/* === This file is part of Calamares - === * * Copyright 2014-2017, Teo Mrnjavac * Copyright 2017-2018, Adriaan de Groot * Copyright 2019, Collabora Ltd * Copyright 2020, Gabriel Craciunescu * * Portions from the Manjaro Installation Framework * by Roland Singer * Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Calamares is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Calamares. If not, see . */ #include "UsersPage.h" #include "ui_page_usersetup.h" #include "Config.h" #include "CreateUserJob.h" #include "SetHostNameJob.h" #include "SetPasswordJob.h" #include "GlobalStorage.h" #include "JobQueue.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "utils/CalamaresUtilsGui.h" #include "utils/Logger.h" #include "utils/Retranslator.h" #include "utils/String.h" #include #include #include #include /** @brief How bad is the error for labelError() ? */ enum class Badness { Fatal, Warning }; /** Add an error message and pixmap to a label. */ static inline void labelError( QLabel* pix, QLabel* label, const QString& message, Badness bad = Badness::Fatal ) { label->setText( message ); pix->setPixmap( CalamaresUtils::defaultPixmap( ( bad == Badness::Fatal ) ? CalamaresUtils::StatusError : CalamaresUtils::StatusWarning, CalamaresUtils::Original, label->size() ) ); } /** Clear error, indicate OK on a label. */ static inline void labelOk( QLabel* pix, QLabel* label ) { label->clear(); pix->setPixmap( CalamaresUtils::defaultPixmap( CalamaresUtils::Yes, CalamaresUtils::Original, label->size() ) ); } /** Indicate error, update @p ok based on @p status */ static inline void labelStatus( QLabel* pix, QLabel* label, const QString& value, const QString& status, bool& ok ) { if ( status.isEmpty() ) { if ( value.isEmpty() ) { // This is different from labelOK() because no checkmark is shown label->clear(); pix->clear(); ok = false; } else { labelOk( pix, label ); ok = true; } } else { labelError( pix, label, status ); ok = false; } } UsersPage::UsersPage( Config* config, QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ) , ui( new Ui::Page_UserSetup ) , m_config( config ) , m_readyFullName( false ) , m_readyUsername( false ) , m_readyHostname( false ) , m_readyPassword( false ) , m_readyRootPassword( false ) , m_writeRootPassword( true ) { ui->setupUi( this ); // Connect signals and slots connect( ui->textBoxUserPassword, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &UsersPage::onPasswordTextChanged ); connect( ui->textBoxUserVerifiedPassword, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &UsersPage::onPasswordTextChanged ); connect( ui->textBoxRootPassword, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &UsersPage::onRootPasswordTextChanged ); connect( ui->textBoxVerifiedRootPassword, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &UsersPage::onRootPasswordTextChanged ); connect( ui->checkBoxValidatePassword, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, [this]( int ) { onPasswordTextChanged( ui->textBoxUserPassword->text() ); onRootPasswordTextChanged( ui->textBoxRootPassword->text() ); checkReady( isReady() ); } ); connect( ui->checkBoxReusePassword, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, [this]( int checked ) { /* When "reuse" is checked, hide the fields for explicitly * entering the root password. However, if we're going to * disable the root password anyway, hide them all regardless of * the checkbox -- so when writeRoot is false, checked needs * to be true, to hide them all. */ if ( !m_writeRootPassword ) { checked = true; } ui->labelChooseRootPassword->setVisible( !checked ); ui->labelRootPassword->setVisible( !checked ); ui->labelRootPasswordError->setVisible( !checked ); ui->textBoxRootPassword->setVisible( !checked ); ui->textBoxVerifiedRootPassword->setVisible( !checked ); checkReady( isReady() ); } ); connect( ui->textBoxFullName, &QLineEdit::textEdited, config, &Config::setFullName ); connect( config, &Config::fullNameChanged, this, &UsersPage::onFullNameTextEdited ); connect( ui->textBoxHostName, &QLineEdit::textEdited, config, &Config::setHostName ); connect( config, &Config::hostNameChanged, ui->textBoxHostName, &QLineEdit::setText ); connect( config, &Config::hostNameStatusChanged, this, &UsersPage::reportHostNameStatus ); connect( ui->textBoxLoginName, &QLineEdit::textEdited, config, &Config::setLoginName ); connect( config, &Config::loginNameChanged, ui->textBoxLoginName, &QLineEdit::setText ); connect( config, &Config::loginNameStatusChanged, this, &UsersPage::reportLoginNameStatus ); setWriteRootPassword( true ); ui->checkBoxReusePassword->setChecked( true ); ui->checkBoxValidatePassword->setChecked( true ); setPasswordCheckboxVisible( false ); CALAMARES_RETRANSLATE_SLOT( &UsersPage::retranslate ); } UsersPage::~UsersPage() { delete ui; } void UsersPage::retranslate() { ui->retranslateUi( this ); if ( Calamares::Settings::instance()->isSetupMode() ) { ui->textBoxLoginName->setToolTip( tr( "If more than one person will " "use this computer, you can create multiple " "accounts after setup." ) ); } else { ui->textBoxLoginName->setToolTip( tr( "If more than one person will " "use this computer, you can create multiple " "accounts after installation." ) ); } // Re-do password checks (with output messages) as well. // .. the password-checking methods get their values from the text boxes, // not from their parameters. onPasswordTextChanged( QString() ); onRootPasswordTextChanged( QString() ); } bool UsersPage::isReady() { bool readyFields = m_readyFullName && m_readyHostname && m_readyPassword && m_readyUsername; if ( !m_writeRootPassword || ui->checkBoxReusePassword->isChecked() ) { return readyFields; } return readyFields && m_readyRootPassword; } QString UsersPage::getRootPassword() const { if ( m_writeRootPassword ) { if ( ui->checkBoxReusePassword->isChecked() ) { return ui->textBoxUserPassword->text(); } else { return ui->textBoxRootPassword->text(); } } else { return QString(); } } QPair< QString, QString > UsersPage::getUserPassword() const { return QPair< QString, QString >( m_config->loginName(), ui->textBoxUserPassword->text() ); } QList< Calamares::job_ptr > UsersPage::createJobs( const QStringList& defaultGroupsList ) { QList< Calamares::job_ptr > list; if ( !isReady() ) { return list; } Calamares::GlobalStorage* gs = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage(); Calamares::Job* j; j = new CreateUserJob( m_config->loginName(), m_config->fullName().isEmpty() ? m_config->loginName() : m_config->fullName(), ui->checkBoxAutoLogin->isChecked(), defaultGroupsList ); list.append( Calamares::job_ptr( j ) ); if ( m_writeRootPassword ) { gs->insert( "reuseRootPassword", ui->checkBoxReusePassword->isChecked() ); } gs->insert( "hostname", m_config->hostName() ); if ( ui->checkBoxAutoLogin->isChecked() ) { gs->insert( "autologinUser", m_config->loginName() ); } gs->insert( "username", m_config->loginName() ); gs->insert( "password", CalamaresUtils::obscure( ui->textBoxUserPassword->text() ) ); return list; } void UsersPage::onActivate() { ui->textBoxFullName->setFocus(); onPasswordTextChanged( QString() ); onRootPasswordTextChanged( QString() ); } void UsersPage::setWriteRootPassword( bool write ) { m_writeRootPassword = write; ui->checkBoxReusePassword->setVisible( write ); } void UsersPage::onFullNameTextEdited( const QString& textRef ) { if ( textRef.isEmpty() ) { ui->labelFullNameError->clear(); ui->labelFullName->clear(); m_readyFullName = false; } else { ui->labelFullName->setPixmap( CalamaresUtils::defaultPixmap( CalamaresUtils::Yes, CalamaresUtils::Original, ui->labelFullName->size() ) ); m_readyFullName = true; } checkReady( isReady() ); } void UsersPage::reportLoginNameStatus( const QString& status ) { labelStatus( ui->labelUsername, ui->labelUsernameError, m_config->loginName(), status, m_readyUsername ); emit checkReady( isReady() ); } void UsersPage::reportHostNameStatus( const QString& status ) { labelStatus( ui->labelHostname, ui->labelHostnameError, m_config->hostName(), status, m_readyHostname ); emit checkReady( isReady() ); } bool UsersPage::checkPasswordAcceptance( const QString& pw1, const QString& pw2, QLabel* badge, QLabel* message ) { if ( pw1 != pw2 ) { labelError( badge, message, tr( "Your passwords do not match!" ) ); return false; } else { bool failureIsFatal = ui->checkBoxValidatePassword->isChecked(); bool failureFound = false; if ( m_passwordChecksChanged ) { std::sort( m_passwordChecks.begin(), m_passwordChecks.end() ); m_passwordChecksChanged = false; } for ( auto pc : m_passwordChecks ) { QString s = pc.filter( pw1 ); if ( !s.isEmpty() ) { labelError( badge, message, s, failureIsFatal ? Badness::Fatal : Badness::Warning ); failureFound = true; if ( failureIsFatal ) { return false; } } } if ( !failureFound ) { labelOk( badge, message ); } // Here, if failureFound is true then we've found **warnings**, // which is ok to continue but the user should know. return true; } } void UsersPage::onPasswordTextChanged( const QString& ) { m_readyPassword = checkPasswordAcceptance( ui->textBoxUserPassword->text(), ui->textBoxUserVerifiedPassword->text(), ui->labelUserPassword, ui->labelUserPasswordError ); emit checkReady( isReady() ); } void UsersPage::onRootPasswordTextChanged( const QString& ) { m_readyRootPassword = checkPasswordAcceptance( ui->textBoxRootPassword->text(), ui->textBoxVerifiedRootPassword->text(), ui->labelRootPassword, ui->labelRootPasswordError ); emit checkReady( isReady() ); } void UsersPage::setPasswordCheckboxVisible( bool visible ) { ui->checkBoxValidatePassword->setVisible( visible ); } void UsersPage::setValidatePasswordDefault( bool checked ) { ui->checkBoxValidatePassword->setChecked( checked ); emit checkReady( isReady() ); } void UsersPage::setAutologinDefault( bool checked ) { ui->checkBoxAutoLogin->setChecked( checked ); emit checkReady( isReady() ); } void UsersPage::setReusePasswordDefault( bool checked ) { ui->checkBoxReusePassword->setChecked( checked ); emit checkReady( isReady() ); } void UsersPage::addPasswordCheck( const QString& key, const QVariant& value ) { m_passwordChecksChanged = true; if ( key == "minLength" ) { add_check_minLength( m_passwordChecks, value ); } else if ( key == "maxLength" ) { add_check_maxLength( m_passwordChecks, value ); } else if ( key == "nonempty" ) { if ( value.toBool() ) { m_passwordChecks.push_back( PasswordCheck( []() { return QCoreApplication::translate( "PWQ", "Password is empty" ); }, []( const QString& s ) { return !s.isEmpty(); }, PasswordCheck::Weight( 1 ) ) ); } } #ifdef CHECK_PWQUALITY else if ( key == "libpwquality" ) { add_check_libpwquality( m_passwordChecks, value ); } #endif // CHECK_PWQUALITY else { cWarning() << "Unknown password-check key" << key; } }