- Drop the 1-argument QString constructor, it is suprising
- Drop the conversion to QString
- Add a toString() instead
- Drop tests for the removed API
- While here, apply code formatting to the tests
This is done to force consumers to update to strongly-typed
- cover all the constructors
- Start with some tests that fail, showing bugs in the implementation
- Fix bug that "derp@derp" was creating a valid instance-key with
a bad module and id (need to use ::fromString() to get that
- Extend tests with more bad cases.
- Refactor tests to simplify "this is bad" assertions.
- Things in libcalamares/ subdirectories are namespaced
according to that subdirectory (sometimes in namespace
Calamares, sometimes CalamaresUtils). Do that in modulesystem/ too.
- Do the async GeoIP checking in the async requirements-checking phase
- Do not return any requirements results -- we just need the async bit
- Drop the waiting widget, since it's not needed (done by the
requirements phase)
- If there is an item with id "" (empty), it is used as the
"no-package-selected" placeholder text.
- Existing code iterated over the abstract model and used the
name and description at the time the model was set -- but
by getting the name and description from the model, only
a single string was obtained instead of the full range
of translations.
- Therefore, when arriving on the page, the "no-package-selected"
information was displayed from the translation that was active
when the model was set.
Instead, extend the non-abstract model so we can find the no-package-
selected item and pass that explicitly to the page.
- Since the package chooser might be used more than once, or for
more specific items than "Packages", introduce a way to provide
specific strings for display.
- The only string needed is the ViewStep name, since the item with
id "" can be used for the no-selection item.
- My usual test environment has umask set to 022, but on one dev
box it is 002, leading to test failures (which show the test
was bad, not that the umask-setting code is bad)
- sometimes a slot is easier than a lambda. Introduce
a macro CALAMARES_RETRANSLATE_SLOT that calls a given
slot in an object on language change.
- extend the retranslator with support for calling slots:
- use Qt's signal/slot mechanism alongside the private
list of functions to call
- provide convenience for obtaining the retranslator of
an object.
- This helps give meaningful names to code chunks
- Gives clang-format something to work with
- Reduces indentation depth
I think this is a bit of a code-style opinion issue: big complicated
lambdas doing UI things just don't seem like a good idea.
- since we also need to *disable* the shortcuts, and should tell a
V1 slideshow that it no longer is running,
- use existing function to set the property to true / false depending.
- instead of changeState( true ) or changeStage( false ), use
meaningful enum names so that the code at the call site
becomes readable; make the boolean part internal to the
state-changing method.
- hangs unpredictably during testing
- replace with the Calamares process-invocation runCommand(), which is also
synchronous but doesn't hang (or, hasn't, in testing so far)
- The compile failure came from bad #include paths, so restoring
this interface declaration wasn't a fix.
- Reported to cause runtime failures on both KaOS and Manjaro.
If we don't have/need an image for the rootfs, we might want to
configure the `/` directory as a source for unpackfs. Unfortunately,
this raises an error:
- unpackfs first creates a temporary directory
- it then creates a subdirectory for each source, using the source
path's basename
- when the source is `/`, the basename is an empty string, therefore
the module tries to create an already existing directory
In order to prevent this error, we use the `os.makedirs` function with
parameter `exist_ok=True` instead of `os.mkdir`.
Signed-off-by: Arnaud Ferraris <arnaud.ferraris@collabora.com>
- Synchronous download of a given URL; not something to
do from the GUI thread.
- Use it from the GeoIP service, which downloads in a
separate thread to do GeoIP lookups.
- Drop now-unused headers.
- Adjust tests for GeoIP to use network service
- The networking service is intended to wrap up use of
QNetworkAccessManager and others for consumption within
Calamares, and to provide some convenience functions
for internet access.
- Medium term, it may also monitor network access, so that
we can respond to changes in network availability during
Currently very minimal and undocumented.
- AppData and AppStream can be disabled independently of finding
their requirements (possibly useful if you want to ignore
AppStream even when it's installed in your build environment).
- Add a little top-level documentation about WITH_
- These don't have to be static methods of PackageItem, a free
function is more convenient.
- Since it's not API of PackageItem anymore, need to
- update tests not to use API
- do API-not-available warnings in consumers
- The smallest size image of the default (or, if there is no
default, the first) screenshot is used.
- Remote URLs are not supported by QPixmap, so most will not
load anyway.
- Use *appstream* as key in one of the items for the package-
chooser to load data from the AppStream cache in the system.
- Usable for some applications; for DE-selection not so much.
- Currently unimplemented.
- Put the implementation entirely in a separate file, keep the
not-supported one in PackageModel.cpp (but only in an #ifdef).
- Makes the various optional-data-sources more similar.
- Simplify the iteration by first determining which partitions
are mountable (at all).
- This guards against the very rare case that a partition
does not have a mountPoint at all (the if guarded against that)
where the lambda passed to sort() would get a KeyError.
Instead of having a special case for extra mounts to be processed right
after the rootfs, a better approach is to add them to the partitions
list, and then sort the list by mount point.
This way, we make sure every partition is mounted right when it is
needed: `/` is obviously mounted first, `/run` is mounted before
`/run/udev`, and so on.
The overall process is therefore more generic and should suit all
Signed-off-by: Arnaud Ferraris <arnaud.ferraris@collabora.com>
- the "Select language" tooltip was applied to the form, so it would
show up inappropriately all over the place
- the buttons didn't have useful tooltips.
- having show*Url and donateUrl seems inconsistent, although
the show*Url settings were originally boolean-only.
- add "show" to the Donate button setting, to make them
all consistent (putting a boolean there will generate a
warning and hide the button, that's all).
- the generic (enum-based) setupButton() can handle all four
of the buttons, so setupLinks() can go away. Only the
(re)translation of the text on the button needs to be
done, so move that to the main RETRANSLATE.
- Handle buttons and their URL-opening in a more
general way with an enum; drop existing three-boot
method and special setupDonateButton()
- Doesn't compile because consumers haven't changed.
Currently, the `bytesToSectors()` function rounds a partition size to the
nearest MiB unit, which may lead to inconsistencies when a partition
is expected to only be a few KiB's.
This patch changes the behaviour of `bytesToSectors()` so that it aligns
on sector size, without rounding the partition size to a multiple of
Signed-off-by: Arnaud Ferraris <arnaud.ferraris@collabora.com>
Currently, all size units are expressed as KiB, MiB or GiB (resp. 2^10,
2^20 or 2^30).
In order to maximize compatibility and consistent results with other
partitioning tools, this commit adds support for sizes expressed as KB,
MB or GB (resp. 10^3, 10^6 or 10^9).
This change won't affect existing users, it simply adds a new option
that wasn't previously handled.
Signed-off-by: Arnaud Ferraris <arnaud.ferraris@collabora.com>
- this is not entirely straightfoward, since we need
different constructor arguments for the objects
Calamares creates (no QVariantList& args, in particular).
Implement our own registerPlugin() and createInstance()
for that.
As the config files integer are now of type `QVariant::LongLong` instead
of `QVariant::Int`, requirements relying on this type were not parsed
This patch fixes this, and adds an option to the python conversion to
take into account `QVariant::LongLong` types.
Signed-off-by: Arnaud Ferraris <arnaud.ferraris@collabora.com>
Currently, a number of configuration parsing-related functions and
classes use only `int` type for dealing with integers. Should the user
need a bigger integer value, this would result in an erroneous value
being used (`0`), as the correct value would overflow the 32-bits type.
In order to prevent these overflow, this patch replaces `int` with
`qint64` in the following functions & classes :
* CalamaresUtils::yamlScalarToVariant()
* CalamaresUtils::getInteger
* NamedSuffix
* PartitionSize
This way, sizes or other integer values greater than 2^31 (for signed
types) can be used.
Signed-off-by: Arnaud Ferraris <arnaud.ferraris@collabora.com>
When the rootfs partition is read-only, mount points for the other
partitions cannot be created, therefore they need to be created in a
tmpfs, already mounted somewhere in `/`.
However, the extra mounts are only mounted at the end, which causes an
error as no tmpfs is currently mounted.
This patch makes sure all extra mounts are mounted right after the `/`
partition, allowing the use of a read-only rootfs.
Signed-off-by: Arnaud Ferraris <arnaud.ferraris@collabora.com>
This variable is declared in `if m:`. Of course if this codepath doesn't
run, the variable is not declared an Python doesn't like this kind of
Signed-off-by: Arnaud Rebillout <arnaud.rebillout@collabora.com>
- If KPMcore is found -- it requires some other KDE Frameworks but
at least in pre-4.0 versions doesn't check very well for them --
then missing its dependencies is no cause for CMake failure.
Instead, log it nicely and suppress the module.
- stop compiler warnings with some judicious casting;
that's what you get when a container indexed by int
stored those indexes as quintptr.
- apply coding style
- do static initialization more carefully
- float -> qreal (double) because that's what the Qt API expects,
to reduce type-conversion warnings
- apply current coding style
- calamares_automoc() sets AUTOMOC, but also adds some flags
to avoid compilation warnings from the generated MOC code.
- drop weird hard-coded include paths
- Although milliseconds::count() is long long, we pass it to
a Qt interface that only takes int; let's assume we have
only a 32-bit count, since a timeout of 4 billion milliseconds
is roughly 46 days, which we'll just call "no timeout".
- Drop the round-trip of forming a JSON document from a QVariant,
then parsing the document into JSON objects and building a
model out of that. View the Variant directly.
- This is a fairly specialized class, for use only in the
whole-application where it ties in with the module system.
Move it to the application directory and slim down the UI library.
- Include it from the new location.
- Add UIC to Calamares (the application) because there's now
a designer-based widget in it.
- KDE and GNOME selection images were drawn by me for the bogus
package model, and should not be used.
- Keep Calamares logo though, even if it doesn't make much sense
to use it in package selection.
- Keep the no-selection image since it might be used more often,
but it's not very good.
- The ID and Screenshot entries might be weird in AppData (in particular,
a remove URL) so put those back under the control of Calamares even
when using AppData as the source of descriptions.
- Document all the static inline methods that do the work
- Fill up a QVariantMap from <name>, <summary> and <description><p>
elements, and use that to initialize the PackageItem.
- Doing a manual read of the XML, since existing appdata libraries
don't seem to have a convenient entry for what I need.
- Expand tests to loading AppData (currently, they fail).
- Massage the implementation a bit, don't insert a meaningless
copy of the key as the untranslated message.
- Add isEmpty() to check for presence of the untranslated message.
- Document API.
- Update tests.
- Add a FALLTHRU macro to annotate fallthrough situations in both
Clang and GCC,
- Annotate intentional fallthroughs.
- Add missing break which meant that the selection mode was
always multiple-selection.
- The tests should be run in C locale, otherwise the plain get()
function uses the current locale, which will fail (e.g. running
LANG=nl ./libcalamareslocaletest returns the Dutch strings for
plain get, which isn't what we expect).
- sr@latin is still special.
- While QObject::tr and gettext give us translations **most** of the
time via the translation mechanism, we sometimes have strings
embedded in configuration files that need to be shown to people
as well. Follow the .desktop style in handling this.
- A key's value **might** be translated; use `key[lang]` for the
translation into one of the languages that Calamares understands.
Code that expects a translated (human-readable) string in a configuration
file can use TranslatedString to collect all the translations of a
given key, so that it displays the right string from the configuration
when needed.
- Using id's as keys in a map orders them indeterminately -- in
practice, alphabetically by key. Switch to a list form so that
the products stick to the order they have in the config file
(which means distro's can list "preferred" versions at top).
- Change to std::chrono::seconds wasn't tried against the (optional)
PythonQt bindings, leading to build failure. Reported by Phil (Manjaro).
- Need to create just one QApplication (subclass) with the right
parameters for the UI to work.
- If the UI is enabled and it's a View module, then show the widget
rather than running the jobs.
- The ViewManager needs branding information, which wasn't
initialized -- leading to crashes. Add -b option to give
a specific branding, and default to something take makes
sense when testing modules from the build directory.
- Allows the module to load; doesn't show the UI though.
Package chooser is a **low density** package selector -- unlike
netinstall which offers a high density tree view -- for picking
zero, one, or more items from a small collection of packages.
This can be used, e.g., for "pick exactly one desktop environment",
"pick zero or more text editors" which can then be installed
by another module. The UI is big and shiny (rather than netinstall's
text-based tree view) and isn't suitable for more than a dozen or
so items.
- preservefiles generally needs to have the target filesystems
mounted, so that it can preserve to them; but you can also
configure it such that there is no need for mounted filesystems
(e.g. in OEM setup).
- Add an example line in CMakeLists.txt to show how that would be done.
- The mount module must happen before unpackfs because that (mount)
module sets up the root mount point (in /tmp) and some other
variables needed later.
- While called from the ViewManager (to post the debug log)
this isn't really part of the ViewManager itself, so factor
out the pasting code into its own file.
Added new configuration "efiMountOptions" to fstab.conf
When generating the fstab entry for the ESP, take the mount options from
the new configuration or fall back to "mountOptions".
- The mitigations are slightly intrusive, and may clash
with other, similar mitigations (especially for initramfs,
the recommended solution is to configure the system with
the snippet outside of Calamares).
- These tests exercise the createTargetFile() logic,
which is essential for creating a safe initramfs
configuration snippet.
- Could be moved into libcalamares instead, since the tests
are not really initramfs specific.
- In tests, a System object might be created without first
setting up a JobQueue. In that case, there's no instance,
so no GS to insert into. Avoid crash here.
- Calamares may need to create files in the target system;
provide a convenient API for doing so.
- This is mostly intended for small files with constant contents.
- This is a simple variation on the theme of things-that-call-a-
initramfs-updater, so the code is mostly a copy of initramfs/
module. I didn't even bother to strip out the configuration-
handling (I figure it might be good for *something*) so now
"" and "$uname" are valid kernel names as well.
- Fixes security issue where the initramfs ends up readable
by all, and that includes the cryptfile for LUKS.
SEE #1190
- Rename classes and functions to be more descriptive
(a LuksDevice is .. information for a LUKS device, for instance).
- Move the smarts of unpacking a QVariantMap to LuksDevice.
- Apply code formatting
- Having an int timeoutSec is suggestive -- it's probably a number
of seconds -- but having an explicit type that says it's seconds
is better.
- Doesn't compile, because the implementation and consumers have
not changed.
- Use 120 seconds for update-initramfs, instead of 10. Previous
Python code had no timeout at all, which wasn't so hot either.
10 seconds, though, is too short for slow CPU & slow disk.
- Give each check a name (based on the module it runs for, so
there might be overlaps when there are multiple module instances).
- Log the remaining checks each time the timeout fires, to help
figure out which one is hanging.
- new implementation handles blank (maps to "all") configuration,
- allows specifying "$uname" as kernel name, to use `uname -r`,
- allows specifying a specific kernel.
- updateButtonLabels() knows all the special cases for
buttons, so use it when the language changes instead
of setting up some possibly-wrong values.
- One edge case that this fixes is: have **just** the welcome
page before the first exec section in sequence. Then the
*next* button label was *next* instead of *install*.
- Minimal tests just check that all the availableTranslations()
entries have a reasonable language setting.
- Checks that Esperanto is still broken as a locale in Qt.
- The component isn't ready immediately, so instatiate
once it is fully loaded and ready
- Edge case if the execution view step is already visible, then
start the show (because a previous call to onActivate() will
have missed it).
- Just translate two simple strings, to avoid burdening translators,
- Add Dutch translation already.
These translations are not yet processed by ci/txpull and push.
- By instantiating only on activation, an ugly "white" gap
appears where there is no widget at all. So instantiate
earlier so that the widget already exists and is painting
by the time the slideshow part is visible.
- This makes the net effect of this branch so far zero:
the slideshow is still loaded and started when Calamares starts.
- From an exec section, next() is called automatically when
all the jobs in that section are done.
- If there **is** no next section (e.g. there's no finished
page to show after the exec), then m_steps.at() would assert
on an out-of-range index.
- Introdcuce a helper predicate isAtVeryEnd() which handles both
out-of-range and normal at-the-end scenarios.
- If there's no page following the exec section, stay with the
slideshow but update buttons to match the normal last-page
behavior, and don't ask about cancel (since we're done).
- This avoids processes that wait on stdin, and e.g. improves
reaction to having just "cat" (no file) in a command, or
a package manager that asks for input.
- JobQueue is only needed to get global settings, which are needed
when running in the target; for host commands, allow running
without a queue.
- Settings is needed for the value of debugsettings; assume if
there's no settings object, that we're in a test and should
print debugging information.
- This is the same as EFAIL: a block is indented as if it's a multi-
line else block. This isn't Python though, and the return always
- Add the necessary braces.
- Apparently noone uses this code path (until ProcessJob was re-
factored to do so).
- Use the system runCommand() instead of a 90% copy of it.
This **does** change the overall command to `env /bin/sh -c`
rather than running only `/bin/sh -c`, though.
- Replace magic numbers like -3 with named enum values
(NoWorkingDirectory, for -3).
- Downside is big-ugly static_casts, but that's what you get
for having an int as return value for processes.
- This solves a crash where the thread is destroyed while still
running (e.g. cancelling during install).
- The thread might not cooperate in being terminated, but then we
have a bigger problem anyway (and Calamares will still crash on
- The not-publicly documented setContent() method does all the
parenting and resizing needed; some of this isn't available
from outside of the widget either.
The QML slideshow now sizes and re-sizes correctly.
- Load QML on startup, compile async
- Create QML component when the page is reached.
- On leave, stop the slideshow (otherwise, e.g. timers will keep running)
This should move some of the delay from loading a large
slideshow forward as the engine is already initialized when
we reach the install / slideshow page.
- The static destructor issues a warning on exit:
QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads
started with QThread
so instead, heap-allocate the model. This leaks memory, but
it's a singleton *and* we're exiting anyway.
- after model resets, restore what was previously selected.
- This avoids having an **empty** combobox, SEE #1141 but does
not actually set it back to the value the user had previously
picked (e.g. changing swap settings **still** breaks the
- d78bc0c5 added an early `return false` when cancel is disabled,
before checking if we were at the last step; so last-step
didn't get any special handling.
- refactor so that last-step now gets special handling first,
**then** disable-cancel handling, and then the usual case.
- Avoid races which might double-delete the timer, or enter
the if twice (which would lead to duplicate emissions of
requirementsComplete and the associated UI glitches).
If the requirements checking is **really fast**, e.g. you don't
have a check for internet connectivity, then the checks
might be done as fast as the 0-timeout single-shot timer,
which means that finished() is called once by the QFutureWatcher,
and then after that by the QTimer .. leading to two messages
"All requirements have been checked", but also twice
requirementsComplete being emitted, so you end up with two
results lists being added by the CheckerContainer.
Stop that by using the results-progress timer as an additional
flag: the first time everything is complete, delete that timer
and set the pointer back to nullptr.
- In debug mode, hitting assert(false) is meaningless,
- In release mode, the assert is optimized out.
- So assert the condition we're actually testing, for better messages.
- It's ok to use path / filenames in images, but you can also
use icon names according to the FDO icon spec. This makes
sense for at least *productLogo*, possibly *productIcon*, but
not really for *productWelcome*.
- Using next and back buttons calls onActivate() on the view step
that you end up on.
- The first view step to be shown, though, doesn't get an onActivate()
(unless you go, say, next and then back).
- Explicitly call onActivate() on the first view step once they're
all loaded.
- Branding images might want to use os-release data as well.
- Refactor a little to keep the number of #ifdefs the same;
an intermediate expand() lambda handles expansion (or not,
if it's not enabled).
- From the debug-window, clicking *reload stylesheet* does just
that, and applies the new stylesheet to the Calamares window.
- Remove stylesheet caching from the Branding class; we only
need the sheet once (on Calamares startup) or when updating
the stylesheet, which is seldom-enough that we don't need
to keep an extra copy around.
- To use, start Calamares, open the debug window, open stylesheet.qss
in an editor. Make changes, save, then click *reload stylesheet*.
SEE #1149
- Adds another tool to the debug window, which dumps (to the debug
log) a tree-like view of all the widgets in the application.
This can be used when writing stylesheets.
- allows you to use -- at runtime -- values from os-release in the
branding file.
- WIP because the only machine I have with sufficiently new KF5
is the FreeBSD box.
- Do the checking for IsMap inside loadStrings() and use
YAML::Exception to get to bail() (since we're already dealing
with exceptions here, no extra costs). This tidies up the code