i18n.qml no longer needed
add color setting options to localeq.qml
Offline.qml updated to be inline with keyboardq UI, set index number according to default
America/New York
once completed, this can be a fully functional (offline) locale selection option
worldmap.png no longer needed/in use
working is the stackview of the region & zones models
Timezone text bar shows correct timezone
currentIndex see comments on lines 65 & 139, not working
update of timezone text bar can't be tested if working as long no index is connected (see lines 93 & 168)
Still, already committing, since it does more then old Offline.qml, which had no function for timezone
fully implemented:
* loading of a live map, ESRI based, zooming & dragging possible
* IP address is translated to map coordinates
* loading of the map centers to the obtained coordinates, with a marker set
* coordinates are translated to a timezone, label visible at bottom of the map
* mouse movement will show changing coordinates
* clicking on new location will center map there, marker moved too, timezone label adjusted
* hasInternet switch set to either load Map.qml or Offline.qml
not done:
* get hasInternet status
* fill the fine-tune 181n.qml with proper locale & language data
* connect the obtained timezone to globalstorage
comments are left in the various files for what needs attention/changes