# When debugging the timezone widget, add this debugging definition # to have a debugging-friendly timezone widget, debug logging, # and no intrusive timezone-setting while clicking around. option( DEBUG_TIMEZONES "Debug-friendly timezone widget." OFF ) if( DEBUG_TIMEZONES ) add_definitions( -DDEBUG_TIMEZONES ) endif() # Because we're sharing sources with the regular locale module set( _locale ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../locale ) include_directories( ${_locale} ) calamares_add_plugin( localeq TYPE viewmodule EXPORT_MACRO PLUGINDLLEXPORT_PRO SOURCES LocaleQmlViewStep.cpp ${_locale}/LocaleConfiguration.cpp ${_locale}/Config.cpp ${_locale}/SetTimezoneJob.cpp RESOURCES localeq.qrc LINK_PRIVATE_LIBRARIES calamaresui Qt5::Network SHARED_LIB )