# === This file is part of Calamares - <https://calamares.io> === # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Adriaan de Groot <groot@kde.org> # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause # # Calamares is Free Software: see the License-Identifier above. # # ### # # This file has not yet been documented for use outside of Calamares itself. include( CMakeParseArguments ) # The Gettext module is still old-fashioned, ALLCAPS variables find_package( Gettext ) set_package_properties( GETTEXT PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "GNU gettext (translation) tools." URL "https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/" PURPOSE "Gettext is used in the translation of Python modules." TYPE REQUIRED ) # Installs a directory containing language-code-labeled subdirectories with # gettext data into the appropriate system directory. Allows renaming the # .mo files during install to avoid namespace clashes. # # install_calamares_gettext_translations( # NAME <name of module, for human use> # SOURCE_DIR path/to/lang # FILENAME <name of file.mo> # [RENAME <new-name of.mo>] # ) # # For all of the (global) translation languages enabled for Calamares, # try installing $SOURCE_DIR/$lang/LC_MESSAGES/<filename>.mo into the # system gettext data directory (e.g. share/locale/), possibly renaming # filename.mo to renamed.mo in the process. function( install_calamares_gettext_translations ) # parse arguments ( name needs to be saved before passing ARGN into the macro ) set( NAME ${ARGV0} ) set( oneValueArgs NAME SOURCE_DIR FILENAME RENAME ) cmake_parse_arguments( TRANSLATION "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) if( NOT TRANSLATION_NAME ) set( TRANSLATION_NAME ${NAME} ) endif() if( NOT TRANSLATION_FILENAME ) set( TRANSLATION_FILENAME "${TRANSLATION_NAME}.mo" ) endif() if( NOT TRANSLATION_RENAME ) set( TRANSLATION_RENAME "${TRANSLATION_FILENAME}" ) endif() string( REGEX REPLACE ".mo$" ".po" TRANSLATION_SOURCE_FILENAME "${TRANSLATION_FILENAME}" ) if ( GETTEXT_FOUND AND GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE ) message( STATUS "Installing gettext translations for ${TRANSLATION_NAME}") message( STATUS " Installing ${TRANSLATION_FILENAME} from ${TRANSLATION_SOURCE_DIR}") else() message( WARNING "Gettext translations requested for ${TRANSLATION_NAME}, but gettext was not found." ) return() endif() set( TARGET_NAME calamares-gettext-translations-${NAME} ) if( NOT TARGET "${TARGET_NAME}" ) add_custom_target( "${TARGET_NAME}" ALL ) endif() set( TRANSLATION_NAME "${NAME}" ) foreach( lang ${CALAMARES_TRANSLATION_LANGUAGES} ) # Global string( MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER "${TARGET_NAME}-${lang}" TARGET_SUBNAME ) set( lang_po "${TRANSLATION_SOURCE_DIR}/${lang}/LC_MESSAGES/${TRANSLATION_SOURCE_FILENAME}" ) set( lang_mo_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lang/${lang}/LC_MESSAGES" ) set( lang_mo "${lang_mo_dir}/${TRANSLATION_RENAME}" ) if( lang STREQUAL "en" ) message( STATUS " Skipping ${TRANSLATION_NAME} translations for en_US" ) else() # We **don't** use the gettext macro's here because the source # structure doesn't match: we are calling this once per language # for all of Calamares's languages, while the gettext module # expects it to be called once, for a given language source-dir. # # Using any of the gettext macros just gets us multiple rules # for python.gmo, and it wants to use msgmerge, besides, which # doesn't fit our Transifex workflow. make_directory( ${lang_mo_dir} ) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${lang_mo} COMMAND ${GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE} ARGS -o ${lang_mo} ${lang_po} MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${lang_po} ) add_custom_target( "${TARGET_SUBNAME}" DEPENDS ${lang_mo} ) add_dependencies( "${TARGET_NAME}" "${TARGET_SUBNAME}" ) install( FILES ${lang_mo} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALEDIR}/${lang}/LC_MESSAGES/ ) endif() endforeach() endfunction()