The distinction CalamaresUtils and Calamares is old-fashioned,
since we can use nested namespaces (and already do) for a lot
of things; make libcalamares/locale/ a bit more consistent
by using namespace Calamares::Locale for everything.
Some distro's let the user change the hostname at will;
others don't, and yet others don't have systemd to change
the hostname with at all. Check if we **can** change the
hostname (as a non-root user), before setting expectations.
- remove "bogus" key when it's not needed
- check for existence of "branding" key in GS before
subscripting it (this happens in tests, where no
GS contents are loaded, but not in regular use,
where startup loads the branding data into GS)
The schema is considered invalid by **some** versions of
configvalidator (or rather, the underlying jsonschema):
128: '#definitions/groups' does not match '^[^#]*#?$'
128: Failed validating 'pattern' in metaschema['properties']['definitions']['additionalProperties']['$dynamicRef']['allOf'][0]['properties']['$id']:
128: {'$comment': 'Non-empty fragments not allowed.',
128: '$ref': '#/$defs/uriReferenceString',
128: 'pattern': '^[^#]*#?$'}
Remove the `#` from the IDs.
- can't use *bogus* as a key unless that's allowed by
the schema -- and it is not.
- can't supply empty config if there is supposed to be
an object there.
This makes it a little difficult to allow a config-file
that is actually no-configuration-at-all (or only-defaults).
Put in values for *btrfsSwapSubvol* since it isn't a fragile
Looks like clang-format was applied to this JSON schema
file in 5a14c3c76f, which is
completely borked. Restore from earlier revision, now
with just `machineid` removed.
A stray "machineid" was added, without a type definition,
so the config file -- which doesn't mention machineid at all
-- was considered invalid. Drop it because the key isn't mentioned
anywhere else.
- this would be the first 3.3 release, scripts still needed
cleanup to handle all the changes in 3.3
- support "-alpha1" kinds of designation
- support more versioning information in the headers
- expand tests to include Serbian variants
- massage detection code to do better filtering based on
country-selection (so "American English" doesn't later
pick "English" with Antigua and Barbados for locale)
starting with 217e4ab4f7
the messages have expanded, no longer fitting in the used ListView model
set the text blocks to expand with text size, add a scrollbar
reduce top spacing so underlying image won't show
set the full requirements listing as default
This looks to be a remnant from moving this to the mount module
which left an undefined variable. The mount options are now part
of the globalstorage and consumed here as mount_options_list.
When the checks were done, the widget showing the countdown-timer
and results was not being informed, so it didn't update the
display of the countdown timer or hide the list of problems
(when there are none) so that the welcome image is shown.
- this uses the Qt internals to map enum values to names, making
the separate translation table unnecessary. Adjust default branding
to use the new names.
This makes code (using enum identifiers) and configuration (using
string keys) consistent in naming.
- previous commits did not fix up all the enum names; this means
you get errors -- because Branding.SidebarTextSelect is not a known
name in the enum Branding::StyleEntry -- and the colors are messed up.
- DebugWindowManager already manages not-really-Calamares windows
like the Debug window, add About-Dialog to its responsibilities.
- Make about() accessible to the QML progress panel.
- log which path is actually being used
- there are two overloads for QTranslator::load(); the intention
was to call `QTranslator::load(const QLocale&, ...)`, but the
types of the arguments were wrong, leading to the other
overload being called, and interpreting the locale-name
(e.g. "nl") as a full filename.
Improve logging, call the "other" overload with the right parameters
and drop the not-needed ones.
Adds a new option / configuration keys to `fstab.conf` to
configure how /tmp is created. The example shows how /tmp
is made *tmpfs* on an SSD, or on not-SSD, is just-a-directory.