/* === This file is part of Calamares - === * * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2020 Adriaan de Groot * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * Calamares is Free Software: see the License-Identifier above. * */ #ifndef WELCOME_CONFIG_H #define WELCOME_CONFIG_H #include "checker/GeneralRequirements.h" #include "locale/TranslationsModel.h" #include "modulesystem/RequirementsModel.h" #include #include #include #include class Config : public QObject { Q_OBJECT /** @brief The languages available in Calamares. * * This is a list-model, with names and descriptions for the translations * available to Calamares. */ Q_PROPERTY( CalamaresUtils::Locale::TranslationsModel* languagesModel READ languagesModel CONSTANT FINAL ) /** @brief The requirements (from modules) and their checked-status * * The model grows rows over time as each module is checked and its * requirements are taken into account. The model **as a whole** * has properties *satisfiedRequirements* and *satisfiedMandatory* * to say if all of the requirements held in the model have been * satisfied. See the model documentation for details. */ Q_PROPERTY( Calamares::RequirementsModel* requirementsModel READ requirementsModel CONSTANT FINAL ) /** @brief The requirements (from modules) that are **unsatisfied** * * This is the same as requirementsModel(), except filtered so * that only those requirements that are not satisfied are exposed. * Note that the type is different, so you should still use the * requirementsModel() for overall status like *satisfiedMandatory*. */ Q_PROPERTY( QAbstractItemModel* unsatisfiedRequirements READ unsatisfiedRequirements CONSTANT FINAL ) Q_PROPERTY( QString languageIcon READ languageIcon CONSTANT FINAL ) Q_PROPERTY( QString countryCode MEMBER m_countryCode NOTIFY countryCodeChanged FINAL ) Q_PROPERTY( int localeIndex READ localeIndex WRITE setLocaleIndex NOTIFY localeIndexChanged ) Q_PROPERTY( QString aboutMessage READ aboutMessage CONSTANT FINAL ) Q_PROPERTY( QString genericWelcomeMessage MEMBER m_genericWelcomeMessage NOTIFY genericWelcomeMessageChanged FINAL ) Q_PROPERTY( QString warningMessage READ warningMessage NOTIFY warningMessageChanged FINAL ) Q_PROPERTY( QString supportUrl MEMBER m_supportUrl NOTIFY supportUrlChanged FINAL ) Q_PROPERTY( QString knownIssuesUrl MEMBER m_knownIssuesUrl NOTIFY knownIssuesUrlChanged FINAL ) Q_PROPERTY( QString releaseNotesUrl MEMBER m_releaseNotesUrl NOTIFY releaseNotesUrlChanged FINAL ) Q_PROPERTY( QString donateUrl MEMBER m_donateUrl NOTIFY donateUrlChanged FINAL ) Q_PROPERTY( bool isNextEnabled MEMBER m_isNextEnabled NOTIFY isNextEnabledChanged FINAL ) public: Config( QObject* parent = nullptr ); void setConfigurationMap( const QVariantMap& ); void setCountryCode( const QString& countryCode ); QString languageIcon() const; void setLanguageIcon( const QString& languageIcon ); void setIsNextEnabled( bool isNextEnabled ); int localeIndex() const { return m_localeIndex; } void setLocaleIndex( int index ); QString supportUrl() const { return m_supportUrl; } void setSupportUrl( const QString& url ); QString knownIssuesUrl() const { return m_knownIssuesUrl; } void setKnownIssuesUrl( const QString& url ); QString releaseNotesUrl() const { return m_releaseNotesUrl; } void setReleaseNotesUrl( const QString& url ); QString donateUrl() const { return m_donateUrl; } void setDonateUrl( const QString& url ); QString aboutMessage() const; QString genericWelcomeMessage() const; QString warningMessage() const; public slots: CalamaresUtils::Locale::TranslationsModel* languagesModel() const; void retranslate(); ///@brief The **global** requirements model, from ModuleManager Calamares::RequirementsModel* requirementsModel() const; QAbstractItemModel* unsatisfiedRequirements() const; /// @brief Check the general requirements Calamares::RequirementsList checkRequirements() const { return m_requirementsChecker->checkRequirements(); } signals: void countryCodeChanged( QString countryCode ); void localeIndexChanged( int localeIndex ); void isNextEnabledChanged( bool isNextEnabled ); void genericWelcomeMessageChanged( QString message ); void warningMessageChanged( QString message ); void supportUrlChanged(); void knownIssuesUrlChanged(); void releaseNotesUrlChanged(); void donateUrlChanged(); private: void initLanguages(); CalamaresUtils::Locale::TranslationsModel* m_languages = nullptr; std::unique_ptr< QSortFilterProxyModel > m_filtermodel; std::unique_ptr< GeneralRequirements > m_requirementsChecker; QString m_languageIcon; QString m_countryCode; int m_localeIndex = 0; bool m_isNextEnabled = false; QString m_genericWelcomeMessage; QString m_warningMessage; QString m_supportUrl; QString m_knownIssuesUrl; QString m_releaseNotesUrl; QString m_donateUrl; }; #endif