--- # The starting timezone (e.g. the pin-on-the-map) when entering # the locale page can be set through keys *region* and *zone*. # If either is not set, defaults to America/New_York. # region: "America" zone: "New_York" # Some distros come with a meaningfully commented and easy to parse # `/etc/locale.gen`, and others ship a separate file # `/usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED` with a clean list of supported locales. # We first try SUPPORTED, and if it doesn't exist, we fall back # to parsing the lines from `locale.gen`. For distro's that ship # the `locale.gen` file installed elsewhere, the key *localeGenPath* # can be used to specify where it is. If not set, the default # `/etc/locale.gen` is used. # #localeGenPath: "/etc/locale.gen" # GeoIP settings. Leave commented out to disable GeoIP. # # An HTTP request is made to *geoipUrl* -- depending on the geoipStyle, # the URL may be modified before use. The request must return # valid JSON data in the FreeGeoIP format; there should # be an attribute *time_zone*, with a string value set to the # timezone, in / format. # # Note that this example URL works, but the service is shutting # down in June 2018. # # Suitable data looks like # ``` # {"time_zone":"America/New_York"} # ``` # #geoipUrl: "freegeoip.net/json" # GeoIP style. Leave commented out for the "legacy" interpretation. # This setting only makes sense if geoipUrl is set, enabliing geoIP. # # Possible values are: # unset same as "legacy" # blank same as "legacy" # "legacy" appends "/json" to geoipUrl, above, and uses JSON format # (which is what freegeoip.net provides there). # "json" URL is not modified, uses JSON format. # "xml" URL is not modified, uses XML format. # # The JSON format is provided by freegeoip.net, but that service is # shutting down in June 2018. There are other providers with the same # format. XML format is provided for Ubiquity. #geoipStyle: "legacy"