swap to file交换到文件ClearMountsJobClear mounts for partitioning operations on %1清理挂载了的分区以在 %1 进行分区操作Clearing mounts for partitioning operations on %1.正在清理挂载了的分区以在 %1 进行分区操作。Cleared all mounts for %1已清除 %1 的所有挂载点ClearTempMountsJobClear all temporary mounts.清除所有临时挂载点。Clearing all temporary mounts.正在清除所有临时挂载点。Cannot get list of temporary mounts.无法获取临时挂载点列表。Cleared all temporary mounts.所有临时挂载点都已经清除。CommandListCould not run command.无法运行命令The command runs in the host environment and needs to know the root path, but no rootMountPoint is defined.该命令在主机环境中运行,且需要知道根路径,但没有定义root挂载点。The command needs to know the user's name, but no username is defined.命令行需要知道用户的名字,但用户名没有被设置ConfigSet keyboard model to %1.<br/>设置键盘型号为 %1。<br/>Set keyboard layout to %1/%2.设置键盘布局为 %1/%2。Set timezone to %1/%2.将时区设置为 %1/%2 。The system language will be set to %1.系统语言将设置为 %1。The numbers and dates locale will be set to %1.数字和日期地域将设置为 %1。Network Installation. (Disabled: Incorrect configuration)网络安装。(禁用:错误的设置)Network Installation. (Disabled: Received invalid groups data)联网安装。(已禁用:收到无效组数据)Network Installation. (Disabled: Internal error)Network Installation. (Disabled: No package list)Package selection软件包选择Network Installation. (Disabled: Unable to fetch package lists, check your network connection)网络安装。(已禁用:无法获取软件包列表,请检查网络连接)This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for setting up %1.<br/>Setup cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>此计算机不满足安装 %1 的某些推荐配置。
安装可以继续,但是一些特性可能被禁用。This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>此电脑未满足安装 %1 的最低需求。<br/>安装无法继续。<a href="#details">详细信息...</a>This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for setting up %1.<br/>Setup can continue, but some features might be disabled.此计算机不满足安装 %1 的某些推荐配置。
安装可以继续,但是一些特性可能被禁用。This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.此电脑未满足一些安装 %1 的推荐需求。<br/>可以继续安装,但一些功能可能会被停用。This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.本程序将会问您一些问题并在您的电脑上安装及设置 %2 。<h1>Welcome to the Calamares setup program for %1</h1><h1>欢迎使用 %1 的 Calamares 安装程序</h1><h1>Welcome to %1 setup</h1><h1>欢迎使用 %1 设置</h1><h1>Welcome to the Calamares installer for %1</h1><h1>欢迎使用 %1 的 Calamares 安装程序</h1><h1>Welcome to the %1 installer</h1><h1>欢迎使用 %1 安装程序</h1>Your username is too long.用户名太长。'%1' is not allowed as username.'%1' 不允许作为用户名。Your username must start with a lowercase letter or underscore.用户名必须以小写字母或下划线"_"开头Only lowercase letters, numbers, underscore and hyphen are allowed.只允许小写字母、数组、下划线"_" 和 连字符"-"Your hostname is too short.主机名太短。Your hostname is too long.主机名太长。'%1' is not allowed as hostname.'%1' 不允许作为主机名。Only letters, numbers, underscore and hyphen are allowed.只允许字母、数组、下划线"_" 和 连字符"-"Your passwords do not match!密码不匹配!OK!Setup Failed安装失败Installation Failed安装失败The setup of %1 did not complete successfully.The installation of %1 did not complete successfully.Setup Complete安装完成Installation Complete安装完成The setup of %1 is complete.%1 安装完成。The installation of %1 is complete.%1 的安装操作已完成。Package Selection软件包选择Please pick a product from the list. The selected product will be installed.请在列表中选一个产品。被选中的产品将会被安装。ContextualProcessJobContextual Processes Job后台任务CreatePartitionDialogCreate a Partition创建分区Si&ze:大小(&Z): MiBMiBPartition &Type:分区类型(&T):&Primary主分区(&P)E&xtended扩展分区(&E)Fi&le System:文件系统 (&L):LVM LV nameLVM 逻辑卷名称&Mount Point:挂载点(&M):Flags:标记:Label for the filesystemFS Label:En&crypt加密(&C)Logical逻辑分区Primary主分区GPTGPTMountpoint already in use. Please select another one.挂载点已被占用。请选择另一个。CreatePartitionJobCreate new %1MiB partition on %3 (%2) with entries %4.Create new %1MiB partition on %3 (%2).Create new %2MiB partition on %4 (%3) with file system %1.在 %4 (%3) 上创建新的 %2MiB 分区,文件系统为 %1.Create new <strong>%1MiB</strong> partition on <strong>%3</strong> (%2) with entries <em>%4</em>.Create new <strong>%1MiB</strong> partition on <strong>%3</strong> (%2).Create new <strong>%2MiB</strong> partition on <strong>%4</strong> (%3) with file system <strong>%1</strong>.在<strong>%4</strong>(%3)上创建一个<strong>%2MiB</strong>的%1分区。Creating new %1 partition on %2.正在 %2 上创建新的 %1 分区。The installer failed to create partition on disk '%1'.安装程序在磁盘“%1”创建分区失败。CreatePartitionTableDialogCreate Partition Table创建分区表Creating a new partition table will delete all existing data on the disk.创建新分区表将删除磁盘上所有已有数据。What kind of partition table do you want to create?您想要创建哪种分区表?Master Boot Record (MBR)主引导记录 (MBR)GUID Partition Table (GPT)GUID 分区表 (GPT)CreatePartitionTableJobCreate new %1 partition table on %2.在 %2 上创建新的 %1 分区表。Create new <strong>%1</strong> partition table on <strong>%2</strong> (%3).在 <strong>%2</strong> (%3) 上创建新的 <strong>%1</strong> 分区表。Creating new %1 partition table on %2.正在 %2 上创建新的 %1 分区表。The installer failed to create a partition table on %1.安装程序于 %1 创建分区表失败。CreateUserJobCreate user %1创建用户 %1Create user <strong>%1</strong>.创建用户 <strong>%1</strong>。Preserving home directory保留家目录Creating user %1创建用户 %1Configuring user %1配置用户 %1Setting file permissions设置文件权限CreateVolumeGroupDialogCreate Volume Group创建存储组CreateVolumeGroupJobCreate new volume group named %1.新建分卷组 %1.Create new volume group named <strong>%1</strong>.新建名为 <strong>%1</strong>的分卷组。Creating new volume group named %1.新建名为 %1的分卷组。The installer failed to create a volume group named '%1'.安装器未能创建名为'%1'的分卷组DeactivateVolumeGroupJobDeactivate volume group named %1.停用分卷组 %1。Deactivate volume group named <strong>%1</strong>.停用分卷组<strong>%1</strong>。The installer failed to deactivate a volume group named %1.安装器未能创建名为'%1'的分卷组DeletePartitionJobDelete partition %1.删除分区 %1。Delete partition <strong>%1</strong>.删除分区 <strong>%1</strong>。Deleting partition %1.正在删除分区 %1。The installer failed to delete partition %1.安装程序删除分区 %1 失败。DeviceInfoWidgetThis device has a <strong>%1</strong> partition table.此设备上有一个 <strong>%1</strong> 分区表。This is a <strong>loop</strong> device.<br><br>It is a pseudo-device with no partition table that makes a file accessible as a block device. This kind of setup usually only contains a single filesystem.选定的存储器是一个 <strong>回环</strong> 设备。<br><br>此伪设备不含一个真正的分区表,它只是能让一个文件可如块设备那样访问。这种配置一般只包含一个单独的文件系统。This installer <strong>cannot detect a partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The device either has no partition table, or the partition table is corrupted or of an unknown type.<br>This installer can create a new partition table for you, either automatically, or through the manual partitioning page.本安装程序在选定的存储器上<strong>探测不到分区表</strong>。<br><br>此设备要不是没有分区表,就是其分区表已毁损又或者是一个未知类型的分区表。<br>本安装程序将会为您建立一个新的分区表,可以自动或通过手动分割页面完成。<br><br>This is the recommended partition table type for modern systems which start from an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>此分区表类型推荐用于使用 <strong>EFI</strong> 引导环境的系统。<br><br>This partition table type is only advisable on older systems which start from a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment. GPT is recommended in most other cases.<br><br><strong>Warning:</strong> the MBR partition table is an obsolete MS-DOS era standard.<br>Only 4 <em>primary</em> partitions may be created, and of those 4, one can be an <em>extended</em> partition, which may in turn contain many <em>logical</em> partitions.<br><br>此分区表类型只建议用于使用 <strong>BIOS</strong> 引导环境的较旧系统,否则一般建议使用 GPT。<br>
<strong>警告:</strong>MSDOS 分区表是一个有着重大缺点、已被弃用的标准。<br>MSDOS 分区表上只能创建 4 个<u>主要</u>分区,其中一个可以是<u>拓展</u>分区,此分区可以再分为许多<u>逻辑</u>分区。The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred.目前选定存储器的<strong>分区表</strong>类型。<br><br>变更分区表类型的唯一方法就是抹除再重新从头建立分区表,这会破坏在该存储器上所有的数据。<br>除非您特别选择,否则本安装程序将会保留目前的分区表。<br>若不确定,在现代的系统上,建议使用 GPT。DeviceModel%1 - %2 (%3)device[name] - size[number] (device-node[name])%1 - %2 (%3)%1 - (%2)device[name] - (device-node[name])%1 - (%2)DracutLuksCfgJobWrite LUKS configuration for Dracut to %1将 Dracut 的 LUKS 配置写入到 %1Skip writing LUKS configuration for Dracut: "/" partition is not encryptedDracut 的“/”分区未加密,因而跳过写入 LUKS 配置Failed to open %1无法打开 %1DummyCppJobDummy C++ Job虚设 C++ 任务EditExistingPartitionDialogEdit Existing Partition编辑已有分区Content:内容:&Keep保留 (&K)Format格式化Warning: Formatting the partition will erase all existing data.警告:格式化分区将删除所有已有数据。&Mount Point:挂载点(&M):Si&ze:尺寸 (&Z): MiBMiBFi&le System:文件系统 (&L):Flags:标记:Label for the filesystemFS Label:Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one.挂载点已被占用。请选择另一个。EncryptWidgetForm表单En&crypt system加密系统Passphrase密码Confirm passphrase确认密码Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes.请在两个输入框中输入同样的密码。FillGlobalStorageJobSet partition information设置分区信息Install %1 on <strong>new</strong> %2 system partition with features <em>%3</em>Install %1 on <strong>new</strong> %2 system partition.在 <strong>新的</strong>系统分区 %2 上安装 %1。Set up <strong>new</strong> %2 partition with mount point <strong>%1</strong> and features <em>%3</em>.Set up <strong>new</strong> %2 partition with mount point <strong>%1</strong>%3.Install %2 on %3 system partition <strong>%1</strong> with features <em>%4</em>.Set up %3 partition <strong>%1</strong> with mount point <strong>%2</strong> and features <em>%4</em>.Set up %3 partition <strong>%1</strong> with mount point <strong>%2</strong>%4.设置%3 分区的挂载点Install %2 on %3 system partition <strong>%1</strong>.在 %3 系统割区 <strong>%1</strong> 上安装 %2。Install boot loader on <strong>%1</strong>.在 <strong>%1</strong>上安装引导程序。Setting up mount points.正在设置挂载点。FinishedPageForm表单&Restart now现在重启(&R)<h1>All done.</h1><br/>%1 has been set up on your computer.<br/>You may now start using your new system.<h1>安装成功!</h1><br/>%1 已安装在您的电脑上了。<br/>您现在可以重新启动到新系统。<html><head/><body><p>When this box is checked, your system will restart immediately when you click on <span style="font-style:italic;">Done</span> or close the setup program.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>当选中此项时,系统会在您关闭安装器或点击 <span style=" font-style:italic;">完成</span> 按钮时立即重启</p></body></html><h1>All done.</h1><br/>%1 has been installed on your computer.<br/>You may now restart into your new system, or continue using the %2 Live environment.<h1>安装成功!</h1><br/>%1 已安装在您的电脑上了。<br/>您现在可以重新启动到新系统,或是继续使用 %2 Live 环境。<html><head/><body><p>When this box is checked, your system will restart immediately when you click on <span style="font-style:italic;">Done</span> or close the installer.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>当选中此项时,系统会在您关闭安装器或点击 <span style=" font-style:italic;">完成</span> 按钮时立即重启</p></body></html><h1>Setup Failed</h1><br/>%1 has not been set up on your computer.<br/>The error message was: %2.<h1>安装失败</h1><br/>%1 未在你的电脑上安装。<br/>错误信息:%2。<h1>Installation Failed</h1><br/>%1 has not been installed on your computer.<br/>The error message was: %2.<h1>安装失败</h1><br/>%1 未在你的电脑上安装。<br/>错误信息:%2。FinishedQmlViewStepFinish结束FinishedViewStepFinish结束FormatPartitionJobFormat partition %1 (file system: %2, size: %3 MiB) on %4.格式化在 %4 的分区 %1 (文件系统:%2,大小:%3 MB)。Format <strong>%3MiB</strong> partition <strong>%1</strong> with file system <strong>%2</strong>.以文件系统 <strong>%2</strong> 格式化 <strong>%3MB</strong> 的分区 <strong>%1</strong>。Formatting partition %1 with file system %2.正在使用 %2 文件系统格式化分区 %1。The installer failed to format partition %1 on disk '%2'.安装程序格式化磁盘“%2”上的分区 %1 失败。GeneralRequirementshas at least %1 GiB available drive space有至少 %1 GB 可用磁盘空间There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GiB is required.没有足够的磁盘空间。至少需要 %1 GB。has at least %1 GiB working memory至少 %1 GB 可用内存The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GiB is required.系统没有足够的内存。至少需要 %1 GB。is plugged in to a power source已连接到电源The system is not plugged in to a power source.系统未连接到电源。is connected to the Internet已连接到互联网The system is not connected to the Internet.系统未连接到互联网。is running the installer as an administrator (root)正以管理员(root)权限运行安装器The setup program is not running with administrator rights.安装器未以管理员权限运行The installer is not running with administrator rights.安装器未以管理员权限运行has a screen large enough to show the whole installer有一个足够大的屏幕来显示整个安装器The screen is too small to display the setup program.屏幕太小无法显示安装程序。The screen is too small to display the installer.屏幕不能完整显示安装器。HostInfoJobCollecting information about your machine.正在收集此计算机的信息。IDJobOEM Batch IdentifierOEM批量标识Could not create directories <code>%1</code>.无法创建目录<code>%1</code>。Could not open file <code>%1</code>.无法打开文件<code>%1</code>。Could not write to file <code>%1</code>.无法写入文件<code>%1</code>。InitcpioJobCreating initramfs with mkinitcpio.正在用mkinitcpio创建initramfs。InitramfsJobCreating initramfs.正在创建initramfs。InteractiveTerminalPageKonsole not installed未安装 KonsolePlease install KDE Konsole and try again!请安装 KDE Konsole 后重试!Executing script: <code>%1</code>正在运行脚本: <code>%1</code>InteractiveTerminalViewStepScript脚本KeyboardQmlViewStepKeyboard键盘KeyboardViewStepKeyboard键盘LCLocaleDialogSystem locale setting系统语区设置The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>.系统语言区域设置会影响部份命令行用户界面的语言及字符集。<br/>目前的设置为 <strong>%1</strong>。&Cancel取消(&C)&OK&确定LicensePageForm表单<h1>License Agreement</h1><h1>许可证</h1>I accept the terms and conditions above.我同意如上条款。Please review the End User License Agreements (EULAs).请查阅最终用户许可协议 (EULAs)。This setup procedure will install proprietary software that is subject to licensing terms.此安装过程会安装受许可条款约束的专有软件。If you do not agree with the terms, the setup procedure cannot continue.如果您不同意这些条款,安装过程将无法继续。This setup procedure can install proprietary software that is subject to licensing terms in order to provide additional features and enhance the user experience.此安装过程会安装受许可条款约束的专有软件,用于提供额外功能和提升用户体验。If you do not agree with the terms, proprietary software will not be installed, and open source alternatives will be used instead.如果您不同意这些条款,专有软件不会被安装,相应的开源软件替代品将被安装。LicenseViewStepLicense许可证LicenseWidgetURL: %1URL: %1<strong>%1 driver</strong><br/>by %2%1 is an untranslatable product name, example: Creative Audigy driver<strong>%1 驱动程序</strong><br/>由 %2 提供<strong>%1 graphics driver</strong><br/><font color="Grey">by %2</font>%1 is usually a vendor name, example: Nvidia graphics driver<strong>%1 显卡驱动程序</strong><br/><font color="Grey">由 %2 提供</font><strong>%1 browser plugin</strong><br/><font color="Grey">by %2</font><strong>%1 浏览器插件</strong><br/><font color="Grey">由 %2 提供</font><strong>%1 codec</strong><br/><font color="Grey">by %2</font><strong>%1 编解码器</strong><br/><font color="Grey">由 %2 提供</font><strong>%1 package</strong><br/><font color="Grey">by %2</font><strong>%1 软件包</strong><br/><font color="Grey">由 %2 提供</font><strong>%1</strong><br/><font color="Grey">by %2</font><strong>%1</strong><br/><font color="Grey">由 %2 提供</font>File: %1文件:%1Hide license text隐藏协议文本Show the license text显示协议文本Open license agreement in browser.在浏览器中打开许可协议。LocalePageRegion:地区:Zone:区域:&Change...更改 (&C) ...LocaleQmlViewStepLocation位置LocaleTestsQuitLocaleViewStepLocation位置LuksBootKeyFileJobConfiguring LUKS key file.配置 LUKS key 文件。No partitions are defined.未定义分区。Encrypted rootfs setup error加密根文件系时配置错误Root partition %1 is LUKS but no passphrase has been set.根分区%1为LUKS但没有设置密钥。Could not create LUKS key file for root partition %1.无法创建根分区%1的LUKS密钥文件。Could not configure LUKS key file on partition %1.无法配置根分区%1的LUKS密钥文件。MachineIdJobGenerate machine-id.生成 machine-id。Configuration Error配置错误No root mount point is set for MachineId.MachineId未配置根挂载点/MapTimezone: %1时区: %1Please select your preferred location on the map so the installer can suggest the locale
and timezone settings for you. You can fine-tune the suggested settings below. Search the map by dragging
to move and using the +/- buttons to zoom in/out or use mouse scrolling for zooming.请在地图上选择您的首选位置,安装程序可以为您提供可参考的区域
设置和时区设置。 您可以在下面微调推荐的设置。 拖动以搜索地图,然后
用 +/- 按钮进行放大/缩小,或使用鼠标滚动进行缩放。NetInstallViewStepPackage selection软件包选择Office software办公软件Office package办公软件包Browser software浏览器软件Browser package浏览器安装包Web browser网页浏览器Kernel内核Services服务Login登录Desktop桌面Applications应用程序Communication通讯Development开发Office办公Multimedia多媒体Internet互联网Theming主题化Gaming游戏Utilities实用工具NotesQmlViewStepNotes备注OEMPageBa&tch:批量(&T):<html><head/><body><p>Enter a batch-identifier here. This will be stored in the target system.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>请输入批量标识。它会被保存到目标系统上。</p></body></html><html><head/><body><h1>OEM Configuration</h1><p>Calamares will use OEM settings while configuring the target system.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><h1>OEM 配置信息</h1><p>Calamares会使用OEM配置信息来配置目标系统。</p></body></html>OEMViewStepOEM ConfigurationOEM 配置Set the OEM Batch Identifier to <code>%1</code>.设置OEM批量标识为 <code>%1</code>.OfflineSelect your preferred Region, or use the default settings.Timezone: %1时区: %1Select your preferred Zone within your Region.在您的区域中选择您的首选区域。Zones区域You can fine-tune Language and Locale settings below.您可以在下面微调“语言”和“区域设置”。PWQPassword is too short密码太短Password is too long密码太长Password is too weak密码强度太弱Memory allocation error when setting '%1'设置“%1”时发生内存分配错误Memory allocation error内存分配错误The password is the same as the old one新密码和老密码一致The password is a palindrome新密码为回文The password differs with case changes only新密码和老密码只有大小写区别The password is too similar to the old one新密码和老密码过于相似The password contains the user name in some form新密码包含用户名The password contains words from the real name of the user in some form新密码包含用户真实姓名The password contains forbidden words in some form新密码包含不允许使用的词组The password contains too few digits新密码包含太少数字The password contains too few uppercase letters新密码包含太少大写字母The password contains fewer than %n lowercase letters密码包含的小写字母少于 %n 个The password contains too few lowercase letters新密码包含太少小写字母The password contains too few non-alphanumeric characters新密码包含太少非字母/数字字符The password is too short新密码过短The password does not contain enough character classes新密码包含太少字符类型The password contains too many same characters consecutively新密码包含过多连续的相同字符The password contains too many characters of the same class consecutively新密码包含过多连续的同类型字符The password contains fewer than %n digits密码包含的数字少于 %n 个The password contains fewer than %n uppercase letters密码包含的大写字母少于 %n 个The password contains fewer than %n non-alphanumeric characters密码包含的非字母数字字符少于 %n 个The password is shorter than %n characters密码少于 %n 个字符The password is a rotated version of the previous one此密码是上一个的字序调整版本The password contains fewer than %n character classes新密码包含字符类型少于 %n 个The password contains more than %n same characters consecutively新密码包含超过 %n 个连续的相同字符The password contains more than %n characters of the same class consecutively新密码包含超过 %n 个连续的同类型字符The password contains monotonic sequence longer than %n characters新密码包含超过 %n 个字符长度的单调序列The password contains too long of a monotonic character sequence新密码包含过长的单调序列No password supplied未输入密码Cannot obtain random numbers from the RNG device无法从随机数生成器 (RNG) 设备获取随机数Password generation failed - required entropy too low for settings无法生成密码 - 熵值过低The password fails the dictionary check - %1新密码无法通过字典检查 - %1The password fails the dictionary check新密码无法通过字典检查Unknown setting - %1未知设置 - %1Unknown setting未知设置Bad integer value of setting - %1设置的整数值非法 - %1Bad integer value设置的整数值非法Setting %1 is not of integer type设定值 %1 不是整数类型Setting is not of integer type设定值不是整数类型Setting %1 is not of string type设定值 %1 不是字符串类型Setting is not of string type设定值不是字符串类型Opening the configuration file failed无法打开配置文件The configuration file is malformed配置文件格式不正确Fatal failure致命错误Unknown error未知错误Password is empty密码是空PackageChooserPageForm表单Product Name产品名称TextLabel文本标签Long Product Description长产品描述Package Selection软件包选择Please pick a product from the list. The selected product will be installed.请在列表中选一个产品。被选中的产品将会被安装。PackageChooserViewStepPackages软件包PackageModelName名称Description描述Page_KeyboardForm窗体Keyboard Model:键盘型号:Type here to test your keyboard在此处数据以测试键盘Page_UserSetupForm窗体What is your name?您的姓名?Your Full Name全名What name do you want to use to log in?您想要使用的登录用户名是?login登录What is the name of this computer?计算机名称为?<small>This name will be used if you make the computer visible to others on a network.</small><small>将计算机设置为对其他网络上计算机可见时将使用此名称。</small>Computer Name计算机名称Choose a password to keep your account safe.选择一个密码来保证您的账户安全。<small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors. A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation, should be at least eight characters long, and should be changed at regular intervals.</small><small>输入相同密码两次,以检查输入错误。好的密码包含字母,数字,标点的组合,应当至少为 8 个字符长,并且应按一定周期更换。</small>Password密码Repeat Password重复密码When this box is checked, password-strength checking is done and you will not be able to use a weak password.若选中此项,密码强度检测会开启,你将不被允许使用弱密码。Require strong passwords.要求使用强密码。Log in automatically without asking for the password.不询问密码自动登录。Use the same password for the administrator account.为管理员帐号使用同样的密码。Choose a password for the administrator account.选择管理员账户的密码。<small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>输入相同密码两次,以检查输入错误。</small>PartitionLabelsViewRoot根目录Home主目录Boot引导EFI systemEFI 系统Swap交换New partition for %1%1 的新分区New partition新建分区%1 %2size[number] filesystem[name]%1 %2PartitionModelFree Space空闲空间New partition新建分区Name名称File System文件系统File System LabelMount Point挂载点Size大小PartitionPageForm窗体Storage de&vice:存储器(&V):&Revert All Changes撤销所有修改(&R)New Partition &Table新建分区表(&T)Cre&ate创建&Edit编辑(&E)&Delete删除(&D)New Volume Group新分卷组Resize Volume Group调整分卷组大小Deactivate Volume Group停用分卷组Remove Volume Group移除分卷组I&nstall boot loader on:安装引导程序至:Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?您是否确定要在 %1 上创建新分区表?Can not create new partition无法创建新分区The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.%1上的分区表已经有%2个主分区,并且不能再添加。请删除一个主分区并添加扩展分区。PartitionViewStepGathering system information...正在收集系统信息...Partitions分区Install %1 <strong>alongside</strong> another operating system.将 %1 安装在其他操作系统<strong>旁边</strong>。<strong>Erase</strong> disk and install %1.<strong>抹除</strong>磁盘并安装 %1。<strong>Replace</strong> a partition with %1.以 %1 <strong>替代</strong>一个分区。<strong>Manual</strong> partitioning.<strong>手动</strong>分区Install %1 <strong>alongside</strong> another operating system on disk <strong>%2</strong> (%3).将 %1 安装在磁盘 <strong>%2</strong> (%3) 上的另一个操作系统<strong>旁边</strong>。<strong>Erase</strong> disk <strong>%2</strong> (%3) and install %1.<strong>抹除</strong> 磁盘 <strong>%2</strong> (%3) 并且安装 %1。<strong>Replace</strong> a partition on disk <strong>%2</strong> (%3) with %1.以 %1 <strong>替代</strong> 一个在磁盘 <strong>%2</strong> (%3) 上的分区。<strong>Manual</strong> partitioning on disk <strong>%1</strong> (%2).在磁盘 <strong>%1</strong> (%2) 上<strong>手动</strong>分区。Disk <strong>%1</strong> (%2)磁盘 <strong>%1</strong> (%2)Current:当前:After:之后:No EFI system partition configured未配置 EFI 系统分区An EFI system partition is necessary to start %1.<br/><br/>To configure an EFI system partition, go back and select or create a FAT32 filesystem with the <strong>%3</strong> flag enabled and mount point <strong>%2</strong>.<br/><br/>You can continue without setting up an EFI system partition but your system may fail to start.必须有 EFI 系统分区才能启动 %1 。<br/><br/>要配置 EFI 系统分区,后退一步,然后创建或选中一个 FAT32 分区并为之设置 <strong>%3</strong> 标记及挂载点 <strong>%2</strong>。<br/><br/>你可以不创建 EFI 系统分区并继续安装,但是你的系统可能无法启动。An EFI system partition is necessary to start %1.<br/><br/>A partition was configured with mount point <strong>%2</strong> but its <strong>%3</strong> flag is not set.<br/>To set the flag, go back and edit the partition.<br/><br/>You can continue without setting the flag but your system may fail to start.必须有 EFI 系统分区才能启动 %1 。<br/><br/>已有挂载点为 <strong>%2</strong> 的分区,但是未设置 <strong>%3</strong> 标记。<br/>要设置此标记,后退并编辑分区。<br/><br/>你可以不创建 EFI 系统分区并继续安装,但是你的系统可能无法启动。EFI system partition flag not set未设置 EFI 系统分区标记Option to use GPT on BIOS在 BIOS 上使用 GPTA GPT partition table is the best option for all systems. This installer supports such a setup for BIOS systems too.<br/><br/>To configure a GPT partition table on BIOS, (if not done so already) go back and set the partition table to GPT, next create a 8 MB unformatted partition with the <strong>bios_grub</strong> flag enabled.<br/><br/>An unformatted 8 MB partition is necessary to start %1 on a BIOS system with GPT.GPT 分区表对于所有系统来说都是最佳选项。本安装程序支持在 BIOS 模式下设置 GPT 分区表。<br/><br/>要在 BIOS 模式下配置 GPT 分区表,(若你尚未配置好)返回并设置分区表为 GPT,然后创建一个 8MB 的、未经格式化的、启用<strong>bios_grub</strong> 标记的分区。<br/><br/>一个未格式化的 8MB 的分区对于在 BIOS 模式下使用 GPT 启动 %1 来说是非常有必要的。Boot partition not encrypted引导分区未加密A separate boot partition was set up together with an encrypted root partition, but the boot partition is not encrypted.<br/><br/>There are security concerns with this kind of setup, because important system files are kept on an unencrypted partition.<br/>You may continue if you wish, but filesystem unlocking will happen later during system startup.<br/>To encrypt the boot partition, go back and recreate it, selecting <strong>Encrypt</strong> in the partition creation window.您尝试用单独的引导分区配合已加密的根分区使用,但引导分区未加密。<br/><br/>这种配置方式可能存在安全隐患,因为重要的系统文件存储在了未加密的分区上。<br/>您可以继续保持此配置,但是系统解密将在系统启动时而不是引导时进行。<br/>要加密引导分区,请返回上一步并重新创建此分区,并在分区创建窗口选中 <strong>加密</strong> 选项。has at least one disk device available.有至少一个可用的磁盘设备。There are no partitions to install on.无可用于安装的分区。PlasmaLnfJobPlasma Look-and-Feel JobPlasma 外观主题任务Could not select KDE Plasma Look-and-Feel package无法选中 KDE Plasma 外观主题包PlasmaLnfPageForm表单Please choose a look-and-feel for the KDE Plasma Desktop. You can also skip this step and configure the look-and-feel once the system is set up. Clicking on a look-and-feel selection will give you a live preview of that look-and-feel.请选择一个 KDE Plasma 桌面外观。你也可以忽略此步骤并在系统安装完成后配置外观。点击外观后可以实时预览效果。Please choose a look-and-feel for the KDE Plasma Desktop. You can also skip this step and configure the look-and-feel once the system is installed. Clicking on a look-and-feel selection will give you a live preview of that look-and-feel.请选择一个 KDE Plasma 桌面外观,可以忽略此步骤并在系统安装完成后配置外观。点击一个外观后可以实时预览效果。PlasmaLnfViewStepLook-and-Feel外观主题PreserveFilesSaving files for later ...保存文件以供日后使用No files configured to save for later.没有已保存且供日后使用的配置文件。Not all of the configured files could be preserved.并不是所有配置文件都可以被保留ProcessResult
There was no output from the command.
External command crashed.外部命令已崩溃。Command <i>%1</i> crashed.命令 <i>%1</i> 已崩溃。External command failed to start.无法启动外部命令。Command <i>%1</i> failed to start.无法启动命令 <i>%1</i>。Internal error when starting command.启动命令时出现内部错误。Bad parameters for process job call.呼叫进程任务出现错误参数External command failed to finish.外部命令未成功完成。Command <i>%1</i> failed to finish in %2 seconds.命令 <i>%1</i> 未能在 %2 秒内完成。External command finished with errors.外部命令已完成,但出现了错误。Command <i>%1</i> finished with exit code %2.命令 <i>%1</i> 以退出代码 %2 完成。QObject%1 (%2)%1(%2)unknown未知extended扩展分区unformatted未格式化swap交换分区Default默认File not found找不到文件Path <pre>%1</pre> must be an absolute path.路径 <pre>%1</pre> 必须是绝对路径。Directory not found找不到目录Could not create new random file <pre>%1</pre>.无法创建新的随机文件 <pre>%1</pre>.No product无产品No description provided.未提供描述信息(no mount point)(无挂载点)Unpartitioned space or unknown partition table尚未分区的空间或分区表未知Recommended<p>This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for setting up %1.<br/>
Setup can continue, but some features might be disabled.</p><p>此计算机不满足安装 %1 的某些推荐配置。<br/>
安装可以继续,但是一些特性可能被禁用。</p>RemoveUserJobRemove live user from target system从目标系统删除 live 用户RemoveVolumeGroupJobRemove Volume Group named %1.移除分卷组 %1。Remove Volume Group named <strong>%1</strong>.移除分卷组 <strong>%1</strong>。The installer failed to remove a volume group named '%1'.安装器无法移除分卷组 '%1'。ReplaceWidgetForm表单Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.<b>选择要安装 %1 的地方。</b><br/><font color="red">警告:</font>这将会删除所有已选取的分区上的文件。The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.选中项似乎不是有效分区。%1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.无法在空白空间中安装 %1。请选取一个存在的分区。%1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.无法在拓展分区上安装 %1。请选取一个存在的主要或逻辑分区。%1 cannot be installed on this partition.无法安装 %1 到此分区。Data partition (%1)数据分区 (%1)Unknown system partition (%1)未知系统分区 (%1)%1 system partition (%2)%1 系统分区 (%2)<strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.<strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>分区 %1 对 %2 来说太小了。请选取一个容量至少有 %3 GiB 的分区。<strong>%2</strong><br/><br/>An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.<strong>%2</strong><br/><br/>在此系统上找不到任何 EFI 系统分区。请后退到上一步并使用手动分区配置 %1。<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition %2 will be lost.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>即将安装 %1 到 %2 上。<br/><font color="red">警告: </font>分区 %2 上的所有数据都将丢失。The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.将使用 %1 处的 EFI 系统分区启动 %2。EFI system partition:EFI 系统分区:Requirements<p>This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>
Installation cannot continue.</p><p>此计算机不满足安装 %1 的最低配置。<br/>
安装无法继续。</p><p>This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for setting up %1.<br/>
Setup can continue, but some features might be disabled.</p><p>此计算机不满足安装 %1 的某些推荐配置。<br/>
安装可以继续,但是一些特性可能被禁用。</p>ResizeFSJobResize Filesystem Job调整文件系统大小的任务Invalid configuration无效配置The file-system resize job has an invalid configuration and will not run.调整文件系统大小的任务 因为配置文件无效不会被执行。KPMCore not AvailableKPMCore不可用Calamares cannot start KPMCore for the file-system resize job.Calamares 无法启动 KPMCore来完成调整文件系统大小的任务。Resize Failed调整大小失败The filesystem %1 could not be found in this system, and cannot be resized.文件系统 %1 未能在此系统上找到,因此无法调整大小。The device %1 could not be found in this system, and cannot be resized.设备 %1 未能在此系统上找到,因此无法调整大小。The filesystem %1 cannot be resized.文件系统 %1 无法被调整大小。The device %1 cannot be resized.设备 %1 无法被调整大小。The filesystem %1 must be resized, but cannot.文件系统 %1 必须调整大小,但无法做到。The device %1 must be resized, but cannot设备 %1 必须调整大小,但无法做到。ResizePartitionJobResize partition %1.调整分区 %1 大小。Resize <strong>%2MiB</strong> partition <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>%3MiB</strong>.将 <strong>%2MiB</strong> 分区的大小从<strong>%1</strong> 调整至<strong>%3MiB</strong>。Resizing %2MiB partition %1 to %3MiB.正将 %2MB 的分区%1调整为 %3MB。The installer failed to resize partition %1 on disk '%2'.安装程序调整磁盘“%2”上的分区 %1 大小失败。ResizeVolumeGroupDialogResize Volume Group调整分卷组大小ResizeVolumeGroupJobResize volume group named %1 from %2 to %3.将分卷组%1的大小从%2调整为%3。Resize volume group named <strong>%1</strong> from <strong>%2</strong> to <strong>%3</strong>.将分卷组<strong>%1</strong>的大小从<strong>%2</strong>调整为<strong>%3</strong>。The installer failed to resize a volume group named '%1'.安装器未能调整分卷组'%1'的大小ResultsListDialogFor best results, please ensure that this computer:为了更好的体验,请确保这台电脑: System requirements系统需求ResultsListWidgetThis computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for setting up %1.<br/>Setup cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>此计算机不满足安装 %1 的某些推荐配置。
安装可以继续,但是一些特性可能被禁用。This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>此电脑未满足安装 %1 的最低需求。<br/>安装无法继续。<a href="#details">详细信息...</a>This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for setting up %1.<br/>Setup can continue, but some features might be disabled.此计算机不满足安装 %1 的某些推荐配置。
安装可以继续,但是一些特性可能被禁用。This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.此电脑未满足一些安装 %1 的推荐需求。<br/>可以继续安装,但一些功能可能会被停用。This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.本程序将会问您一些问题并在您的电脑上安装及设置 %2 。ScanningDialogScanning storage devices...正在扫描存储器…Partitioning正在分区SetHostNameJobSet hostname %1设置主机名 %1Set hostname <strong>%1</strong>.设置主机名 <strong>%1</strong>。Setting hostname %1.正在设置主机名 %1。Internal Error内部错误Cannot write hostname to target system无法向目标系统写入主机名SetKeyboardLayoutJobSet keyboard model to %1, layout to %2-%3将键盘型号设置为 %1,布局设置为 %2-%3Failed to write keyboard configuration for the virtual console.无法将键盘配置写入到虚拟控制台。Failed to write to %1写入到 %1 失败Failed to write keyboard configuration for X11.无法为 X11 写入键盘配置。Failed to write keyboard configuration to existing /etc/default directory.无法将键盘配置写入到现有的 /etc/default 目录。SetPartFlagsJobSet flags on partition %1.设置分区 %1 的标记.Set flags on %1MiB %2 partition.设置 %1MB %2 分区的标记.Set flags on new partition.设置新分区的标记.Clear flags on partition <strong>%1</strong>.清空分区 <strong>%1</strong> 上的标记.Clear flags on %1MiB <strong>%2</strong> partition.删除 %1MB <strong>%2</strong> 分区的标记.Clear flags on new partition.删除新分区的标记.Flag partition <strong>%1</strong> as <strong>%2</strong>.将分区 <strong>%2</strong> 标记为 <strong>%1</strong>。Flag %1MiB <strong>%2</strong> partition as <strong>%3</strong>.将 %1MB <strong>%2</strong> 分区标记为 <strong>%3</strong>.Flag new partition as <strong>%1</strong>.将新分区标记为 <strong>%1</strong>.Clearing flags on partition <strong>%1</strong>.正在清理分区 <strong>%1</strong> 上的标记。Clearing flags on %1MiB <strong>%2</strong> partition.正在删除 %1MB <strong>%2</strong> 分区的标记.Clearing flags on new partition.正在删除新分区的标记.Setting flags <strong>%2</strong> on partition <strong>%1</strong>.正在为分区 <strong>%1</strong> 设置标记 <strong>%2</strong>。Setting flags <strong>%3</strong> on %1MiB <strong>%2</strong> partition.正在将 %1MB <strong>%2</strong> 分区标记为 <strong>%3</strong>.Setting flags <strong>%1</strong> on new partition.正在将新分区标记为 <strong>%1</strong>.The installer failed to set flags on partition %1.安装程序没有成功设置分区 %1 的标记.SetPasswordJobSet password for user %1设置用户 %1 的密码Setting password for user %1.正在为用户 %1 设置密码。Bad destination system path.非法的目标系统路径。rootMountPoint is %1根挂载点为 %1Cannot disable root account.无法禁用 root 帐号。passwd terminated with error code %1.passwd 以错误代码 %1 终止。Cannot set password for user %1.无法设置用户 %1 的密码。usermod terminated with error code %1.usermod 以错误代码 %1 中止。SetTimezoneJobSet timezone to %1/%2设置时区为 %1/%2Cannot access selected timezone path.无法访问指定的时区路径。Bad path: %1非法路径:%1Cannot set timezone.无法设置时区。Link creation failed, target: %1; link name: %2链接创建失败,目标:%1,链接名称:%2Cannot set timezone,无法设置时区,Cannot open /etc/timezone for writing无法打开要写入的 /etc/timezoneSetupGroupsJobPreparing groups.正在准备群组。Could not create groups in target system无法在目标系统中创建群组These groups are missing in the target system: %1目标系统中缺少以下群组: %1SetupSudoJobConfigure <pre>sudo</pre> users.配置 <pre>sudo</pre> 用户。Cannot chmod sudoers file.无法修改 sudoers 文件权限。Cannot create sudoers file for writing.无法创建要写入的 sudoers 文件。ShellProcessJobShell Processes JobShell 进程任务SlideCounter%L1 / %L2slide counter, %1 of %2 (numeric)%L1 / %L2SummaryPageThis is an overview of what will happen once you start the setup procedure.预览——当你启动安装过程,以下行为将被执行This is an overview of what will happen once you start the install procedure.这是您开始安装后所会发生的事情的概览。SummaryViewStepSummary摘要TrackingInstallJobInstallation feedback安装反馈Sending installation feedback.发送安装反馈。Internal error in install-tracking.在 install-tracking 步骤发生内部错误。HTTP request timed out.HTTP 请求超时。TrackingKUserFeedbackJobKDE user feedbackKDE 用户反馈Configuring KDE user feedback.配置 KDE 用户反馈。Error in KDE user feedback configuration.KDE 用户反馈配置中存在错误。Could not configure KDE user feedback correctly, script error %1.无法正确 KDE 用户反馈,脚本错误代码 %1。Could not configure KDE user feedback correctly, Calamares error %1.无法正确 KDE 用户反馈,Calamares 错误代码 %1。TrackingMachineUpdateManagerJobMachine feedback机器反馈Configuring machine feedback.正在配置机器反馈。Error in machine feedback configuration.机器反馈配置中存在错误。Could not configure machine feedback correctly, script error %1.无法正确配置机器反馈,脚本错误代码 %1。Could not configure machine feedback correctly, Calamares error %1.无法正确配置机器反馈,Calamares 错误代码 %1。TrackingPageForm表单Placeholder占位符<html><head/><body><p>Click here to send <span style=" font-weight:600;">no information at all</span> about your installation.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>单击此处 <span style=" font-weight:600;">不发送任何</span> 有关安装的信息。</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><a href="placeholder"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#2980b9;">Click here for more information about user feedback</span></a></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><a href="placeholder"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#2980b9;">点击此处以获取关于用户反馈的详细信息</span></a></p></body></html>Tracking helps %1 to see how often it is installed, what hardware it is installed on and which applications are used. To see what will be sent, please click the help icon next to each area.跟踪帮助 %1 以查看它的安装频率、安装硬件以及使用的应用程序。请点按每项旁的帮助图标以查看即将被发送的信息。By selecting this you will send information about your installation and hardware. This information will only be sent <b>once</b> after the installation finishes.选中此项时,安装器将发送关于安装过程和硬件的信息。该信息仅会在安装结束后发送<b>一次</b> 。By selecting this you will periodically send information about your <b>machine</b> installation, hardware and applications, to %1.通过选择此选项,您将定期将有关您 <b>计算机</b>的安装,硬件和应用程序的信息发送到 %1。By selecting this you will regularly send information about your <b>user</b> installation, hardware, applications and application usage patterns, to %1.通过选择此选项,您将定期将有关<b>用户</b> 安装,硬件,应用程序和应用程序使用方式的信息发送到 %1。TrackingViewStepFeedback反馈UsersPage<small>If more than one person will use this computer, you can create multiple accounts after setup.</small><small>如果有多人要使用此计算机,您可以在安装后创建多个账户。</small><small>If more than one person will use this computer, you can create multiple accounts after installation.</small><small>如果有多人要使用此计算机,您可以在安装后创建多个账户。</small>UsersQmlViewStepUsers用户UsersViewStepUsers用户VariantModelKeyColumn header for key/valueKeyValueColumn header for key/value值VolumeGroupBaseDialogCreate Volume Group创建存储组List of Physical Volumes物理分卷列表:Volume Group Name:分卷组名称:Volume Group Type:分卷组类型:Physical Extent Size:物理区域PE大小: MiBMiBTotal Size:大小:Used Size:已用空间:Total Sectors:总扇区数:Quantity of LVs:逻辑分卷数量:WelcomePageForm表单Select application and system language选择应用程序和系统语言&About关于(&A)Open donations website打开捐赠信息网页&Donate捐赠(&D)Open help and support website打开帮助和支持页面&Support支持信息(&S)Open issues and bug-tracking website打开问题追踪网站&Known issues已知问题(&K)Open release notes website打开发布日志网页&Release notes发行注记(&R)<h1>Welcome to the Calamares setup program for %1.</h1><h1>欢迎使用 %1 的 Calamares 安装程序。</h1><h1>Welcome to %1 setup.</h1><h1>欢迎使用 %1 安装程序。</h1><h1>Welcome to the Calamares installer for %1.</h1><h1>欢迎使用 Calamares 安装程序 - %1。</h1><h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><h1>欢迎使用 %1 安装程序。</h1>%1 support%1 的支持信息About %1 setup关于 %1 安装程序About %1 installer关于 %1 安装程序<h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2017 Teo Mrnjavac <><br/>Copyright 2017-2020 Adriaan de Groot <><br/>Thanks to <a href="">the Calamares team</a> and the <a href="">Calamares translators team</a>.<br/><br/><a href="">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.<h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2017 Teo Mrnjavac <><br/>Copyright 2017-2020 Adriaan de Groot <><br/>致谢 <a href="">Calamares开发团队和<a href="">Calamares 翻译团队</a>。<br/><br/><a href="">Calamares</a> 开发赞助来自 <br/><a href="">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.WelcomeQmlViewStepWelcome欢迎WelcomeViewStepWelcome欢迎about<h1>%1</h1><br/>
for %3</strong><br/><br/>
Copyright 2014-2017 Teo Mrnjavac <><br/>
Copyright 2017-2020 Adriaan de Groot <><br/>
Thanks to <a href=''>the Calamares team</a>
and the <a href=''>Calamares
translators team</a>.<br/><br/>
<a href=''>Calamares</a>
development is sponsored by <br/>
<a href=''>Blue Systems</a> -
Liberating Software.<h1>%1</h1><br/>
for %3</strong><br/><br/>
Copyright 2014-2017 Teo Mrnjavac <><br/>
Copyright 2017-2020 Adriaan de Groot <><br/>
致谢 <a href=''> Calamares 开发团队</a>
和<a href=''>Calamares
<a href=''>Calamares</a>
<a href=''>Blue Systems</a> -
Liberating Software.Back后退calamares-sidebarShow debug information显示调试信息finishedqInstallation Completed安装完成%1 has been installed on your computer.<br/>
You may now restart into your new system, or continue using the Live environment.%1 已安装在您的电脑上了。<br/>
您现在可以重新启动到新系统,或是继续使用 Live 环境。Close Installer关闭安装程序Restart System重启系统<p>A full log of the install is available as installation.log in the home directory of the Live user.<br/>
This log is copied to /var/log/installation.log of the target system.</p>安装过程中的翻译已经复制到了临时用户的家目录下
于此同时安装日志也已经复制到了目标系统,路径为:/var/log/installation.logi18n<h1>Languages</h1> </br>
The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements. The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>.<h1>语言</h1> </br>
系统语言区域设置会影响部份命令行用户界面的语言及字符集。 当前设置是 <strong>%1</strong>.<h1>Locales</h1> </br>
The system locale setting affects the numbers and dates format. The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>.<h1>区域</h1> </br>
系统区域设置会影响数字和日期格式。 当前设置是 <strong>%1</strong>。Back后退keyboardqKeyboard Model键盘型号Layouts布局Keyboard Layout键盘布局Click your preferred keyboard model to select layout and variant, or use the default one based on the detected hardware.单击您的首选键盘型号以选择布局和变体,或根据检测到的硬件使用默认键盘。Models型号Variants变体Keyboard Variant键盘变体Test your keyboard测试您的键盘localeqChange更改notesqml<h3>%1</h3>
<p>These are example release notes.</p><h3>%1</h3>
<p>This an example QML file, showing options in RichText with Flickable content.</p>
<p>QML with RichText can use HTML tags, Flickable content is useful for touchscreens.</p>
<p><b>This is bold text</b></p>
<p><i>This is italic text</i></p>
<p><u>This is underlined text</u></p>
<p><center>This text will be center-aligned.</center></p>
<p><s>This is strikethrough</s></p>
<p>Code example:
<code>ls -l /home</code></p>
<li>Intel CPU systems</li>
<li>AMD CPU systems</li>
<p>The vertical scrollbar is adjustable, current width set to 10.</p><h3>%1</h3>
<p>这是一个QML 示例文件,显示了具有 Flickable 内容的 RichText 选项。</p>
<p>带有 RichText 的 QML 可以使用 HTML 标签,
Flickable 内容对于触摸屏很有用。</p>
<code>ls -l /home</code></p>
<li>Intel CPU 系统</li>
<li>AMD CPU 系统</li>
<p>垂直滚动条是可调的,当前宽度设置为10。</p>Back后退usersqPick your user name and credentials to login and perform admin tasks选择您的用户名和凭据登录并执行管理任务What is your name?您的姓名?Your Full Name全名What name do you want to use to log in?您想要使用的登录用户名是?Login Name登录名If more than one person will use this computer, you can create multiple accounts after installation.如果有多人要使用此计算机,您可以在安装后创建多个账户。Only lowercase letters, numbers, underscore and hyphen are allowed.只允许小写字母、数组、下划线"_" 和 连字符"-"root is not allowed as username.What is the name of this computer?计算机名称为?Computer Name计算机名称This name will be used if you make the computer visible to others on a network.将计算机设置为对其他网络上计算机可见时将使用此名称。Only letter, numbers, underscore and hyphen are allowed, minimal of two characters.localhost is not allowed as hostname.Choose a password to keep your account safe.选择一个密码来保证您的账户安全。Password密码Repeat Password重复密码Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors. A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation, should be at least eight characters long, and should be changed at regular intervals.输入相同密码两次,以检查输入错误。好的密码包含字母,数字,标点的组合,应当至少为 8 个字符长,并且应按一定周期更换。Validate passwords quality验证密码质量When this box is checked, password-strength checking is done and you will not be able to use a weak password.若选中此项,密码强度检测会开启,你将不被允许使用弱密码。Log in automatically without asking for the password不询问密码自动登录Reuse user password as root password重用用户密码作为 root 密码Use the same password for the administrator account.为管理员帐号使用同样的密码。Choose a root password to keep your account safe.选择一个 root 密码来保证您的账户安全。Root PasswordRoot 密码Repeat Root Password重复 Root 密码Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.输入相同密码两次,以检查输入错误。welcomeq<h3>Welcome to the %1 <quote>%2</quote> installer</h3>
<p>This program will ask you some questions and set up %1 on your computer.</p><h3>欢迎来到 %1 <quote>%2</quote> 安装程序</h3>
<p>这个程序将询问您一些问题并在您的计算机上安装 %1。</p>About关于Support支持Known issues已知问题Release notes发行说明Donate捐赠