This also adds ImageRegistry, a SVG cache, a bunch of utility functions
for shared pixmaps in CalamaresUtilsGui and renames several qrc files
in viewmodules.
Honor SYSCONFDIR as specified by CMake arguments instead of
using a hard-coded path.
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/etc we need to change the default ourselves.
This doesn't work when the partition manager is enabled because it
uses ECM and ECMConfig.cmake fails with an error if the required
CMake is not less than 2.8.13
Added a note here to remember about this.
This reverts commit 2020eb0eb306f7319b2376b06acb8e242e7b7dc3.
FindPythonLibs.cmake from CMake 2.8.x is not capable of finding Python
libraries on Maui, updating to CMake 3.x solves the problem.
Looks like it is better crafted.
Other parties interested in Calamares should already have CMake 3.x
so this is not a problem.
Created a Boost.Python module interface in libcalamares.
Added a PythonJob wrapper and exposed it in the Python module.
Rename target calamareslib ==> calamares so in Python it's libcalamares.
Python-related classes in libcalamares that aren't exported as C++
symbols are now in a CalamaresPrivate namespace.
Import the libcalamares python module into every Python script before
running it.
Added Python error handling to PythonJobHelper.
Added some more testing code to dummypython module.
Now linking with -Wl,--no-undefined!
Moved find_package KF5 from the root CMakeLists.txt to the partitioning
module where it belongs. KF5 deps should be limited to plugins.
Lots of random fixage to make stuff link.
Removed CalamaresApplication reference from Settings.
Removed the use of AbstractPage, we don't need it right now.