/* === This file is part of Calamares - === * * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2016 Teo Mrnjavac * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2018 Adriaan de Groot * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * Portions from the Manjaro Installation Framework * by Roland Singer * Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * Calamares is Free Software: see the License-Identifier above. * */ #include "KeyboardPage.h" #include "Config.h" #include "KeyboardLayoutModel.h" #include "SetKeyboardLayoutJob.h" #include "keyboardwidget/keyboardpreview.h" #include "ui_KeyboardPage.h" #include "GlobalStorage.h" #include "JobQueue.h" #include "utils/Logger.h" #include "utils/Retranslator.h" #include "utils/String.h" #include #include #include class LayoutItem : public QListWidgetItem { public: QString data; ~LayoutItem() override; }; LayoutItem::~LayoutItem() {} KeyboardPage::KeyboardPage( Config* config, QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ) , ui( new Ui::Page_Keyboard ) , m_keyboardPreview( new KeyBoardPreview( this ) ) , m_config( config ) { ui->setupUi( this ); // Keyboard Preview ui->KBPreviewLayout->addWidget( m_keyboardPreview ); { auto* model = config->keyboardModels(); model->setCurrentIndex(); // To default PC105 ui->physicalModelSelector->setModel( model ); ui->physicalModelSelector->setCurrentIndex( model->currentIndex() ); } { auto* model = config->keyboardLayouts(); ui->layoutSelector->setModel( model ); ui->layoutSelector->setCurrentIndex( model->index( model->currentIndex() ) ); } { auto* model = config->keyboardVariants(); ui->variantSelector->setModel( model ); ui->variantSelector->setCurrentIndex( model->index( model->currentIndex() ) ); cDebug() << "Variants now" << model->rowCount() << model->currentIndex(); } connect( ui->buttonRestore, &QPushButton::clicked, [config = config] { config->keyboardModels()->setCurrentIndex(); } ); connect( ui->physicalModelSelector, QOverload< int >::of( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ), config->keyboardModels(), QOverload< int >::of( &XKBListModel::setCurrentIndex ) ); connect( config->keyboardModels(), &KeyboardModelsModel::currentIndexChanged, ui->physicalModelSelector, &QComboBox::setCurrentIndex ); connect( ui->layoutSelector->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::currentChanged, this, &KeyboardPage::layoutChangedByUser ); connect( config->keyboardLayouts(), &KeyboardLayoutModel::currentIndexChanged, this, &KeyboardPage::layoutChangedByConfig ); connect( ui->variantSelector->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::currentChanged, this, &KeyboardPage::variantChangedByUser ); connect( config->keyboardVariants(), &KeyboardVariantsModel::currentIndexChanged, this, &KeyboardPage::variantChangedByConfig ); CALAMARES_RETRANSLATE( ui->retranslateUi( this ); ) } void KeyboardPage::layoutChangedByUser( const QModelIndex& current, const QModelIndex& previous ) { cDebug() << "index ->" << current.row(); m_config->keyboardLayouts()->setCurrentIndex( current.row() ); cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "variants now" << m_config->keyboardVariants()->rowCount(); } void KeyboardPage::layoutChangedByConfig( int index ) { cDebug() << "index ->" << index; ui->layoutSelector->setCurrentIndex( m_config->keyboardLayouts()->index( index ) ); cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "variants now" << m_config->keyboardVariants()->rowCount(); } void KeyboardPage::variantChangedByUser( const QModelIndex& current, const QModelIndex& previous ) { cDebug() << "index ->" << current.row(); } void KeyboardPage::variantChangedByConfig( int index ) { cDebug() << "index ->" << index; } KeyboardPage::~KeyboardPage() { delete ui; }