/* === This file is part of Calamares - === * * Copyright 2014, Aurélien Gâteau * Copyright 2015-2016, Teo Mrnjavac * Copyright 2018, Adriaan de Groot * Copyright 2018, Andrius Štikonas * Copyright 2018, Caio Jordão Carvalho * Copyright 2019, Collabora Ltd * * Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Calamares is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Calamares. If not, see . */ #include "PartitionPage.h" // Local #include "core/BootLoaderModel.h" #include "core/DeviceModel.h" #include "core/PartitionCoreModule.h" #include "core/PartitionInfo.h" #include "core/PartitionModel.h" #include "core/PartUtils.h" #include "core/KPMHelpers.h" #include "gui/CreatePartitionDialog.h" #include "gui/CreateVolumeGroupDialog.h" #include "gui/EditExistingPartitionDialog.h" #include "gui/ResizeVolumeGroupDialog.h" #include "gui/ScanningDialog.h" #include "ui_PartitionPage.h" #include "ui_CreatePartitionTableDialog.h" #include "utils/Logger.h" #include "utils/Retranslator.h" #include "Branding.h" #include "JobQueue.h" #include "GlobalStorage.h" // KPMcore #include #include #ifdef WITH_KPMCOREGT33 #include #endif #include #include // Qt #include #include #include #include #include #include #include PartitionPage::PartitionPage( PartitionCoreModule* core, QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ) , m_ui( new Ui_PartitionPage ) , m_core( core ) , m_lastSelectedBootLoaderIndex(-1) , m_isEfi( false ) { m_isEfi = PartUtils::isEfiSystem(); m_ui->setupUi( this ); m_ui->partitionLabelsView->setVisible( Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage()-> value( "alwaysShowPartitionLabels" ).toBool() ); m_ui->deviceComboBox->setModel( m_core->deviceModel() ); m_ui->bootLoaderComboBox->setModel( m_core->bootLoaderModel() ); PartitionBarsView::NestedPartitionsMode mode = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage()-> value( "drawNestedPartitions" ).toBool() ? PartitionBarsView::DrawNestedPartitions : PartitionBarsView::NoNestedPartitions; m_ui->partitionBarsView->setNestedPartitionsMode( mode ); updateButtons(); updateBootLoaderInstallPath(); updateFromCurrentDevice(); connect( m_ui->deviceComboBox, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, this, &PartitionPage::updateFromCurrentDevice ); connect( m_ui->bootLoaderComboBox, QOverload::of(&QComboBox::activated), this, &PartitionPage::updateSelectedBootLoaderIndex ); connect( m_ui->bootLoaderComboBox, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, this, &PartitionPage::updateBootLoaderInstallPath ); connect( m_core, &PartitionCoreModule::isDirtyChanged, m_ui->revertButton, &QWidget::setEnabled ); connect( m_ui->partitionTreeView, &QAbstractItemView::doubleClicked, this, &PartitionPage::onPartitionViewActivated ); connect( m_ui->revertButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &PartitionPage::onRevertClicked ); connect( m_ui->newVolumeGroupButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &PartitionPage::onNewVolumeGroupClicked ); connect( m_ui->resizeVolumeGroupButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &PartitionPage::onResizeVolumeGroupClicked ); connect( m_ui->deactivateVolumeGroupButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &PartitionPage::onDeactivateVolumeGroupClicked ); connect( m_ui->removeVolumeGroupButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &PartitionPage::onRemoveVolumeGroupClicked ); connect( m_ui->newPartitionTableButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &PartitionPage::onNewPartitionTableClicked ); connect( m_ui->createButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &PartitionPage::onCreateClicked ); connect( m_ui->editButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &PartitionPage::onEditClicked ); connect( m_ui->deleteButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &PartitionPage::onDeleteClicked ); if ( m_isEfi ) { m_ui->bootLoaderComboBox->hide(); m_ui->label_3->hide(); } CALAMARES_RETRANSLATE( m_ui->retranslateUi( this ); ) } PartitionPage::~PartitionPage() { } void PartitionPage::updateButtons() { bool create = false, createTable = false, edit = false, del = false, currentDeviceIsVG = false, isDeactivable = false; bool isRemovable = false, isVGdeactivated = false; QModelIndex index = m_ui->partitionTreeView->currentIndex(); if ( index.isValid() ) { const PartitionModel* model = static_cast< const PartitionModel* >( index.model() ); Q_ASSERT( model ); Partition* partition = model->partitionForIndex( index ); Q_ASSERT( partition ); bool isFree = KPMHelpers::isPartitionFreeSpace( partition ); bool isExtended = partition->roles().has( PartitionRole::Extended ); bool isInVG = m_core->isInVG( partition ); create = isFree; // Keep it simple for now: do not support editing extended partitions as // it does not work with our current edit implementation which is // actually remove + add. This would not work with extended partitions // because they need to be created *before* creating logical partitions // inside them, so an edit must be applied without altering the job // order. // TODO: See if LVM PVs can be edited in Calamares edit = !isFree && !isExtended; del = !isFree && !isInVG; } if ( m_ui->deviceComboBox->currentIndex() >= 0 ) { Device* device = nullptr; QModelIndex deviceIndex = m_core->deviceModel()->index( m_ui->deviceComboBox->currentIndex(), 0 ); if ( deviceIndex.isValid() ) device = m_core->deviceModel()->deviceForIndex( deviceIndex ); if ( !device ) cWarning() << "Device for updateButtons is nullptr"; else if ( device->type() != Device::Type::LVM_Device ) { createTable = true; #ifdef WITH_KPMCOREGT33 if ( device->type() == Device::Type::SoftwareRAID_Device && static_cast< SoftwareRAID* >(device)->status() == SoftwareRAID::Status::Inactive ) { createTable = false; create = false; } #endif } else { currentDeviceIsVG = true; LvmDevice* lvmDevice = dynamic_cast(m_core->deviceModel()->deviceForIndex( deviceIndex )); isDeactivable = DeactivateVolumeGroupOperation::isDeactivatable( lvmDevice ); isRemovable = RemoveVolumeGroupOperation::isRemovable( lvmDevice ); isVGdeactivated = m_core->isVGdeactivated( lvmDevice ); if ( isVGdeactivated ) m_ui->revertButton->setEnabled( true ); } } m_ui->createButton->setEnabled( create ); m_ui->editButton->setEnabled( edit ); m_ui->deleteButton->setEnabled( del ); m_ui->newPartitionTableButton->setEnabled( createTable ); m_ui->resizeVolumeGroupButton->setEnabled( currentDeviceIsVG && !isVGdeactivated ); m_ui->deactivateVolumeGroupButton->setEnabled( currentDeviceIsVG && isDeactivable && !isVGdeactivated ); m_ui->removeVolumeGroupButton->setEnabled( currentDeviceIsVG && isRemovable ); } void PartitionPage::onNewPartitionTableClicked() { QModelIndex index = m_core->deviceModel()->index( m_ui->deviceComboBox->currentIndex(), 0 ); Q_ASSERT( index.isValid() ); Device* device = m_core->deviceModel()->deviceForIndex( index ); QPointer dlg = new QDialog( this ); Ui_CreatePartitionTableDialog ui; ui.setupUi( dlg.data() ); QString areYouSure = tr( "Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?" ).arg( device->name() ); ui.areYouSureLabel->setText( areYouSure ); if ( dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { PartitionTable::TableType type = ui.mbrRadioButton->isChecked() ? PartitionTable::msdos : PartitionTable::gpt; m_core->createPartitionTable( device, type ); } delete dlg; // PartionModelReset isn't emmited after createPartitionTable, so we have to manually update // the bootLoader index after the reset. updateBootLoaderIndex(); } bool PartitionPage::checkCanCreate( Device* device ) { auto table = device->partitionTable(); if ( table->type() == PartitionTable::msdos ||table->type() == PartitionTable::msdos_sectorbased ) { cDebug() << "Checking MSDOS partition" << table->numPrimaries() << "primaries, max" << table->maxPrimaries(); if ( ( table->numPrimaries() >= table->maxPrimaries() ) && !table->hasExtended() ) { QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Can not create new partition" ), tr( "The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. " "Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead." ).arg( device->name() ).arg( table->numPrimaries() ) ); return false; } return true; } else return true; // GPT is fine } void PartitionPage::onNewVolumeGroupClicked() { QString vgName; QVector< const Partition* > selectedPVs; qint64 peSize = 4; QVector< const Partition* > availablePVs; for ( const Partition* p : m_core->lvmPVs() ) if ( !m_core->isInVG( p ) ) availablePVs << p; QPointer< CreateVolumeGroupDialog > dlg = new CreateVolumeGroupDialog( vgName, selectedPVs, availablePVs, peSize, this ); if ( dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { QModelIndex partitionIndex = m_ui->partitionTreeView->currentIndex(); if ( partitionIndex.isValid() ) { const PartitionModel* model = static_cast< const PartitionModel* >( partitionIndex.model() ); Q_ASSERT( model ); Partition* partition = model->partitionForIndex( partitionIndex ); Q_ASSERT( partition ); // Disable delete button if current partition was selected to be in VG // TODO: Should Calamares edit LVM PVs which are in VGs? if ( selectedPVs.contains( partition ) ) m_ui->deleteButton->setEnabled( false ); } QModelIndex deviceIndex = m_core->deviceModel()->index( m_ui->deviceComboBox->currentIndex(), 0 ); Q_ASSERT( deviceIndex.isValid() ); QVariant previousIndexDeviceData = m_core->deviceModel()->data( deviceIndex, Qt::ToolTipRole ); // Creating new VG m_core->createVolumeGroup( vgName, selectedPVs, peSize ); // As createVolumeGroup method call resets deviceModel, // is needed to set the current index in deviceComboBox as the previous one int previousIndex = m_ui->deviceComboBox->findData( previousIndexDeviceData, Qt::ToolTipRole ); m_ui->deviceComboBox->setCurrentIndex( ( previousIndex < 0 ) ? 0 : previousIndex ); updateFromCurrentDevice(); } delete dlg; } void PartitionPage::onResizeVolumeGroupClicked() { QModelIndex deviceIndex = m_core->deviceModel()->index( m_ui->deviceComboBox->currentIndex(), 0 ); LvmDevice* device = dynamic_cast< LvmDevice* >( m_core->deviceModel()->deviceForIndex( deviceIndex ) ); Q_ASSERT( device && device->type() == Device::Type::LVM_Device ); QVector< const Partition* > availablePVs; QVector< const Partition* > selectedPVs; for ( const Partition* p : m_core->lvmPVs() ) if ( !m_core->isInVG( p ) ) availablePVs << p; QPointer< ResizeVolumeGroupDialog > dlg = new ResizeVolumeGroupDialog( device, availablePVs, selectedPVs, this ); if ( dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) m_core->resizeVolumeGroup( device, selectedPVs ); delete dlg; } void PartitionPage::onDeactivateVolumeGroupClicked() { QModelIndex deviceIndex = m_core->deviceModel()->index( m_ui->deviceComboBox->currentIndex(), 0 ); LvmDevice* device = dynamic_cast< LvmDevice* >( m_core->deviceModel()->deviceForIndex( deviceIndex ) ); Q_ASSERT( device && device->type() == Device::Type::LVM_Device ); m_core->deactivateVolumeGroup( device ); updateFromCurrentDevice(); PartitionModel* model = m_core->partitionModelForDevice( device ); model->update(); } void PartitionPage::onRemoveVolumeGroupClicked() { QModelIndex deviceIndex = m_core->deviceModel()->index( m_ui->deviceComboBox->currentIndex(), 0 ); LvmDevice* device = dynamic_cast< LvmDevice* >( m_core->deviceModel()->deviceForIndex( deviceIndex ) ); Q_ASSERT( device && device->type() == Device::Type::LVM_Device ); m_core->removeVolumeGroup( device ); } void PartitionPage::onCreateClicked() { QModelIndex index = m_ui->partitionTreeView->currentIndex(); Q_ASSERT( index.isValid() ); const PartitionModel* model = static_cast< const PartitionModel* >( index.model() ); Partition* partition = model->partitionForIndex( index ); Q_ASSERT( partition ); if ( !checkCanCreate( model->device() ) ) return; CreatePartitionDialog dlg( model->device(), partition->parent(), nullptr, getCurrentUsedMountpoints(), this ); dlg.initFromFreeSpace( partition ); if ( dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { Partition* newPart = dlg.createPartition(); m_core->createPartition( model->device(), newPart, dlg.newFlags() ); } } void PartitionPage::onEditClicked() { QModelIndex index = m_ui->partitionTreeView->currentIndex(); Q_ASSERT( index.isValid() ); const PartitionModel* model = static_cast< const PartitionModel* >( index.model() ); Partition* partition = model->partitionForIndex( index ); Q_ASSERT( partition ); if ( KPMHelpers::isPartitionNew( partition ) ) updatePartitionToCreate( model->device(), partition ); else editExistingPartition( model->device(), partition ); } void PartitionPage::onDeleteClicked() { QModelIndex index = m_ui->partitionTreeView->currentIndex(); Q_ASSERT( index.isValid() ); const PartitionModel* model = static_cast< const PartitionModel* >( index.model() ); Partition* partition = model->partitionForIndex( index ); Q_ASSERT( partition ); m_core->deletePartition( model->device(), partition ); } void PartitionPage::onRevertClicked() { ScanningDialog::run( QtConcurrent::run( [ this ] { QMutexLocker locker( &m_revertMutex ); int oldIndex = m_ui->deviceComboBox->currentIndex(); m_core->revertAllDevices(); m_ui->deviceComboBox->setCurrentIndex( ( oldIndex < 0 ) ? 0 : oldIndex ); updateFromCurrentDevice(); } ), [ this ]{ m_lastSelectedBootLoaderIndex = -1; if( m_ui->bootLoaderComboBox->currentIndex() < 0 ) { m_ui->bootLoaderComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } }, this ); } void PartitionPage::onPartitionViewActivated() { QModelIndex index = m_ui->partitionTreeView->currentIndex(); if ( !index.isValid() ) return; const PartitionModel* model = static_cast< const PartitionModel* >( index.model() ); Q_ASSERT( model ); Partition* partition = model->partitionForIndex( index ); Q_ASSERT( partition ); // Use the buttons to trigger the actions so that they do nothing if they // are disabled. Alternatively, the code could use QAction to centralize, // but I don't expect there will be other occurences of triggering the same // action from multiple UI elements in this page, so it does not feel worth // the price. if ( KPMHelpers::isPartitionFreeSpace( partition ) ) m_ui->createButton->click(); else m_ui->editButton->click(); } void PartitionPage::updatePartitionToCreate( Device* device, Partition* partition ) { QStringList mountPoints = getCurrentUsedMountpoints(); mountPoints.removeOne( PartitionInfo::mountPoint( partition ) ); QPointer< CreatePartitionDialog > dlg = new CreatePartitionDialog( device, partition->parent(), partition, mountPoints, this ); dlg->initFromPartitionToCreate( partition ); if ( dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { Partition* newPartition = dlg->createPartition(); m_core->deletePartition( device, partition ); m_core->createPartition( device, newPartition, dlg->newFlags() ); } delete dlg; } void PartitionPage::editExistingPartition( Device* device, Partition* partition ) { QStringList mountPoints = getCurrentUsedMountpoints(); mountPoints.removeOne( PartitionInfo::mountPoint( partition ) ); QPointer dlg = new EditExistingPartitionDialog( device, partition, mountPoints, this ); if ( dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) dlg->applyChanges( m_core ); delete dlg; } void PartitionPage::updateBootLoaderInstallPath() { if ( m_isEfi || !m_ui->bootLoaderComboBox->isVisible() ) return; QVariant var = m_ui->bootLoaderComboBox->currentData( BootLoaderModel::BootLoaderPathRole ); if ( !var.isValid() ) return; cDebug() << "PartitionPage::updateBootLoaderInstallPath" << var.toString(); m_core->setBootLoaderInstallPath( var.toString() ); } void PartitionPage::updateSelectedBootLoaderIndex() { m_lastSelectedBootLoaderIndex = m_ui->bootLoaderComboBox->currentIndex(); cDebug() << "Selected bootloader index" << m_lastSelectedBootLoaderIndex; } void PartitionPage::updateFromCurrentDevice() { QModelIndex index = m_core->deviceModel()->index( m_ui->deviceComboBox->currentIndex(), 0 ); if ( !index.isValid() ) return; Device* device = m_core->deviceModel()->deviceForIndex( index ); QAbstractItemModel* oldModel = m_ui->partitionTreeView->model(); if ( oldModel ) disconnect( oldModel, 0, this, 0 ); PartitionModel* model = m_core->partitionModelForDevice( device ); m_ui->partitionBarsView->setModel( model ); m_ui->partitionLabelsView->setModel( model ); m_ui->partitionTreeView->setModel( model ); m_ui->partitionTreeView->expandAll(); // Make all views use the same selection model. if ( m_ui->partitionBarsView->selectionModel() != m_ui->partitionTreeView->selectionModel() || m_ui->partitionBarsView->selectionModel() != m_ui->partitionLabelsView->selectionModel() ) { // Tree view QItemSelectionModel* selectionModel = m_ui->partitionTreeView->selectionModel(); m_ui->partitionTreeView->setSelectionModel( m_ui->partitionBarsView->selectionModel() ); selectionModel->deleteLater(); // Labels view selectionModel = m_ui->partitionLabelsView->selectionModel(); m_ui->partitionLabelsView->setSelectionModel( m_ui->partitionBarsView->selectionModel() ); selectionModel->deleteLater(); } // This is necessary because even with the same selection model it might happen that // a !=0 column is selected in the tree view, which for some reason doesn't trigger a // timely repaint in the bars view. connect( m_ui->partitionBarsView->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::currentChanged, this, [=] { QModelIndex selectedIndex = m_ui->partitionBarsView->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); selectedIndex = selectedIndex.sibling( selectedIndex.row(), 0 ); m_ui->partitionBarsView->setCurrentIndex( selectedIndex ); m_ui->partitionLabelsView->setCurrentIndex( selectedIndex ); }, Qt::UniqueConnection ); // Must be done here because we need to have a model set to define // individual column resize mode QHeaderView* header = m_ui->partitionTreeView->header(); header->setSectionResizeMode( QHeaderView::ResizeToContents ); header->setSectionResizeMode( 0, QHeaderView::Stretch ); updateButtons(); // Establish connection here because selection model is destroyed when // model changes connect( m_ui->partitionTreeView->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::currentChanged, [ this ]( const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex& ) { updateButtons(); } ); connect( model, &QAbstractItemModel::modelReset, this, &PartitionPage::onPartitionModelReset ); } void PartitionPage::onPartitionModelReset() { m_ui->partitionTreeView->expandAll(); updateButtons(); updateBootLoaderIndex(); } void PartitionPage::updateBootLoaderIndex() { // set bootloader back to user selected index if ( m_lastSelectedBootLoaderIndex >= 0 && m_ui->bootLoaderComboBox->count() ) { m_ui->bootLoaderComboBox->setCurrentIndex( m_lastSelectedBootLoaderIndex ); } } QStringList PartitionPage::getCurrentUsedMountpoints() { QModelIndex index = m_core->deviceModel()->index( m_ui->deviceComboBox->currentIndex(), 0 ); if ( !index.isValid() ) return QStringList(); Device* device = m_core->deviceModel()->deviceForIndex( index ); QStringList mountPoints; for ( Partition* partition : device->partitionTable()->children() ) { const QString& mountPoint = PartitionInfo::mountPoint( partition ); if ( !mountPoint.isEmpty() ) mountPoints << mountPoint; } return mountPoints; } int PartitionPage::selectedDeviceIndex() { return m_ui->deviceComboBox->currentIndex(); } void PartitionPage::selectDeviceByIndex ( int index ) { m_ui->deviceComboBox->setCurrentIndex( index ); }