using ZFS in combination with dracut exposed a bug on system updates hostid from the Live session does not match hostid installed, thus zpool id no longer matches id created by dracut in the kernel img
to work around this, the zfs module now uses zgenhostid to create a hostid
The "Noncheckable" option, when true prevents a user from checking the whole group. This does not affect whether any child subgroups or packages can be selected or not
No breaking changes
This commit adds support for LUKS2 behind a new `partition.conf` key:
A bit of context, LUKS2 is the default encryption operating mode since
cryptsetup >= 2.1.0 (See [Arch
It is considered more secured and allows additional extensions. It also
comes with Argon2id as the default Password Based Key Derivation
Function (`--pbkdf` option). So it's important to provide this as an
option for Calamares in order to make Linux installs more secure, for
those who wish to encrypt their system.
This commit was tested on a custom Manjaro installer with:
- grub bootloader with the [argon patches](
- [rEFInd]( bootloader with
unencrypted `/boot` partition because rEFInd [doesn't support booting
from an encrypted volume](
**Important consideration for distribution maintainers**:
- You need to have compile flag `WITH_KPMCORE4API` on
- If you are shipping with grub by default please note that you need to
ship it with the Argon patches. Example on Arch Linux: [grub-improved-luks2-git](
- If `luksGeneration` is not found in partition.conf, it will default to
- Please test this on your own distribution as this was only tested on
Manjaro installer (see above).
i18n.qml no longer needed
add color setting options to localeq.qml
Offline.qml updated to be inline with keyboardq UI, set index number according to default
America/New York
Since this CMakeLists.txt writes out a C program, the formatting
is a bit weird; just start the written TU with a blank line to
make gersemi happy and keep the C-code aligned.
- find the best score and match relative to a specific
set of parts; make it easy to update the country-setting
- look for a complete match, or best match, with three
country settings
Argument *text* is an addition in 3.7, while the Calamares 3.3
branch supports Python 3.6 and later. Use the 'backwards compatibility'
name of the parameter, *universal_newlines*.
Cherry-picked from 33961ff6f (in the 3.2 branch, though, Python 3.3
is supported).
- Put this in a method of its own even though it's used
only once, so we can put a good name on it.
- If there are no FS choices (e.g. the sample settings file)
then there is no combo-box, and the check was crashing.
- wrangle the test framework so it hands the same data to
two different collections of tests; do KDE neon and FreeBSD
separately so it's clearer which lookups are being done
(and a failure in one doesn't prevent the test of the other).
- FileSystem.h depends on KPMcore and only compiles when
KPMcore is present; it can use KPMcore identifiers.
- Global.h doesn't.
- Move the few functions introduced into Global.h that need
KPMcore, to FileSystem.h instead.
When KPMcore is present, the calamares::kpmcore wraps that
and provides suitable API detection. If KPMcore is not
present, the same interface library provides -DWITHOUT_KPMcore.
The distinction CalamaresUtils and Calamares is old-fashioned,
since we can use nested namespaces (and already do) for a lot
of things; make libcalamares/locale/ a bit more consistent
by using namespace Calamares::Locale for everything.
Some distro's let the user change the hostname at will;
others don't, and yet others don't have systemd to change
the hostname with at all. Check if we **can** change the
hostname (as a non-root user), before setting expectations.
- remove "bogus" key when it's not needed
- check for existence of "branding" key in GS before
subscripting it (this happens in tests, where no
GS contents are loaded, but not in regular use,
where startup loads the branding data into GS)
The schema is considered invalid by **some** versions of
configvalidator (or rather, the underlying jsonschema):
128: '#definitions/groups' does not match '^[^#]*#?$'
128: Failed validating 'pattern' in metaschema['properties']['definitions']['additionalProperties']['$dynamicRef']['allOf'][0]['properties']['$id']:
128: {'$comment': 'Non-empty fragments not allowed.',
128: '$ref': '#/$defs/uriReferenceString',
128: 'pattern': '^[^#]*#?$'}
Remove the `#` from the IDs.
- can't use *bogus* as a key unless that's allowed by
the schema -- and it is not.
- can't supply empty config if there is supposed to be
an object there.
This makes it a little difficult to allow a config-file
that is actually no-configuration-at-all (or only-defaults).
Put in values for *btrfsSwapSubvol* since it isn't a fragile
Looks like clang-format was applied to this JSON schema
file in 5a14c3c76f, which is
completely borked. Restore from earlier revision, now
with just `machineid` removed.
A stray "machineid" was added, without a type definition,
so the config file -- which doesn't mention machineid at all
-- was considered invalid. Drop it because the key isn't mentioned
anywhere else.
- this would be the first 3.3 release, scripts still needed
cleanup to handle all the changes in 3.3
- support "-alpha1" kinds of designation
- support more versioning information in the headers